01 April 2017

Daily Thoughts for April 2017

“Make yourself a promise to set time aside for yourself to rest and re-charge your batteries.  Of course it makes complete sense.”

“We all have a long way to go to understand the meaning of life and the way to live it for the best results.  Show your love and smile as you go through life, which will cheer others and uplift you soul.”

“It is important that we share our lives and our requests with all those who are lost and afraid.  We can’t care for everybody, but we can ask the Might of the Spirit or the Source of all things to bring them hope and show them the way to conquer their fears.”

“Fear and hatred are not emotions we are born with, but are induced by Mankind into the lives of all who come here.  We must make the emotions of love and harmony count above the rest and share them with all we meet and know.”

“We are all connected in many ways and are all a part of the greater family of created souls.  If we feel strongly about our own little family, why can’t we expand that to the Greater Good of all souls?”

“It is not wrong to ask ‘God’ to help us and to heal us.  Why do we think that it is wrong to ask for ourselves when we are in need?”

“If we really care about others, we must look ahead at our actions and see what the results are likely to be.  Then we have the choice as to whether or not to go ahead, knowing the likely outcome.”

“Love is the all-important emotion on this planet and yet so often we can see that others have never truly experienced it, but only think they have.  If they knew true love themselves, they wouldn’t hurt others so easily!”

“It is sometimes hard not to berate ourselves for the mistakes that we make.  The important thing is to see ourselves as others see us and to allow us the benefit of the doubt when we genuinely make a mistake.”

“If we are positive we will be more likely to succeed.  This is surely well known, so why do we not lift our vibrational energies to where they ought to be?”

“Even in the darkest hour there is enlightenment from those in the Spirit World who look out for us.  Our deceased friends and family help with their daily inputs, while our guides and their helpers show us our pathway.”

“Take a moment each and every day to open your mind to your Creator and ask for what you really need and not what you just want for yourself.”

“What is free comes from the Lord.  What Mankind trades in is all about corruption and greed, so where do we stand in unconditional love for those who need a hand up?”

“Enjoyment is the objective of life on this earth plane by finding happiness in the simplest things.  Don’t become trapped in the materialistic advertising of must have things that won’t bring happiness, just short term gain.”

“It is the elite that are the pinnacle of society, but is this because they are better and more considerate to the less fortunate than themselves or because they have more money?”

“We should not dismiss what we do not know or understand.  This is to concede our ignorance and so we will remain so until our passing when many things become possible.”

“We all need the balm of healing that the Almighty gives to us through the hands of Energy Healers.  It is their life’s work to give and ours to receive the energies of healing.”

“We all come to this earth plane of existence in innocence, but with a destiny to fulfil.  Some can feel it in their bones and will manage to do it.  Others sit back and won’t lift a finger to fulfil their promise.”

“Do you think to yourself, “I have done enough, leave it to others to carry on the work that needs doing?”  Can you ever stop your feeling of needing to see the job through?”

“To be at peace in one’s own mind is a mighty achievement.  Have you finished all you need to do and can therefore afford to just sit back?  There is always a little more that needs doing!”

“Waste not, want not is an old saying but nevertheless true today.  Material items are finite and cannot be simply created or destroyed at will, so use what you have wisely and let them last.”

“It is not wrong to feel a glow of satisfaction when you have given unconditionally.  That is the glow of the Almighty showing you that it was a good job well done.”

“Look out for ways to help those who struggle, but seek not rewards, because to give unconditionally is enough reward in itself.”

“Balance is the most necessary achievement we can attain.  Too much or too little calls for adjustment, as everything is required to be enough.”

“Every ray of sunshine is a gift from the Creator, as we bless what we have been given and seek to use them wisely.”

“Make sure that you ask that it may be given to you.  Seek and you will find.  Make an effort and see that you are rewarded for your achievements for the Greater Good and the individuals that you help along the way of life.”

“Look forward into the clear clean air ahead of us and see our future there.  We must be aware of it to fulfil it and not simply expect it to be given to us on a plate.”

“We are all looking for something in our lives and we must learn to ask for spiritual guidance to find it.  If it is in our best interests, it will appear when we take those first steps towards it.”

“Take another look at the glass and see if it half full or half empty!  It is through your own discernment that you will know the answer.”

“There is another completion of the circle, as we always see our lives as part of a similar pattern with circles completed and then moving on to the next one.”