01 July 2016

Daily Thoughts for July 2016

“Take another look at your future and know that it is shaped by the present. The past has shaped the present, so it is important to live in the now to get the best results ahead of the game.”

“The secret of life is in the understanding of balance.  When everything that ‘God’ made is in balance, then there is always harmony.  Mankind so often upsets this by his greed and doesn’t bother to count the cost.”

“Every day another opportunity to help and give thanks occurs for us.  Do we understand that and use it well?”

“Beauty is everywhere that the beholder looks, if you are blessed with the appreciation to see it.  We are all given the basic senses to use for understanding life around us and each other.”

“Each flower finds a way to bloom and grow, even in the harshest surroundings.  Think of the help that is given to the plants of the field and highway and know that you too are blessed.”

“For those who are not blessed with the basic necessities of life through no fault of their own, send out your thoughts and prayers to the Higher Intelligence, so that together more can be done for them.”

“Thanks should always be on our lips and in our hearts.  We have so much to be grateful for and yet many of us still want more and are never satisfied, as the material world rules our hearts and minds.”

“We are all dependent on each other, as the work we do is for the benefit of all.  No one can stand alone and we were not made to do so, so be aware of what others do for you and be grateful for it.”

“Take away all the negativity that surrounds you and replace it with love.  Then and only then can you give positively to others and have a pure heart within.”

“We are made of spirit, as ‘God’ created us in His own image.  We are clothed in a physical body to withstand the pressures of this earth plane and we must know that we survive and that our body doesn’t and is recycled for the Greater Good of all life.”

“We reap what we sow.  Jesus told us this and it is the bedrock of Spiritual Law.  Good seeds bring good harvests and bad seeds bring famine and leave our spirit hungry.”

“Take seriously the responsibility that we all have and that is to know that the repercussions of what we do not only affect others, but also changes the course of our own lives.”

“There is no need to be in a special place to send out our thoughts to a higher intellect than our own.  We are responsible for our actions and no other person can walk our path for us or tell us what to do if our heart says different.”

“With a great unity between all people we should acknowledge that the Higher Intelligence is with us all, as a group and individually.  He is with us always, wherever we are and our thoughts go directly to Him.”

“Take a new look at your personal actions and see that they are for the good of others and not just to feed your own ego.  It is what we do for others that paves our path into the Promised Land.”

“There is another line of progression, which we must be aware of and that is the effect that our presence here has on others.  We are all interdependent and our energies interact and together make up the group energy.”

“Take another look at where you are going and see the Hand of God directing you.  We all have a destiny to fulfil and this is why we came to fulfil it and all to work together.”

“Get ready to go!  We all have a future ahead of us and if we accept the guidance from the Higher Intelligence we will do his will for the Greater Good and prosper ourselves.”

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