01 April 2014

Daily Thoughts for April 2014

“The last shall be first and the first shall be last makes complete sense if we follow the scriptures handed down to us and research their meaning in our own lives.”

“We must be grateful for what we have and not moan for what we want.  The Higher Intelligence knows what we can safely deal with, so we must earn enough respect to receive what we may wish for silently.”

“The gifts from ‘The Almighty’ are great indeed, but we still have to earn them and then use them wisely or they may be taken away.”

“It will do us no good looking back and wishing we had lived differently.  We made our choices at the time and so we must always make the best of what we have and be grateful that we have them.”

“Taking the right road is not just a matter of making a choice, but seeing that that way lies your salvation and the Greater Good for all you meet and can help along that pathway.”

“Starting as you mean to go on is a good thought, but adjustments have to be made along the way or no progress can be made.  It is no use being blind to the better way of being”

“This is the most important time of your life.  It is the now that you are in.  The past is done with and you are shaping your future today, so get it right and heed all your inner self can help you with – you know it makes sense!”

“To be in demand makes you a busy person, but without a priority list you can still get it all wrong, so do your more important duties first and give unto God what is God’s and give unto Man what is Man’s.”

“If everybody you love loved you, then life would be a dream.  So do your best to spread unconditional love and see the returns that you have earned by your love bringing happiness and fulfilment.”

“Tomorrow is another day and cannot be lived today, so relax and get ready for what is to come and then know you have done your best and ask that the Greater Good will be fulfilled.”

“Justice is a human right, but we don’t always get it, so remember that all is seen by higher levels of intelligence that ours and so justice will prevail, here or in the next dimension – but it will!”

“If we want to be happy and we are truthful, we can make it happen by always trying not to step on anybody else’s toes, unless they tread on ours when we will have to take our own responsibility to put things right.”

“What will it be like when we have all our friends and relations around us and those we love?  It should be wonderful if we all made the right choices!”

“Take another check before you make that decision and see if you aren’t being told the right way to go.  We all have a built in radar system – it’s called our conscience, our gut feeling.”

“Now great things are possible if you ask for help from the Greater Intelligence.  After all he has been running the show for long enough to know better that you do!”

“Take away the past and allow the present to be your guide.  You can’t change the past, but you can change the future by how you act today.”

“Just because you can doesn’t mean that you should.  Think before you act.  Is it in the Greater Good or just in yours?”

“As the seasons change we must remember that everything is but a cycle of events created so as to ensure that wherever we are, life is sustainable and will blossom to fulfil our needs.”

“Take another look and see what is right under your very nose.  So often we are busy looking far away into the future and we miss just how blessed we really are in the present.”

“The sweetness of the honey is a stored delight for those who have a sweet tooth, but remember just how many bees labour to give you your pleasure.”

“Giving is a natural offering of sharing everything that we have through good times and bad times.  When it is required, it can make another’s life light up with joy and they know that they are not unloved or without blessings.”

“A smile is an illumination of what we are really like inside.  Be sure that it stems from our eyes or we will be blind to the reality of love.”

“Why do people fail to understand that some of us are pleased to help others just because we can and not for what we can get out of it.”

“Justice is an ugly word if we do not get it!  We must remember that if we are just then injustice will be kept from our door.”

“Just as the birds and the flowers are decorated to fulfil their purpose, so are we illuminated by the good deeds that we do.  We must never forget that we are always seen for what we do and what we fail to accomplish.”

“Go out into the sunshine and feel its warmth on our skin and know that we are loved and that we are never alone to fathom out the difficulties of everyday life.”

“To expect reward for giving to others who are in need of assistance is to pave the way for our arrogance to be returned to us many times over.”

“Never forget that we all need help at some time or another.  If we can’t be bothered to help each other, why should there be help for us?”

“Mankind has lost its way through the misdirection of religion and the temptations of the material goodies.  Nevertheless the love of our creator is still there to help you if you ask sincerity for the right guidance in your life. ”

 “Get yourself into the power of the Lord, so that you can receive unconditional love and wisdom in your life.  Nowhere else is it in so much abundance.”