01 May 2020

Daily Thoughts for May 2020

“Remember all who didn’t get through these last ten weeks, but who are now safe in the next world without pain and live in love.  Know that they are still close to those who still love them.”

“As the Lock Down eases and normality is there to reach out for again, give thanks to all who kept you save.”

“Take a day off for yourself to be healed by the Power that is given to all souls who ask with their generosity of the Spirit.”

“Be patient and await the moment that God has decided is the right moment for lift off.  It is always in God’s time and never in Man’s time.”

“Let honesty prevail. No one can live except in the truth, because lies will always find you out sooner or later.”

“Follow the guidelines in life and think about the consequences if you don’t.  We need to be mindful of the needs of others.”

“Let God’s creative beauty shine out through us all to show that we love the creativity all around us and wish to share it with others.”

“Take the positive road and do not be caught up in the clouds of negativity that hold us back.”

“When we are given responsibilities, we must show that we have the moral and mental capacity to live up to them.  We must not take advantage for our own personal gain.”

“Use this extra time to expand your mind into the positive spiritual vibrations and bring about balance from the negative.”

“Be at peace with yourself and understand the failings of others.  Send out your thoughts to the Universe that they may be shown the best way to improve themselves.”

“Be grateful for all the good things that you have.  Some are earned, but many are given from On High.  Learn to use them well.”

“Take a deep breath as you start your day and thank God that you have another day to live.  Life isn’t endless, as we are so often reminded these days.”

“Remember that the vulnerable are still at risk.  Many old and unwell people are still afraid of contracting the virus and need to be loved and understood.”

“Enjoy the taste of freedom as it is slowly returned to you.  However, remember that many are still frightened to go out, as the risk of catching the Coronavirus is still there.”

“Take the opportunity to listen to the spiritual advice that is freely given to you when you meditate free from distraction.  Your Spirit Guides and Helpers are always there for you, even if you are not always there for them.”

“Look to the mighty heavens above and see the light of healing being given to humanity all over the world.  Be positive and see the good in all things.”

“As signs of normality start to show around the world, ask yourselves what we have learned and what is for the best?”

“Give unto God what is God’s and give unto Man what is due to man.  Let love guide you and keep you true.”

“Let us find kindness in our hearts to all those who are not as well blessed as we are.”

“Allow the mercy of God the Father to be sent through our prayers to all who are in need of forgiveness.”

“Now we need to give thanks that we are still alive and have been protected from the negativity of the Coronavirus.  There is a long way to go before we are safe, but our Creator will look after us, if we are positive and genuine in our love.”

“Sense the changes that are happening around the world, as the movement of positive energies start to take hold over the negative.  There are good signs of progress towards a happier future.”

“Continue to send out your prayers into the Universe, so that they are picked up by the Spirit Guides and they will allow your needs and the needs of others who you pray for.”

“As the light at the end of the tunnel appears to be closer, allow yourself some hope.  Do not try to go too quickly but ease into the newer way of working and living.”

“Continue to pray for the state of the nation and the world.  There is still much to and we cannot do it alone.”

“There has been abundant help for those who have asked for it.  This has come from the kind hearts of people and spiritual guidance of those who love us.”

“As we start our seventh week of lock down, get into the routine of speaking out to the Spirit Guides and saying what we need.  The Almighty doesn’t forget us, but with our free will we have to ask.”

“Allow your future to be secure in the certain knowledge that your Creator loves you and wants the best for you.  Do you want to do your best for the greater good?”

“However great your goal may be, be positive and go for it.”

“Keep calm and carry on. There are signs emerging that there is light at the end of the tunnel if we allow our spiritual and positive thoughts to go out into the Universe.”