01 August 2018

Daily Thoughts for August 2018

“Send out healing thoughts to all those who are in need.  When you are in need, you will have earned your relief though your kindness to others.”

“Happiness is a state of being.  It can only truly be found when you know that you follow your destiny with the help and approval of that Higher Intelligence that governs all things.”

“Remember that we reap what we sow.  This is the basis of Spiritual Law and on this we will have to answer when we pass into the next dimension.”

 “Know that sending out thoughts or prayers into the universe is never a waste of time.  Their power is strong and should be given with the best intentions and for the right reasons.”

“Know that the ‘Hand of God’ is there to give aid to the spiritually minded.  So, look and see if there are miracles happening in your lives and give thanks when you recognise them.”

“There are two types of people in this world – they are givers and takers.  Which are you?”

“Without love in your heart you become hard and selfish.  We all crave to be loved, but do we give love unconditionally?”

“Are you too busy rushing through life and not finding time for yourself?  This will put a strain on your mind.  Your body reflects the condition of your mindset.”

“Do not pass by the creations of the floral world without marvelling at the beauty of their flowers.  See how many survive in the most extreme conditions.”

“There are many who offer advice, but it is best to be aware that not all that glitters are golden.”

“If you look to the stars for telling your future, make sure that the guidance is channelled through the enlightenment of genuine clairvoyance.”

 “You cannot walk another’s path.  You can advise and give love and encouragement, but only they can walk it.”

 “Don’t follow another to find your pathway.  We are all responsible for ourselves.  Many think celebrities are right, but they have to be careful what they show us.”

 “Take a moment and reflect on your belief system.  Many go away from the church and find their salvation within themselves.”

“Love conquers all.  Love is universal.  Love needs to be given and understood as the basis of all we do.”

“Going about things having thought the consequences through, will always save mistakes and stop us hurting those we love.”

“We need to take a good look at ourselves to see where we can make life easier for ourselves and others by following spiritual guidance.  It is there for all.”

“It is easier to make peace and settle squabbles while we are still here in this world than to leave matters undone when we pass on.”

“The good that we do will live on after us and the bad things will haunt us until we make amends.”

“Unconditional love and wisdom are the basis of the Higher Intelligences and we need to try and emulate it.”

“When we pass into the next dimension, we will find ourselves accountable for all the actions that we took in this lifetime.”

“Our conscience needs to guide us in all our decision making.  Together with freewill, it is a balancing of right and wrong, so that we know what we do and the path that we take.”

 “Know and understand that there is a Higher Intelligence that is part of all that is.  It is everywhere and most especially within us all.”

“This world that we live in is populated by all God’s creations and we are all connected through His force.  Make sure that you view them with unconditional love, because there is no other emotion that is worthy.”

“Remember to send out healing thoughts for all those who are in need.  There are many whose situation is needy and all are worthy.”

“Take notice of your thoughts and ensure that they are positive and in the best interests of the greater good.”

 “Meeting others with a smile brightens their day and makes one feel positive.  It is a form of healing and benefits the giver and the receiver.”

“Knowing what is right and what is not is the conscience that is built into each one of us.  If we truly follow it, then we will automatically be following our true destiny that we came to do.”

“The spiritual way of life is common sense for all reasonable people.  We reap what we sow.  It is not only fair, but honest for all to see and understand.”

“We need to learn to respect the beautiful and perfect world that works by God’s hand and Mankind seems to take all that he wants and leave themselves richer and the world poorer.”

“As the sun shines down on us, it is good to know that the light of our creation is in place.  The gift of light is essential to our very being, as without it, life would fail on this planet.”