01 December 2013

Daily Thoughts for December 2013

“The past has gone.  Look to the front and see where you are to go.  You choose that path by the way you live in the present and by learning from your mistakes of that past.  Learn to go boldly where it feels right and good for you.”

“Conscience is the way to tell the given road to go, because it is ‘God’s road map for life so we do not go astray, so why do we fall so often into traps that are set by greedy commercial rhetoric?”

“Do we always believe what Men tell us is the truth?  Can we discern ourselves what is right and what is wrong?  If we can, then why do we go so wrong?”

“Several places around the world are indeed on fire with the light and healing from On High.  If we could only find the way, but have we the courage to ask and blindly go where we are bid by the helpers from the Spirit World of Love?”

“Let the children be at peace and protected through their childhood from wickedness and vice.  Many are abused by the brainless, who were themselves abused and who cannot break the cycle unless they own up and are treated.”

“Think of the smallest and the weakest and know that they need to be loved and brought the mighty energies from a higher plane.  We can and should ask for the weak and vulnerable to be nurtured in unconditional love, so they may thrive against all the odds.”

“When we send out our thoughts, they are always heard and if sent in the right and just way, they will be answered as all prayers have always been, but in truth we will get what is best for us and not always what we want!”

“Justice is a great reward when one has suffered against the system and has been mowed down by the greater force without redress.  There are Higher Courts and Justice, if only we ask in the right way for our wounds to be addressed.”

“Such is life that some get all the breaks, while others seem fated to be always left behind, but in order to change the pattern, is it possible that we are ourselves the cause of our own misfortune, because we only think of our own wants and not those in greater need.”

“We bless the Creator for giving us light and warmth, but not all souls have comfort, as they have been removed from their homes by war or mighty weather, so let us send them our love and ask for the healing from their woes.”

“We are blessed, because we know that we are not alone and have good company on the road of life, but many are incarcerated or held against their will and have lost their freedom, so send out your thoughts for them that may be freed of their bondage and torture.”

“Just around the corner is a ray of hope and a light in the darkness of despair.  Lead others to see the light of freedom, as ‘The Lord’ shows you, so share it with others and brighten their lives with hope.”

“Make a point of saying today, “Please Lord, may I be worthy of a clean start, where I will consider others before myself and thank the Creator for my life and his love.”

“Take a new view of the world and see where you can help by sending out your thoughts in a positive way for peace and harmony to be given where there is extreme hopelessness.”

“We are never alone. What we can’t always see is what is guiding us along the road of life.  Is it thoughts from a better world or our own ego pushing us into trouble all the time?”

“Taking a broad look at life brings new horizons into focus, but hiding ourselves away in our own little box is to deny the Greater Presence beyond our comprehension.”

“We all need to take stock of who we are and who we think we are, because that is not always the same thing at all.”

“Take a new look at yourself, as you have been advised to do.  Would you befriend you, if you were a stranger on the road?”

“Treat your neighbour as yourself, was good advice.  If you want to receive help when you are short of that helping hand, it is as well to be in credit with those who hold the smiles of gratitude.”

“What you give out will always be returned to you in greater measure, so what is the point in sending out negative vibrations, such as fear and hate, when that is all you will receive in return.”

“Everything that we do is seen by a Higher Intelligence than our own.  How else can a balance be brought to the world by those who seek justice – Mankind is largely incapable these days of recognising it for himself?”

“Love must be unconditional if it is to be worthy of giving.  Those who expect to be rewarded will have their comeuppance sooner or later.  They will never get away with wrong living.”

“Nobody can escape the reaping of what they have sown, but those who are caught up in the woes of the world by accident, need to be given a helping hand by those of us who care for our fellow man.”

“Those who travel fastest, travel light and leave behind the trapping of a materialistic life.  We are provided with what we need, if we live and serve with the right intentions.”

“We cannot sleepwalk through life on earth and expect to be honoured on our arrival at the next port of call.  We have to help others and work for the Greater Good if we want to be seen as successful in the eyes of the Spirit.”

“Jesus told us that by our fruits we shall be known and this is true, because by the lightness in our aura, our accomplishments are shown – that is if we have done anything that is worth the harvest.”

“The light is always shown for our goodness and our negativity is always shown as our dark side.  Hence it is known as the Darkness of Ignorance”

“It is no wonder that when we pass to the next dimension we are naked to the gaze of others, who see through our aura what we are and what we have done.”

“Our auras can be seen and do act as a passport to where we have been and how we have treated our mind and body throughout our lifetime.”

“We all are oblivious of what we look like as a spirit form to others, who are privileged to be able to see clairvoyantly if we are living in the right and proper way.”

“Take a new look at yourself and realise that this is how others see you and then you can decide if this is how you want to be seen.”

01 November 2013

Daily Thoughts for November 2013

“Thank you for my life and love and I thank you that I have some understanding of the truth.  If there was no spirit within me, I would surely die, as there is nothing that excels as the greatest gift to humanity than the chance to feel and experience all the emotions in life that others feel and need to rise above them by the salvation that can only come from On High, above my own inadequacies.”

“Take away the pain Lord.  We deserve it through our folly.  If we fail to learn from what we feel, then we are lost and crying out to take away our punishment will not save us from the same mistake the next time it comes round.”

“We must never miss an opportunity to do something that will make life better for those we love or even those we do not know, because we are all connected, so who is our neighbour Lord?”

“To be a little spark in the fire of creation is better than being a damp squib and failing to make a difference for the better because we came.”

“We must never miss the beauty of life and being.  Once we pass by the sunrise and overlook the little flower on our pathway, we have lost the divinity of appreciation that was placed in us to know our place in the Greater Existence of Life.”

“What Mankind has done for himself alone has brought this world to almost the end of its existence in as much as Man can exist in unison with this earth.  The globe will survive without Mankind and heal from his excesses, but Mankind cannot exist without the earth and all its treasures.”

“Taking a life is impossible, because life is everlasting.  However to attempt to take what God has created in love and harmony is a sin that we shall have to atone for and must be punished until we see our faults.”

“Keep on going until the end is reached and then we shall understand that this life is but the overture and we have reached the very beginning of our mighty work with all that we need to practice with prefect accord, if we are truly ready.”

“Great is the path to glory, but we should not walk it alone.  It is for those who achieve greatness and to do what we must do to use all the help that we deserve through our exploits for the Greater Good.”

“Being given the basic needs of life and many more comforts besides, we must be especially aware of the needs of others, because we are not given just for ourselves, but to share them with our fellow man, woman and child.”

“Just about now is always a good time to stop and see where you are going.  Are you still on the right path to get to your destination and is it the right place for you at this time?”

“Never rush in where angels fear to tread, but be sure that the help you proffer is desired by the recipient and that they are not made to feel beholden to you because of your generosity.”

“What a difference you can make to your very mind-set by allowing it to hinge on the goodness that others need to even go on and by directing their fulfilment without seeking your own reward.”

“Go to the highest peak of fulfilment and make a difference.  If you only aspire to the lower hills, then will your progress even be noticed?”

“What a difference a little time can made if we set it aside to commune with the silence and to allow another voice to speak instead of ours, which so often is too monotonous for any ear other than our own.”
“Give thanks unto the Lord.  He is always watching over us and deserves our gratitude, but we must earn his love and his respect, so that we can achieve together much greater things than we can do alone.”

“Gifts are given according to our merit, so we must use them well for the right reasons to give the greatest spread of their values over the greater land and to the greatest number of souls, who can benefit from our kindness and repay the generosity that we received.”

“The direction of our lives is often in our own hands, because we choose it to be so.  However, if we ask for spiritual guidance in the right and proper way, we will be guided to a more deserving road and will make better headway.”

“We, who are loved, are pleased to give to others who may not feel the same, because of their mistakes and errors or simply that they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.  We can afford to be generous.”

“Just to be in the light of understanding is to make us live in a higher and more positive vibrational energy, so that we can progress towards a heavenly state that is within us and safe from all harm.”

“What makes us great?  Is it ourselves and our achievements or is it doing the tasks that are appointed to us with a happy heart knowing that we did the right and proper thing?”

“It is a lonely life to be without the inner peace that comes from knowing that we are looked after by a greater Presence than we can fully understand – trust is enough though.”

“Let us take a new look at what we are striving for and make a greater effort to achieve it, because alone we cannot make any headway, but, when we ask for help from the Spirit, we can and do make much greater strides.”

“We are all given gifts beyond our deserving, because otherwise we would receive nothing, as our puny efforts always fall below the Divine.”

“If you are happy to be with others who live in love with all creation, then why don’t you find that special spark above and beyond your comprehension, which is the very life itself that you were given?”

“If you empty your mind concerning a Higher Presence than yours, so will your life also be emptied and you must always struggle on alone.”

“You were born in love with a Higher Principle to uphold, so you must always remember that as you were given love, so must you give love to all who come and all who need it.”

“Take time out to consider why you are here and what you have come to do; it you never consider that you have a place and a destiny, how then can you ever fulfil them?”

“To lose a love is to no longer hold them close, but they are not so far away and will in good time come close again, if you still honour them as before.”

“Grieve not for few will grieve for you, when they live on and miss you still, but can see your pain and send you love, so thank them and be brave moving on with life.”

02 October 2013

Daily Thoughts for October 2013

“Just around the corner in the shadows of our fear, we put all our dreads and failures.  It is better to leave them out in the sunshine and see them for what they are – much smaller and more manageable in the global light of day.”

“‘Joy in the morning’ is a cry made the night before when one hopes the rising of the sun brings another day with a newness of spirit.  However, it is for us to take advantage of it and not leave it all to chance.”

“Take another look at the day ahead and leave nothing undone that can be done.  It must all be done properly, but leaving matters unfinished usually leaves loose ends that cannot always be gathered up again.”

“Life is all about being prepared and trusting.  We must always do our homework and always know that if we are true then goodness will come out in our favour, when that time is right.”

“Just around the corner is something that we cannot see, so we should live in hope that it will be good for us and not dread that it will be our undoing.  The more positive we are, the more we can cope with whatever is there for us.”

“Just before we decide on what we should do, have we all the facts that we need at our disposal.  It is better to ask for guidance from the Higher Intelligence and know what we should do rather than wish we had when we went the wrong way and can therefore only blame ourselves.” 

“Short is our time to achieve things that matter, so it is better to take our time before jumping to conclusions, which will have enormous consequences if we get it wrong.”
“Again we pause and settle down.  There is too much rush and tear, but if you have made time to come here for this daily thought, you are commanding some time out for yourself and that is always good.” 

“Now take a deep breath and pause.  Every morning and before starting something new, it is a good idea to do this and balance oneself, before taking that important step forwards.”

“It takes someone to start a movement to lead others the right way and then more will follow, but if nobody starts, then nothing can ever be achieved.”

“We owe it to all those who we love to behave well for them and by setting a good example we can reduce the tide of bad examples that are being copied around the world.”

“Behaviour is so often copied and those who behave badly pass on this behaviour to the next generation, who know little else, but to copy and repeat the bad examples of others.”

“When we were children we trusted in the bigger people, but today so often they are let down and have their childhood’s lost by the bad behaviour of adults.  We must do all we can to protect those who cannot protect themselves.”

“What does it do to others people to see us make wrong decisions and profit from our fellow man.  Too many see the example that we set and think that it is therefore acceptable, so we must lead by the correct example.”

“We must remember to take responsibility for our own position in life.  It is no good blaming others all the time.  We have to get out of it through our own efforts and not others.”

“If we all treated each other as we would like and expect to be treated ourselves, the whole pattern of humanity would change and harmony could start to rule our peaceful daily lives.”

“What we tend to forget is that there is a Higher Justice and that we are on this planet for a relatively short period of time, so we mustn’t delay, but emphasis our focus on what is right and just and to implement it into our daily lives.”

“The peoples of the world must stand up for their rights and their right to be governed according to the rule of law.  If that law is not applicable it must be changed by the will of the people.”

“We must take a responsible attitude and make sure that Governments around the world consider the people and their natural livelihoods rather than their own images and their full pockets of the taxpayers’ money.” 

“This bountiful earth has given us all so much and now it needs time to recuperate and heal.  We cannot go on taking from it as a right, because right is not on our side anymore.”

“No longer can we stand back and blame others for the mess that this world is in.  We all wanted more than was due to us without thinking about the global consequences and now they are catching up with us.”

 “However much we do, there is always more that needs doing.  We have never fulfilled our destiny until we leave this body and move on to access our achievements.” 

“When we chose a life on this earth plane of existence, we came to make a difference for the good of humanity.  Have we so easily forgotten the worthwhileness of helping our fellow man and standing up for what is justice?”

 “We can’t expect an easy life of having everything on a plate without us having to lift a finger.  Anything worth having has to be earned and then it is worth having and appreciated.”

“There are times in this life, when blood has to be spilt in order to save what is precious to us.  To many, this is freedom and worth fighting for, as others have had to do in the past.”

“If we stand back as a nation and allow the dictators of this world to walk all over humanity for their own gains, then we deserve our fate unconditionally.”

“It is not for us to simply give up and say nothing, as that is condoning the action and we will have to pay the price for doing so.  If we can’t do anything physical, we can at least send out thoughts to the Higher Source for help.”

“Mankind has let slip its moral guard and allowed atrocities to happen all around the world.  Are we condoning all of this by simply burying our head in the proverbial sand?”

“Just because higher sources say it’s the right thing to do, isn’t necessarily so.  We have to take collective responsibility for life as it affects us and those around us and to know in our hearts and minds whether it is right or not.”

“It is not for us to simply give up and say nothing, as that is condoning the action and we will have to pay the price for doing so.  If we can’t do anything physical, we can at least send out thoughts to the Higher Source for help.”

“Now take a break and let the light in for a few moments.  When the batteries of life become over used they need a time of re-charging and we need to refocus by resetting our priorities.”

01 September 2013

Daily Thoughts for September 2013

“Take a look at what you need and see what you can spare to do without and offer it to those who may be grateful for some benefits from your cast-offs, but do it gently and with feeling least they be ashamed.”

“Take a new thought today and let it contain love for all men, women and children, who struggle daily for their human rights.  We are not alone and all are linked in one way or another, so we must ask for them, while we prosper in so many ways.”

“As the sun shines down on us, we should be grateful that we are protected from its heat and glare.  There are so many who lack our blessings and go burnt and wrinkled in their daily life.”

“To give thanks for our food, water and shelter, should be our daily thought to the Universe.  Few do so and so there are many who don’t deserve their blessing, while many go without.”

“See around the world, so many people who are so much worse off that we are.  We must always remember how blessed we are and to give thanks for it.”

“Just about now is always a good time to stop and reflect on where one is going and what one has achieved so far in this lifetime.”

“Justice can be given by anyone if they can truly see what is right and what is wrong.  However they need to understand that they are never the final arbiter and judgment comes to all of us eventually.”

“Right is like the truth, it may depend on where you are standing.  Always be prepared to see if someone else is standing in a better place to observe it and give tolerance and rite of passage where it’s needed.”

“Take a moment to stop and look around to see all that you are missing by the rush a tear of the life you have chosen for yourself.  What you are missing may be the balm of balance to see the world as a living and loving thing.”

“True justice is the balance of right and wrong put back into perfect harmony.  Notice who broke the balance in the first place and see the restoration of Spiritual Law throughout the Universe.”

“Nearly all of life goes floating by and we don’t notice the natural craftsmanship of it all, because we only sometimes see the material man had fashioned and not what has been created without him.”

“What a beautiful sunrise can do to the start of our day, but we need to be ready to observe it and to dwell on the perfect colouring of another day of life given freely to us to enjoy.”

“In the silence of our own heart and mind we can hear things that are blocked out by the rush and tear of modern life.  To hear ourselves and to be guided we must make the effort to be available and to listen well.”

“We need to be prepared for all that can go wrong and then if we see it coming we can stand aside.  It is no good fearing the worst, but watching out for it is a wise thing to do.”

“Just about to be, is how we need to see life, as if we act as though things will happen to us, then we won’t be found lacking when they do.”

“Give all that you can and share what else you have, so that then you will never be in want.  It is those who fear to lose what they have that get tied up in a selfish spiral and cannot ever be happy.”

 “Love without conditions is the way we were taught to act, but it is rare to find and when you find it, treasure it above all other emotions and feelings as it may never come again.”

“Love is the foundation of all goodness and is that balance between one side of the scales and the other.  It can never be true love if it is unbalanced, as someone is taking more than they are giving.”

“Love and harmony are true essentials to a happy and a sustainable life.  Have you ever managed to have one without the other?”

“Gone are the days of not knowing where to find out how to live your life.  There are so many who are keen to tell you, but who tells them?  Have they really never made a mistake?”

“Take a breath of fresh air before you make that move not afterwards and you will find it is much easier to do.”
“Just about now there is a lull that you need to appreciate.  Life rarely goes flat out all the time and if it does you are missing out on the scenery and the reason for living.”

“Taking up a point at a time is more rewarding than rushing to find a solution and then missing the point of why it is the right one.”

“Time spent in silent contemplation usually makes the right course of action clearer.  Rushing to make decisions can lose the correctness of the direction that one needs to observe.”

“What a lot of noise some people make about nothing very much at all.  It is as though they need to let off steam and they don’t care who hears them.”

‘The early bird catches the worm,’ they say, but very few have got up earlier enough to see if it’s true.  What is true is that each and every action has a correct time to be perfect and that is more important.”

“Being a steady plodder does have some advantages unless you are too slow to get there in time, in which case you need to start earlier!”

“Going too fast shows a determination to get somewhere, but is it worth the extra wear and tear on the system?  Often it takes the same time by going at a steady and sustainable pace.”

“Just around the corner is a surprise as you can’t see it until you get there, so slow down or you could miss it altogether!”

“Just wait a moment to see where you are going, as it will take you much longer if you take a wrong turning.  Life is full of deliberate acts, so always make sure you know where you are going and why.”

01 August 2013

Daily Thoughts for August 2013

“Whether we live in the desert or in the valley of plenty, we must share our gifts to enable others who are in despair to benefit and let the understanding bring tolerance on both sides.”

“Joy and the ringing of the bells is a happy country experience, where the fields are green and the animals are well fed and we are in love. However it does not always apply to everybody at the same moment, so we must be generous and see the greater picture.”

“Moving through life from day to day can be a hazardous business, so we must always ask the Higher Intelligence for advice and guidance and remember that it is us that get it wrong not that Higher Source.”

“Take another look.  Did you get it right or had someone moved the goalposts?  We all have to be aware that the display in life is ever moving and we must always be ready to adjust our aims and our fulfilment.”

“Just about there, at the other end of the day, is a piece of silence in perfect harmony, which calls out in thought that you have had a good day and done well.”

“The ups and downs of everyday life are simply there so that we can appreciate the difference.  How can we ever know happiness unless we have experienced the pain and misery of the other side of the coin?”

“Let the great bells ring in tune, so all can hear and understand the greatness of their tones.  It is not the Church that is great, but the campanologists who made them in love and harmony.”

“Which of all Creation is the greater in beauty?  We cannot really choose, as all creation is magnificent and fills a purpose, if only we can see it.”

“It is the Higher Intelligence who watches all that we do and sees our puny efforts to succeed.  If we try enough in the right way we will succeed with higher help and understanding or are we too arrogant to do it their way?”

“The lack of water throughout the world causes so much hardship and dictates so much policy.  Elsewhere there are always floods and excessive amounts of water bring their own problems.  Can’t we manage it better with all Man’s technology?”

“Take eat and be merry they say!  Remember always that so many don’t have enough to be merry as they find that there is so little to eat.”

“Give all the love you can to all you meet and see how so many souls will give their love to you.  Giving and receiving are the different sides of the same coin, so both parties gain.”

“To take the right road is a necessary path of learning.  If we don’t we still learn by our mistakes, so it isn’t all bad, just a little more painful.”

“We are the chosen ones, made beautiful and loved, but can we see ourselves beyond that cloak of negativity?”

“Take a leaf out of an old book and see the wisdom in it.  In today’s books, there is much flash and little substance, because it has to get published quickly to make that buck rather than contemplating the truth over a lifetime.”

“Just a minute, did I see a flash of understanding and that a light bulb moment showed me all that I had missed all this time?  When we are blessed with understanding we must say, “Thank you” for it.”

“Let us look hard and long at our lives and see if we are here to serve or to be served.  It is only the former that will take us to that place of goodness that we have earned in the world to come.”

“The choice is always ours as to which way we go and what decision is out in front of us.  We may think that we are forced to go one way regardless of right or wrong, but there is always an alternative.”

“We are not alone and often are we told this, but do we really believe in the spiritual support system that is there for our benefit or do we feel that we are better and can do without it?”

“Look aside and see what you are passing by and make sure that you don’t leave anybody wanting by the roadside.  We all need that helping hand.”

“Take a new look at the way you are going and make sure that it is the way that you want to go.  Nobody else can turn you if you are determined to carry on in the way you are going.”

“The holy way of life comes not from the religious, but from the good and charitable.  How much are the Elders of Religion in debt with their balance sheets?”

“Just around the corner is another opportunity or another gift.  Which we get depends on our expectations and our past demeanour.”

“We hold our heads high when we are confident and sure of ourselves, but it is a good example to others to see that we are at least looking where we are going and not watching our own footfalls.”

“To love is to hold positive vibrational energy and it can never exist in the negativity of depression or unhappiness.  Remember that giving is always done in love and not expectation.”

“May our understanding always be in the light of knowing what is right and what is wrong, so that our actions follow the right way and do not deliberately hurt others.”

“We are never alone and we must look to the Spirit who guides us.  That Spirit comes not from religion, but is our own Conscience and is within us all, but guided by the Higher Intelligence.”

“To follow another is to always be behind.  It is better to be the leader and make the right choices, so that others can do the following.”

“We make our own good fortune according to the way that we act and think.  Remember that it is our thoughts and actions that make us who we are.”

“See your opportunities come in for your advancement when you make the right choices.  There are no problems, only opportunities to progress.”

“Let us all be aware that we are not alone in life on Earth and that we are always helped and watched over according to what we deserve.”

01 July 2013

Daily Thoughts for July 2013

“Just as everything comes to an end, so there is a new beginning and all matter and all life continues.  Never did creation extinguish what was made, but simply reproduced it in a better form.”

“Justice for all is a common cry, but who of us are truly worthy to administer it?  Many put themselves forward, but fail as soon as they open their mouths as they forget to engage brain before they speak.”

“A sweetness in the air is a joy for all, but how many walk on by and are too busy to receive the goodness that is available to those who spare a moment to be blessed and loved by the Great Divine.”

“When we feel that we are neglected and don’t have the gifts and freebies that we deserve, then perhaps we should look to ourselves and, in all honesty, see if we are really worth it when seen through another’s eyes.”

“Healing is a good and positive energy that is available to us all.  All we have to do is to ask for it in the right and proper way, showing respect and love. If we deserve it and have earned it, then it will be given to us.”

“When something comes to you that you know is instinctively right, hold on to it.  Write it down and put it somewhere safe.  We all need a safe place for all those things that we cannot afford to lose or forget.”

“Take a deep breath and hold it.  Let it out slowly and, as you do, listen for that knowledge that is always given from within, so that you know exactly what you have to do.”

“Just take a second look and see that first impressions are usually right, if we act leaving our wants aside and only dealing with what we need.  If we are greedy we will certainly get it wrong!”

“Just about now there is a definite decision that we have to make and that has been put off for far too long.  Deal with it using our best feeling and we will be surprised and delighted by the outcome if we acted honestly.”

“The main way forwards is the straightforward progression by way of seeing what is ahead and dealing correctly with it.  It is no use hiding to the side hoping that it will go away, because then we have failed to address our own future.”

“We must learn to understand human behaviour without judging it, least we too are judged.  It is enough to understand what is right for us to do and to do it without complaint.”

“We have to understand that there is right and there is wrong.  There are no in-betweens, because the grey areas of life are all man-made and we either live in the light or in the darkness of ignorance.”

“Simplicity is a wonderful thing and the Laws of the Universe are simplicity itself.  It is only Mankind making excuses and exceptions that makes it all so difficult and complicated.”

“Some of us are struggling to understand our place in the world and although we know what we are meant to do, we simply can’t find the way to make a big enough difference.  Keep looking and we will find it is there.”

“Why do we all doubt our place in the scheme of things?  We are placed here to learn how to help each other and yet whenever we are tested we fail to get top marks.”

“Goodness is still available to us all, although looking at the world at large it is difficult to understand how little of it is showing.”

“Take another page from the teachings of the Lord and see how right they always are, no matter how old they may be.  The technology may change, but the hearts and minds of Mankind never seem to. ”

“We must all be aware that there is never any profit in behaving badly, as it will always come back and haunt us.  Always we reap what we sow.”

 “Let us all be aware that we are unable to balance everything correctly in our lives without help and guidance.  It is no use expecting people around us to do this for us, as the divine within us is the only source that is available to us and that is why it was put there.”

 “Justice is the reparation of an unbalanced action.  It brings things back into equilibrium, so that the scales are neither tipped one way nor the other and everything is in perfect harmony again.”

“Just a moment!  Did you really think that you could get away with that and nobody saw you?  Are you really that naïve to think that you are alone and nobody cares what you do?  Think again.”

“Let yourself be guided by the energies within you.  No one is trying to harm you or to distract you.  You only fail when you wonder what others will think about what you do – you already know the answer.”

“Take another look and see that you are right and that you cannot ignore your calling.  We are called many times a day and can progress as long as we don’t turn away out of selfish motives. ”

“Something that caught your eye was put there so that you could be motivated and see what you needed to do in your life and then move on.  Nothing is there by coincident, but always by design.”

“Look for what you can do for others and then you will be able to act and feel that accomplishment of achieving something without the need to be rewarded as the action will be its own reward.”

“What is not disturbed, lies awaiting some reason for taking action, so if you are not motivated by some incident then you will remain moribund and your live will all be for nothing.”

“Take the cue from the Higher Intelligence and know that you are not alone, but one blessed with the knowledge and wisdom of great things, if only you have the courage to use them.”

“When you walk in the darkness you have to carry all that negativity, but when you walk in the light there is a spring in your step.”

“Now you can start living in the real world and be yourself for the good of all humanity and the blessing of all those who strive to serve for the Greater Good.”

“Take away the darkness and there is what you really are.  There is no need to hide yourself away because you were made beautiful.  It is only that they couldn’t see it before.”

“Go into the bright light and see what is all around you, which you cannot see in the darkness and have been afraid to see the truth before now.”