31 August 2010

Prayers for August 2010

"As the new awakening begins, so we can start to see new challenges before us and a new surge of energy will not be far behind.  So let us appreciate all that we have and to understand just how far we have all come to bring us to where we are right now and with the continuing hope that we will go forward at least as far again.  Amen.

"After going forwards and falling back in a regular attempt to keep abreast with our progression, help us to see where we are in need of securing our progress so that we cannot fall back, but can hold on to what progress that we have made and see the hope ahead of us proving to be the reality of life in the spiritual way.  Amen."

"Thank you now for the great news that we are on our way forward and upward into the realms of enlightenment and that the world stage will show the changes which are needed to balance the earth plane, so that all may see and feel your majesty at long last.  Thank you for choosing us to walk beside the Lord.  Amen."

"Now let us rest and prepare for what is to come, so that we are ready for the mighty events that will change not only our lives but those around us as well, as we are lifted off into new energy patterns which will see our place in your great plan.  Let us be fulfilled and ready to go, so that no momentum is lost and we achieve all that is required of us for our fellow man and the understanding of your divine glory.  Amen."

"Please allow us to find the energy to keep going as we continue on our way of healing and enlightening those who listen and are in need.  We too need to be healed and kept in the light of your strength to carry on the work which is set for us to do as we cannot delay until it is all done and dusted.  Amen."

"Thank you for the cleansing of the earthly negativity that has begun and will not end as the forces of the universal agents are employed to bring about a major shift in the energies that have been holding us fast to the ignorance of man's desires, which have held us back in the dark ages of illumination.  Help us to play our part in this clean up and bring brightness back on to the curriculum.  Amen.

"Despite the energies that batter us like the negativity of life around the globe, we come up for air and breathe in the spiritual love which keeps us afloat.  All comes from on high and stems from the energies that created us, so we ask that you hold us safe as we try and confront the bruising of every day life.  Amen."

"Let the light so shine that we cannot miss or ignore the awakening to our souls, so that we can put ourselves aside and start to work for the greater consciousness by putting others before ourselves who are needy and ignorant of truth and love and by persuasion and your intervention, as we cannot do all alone, allow them to move into your loving space that you created for them to fulfil.  Amen."

"We thank you for carrying us through another day as the energies around us hold us and change so that we will be ready to face the opportunities which we know will be presented to us and we are happy to leave it all in your hands as we do not have the wisdom, only the faith and trust as all good servants should show the Master.  Amen."

"To be at rest and await our next assignment in this world of positive progress is to be at peace knowing that we are being prepared for this mighty move, which takes us forward according to your Greater Plan and the benefit of all Mankind who have ears to hear and eyes to see.  Amen."

"We thank you Lord for all friends visible and invisible who love us and help us along our pathway as we try to help them in turn progress down theirs.  We are aware that there is no progression without the combined giving and receiving of energies so that all can move on together.  Amen."

"Almighty God in whom all our minds and hearts are clearly known and our faults show vividly against the purity of spirit that you have released around us so that we can live,  help us to exonerate ourselves by giving love to the many deserving causes around us and may we bring peace to the troubled waters of life.  Amen."

"Thank you for blessing us with the grace of healing and understanding so that we are better equipped to take another step forward into the unknown.  We progress as swiftly as we can, knowing that we are looked after and guided for our own safety and protection.  Amen."

"It is a long time in earthly years since we could find our way amongst the spirits that accompanied us when we came, so please let us remember that we are spirit in body form and must look after our bodies, while learning from the more educated spirits who come with us now to safeguard our pathways.  Amen."

"It's has been a hard day but there is rest in sight, so allow us to settle with our thoughts in the peace of the natural beauty of our minds and find rest and comfort there.  We look to the sky, but know that you are within us and that you are the stability which holds us together as well as the Universe itself.  Amen."

"Now as the autumn skies start to draw in around us and the prospect of the winter blues threaten our memories of past winters, allow us to feel that hope is in our hearts for better times, as the light you gave us never ever goes out and we trust it never will however much we turn away in fear of ourselves and our abilities to stand up and challenge whatever comes our way.  Amen."

"Thank you for a wonderful day of peace and strength, which we appreciate so that our lives can follow along in friendship and love for those who appreciate what we are and what we have.  Help us to follow along the road to where you wish us to be in love and harmony forever more.  Amen."

"Show us the way to be brave enough to empty our hearts and minds of all the selfishness and negativity that is within and to fill the spaces with the light and love for all around us and to spare thoughts for those we do not know around the world, who are suffering from the many negative energies caused by famine, flood or dis-ease.  Help us to recognise how well off we really are and to take only what we need and allow the rest to go to others, who have greater needs that ourselves.  Amen."

"As the night sky lights up with spectacular proofs of how the Universal Forces hold together the Universe and stop it all falling apart through its creation by greater forces than our puny minds can understand, show us what we are capable of knowing so that with the guidance of unconditional love we can be persuaded to capitulate our narrow-mindedness and widen our limits to the glorious and wondrous creation that is above and below, but also always within us, if only we would follow the signs.  Amen."

"As we learn to fly on stronger wings of faith, so let our hearts be mindful of our responsibilities as we take others into our confidence and know that we can only do it in unconditional love and truth, so that we mislead no one who walks a lonely path and is impressionable by things that they do not yet fully understand.  Let us be ready with our proofs and explanations, so no one goes astray.  Amen."

"Thank you for a day of great adventure when we were treated to see how closely we are protected and looked after by all our guides and helpers, who never cease in their labours to smooth our pathway and show us that we are not alone and are well cared for, if only we would watch and listen.  Amen."

"As our lives continue along this road of existence and we find ourselves confronted with little mountains in our path to climb, we are comforted to know that we are not alone and that there is much help and guidance for us whenever we choose the right intentions and learn from our mistakes.  Amen."

"We can almost feel the energies gathering force to come in and make the changes as we wait patiently for our lives to come into balance again and to reap the success of what we have sown and struggled to master over the challenges which we have tried to bear in the Spirit of the Lord, who taught us well.  Amen."

"Great Spirit and mightiest of all creation, please help us to find our way through the myriad of life, so that we can come safely to the Light of Love and Wisdom to find ourselves purified from negativity and free from doubts and fears of the material world.  Amen."

"Thank you for the peace and strength that we have all received this day and for all that we have accomplished in your name and according to the law and teachings that we know are true.  Help us to continue to carry on with our missions which we all came to fulfil and let us not be turned away due to our own inadequacies.  Amen."

"We give thanks for our life and its continuance as we walk our path of destiny which we are all given, so that we can achieve progression and move forward in the knowledge of all that is.  We also have free will, so we can chose which pathway we will follow but will always have to answer for our choice and for our actions and thoughts.  Amen."

"Thank you Lord for all the wisdom and teaching which is there for us if we so chose to take it on board.  If we don't we shall fall further away into the darkness of ignorance and our mindsets cannot attain the peace of heaven, which is only there for us if we build it for ourselves within and recognise others who need that helping hand.  Amen."

"Thank you for the rainbows that twinkle in our understanding as our minds find truth, which had evaded us before.  It is such a joy when the curtain of darkness is raised just a little more and our comprehension is illuminated from the wisdom of your love.  Amen."

"Great Judge of all we do and seen though your wisdom, which makes all things clear through Spiritual and Universal Law, help us to see ourselves as we really are and not as we feel we want to be seen.  There is no mileage on this road of life in pretending that we are other than what we are, so show us clearly who we are by our errors so that we can make amends before it is too late and we go out of body and into the darkness that we have created for ourselves.  Amen."

"Divine and Great Creator of all that is, you have made so much in grandeur and grace that you have to made us who dwell as little people, but when we are filled with your love and wisdom we are mighty indeed.  Help us to show our fruits to all who wish to see them and be part of your almighty truth and unconditional love and wisdom to all creation.  Amen."

"Divine Spirit and giver of all good things, we ask that we may find the strength and unconditional love to give to all those who are lost and unhappy, because they do not understand how to live and pass on through the great doors of opportunity and progression.  May we give support and guidance to all those who have ears to hear and those who insist on remaining in ignorance must find another way.  Amen."

25 August 2010

Prayers for July 2010

"Thank you for the strength of the enlightenment that we are receiving to help us to understand the way things are and the way that they are meant to be.  We have so much to put right before we can move on, but we must make a start and change our ways or we will never achieve the state of mind that we need to progress and move on by taking others with us on this lonely road of servitude and unconditional love.  Amen."

"Help us Almighty Giver of Life to understand what we have received so that when we look into ourselves we can see the reality of what and who we are.  We do understand that everything around is like an illusion, because the minds of others cannot reveal to us what we truly are and we are what we make ourselves to be.  Let the light shine within so that we can see more clearly the truth of what is really so.  Amen."

"Thank you Lord for the lessons we have learned today and for the inspirations that we have been given.  We really do notice the little proofs that we are given along the way and we give thanks for them as well as the ability that we are given to see them and know that nothing occurs by chance, but always though the Divine Laws of the Universe, so that we cannot go too far astray.  Amen."

"Great Spirit, keep us safe from ourselves and our mistakes.  It is our own errors which cause us our downfall, because it is those moments of self-gratification when we fail to think clearly and go straight for what we want that cause so often hurt and danger to others and a loss of stability in our own lives and we have to then repair what we have done and find our hearts refilled in love of service to make amends.  Amen."

"Make us instruments of your peace Father and allow us to be worthy enough to earn a place in your power of love and wisdom, so that we can carry out your wishes and in the fullness of time bring about a difference to the minds of men and women on this plane of existence and a new understanding of who and what we are, so we can all turn to your Light and find that everlasting peace.  Amen.

"Great Spirit, who resides in us all however small we see ourselves, help us to grow in spiritual stature and wisdom so that we can be of greater use to all about us and can help to calm the blanket of ignorance, which billows in the faces of so many people that we meet and distorts their view of what you give to us all on a daily basis to exist in this hostile environment of earthly life.  Amen."

"Divine Creator who has given us the will to choose our own destiny, please do not let us wander away from our roots and the spiritual love and understanding which we brought with us when we came.  Do not let us be led astray, but send us guidance to seek the truth in all things and to be at peace knowing that we do your will in helping all who need us as we walk this path of understanding.  Amen."

"Dear Great Spirit, show us how to be gracious when our words of enlightenment fall on deaf ears and our words are returned by those who are unable or unwilling to read the teachings of the Spirit.  We must learn that we are different and they must learn that the way Jesus speaks still through his spiritual servants is so often falling on stony ground and weeds so easily choke the weak hearted.  Amen."

"Great Spirit, who gives us all the opportunities that we can benefit from and leads us ever forward into the ways that we should go together with each other and with our eyes set on the Greater Good, please furnish us with the strength to perceive our destinies and ensure that we give them our best shot and don't turn away to enjoy earthly pleasure which will avail us nothing.  Amen."

"Great Light of All Understanding, whose wisdom abounds in Love and who want us to succeed in all that we do, we thank you humbly for all the light that has pierced our darkness and allowed us to perceive the true way in which we are looked after and kept well by the grace of our trust and the promise of what we have come to do upon this earth plane of existence.  Amen."

"Divine Creator, who loves us all and who sees what a mighty mess we make of our lives by following our own way and ignoring the guidance that is available to us, help us all to see the light which shines into our hearts and minds if only we would sit in the quiet and contemplate ourselves as to who and what we are and where we are going and why.  Amen."

"Help us to find the strength to keep going and face the opportunities which are to come as the energies all around us change to bring better and further understanding of what life is all about and how we should face its continuance after our passing out of our physical bodies.  Amen."

"Divine Creator who is making it easier for us to turn towards the understanding of the Light of Enlightenment, if only we will allow ourselves to move from the negativity around us into positive thinking for the betterment of ourselves and all around us, so that the Greater Good can be served and we are empowered to move forward without fear.  Amen."

"Thank you for the day of rest and a chance to contemplate the wonders of the Universe that you created with all the Laws of Existence, so that we could learn to follow the realities of life and death, which hold no fears once we understand that we can never die, but leave these bodies for a greater existence, if we truly believe and live in the glory of your teachings.  Amen."

"Divine Influence on all our lives show us the kind of courage which we need to look beyond this earthy material world in which we think we exist safety and free from dangers from outside and help us to realise that our futures are always in our own hands and that what we do paves the way to our future existence.  Amen."

"Show us the way by which we can have the necessary confidence to explore what 'death' will bring and how we can prepare ourselves for the change of energies as we step out of our physical body and continue to live in our spiritual form.  If we are not ready to 'die' and move forward into the Light of Understanding then we will have left undone those things which we should have done, so guide us and give us the courage to seek and find.  Amen."

"Help us in deed to carry positive vibrations out to the Universal Forces so that we may keep ourselves buoyant and in line for new opportunities and achievements and not allow ourselves to capitulate under the yoke of negativity and failure.  The future is always brighter and more attainable when we are positive and if we all do it together the World becomes a better place to live.  Amen."

"Great Father to all of us whether we recognise the great debt that we owe you or not for all that you do to show us the way to live our lives and behave towards other, we thank you for showing us the way that we must conquer our fear when we see what others have to go through, which compared to our small every day encounters can be so great and yet they survive and progress on.  Let our hearts and minds be enlightened, so we may act without fear and always in love of the greater good.  Amen."

"Please teach us the way to understand the needs of others and to differentiate between those who are deserving and those who are simply takers and will not accept our contributions in the right spirit and with the best intensions.  With limited resources it is necessary that our contributions are used for the best results and for greater good.  Amen."

"Divine Creator, who has given us life and purpose, please let all peoples know of the errors in which they live, because when they pass out of body they will be confronted by all those things which they chose to ignore and will suffer for their mistakes and I pray that they will find enlightenment so that they can do what they need to here on this plane of existence and not in the darkness of ignorance where they will find no light to guide them.  Amen."

"The Creator of all that is, is showing us the way through that creation of how the beauties of the Universe are perfected to thrive through all adversities and to adapt to all changes.  So we must learn that we too can adapt and change for the better when we lighten our perspective and take self out of the equation and then in love we can go forward and progress towards the Light of Understanding.  Amen."

"Divine Spirit, please show us so that we understand those who are good souls and those who play us false, because so many of us never seem to learn this lesson and are continually abused by our family and friends.  Shine the light strongly so that we are in no doubts when we ask for guidance which way to go.  Amen."

"Please keep us ready for all eventualities as we progress through the Minefield of Uncertainty on this globe of existence.  We try and prepare ourselves for all material eventualities that we sometimes find that we neglect the spiritual security in this heaving world of every day life.  Help us to calm our storms of fear within, so that we can approach our spiritual and earthly responsibilities with equal balance and harmony.  Amen."

"Great Spirit, please show us strength and fortitude for those paths that we must tread and face our future together with those we love and share responsibilities with in order to do the best we can for all of us together.  The greater good is sometimes more difficult to see as we concentrate on the things nearer home in order to survive and find what peace we can in this negative and hostile world.  Amen."

"Divinity and Universal Force combined, we look to you to show us how we can best help ourselves as our path is according to our deeds and through that way we are known and counted.  We are afraid so often to step forward and be seen for who and what we are, so may we receive enough strength to put our very best foot forwards at all times and show that we can do it and for all the right reasons.  Amen."

"Help us to reach out from within ourselves to you who made us and who brought us to this plane of existence fully equipped to learn and to help those who came with us.  Unless we ignore ourselves within and your bounteous provision for our success we cannot fail, but sometimes we allow the dark clouds of ignorance to cover our judgement and so we are stranded.  Keep faith with us as we struggle to keep faith with what we know within us is the true reality of the life you gave us.  Amen."

"Almighty Divine Creator, who watches over us and develops the Greater Plan for Mankind to change his ways and see the requirements of all peoples before his own greed and lust, please develop us within our capabilities so that we can be assured that when we take that initial step forwards out of the darkness light will shine, so that we can follow and progress not just for a moment but for all time.  Amen."

"Now that another week is about to start and we must face up again to the rigours of existence through our work or simply by trying to make ends meet, help us to follow our chosen path according to Spiritual Law, so that we will not have to come to terms with our errors and have to make reparation before we can move on.  Amen."

"Help us to stand firm when the takers of this World malign us, because we do not do what they want of us.  We deserve to be hurt by our own errors and mistakes, but not at the hands of those who are hypocritical and only make friends to use them and take what they want without a single thought about what they do.  Let us hide our sorrow at their hands and ignore those who abandon goodness in others in order to build their self within their own mindsets.  Amen."

"Please allow us the opportunity to understand the realities of life and death and the workings of the Law, so that we know how and what we will have to face for our transgressions when are allowed to emerge from the darkness of our own ignorance, which we have made little attempt to clear through the enlightenment which is always on offer, if only we care enough to recognise it.  Amen."

"Divinity, Creator of the Universe and giver of the Laws by which all must run in smooth progression, if only Mankind could see the error of using his freewill against his own best long-term interests and realise that whatever he does against your Laws must be paid for in this World or the next according what is so and cannot be denied.  May we understand the truth and progress in harmony and share our enlightenment with all who wish to listen and understand the true reality of life and death.  Amen."