01 August 2015

Daily Thoughts for August 2015

“What is the point of paying lip service to the Greater Good and believe that a man can forgive your sins so that you can pass from this earth pure and unsullied?  We are all responsible for our actions and we will all have to answer for them.”

“When we have plenty we need to see how best it can be used to help others, who have less than they need.  Be sure everything goes to a good home and your gifts are not abused by greed and corruption.”

“Like the gentle drops of rain that sustain this earth and bring life support to all areas where it falls, we must harvest the goodness and not allow it to simply run away into the ocean and be lost to our environment in which we live.”

“The love vibration is soft and warm and makes a peaceful mind and heart respond in harmony to its surroundings.  It can never be created or destroyed, but it is always there if we want it enough to share it with all who need it.”

“Wait until you are sure that what you propose to do is to act in best interests of all concerned.  Like throwing a pebble into the lake, its repercussions will be felt far from the point of initial contact.”

“Taking another to a higher level of understanding is to serve the Higher Intelligence with your love and his wisdom.  Never feel ashamed to speak the truth as you see it, but be tolerant in listening to the truth as others see it.”

“Short term gain is usually only a matter of easy come, easy go.  You cannot build securely for the future on weak foundations and so it is better to make a long-term commitment and not just the easy fix.”

“Practice makes perfect they say, but that depends on your view point.  To practice to make things better for all is worthwhile, but to practice for personal gain alone is not going to lead to perfection, but in the long term a negative response.”

“What is the point in taking what we want for our own short-lived pleasures and leaving the cupboard bare?  To live for today without having anything to give to others is a short-sighted policy.”

“Goodness and righteousness can follow us all the days of our life we are told, but we must abide by these virtues and show them clearly in our thoughts and actions.”

“The only true belief is what you believe in your own hearts and minds.  It cannot be taught to you by others.  They can only point the way for you to develop your own relationship with the better world beyond this earth.”

“The messages that have been sent by good men and women do not arrive idly, but are brought through spiritual love from our Creator.  It is when people twist these to their own advantage that the damage is done.”

“The simplest thing is often the most beautiful creation and it is only when Man complicates it that it starts to lose its spiritual message.”

“We are not alone and all our actions and thoughts are heard and recorded to be exposed in the next life after we pass from this one.  Is it our arrogance that makes us think that we can get away with our bad behaviour?”

 “What is the matter with Mankind, who breaks all the Laws given by the Almighty and brings down the repercussions of its actions upon all people?”

“When you are alone in your own space and quietness you can reach beyond your own little world into the loving orbits of the next.  Ensure that you are ready to be received with love by cleansing your heart and mind, so that you are as pure as the driven snow.”

“We all need a time to rest and that applies to both the physical and the mental, so allow peace of mind to become your bedfellow and live only for the betterment of humanity as a whole.”

“Taking a prayer from the heart is the message of the mind to be sent out into the Universe and will be returned to you tenfold, so send only goodness and leave your negative thoughts out of the equation.”
“You are never truly without what you really need to sustain your life, as if you live in the right way that Our Lord Jesus Christ taught us then the Almighty will always provide what you need, but not always what you want!”
“Both giving and receiving bring great rewards to both parties and they are jointly blessed.”

“Take yourself away from the acts that sustain your own ego and allow yourself the luxury of doing good, because it is needed and you can do it.”

“The whole truth of love and happiness can be found in what you do for others.  It can be a hard life to burden yourself with, but in the end, when you have done all you can, you have nothing to reproach yourself about.”

“Violence is the weapon of the weak, who cannot resolve their issues without resorting to action of overpowering another into submission.  It is the humble who are strong in sustaining goodness.”

“Take a great leap of faith and know that you are not alone.  All around us is a loving energy brought from a world beyond our comprehension, but that doesn’t stop it being there.”

“To be allowed to open your heart to another is a sign of confidence that within you is a strength and power that can only come from the Almighty, who has the wisdom to choose where it can best be used.”

“Try to learn to forgive, because it is through the act of forgiving that success can come about, bringing with it love and harmony and that inner peace.”

“Go to the warmth of love in your heart and forgive all those who have done you harm.  It is not worth allowing your hate to corrupt your heart and mind.”

“Allow yourself the opportunities to help others and deny yourself the right to walk by on the other side.”

“To take more than you need is a crime against humanity.  To live with enough to sustain you is the rule of life, where everybody can benefit.”

“Take heed and allow yourself the luxury of right living.  As you follow Spiritual Law, so you will be blessed and rewarded.”

“Once one is happy then you have a life based on love.  Until you can differentiate between pursuing life for just oneself and giving happiness to others it will be a lonely life.”