01 January 2013

Daily Thoughts for January 2013

“So much for our best intentions, where we found wanting and did we care?  We must all stop and think before it is too late and there is no more enough to sustain us in our lives, because, like grains of sand, we have let it all slip through our fingers.”

“Let us all come together and repeat our love for those who are close to us, while realising that the love of those we do not know shape our future, as our needs stretch well beyond ourselves.”

“We are all attached in one way or another to each other and yet we act in our own interests and without caring for those around us, who we will hurt if we are not wary of it.”

“Time is running out and if we don’t change our ways and wants there will be nothing left, but misery and dishonesty to show that we came and achieved nothing worthy of comment.”

“Take a stand and bring loving thoughts out to the Universe to stop Mankind from raping and pillaging all that he was given to exist with for his benefit, so much of which he is now destroying for all time.”

“Let us open our eyes to the harm that is being done to this world in our name and stop the madness before there is no future for our children, let alone their children.”

“Giving out our thoughts each day for the betterment of this crazy world of mixed messages and signals is a way of inviting divine help to purify the unsure and greedy, whose negativity affects us all and keeps us down.”

“Let us live our lives in such a way that they can be examined by the highest and most noble, who have ever lived on earth and not be found wanting.  It is hard, but we must try.”

“As the mountains rise up in beauty and awe before our very eyes, we must know that their strength and durability is a reminder to us all that we are everlasting and must live each moment knowing that it will be forever visible to all we meet.”

“Equality is almost an unknown word throughout the peoples of this Earth.  Until all men and women learn its true meaning and act out their lives through it, there will be no peace or happiness.”

“Take the hand that is proffered to you in love and honesty and therefore give your reassurance that there is an understanding that must never be broken on either side of the bargain.”

“To give is a delight and to receive is a blessing and we must not refuse either or it breaks the cycle and leaves both the giver and the receiver alone and lost without understanding and love.”

“Deep in our hearts there is a beautiful creation, which is the very centre of all that we possess and need.  It is the divine spark, which makes us holy and trustworthy, so that we can be a success in all that matters.”

“Let us rejoice!  We are alive and loved, so what can we give back to our Creator?  We can give the most precious thing we have and that is our love and gratitude to that Force of Creation and Wisdom.”

“It is advisable to always take a deep breath before we make that important move into the future.  It sustains the body with a little extra energy and soothes the mind with a calming and sustaining nature.”

“Taking a plunge can be a good way to go, but we have to look ahead first and beware of rocks below the surface that we cannot always see, because we will feel them if we get it wrong.”

“Just as angels were made to touch our hearts and give loving guidance to believers and those in peril, so we are chosen to give a helping hand to the needy and then we will be helped along when we need that extra something.”

“Everything is a learning curve and nothing that happens is wasted.  We can learn from our experiences here on the earth plane or we can wait until we pass, but we must face them and be the better in the long run.”

“In taking the waters of healing and keeping to an honest road through each and every day, you are equipped to be counted with the angels, who guide and love you through all that besets you.”

“Take another look at yourself in the mirror and see the beauty in the eyes and your well-being.  Look past the wrinkles of experience and be pleased that you have survived so much.”

“Take the right road and see the brightness ahead that guides and freshens the approach to the future, which is always ahead and must be acknowledged.”

“Now let the veil fall over the disfigured memories of the past and look forward to a future of beauty and love for all things created equal in the eyes of the Lord.”

“Peace for the world is a common cry by the people, but not for the politicians who are hungry for power and who seek ways of getting it without thinking of their people who they represent.”

“Go to the mountain and see Mohammad there waiting for you, so that each and every negative can be turned into a positive, if you believe enough.”

“By taking away the old and the worn out we can replace ourselves with the new and fit for purpose me and, by believing that it is so, will bring it about.”

“Let us take each step at a time and not rush into the space ahead before we are ready to cope with all that is waiting there.  We must be perfect for the perfect time in the perfect place as we can be.”

“Give unto others what we wish for ourselves and we shall be blessed.”

“To take advantage of the goodness around us, we must first remove the bad and outdated negativity that holds us down, so let the light and love lift us away into the positive, so we may rejoice.”

“Let the people sing and let their joyous voices proclaim that we are loved, guided and progressed in God’s good service through helping others and being cheerful and positive to all we meet.”

“To many, today is just another day, but to those who love the world it is a day of spring and revitalisation, so send out your love to all places that you know are in need.”

“Let us begin as we mean to go on and let our light shine out to others that we are here to love and help all those in need.”