31 July 2016

Daily Thoughts for August 2016

“When we complete an act of kindness, the warmth that we feel within is enough reward and it is given to us from On High.  It is the level that we have earned and is unconditional.”

“We all need to fulfil our opportunities as they are given to us.  They do not just appear by accident, but are placed there by design to see how we act.  They are never too much for us to manage.”

“All journeys begin with a single step.  It is no use standing by the roadside of life waiting for the right moment to act, because then you will never move and still be there when your time runs out and you will have nothing to show for your journey.”

Be prepared to stand up for what is right and let your voice be heard when it is necessary.  If you keep quiet and hold your counsel then you are condoning the misdeeds.”

“Allow yourself time to think in the quiet of your own conscience and let direction be given to you.  This is not just a quick fix, but a change in your directional path and must be sustained.”

“When you meet in the next dimension you are alone and totally responsible for your actions.  The Higher Intelligence will not judge you.  He has no need to.  You will justly have to judge yourself.”

To walk away from the true Light of the Almighty is to lose the freedom of action to make a better world.  Know that only you can choose and that no other person in a religious cloak can walk your path for you or change your mistakes.”

“The Light of the Almighty is always there for us to follow.  However the Darkness of Ignorance is always there for us to swallow!”

“We all know that we reap what we sow.  Do we really believe that we can get away with it?  That it will never happen to us?  Are we arrogant or just disbelieving?”

“Don’t be caught out when you return and are asked what you did to benefit Mankind on this earth plane.  If you neglect your opportunities you will return barren and unloved.”

“Many souls are too busy piling up material benefits for themselves while missing out on the most important spiritual gifts.  We will leave behind the material when we pass back again and only take our spiritual achievements with us for all to see.”

“We all need to be loved!  This is a basic human requirement, but in order to be loved we must be loving and approachable, so when we give so we receive, so give and receive according to your needs.”

“Too many of us are always in a hurry and our bodily functions are so geared that we are unable to slow down.  If we continue in this vein we will burn ourselves out and return early and perhaps leaving our work unfinished.”

“Time is often the answer to give.  Listen to the words of the inflicted and see if you are the right person to direct their path into the smooth running of relief and harmony.”

“When you give, take into account the deserving and give in such a way that they benefit most.  Money is an easy gift, but so often isn’t the way to help to relieve the under-riding problem of another.”

“Take another look at your life and if you are happy and at peace, send out loving and healing thoughts to those you know are not.  We cannot judge, but can appreciate deserving causes when we see them.”

“No one is perfect, but we all know from our conscience what is right and what is wrong, so let us always listen to the right directions and not turn away into the darkness and ignore the enlightenment.”

“We came from Spirit in love and hope of making a positive difference to humanity, because we came and acted for the Greater Good. We need to be aware where we are going wrong.”

“We need to be aware where we have acted badly and against Spiritual Law to understand why we feel alone.  It means that the heavier and darker negative vibrations are incompatible with the lighter and loving vibrations of the Spirit World.”

“None of us are alone.  If we feel that we are, then we have lowered our vibrational energy to such a level that Spirit has to pull back and direct us from further away, but they are never lost to us.”

“Take a leaf out of an old book where love and harmony wrote together.  The lessons learned will help to direct your thoughts and actions to your future benefit and those you serve.”

“The Almighty directs all things and sees the mistakes that humanity makes.  We are all part of the group soul and must play our part in the goodness needed to raise standards and life changing moments for the better of the whole.”

“Be ready to put others before ourselves.  We usually are not in so much need as they are, but if we are then we need to ask for our guides to help and direct us.”

“Never fear that you are left alone to suffer the pain and anguish of an unsettled life.  There is always guidance and help there for us if we listen and accept a higher intelligence than our own.”

“To give and to receive are gifts from the Highest Intelligence, where both are blessed and both will gain.”

“Once we have adjusted our egos to the better level of acceptance, then all can benefit from what we do.  Putting ourselves first is a selfish act and should be discouraged.”

“As individuals we are not as important as we try and make out that we are.  What is important is the Greater Good of all of us together.”

“We must all learn to respect each other and to try and understand that we all have different points of view, but we also have a great deal in common that we should share.”

“Love is a natural gift from the Almighty.  Hatred and fear have to be taught from one individual to another.”

“Allow calmness and peace to come into your mind-set, so that you are able to understand that peace and harmony we were all brought here to share together.”

“When you release your pent up energy and breathe freely you are able to take in the more positive and vibrant spiritual vibrations.”

01 July 2016

Daily Thoughts for July 2016

“Go in peace and go in love and serve each other.  These are the words that should direct us each and every day, so that we can fulfil our destinies and not be found wanting.”

“Give truly so that you may be able to receive when you are in need.  Often have we known this to be true, but do we always have it in the front of our minds or on the back burner?”

“We are walking with the Supreme Intelligence and that sees everything we do or even think.  We are never alone and all our deeds are seen clearly and the reasons behind them, so it’s no good pleading ignorance!”

“Just as we were about to go out and do something, there was a cry for help.  Did we go out anyway or did we put ourselves aside and go to the aid of the one who called?”

“Send out your thoughts and prayers for all those who are in difficulty.  It is the positive vibrations of love and healing that raise your request above the norm and the angels will wing it to those you have chosen with immediate speed.”

“Take a piece of love and share it with all you meet today.  If it feels good, as it will, then resolve to share it every day.  Your cupboard will never be bare and you will always have happiness walking by your side.”

“Let it never be too late to turn to the Spirit, wherever you are and ask with a generous open heart for the help and guidance that you need.  Remember that it will be answered with love and with whatever is in your best interests.”

“Too many souls hide away from their belief system that we are all spirit and that we never die.  Only our bodies die, but we move on into the spiritual realms to the place that we have earned for ourselves by the deeds that we do.”

“It is such a joy to see the faces of those who were lost and have followed their pathway into the ‘Light of God’s Love’ and received their reward.  Ask and it shall be given.  Seek and you will find.”

“Nothing is impossible.  We only think it is.  Miracles happen every day and all around us.  Are we watching and receiving?  If we give thanks and are blessed, so will we be again.”

“Just as we think that we are making progress, there appears to be another boulder placed in our path.  However nothing is insurmountable.  We need to rise to the greater task to receive the greater reward of ‘God’s’ goodness, which will be heaped upon us when we succeed.”

“Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by the actions that we have taken for the good of humanity.  If we haven’t woken up to that yet, we will remain in winter!”

“We all do what we think is best at the time or so we say, but did we really think it all through and assess the likely outcome of what we proposed to do?”

“Take another look at your future and know that it is shaped by the present. The past has shaped the present, so it is important to live in the now to get the best results ahead of the game.”

“The secret of life is in the understanding of balance.  When everything that ‘God’ made is in balance, then there is always harmony.  Mankind so often upsets this by his greed and doesn’t bother to count the cost.”

“Every day another opportunity to help and give thanks occurs for us.  Do we understand that and use it well?”

“Beauty is everywhere that the beholder looks, if you are blessed with the appreciation to see it.  We are all given the basic senses to use for understanding life around us and each other.”

“Each flower finds a way to bloom and grow, even in the harshest surroundings.  Think of the help that is given to the plants of the field and highway and know that you too are blessed.”

“For those who are not blessed with the basic necessities of life through no fault of their own, send out your thoughts and prayers to the Higher Intelligence, so that together more can be done for them.”

“Thanks should always be on our lips and in our hearts.  We have so much to be grateful for and yet many of us still want more and are never satisfied, as the material world rules our hearts and minds.”

“We are all dependent on each other, as the work we do is for the benefit of all.  No one can stand alone and we were not made to do so, so be aware of what others do for you and be grateful for it.”

“Take away all the negativity that surrounds you and replace it with love.  Then and only then can you give positively to others and have a pure heart within.”

“We are made of spirit, as ‘God’ created us in His own image.  We are clothed in a physical body to withstand the pressures of this earth plane and we must know that we survive and that our body doesn’t and is recycled for the Greater Good of all life.”

“We reap what we sow.  Jesus told us this and it is the bedrock of Spiritual Law.  Good seeds bring good harvests and bad seeds bring famine and leave our spirit hungry.”

“Take seriously the responsibility that we all have and that is to know that the repercussions of what we do not only affect others, but also changes the course of our own lives.”

“There is no need to be in a special place to send out our thoughts to a higher intellect than our own.  We are responsible for our actions and no other person can walk our path for us or tell us what to do if our heart says different.”

“With a great unity between all people we should acknowledge that the Higher Intelligence is with us all, as a group and individually.  He is with us always, wherever we are and our thoughts go directly to Him.”

“Take a new look at your personal actions and see that they are for the good of others and not just to feed your own ego.  It is what we do for others that paves our path into the Promised Land.”

“There is another line of progression, which we must be aware of and that is the effect that our presence here has on others.  We are all interdependent and our energies interact and together make up the group energy.”

“Take another look at where you are going and see the Hand of God directing you.  We all have a destiny to fulfil and this is why we came to fulfil it and all to work together.”

“Get ready to go!  We all have a future ahead of us and if we accept the guidance from the Higher Intelligence we will do his will for the Greater Good and prosper ourselves.”

Daily Thoughts for July 2016

“Take another look at your future and know that it is shaped by the present. The past has shaped the present, so it is important to live in the now to get the best results ahead of the game.”

“The secret of life is in the understanding of balance.  When everything that ‘God’ made is in balance, then there is always harmony.  Mankind so often upsets this by his greed and doesn’t bother to count the cost.”

“Every day another opportunity to help and give thanks occurs for us.  Do we understand that and use it well?”

“Beauty is everywhere that the beholder looks, if you are blessed with the appreciation to see it.  We are all given the basic senses to use for understanding life around us and each other.”

“Each flower finds a way to bloom and grow, even in the harshest surroundings.  Think of the help that is given to the plants of the field and highway and know that you too are blessed.”

“For those who are not blessed with the basic necessities of life through no fault of their own, send out your thoughts and prayers to the Higher Intelligence, so that together more can be done for them.”

“Thanks should always be on our lips and in our hearts.  We have so much to be grateful for and yet many of us still want more and are never satisfied, as the material world rules our hearts and minds.”

“We are all dependent on each other, as the work we do is for the benefit of all.  No one can stand alone and we were not made to do so, so be aware of what others do for you and be grateful for it.”

“Take away all the negativity that surrounds you and replace it with love.  Then and only then can you give positively to others and have a pure heart within.”

“We are made of spirit, as ‘God’ created us in His own image.  We are clothed in a physical body to withstand the pressures of this earth plane and we must know that we survive and that our body doesn’t and is recycled for the Greater Good of all life.”

“We reap what we sow.  Jesus told us this and it is the bedrock of Spiritual Law.  Good seeds bring good harvests and bad seeds bring famine and leave our spirit hungry.”

“Take seriously the responsibility that we all have and that is to know that the repercussions of what we do not only affect others, but also changes the course of our own lives.”

“There is no need to be in a special place to send out our thoughts to a higher intellect than our own.  We are responsible for our actions and no other person can walk our path for us or tell us what to do if our heart says different.”

“With a great unity between all people we should acknowledge that the Higher Intelligence is with us all, as a group and individually.  He is with us always, wherever we are and our thoughts go directly to Him.”

“Take a new look at your personal actions and see that they are for the good of others and not just to feed your own ego.  It is what we do for others that paves our path into the Promised Land.”

“There is another line of progression, which we must be aware of and that is the effect that our presence here has on others.  We are all interdependent and our energies interact and together make up the group energy.”

“Take another look at where you are going and see the Hand of God directing you.  We all have a destiny to fulfil and this is why we came to fulfil it and all to work together.”

“Get ready to go!  We all have a future ahead of us and if we accept the guidance from the Higher Intelligence we will do his will for the Greater Good and prosper ourselves.”