“Give me ways to see the truth, which I know is all about me yet I cannot see it in my heart. Let love teach me the reason of my birth so I live in love and not fear of what others think or say, as I know you are always with me and will provide for my needs.”
“Great Spirit, thank you for the diversity of life on Earth and the beauty of all that shapes the features of this earth plane to remind us of your genius to paint beautiful things on this ever changing merry-go-round of life.”
“Bless all who love God and as God loves all creations may we learn to love them too. May we evolve as spiritual beings in the best way by loving our fellows and trying to imitate the love and strength of the God who made us and not fail to share the riches that we have. Amen.”
“Blessed are those who understand the ways of the Lord, because by seeing God’s Laws we can progress and advance our own soul into the light and love of Creation itself.
“Help me to understand all I can about God so I may love and be loved by all that he made. Amen.”
“May God bless me as I try and live my life as light as I can and as free from negative thoughts and hurts, so that my thoughts may not pollute the airways of the universe with negativity that can only be removed by love. So be it.”
“God bless me as I try my best to avail myself of all the good things while I leave behind anything that is antisocial and devoid of God’s love and strength. I ask for guidance as I choose my pathway unaided and yet guided by those who love me best. Amen to that.”
“Thank you for my health and my ability to get myself around. Keep me active as long as I can be useful to myself and others, but when I lose my usefulness let me be taken thence into the next world and my next body to continue my development without hampering others. Amen to that.”
“Thank you for granting me the light to see just what I must do to move forward and make myself available to help others rather than sitting back and allowing myself to vegetate and miss the point of why I am here. Amen.”
“Give me the knowledge so that I may see your hand in everything from the creation to the evolution of the beauty and loving care you made all things in and with. Thank you.”
“Thank you for the excitements and the discoveries of the day and the increase in my knowledge of all that is and was to bring you to the point of allowing us, Mankind, to develop in your image as light and love, which is ignored by some, but delighted in by others. Amen.”“Great Spirit, I know you love me even though I complain. It is difficult to handle my material needs and yet it is even more difficult to handle the emotional pain of my disappointment. Always I seem to want what is not there for me, so show me the way to achieve what I can manage.”“Thank you for giving me strength today to get through and to come through feeling better than I did yesterday. May I do this every day and then soon I can cope with whatever comes along. Amen.”
“May your power be within me, because your power is love and conquers all things, so I ask you to dwell in me so I am strong and can never be cowered by anything. Amen.”
“May my love for you always be total as anything less is unthinkable. Amen.”
“May my love for you always be total as anything less is unthinkable. Amen.”
“Great Spirit all divine, you are the light of life and you have placed in my soul some of that light when I was made. So I ask for help in keeping my light bright and growing and that I may never hide it as I try to live in gentleness, which will make me strong indeed.”“Thank you for what I have learned today. If every day I learned as much I shall, through all this knowledge, receive the wisdom I crave for to live my life for others and to move on in grace towards your pure and gentle light."“Give me the truth that I never live in darkness.”“I am always here for your enlightenment, so please show me how to achieve ruth that I may never become ruthless.”
“I give my soul to your will and ask to be shown how to use it for your Great Plan to be successful in showing all peoples what is good and what is shared and then we can achieve Heaven on Earth as it was always meant to be. Amen to that.”
“Help me to do my best even when I falter. Allow me to get up and try again. So little I feel I achieve on a global scale, but give me the right to try and send out my thoughts to those in need, wherever they may be.”
“Please send healing, strength and harmony to all those who are in need. This must include everybody, because we all have our crosses to bear and no one has enough of your glorious light that shines out in love and peace.”
“Great Spirit, help me to put aside my prejudices and only love from my heart, so that my mind doesn’t interfere with things that only Man could teach me and not your love from Spirit of all things and all people, no matter what their problems.”
“Help me to see the soul and not the body that it inhabits. Amen.”
“Great Spirit, keep me from the pain I do not understand and let me grow to give love where I can calm the pain in others.”
“Help me to find my feet so that the carpet of life is not pulled from under me.”
“Help me to find my feet so that the carpet of life is not pulled from under me.”
“Give me my prayer for tonight and let me sleep in peace knowing that I am guarded well and loved.”
“Show me the way to help myself along life’s path that I have chosen and give me directions, so that I may find my way and improve my progress with every step I take. Amen.”
“Show me the way to help myself along life’s path that I have chosen and give me directions, so that I may find my way and improve my progress with every step I take. Amen.”
“Watch over me as I sleep and may I wake to find the day has begun with light and love for all creatures who know you and find your love within them. Then all can sing your praises and in joy go about our day of discovering what you have put in our path today. Amen.”
“So as I go in peace and love, may I give of my pleasure at being blessed by all in spirit, who live here on Earth and elsewhere, where I came from and where I truly will go to again.”
“So as I go in peace and love, may I give of my pleasure at being blessed by all in spirit, who live here on Earth and elsewhere, where I came from and where I truly will go to again.”
“Help me to know what I need in order for me to understand the realities of life and death. Mankind is so ignorant on these subjects, but I need to know so I can progress is safety and find my peace at long last."
“I must remember that what God gives is what God wants us to feel and not what we desire, so that we may learn and move on and not languish where we feel comfortable.”
“Help me to listen and move on. God is love and always wants the very best for us.”
“When we forget your Laws we turn our backs on your light and your justice, so show us how to always bask in your light and to know where we have to be in love and harmony. Amen.”
“I know I mustn’t covet, so help me to only want what you want for me and not what I desire.”
“May I recognise the Angels when they come? I know they are there by their deeds, but I don’t yet see them and recognise their presence until after they have gone and saved me from myself and the carelessness of others.”
“Help me to rest from my labours once in a while so I know the difference.”
“Let me catch up on my rest when it is needed and not when I start to feel tired, for Jesus said, Come to me all who thirst and are heavy ladened and I will refresh you.”
“Please help me to help myself as I am too easily swayed by other people’s opinions when I should look within myself for what I need to know. God put within that part of himself, so that I would learn truth and love and harmony with all I meet and know.”
“I really am blessed to have all I have, but I need to have guidance from within my own self on how to best use it all, so that others may learn what they have within.”“What have I learned today? What benefit has gone to me that makes me better than I was yesterday?”“Life is about self and self awareness.”
“Teach me to learn what I came here to do. I fear my own shadow as I await my future, because the unknown frightens me.”“Let me see myself as strong with your love to guide me around each corner that I come to and find my way always.”“There are many ways out there that I could take and all of them lead me to you, but I must choose one that is best for others, who need help along the way.”“Let each day bring me closer to you by my charity to those I meet and love to strengthen the weak and infirm.”“Now is the hour when I must choose, so guide my reactions so that I may act for a new beginning and a new start, so that I clear away the earthly paraphernalia and live in the light I was born here to shine out for all to see.”“Whatever I have to give let it be useful to another. Whatever I am given let me use it wisely and pass it on when I need it no more.”“May my gifts from God be used only in his service for my fellow men and women and may the children find truth in the Spirit where they came from.”
“Great Spirit show me how to harness the power I have within, so I can accomplish my best endeavours in this lifetime here on this earth plane of existence.”
“What have I learned today that has brought me closer to my God of love and infinite patience?”
“Let all that I have learned be available to me so that I can call on my experiences to help myself and others to solve the problems that we meet along life’s pathway.”
“Let me find my peace within so I know where I come from and who I am.”
“Help me to discover myself and my place in your world in which I was created but made fallible, because I lack the way to interpret your wisdom and must find for myself the experience that you already have.”
“Allow me to know myself as others see me and then I can be what I want to be and not what I think I am.”
“Let love rule my heart and may strength rule my mind, so that together I work with the right intentions and have the ability to carry it out.”
“Being at peace is a difficult thing to be as we are bombarded by negative thoughts. Help us to always send out positive loving thoughts, so that they may return many fold to give us peace. Amen.”
“Give me my just desserts, so that I know what I truly am and where I have arrived. Without knowing my place in the way of things, I cannot move forward if I have no bench mark to move from. So will I progress and love you even more. Amen.”
“Help me to understand just what makes me what I am. What makes me love and what makes me laugh and what makes me cry and then I will not be afraid and hide my emotions, but I can be honest with myself and with others.”
“Let me understand if I am able to understand.”
“Give me courage so I may not be afraid and give me feelings so I may learn all the emotions of this earthly world, which gives so much pain to all who search for truth, but find it eventually within ourselves. Let me find myself within and may I find I am better than I know.”
“Let me see some sunshine in my life between the clouds and storms that pass my way. Let me smile and acknowledge your gifts to me and then I can help to pass on the Golden Light that you made me of. Amen.”
“Help me to stop hungering for the material and start thirsting for the spiritual and walk a pathway towards God and love of all creations. Amen.”