31 December 2010

Prayers for December 2010

"Now that another year is closing and another cycle of life is almost over, help us to know in our hearts and minds that life is eternal and that we live in our own responsibilities of good or error until we have adjusted to the balance of justice to all whose paths touched ours.  Amen."

"We ask that we are shown our path and just how we are measuring up to the reasons why we were brought to this earth plane and what we need to do ourselves to ensure the straightness of our direction.  Keep us diligent in your Laws of Life.  Amen."

"As we consider our places in this world of human existence, may we be directed to show ourselves in the teachings of the prophets, who were sent to lead us by their words and their example.  Many good men and women were asked to come to us through many ages and so often Mankind closed their ears and carried on with their own enjoyment.  Let us listen and be seen by the light of what we are.  Amen."

"Help us to live in accord with what is best for us in spiritual terms and not to always cling to what is materially to our advantage.  Most of us have enough and it is only our uncertainty and fears that cause us to always want more just in case and this means that there is less for others.  Amen."

"Let us consider the old and the infirm as the charity of the Churches Anniversary of the birth of Jesus has been celebrated throughout the Christian world, but all peoples are the creation of the Father and all need to look with tolerance and love on their fellows.  May we especially give help and love to the elderly as we must all expect to be old one day.  Amen."

"May we keep our resolve of Christmas where there was goodwill and hope of happiness and true feelings of love within our family and to our neighbours and our fellowman.  Let not the lights go out within us as the heavier vibrations so often come in and tolerance is not shown as the lighter energies get crushed by the controlling and selfishness of the few.  Amen.

"Mighty Father, who sent The Master Jesus to come down to this earth plane to teach us the way to live our life and have our being with each other, please allow the goodness of this Festival to spread throughout the year and be there for all people of all belief systems, colours and creeds forever more.  Amen."

"Lead us now into the light that shines forth the goodness of all that is so that we can perceive and be perceived as doing your will and allow the blessings that are earned by our behaviour towards others make life easier for all around us.  Amen."

"Heavenly Father help us to be conscious of all those around us and their needs for quiet and space.  So often we are so bound up in our own affairs that we ignore the presence of others and their rights as Children of the Lord.  Amen."

"Show us the good in everybody so that we may learn from each other and by example show the light of goodness that shines within each and every soul that you have created.  We are here to help each other so let it be so.  Amen.

"Almighty Father, who gives his children what they earn and deserve, please help us to see how our lives are shaped by the way that we think and do our daily work, so that we may be achieving what is presented to us as opportunities to do your will.  Amen."

"Help and guide us Heavenly Father through all the opportunities which come our way.  Let us not walk by on the other side like so many do, but give us the courage and self-belief that we can and should help our fellow man, woman and child.  Amen."

"We ask for help to sustain our faith in the goodness and love that flows from the highest and to know and understand that all that is there for us has our best interests at heart, if only we would face these opportunities with the right intentions and the welfare of others at heart.  Amen."

"We ask as humbly as we can for your support in world problems where your children old and young are blinded in their ignorance to your ways of living and cannot see a way to make their lives any better or improve the lot of others around them.  Amen."

"Let it be said that for all who bring disaster upon themselves by their thoughtless actions and allow disharmony about them, there has to be a reckoning to balance the accounts of life, so may we all who have unaddressed issues ask you Almighty Father to show us the way that we can redress the balance through helping others who are in great need.  Amen."

"We ask together with all who love Lord for healing and understanding to be sent those who are in need at this time.  There are so many who are needlessly suffering through the ignorance that is about them and we ask that they may be shown the way to your knowledge and healing in love and harmony.  Amen."

"Thank you for guiding us through the minefield of uncertainty, which looked too much for us to handle as we soared and fell with different emotional experiences, but in the end came up with the right results at the right time, so that we feel that we are where we are meant to be.  Give us the strength to persist with all that still needs to be done.  Amen."

"Please help us through the byways of this life and strengthen us when the uncertainties arise before us and make us doubt the realities of your love.  Please make us strong in our self belief that with your strength we are strong and can survive in the power that you give if we can only trust and believe what is there for us to receive.  Amen."

"Thank you for looking after us all as the forward momentum is continued and we go towards new tasks and opportunities.  We may not always like what we have to do, but we know that they are there for a reason and that if we use our best endeavours we can succeed through your strength and love.  Amen."

"We thank you for another day in which you have successful held us up and we have moved on in the progress of our spiritual and earthly lives.  Please continue to allow use to earn our place in the light of your divinity and to know that we are travelling the right path and that we are where we are meant to be.  Amen."

"Help us all to remember that when we work and live in the way that our Lord expects that there is never a time when we can relax and allow our own desires and wants to take over.  It is at times such as these that we make errors and mistakes, which we will only have to address later and repair any pain which we may have caused to others.  Amen."

"We all thank you for bringing us safely through and another day and another week.  It has been hard to accomplish all that has been set before us, but through your love and strength and directions from the Spirit we are safe and where we are meant to be.  Help us to maintain ourselves on the road of life so that we all progress according to your desires and not our own wants.  Amen."

"Heavenly Father, please keep us safe from the negativity and earthly fears which haunt our lives.  Help us to import love into our hearts and souls, so that we may empty them of our fears and also have extra love to give to all those around us who are also in need of love, healing and comfort.  Amen."

"Listen to your hearts and learn by the wisdom of the Lord as it is given to guide each and every one of us if we listen in the quietness of our minds.  May we be given the patience and the desire to listen to these words of wisdom that are there to guide us and apply them for the greater good and our progression to the higher spiritual life.  Amen."

"If we all work together for the greater good we can achieve much more than we can by ourselves, so may we be shown the best way to use our energies so that our fellow man, woman and child can benefit from the greater magnitude of success between all peoples.  Amen."

"Let the positive vibrations start to flow from Mankind as there is no progress forwards with the negativity that is holding so many minds at this present time.  Banks and commercial interests are ignoring the needs of the man in the street as they accumulate wealth for their own interests and cause pain to those who are innocent and aggrieved.  Amen."

"We ask that the wisdom and understanding of all those who follow your laws that lead to peace and harmony amongst your peoples speak out loudly to bring about a change of heart and that the commercial greed may soften and the rights of humanity may be given to all who love you and follow your glorious example to us all.  Amen."

"Let the light of understanding shine out, so that all can see a new way forward with your laws applying to each and every action, then, and only then, will harmony and peace take the place of greed and avarice, which has been destroying unconditional love and the positive vibrations of healing and harmony amongst the children who make up the peoples of this world.  Amen."

"Give us the courage to act on our own personal responsibility, so that we are able to show our concerns and add our voices to the right and proper way of conduct and behaviour.  As we follow your laws of right and wrong, please guide us in our own behaviour so that we may be seen as a model for your will.  Amen."

"Help us Heavenly Father to give help where it is needed and also to receive when it is given to us.  This way both the giver and the receiver can be blessed so that harmony may exist between your peoples and families can exist in unconditional love.  Amen."

"May we continue to help each other as the need becomes greater with the pressure for survival increasing as the very young and the elderly need support and unconditional love, so that they may be able to sustain themselves against the negativity that the current global society dishes out without thought for those who are already in distress.  Amen."

30 November 2010

Prayers for November 2010

"As we struggle so we achieve, because without the challenges that are brought to us we would learn and achieve nothing worthwhile.  Help and guide us through these times of troubles and pain, so that we can emerge stronger and more able to carry out your wishes for our progression and the needs of our fellow man, woman and children.  Amen."

"Now is the time for all of us to gather before the face of the Lord and ask for the peace and tranquillity of all minds to concentrate on what is good and what needs to be accomplished, so that all souls upon this earth plane can find their basic rights and treat each other as human beings.  Allow our prayers to reach you dear Lord and grant enlightenment to all who ask in your name of love and truth.  Amen."

"Lead us Heavenly Father on through the pitfalls of live in safety and in love, so that we may fulfil our reasons for being here and do all that we are able for the greater good and not expect the greater good to always have to attend to us.  Amen."

"Help us to always try and see the questions and their answers from the other side, so that we are not blinked by our own thoughts and expectations.  The truth does look different according to where one is viewing it and we don't always know all the facts.  Amen."

"We thank you for the enlightenment to see our way ahead and we ask that we are shown how we can use our destiny to help those who are in pain and discomfort due either to their own errors or the situations of their life that have thrown up challenges in their path, which they are not always able to meet and accomplish on their own.  Amen."

"Thank you for taking care of us today as we were travelling through many dangers and you kept us safe as we progressed along the way that our lives are directed.  Help us to never doubt your love and wisdom as to our earthly minds it is not always clear to us.  Amen."

"Take the courage and go with the flow that comes down from the higher levels of God's great and mighty kingdom, where all laws are met in perfect unison and the Rights of Justice are always obeyed.  Please show us your truth and love in all that we do so that we are met in perfect harmony at all times.  Amen."

"A busy day means that we need to know that you are listening to our requests for guidance so that we can do your will at all times and not allow our own thoughts to take precedence over what needs to be done and achieved.  Let us hear your directions loud and clear so that we cannot go astray and always serve the greater good.  Amen."

"We have achieved what we set out to do today and have brought healing and harmony wherever we could so that the greater good was served and those who we could reach benefited from your love and wisdom.  Please let us all see clearly what is required of us so that we do not hang back when we are called upon to help those in need.  Amen."

"Thank you for the enlightenment that we can see whenever we ask for the way to be shown to us and we cannot go astray as long as we follow the chosen and guided pathway.  Please keep us centred as we go through this week ahead that all that we do is for the greater good.  Amen."

"As we go through the stages of giving and receiving let us acknowledge that it is as great to give as to allow others to give also.  Let us make it easier for those who are in need to show their pleasure to us when we are able to ease their pain.  Amen."

"Please send healing and strength to all those who are in need, because there are so many unhappy souls who are unable to avoid the pitfalls of life as relationships and health issues are souring their mental abilities to cope with day to day existence at this time.  We ask for enlightenment so that they can choose the right way for them to go.  Amen."

"As hard work never hurt anybody we are pleased to set out our labours, so that all may benefit from what we do and the greater cause may be served.  We give what you call upon us to do in the name of your Creation, so that people of all ages can see their way forward through you.  Amen."

"Today our pathway ran smoothly as we prayed that it would and we were shown your kindness and love so that we could enact to others who we met along the way.  We are ready to face what you have prepared for us to experience in helping those who need us and can show your love and healing to their needs through your instruments of service.  Amen."

"Thank you for a day of progress as we got ourselves better organised and could see the hand of the Almighty in our lives directing us and clearing the way for what is to come.  All is not yet perfect, but there is a smoothness of progress which is all ready for the moving on that is so much needed for us and all Mankind.  Amen."

"Let the sunshine come into the minds of all those who are feeling the darkness of ignorance of your presence, so that by enlightenment they may change their thinking and turn towards the light of your love and wisdom to run their lives according to the Laws of the Universe and goodness of the Holy Spirit.  Amen."

"Even through the heavy cloud and rains of autumn we are not downhearted as within us lies the comfort of our very soul, as you strengthen us and through your love you train us to see the signs of your might in wisdom and caring for those who love you and walk in your light of understanding.  Amen."

"Please help all those who are being battered by the thoughtlessness of others as conflict flares up between those who are in relationships which are dangerously close to breaking down altogether and the little ones are suffering and will may be affected for the rest of their lives.  Amen."

"Now that the dust is settling and we are starting to see the way ahead in our lives we ask that help and love is sent to all those who are suffering stress caused by their lifestyle and their relationships as there as so many around us who have the need of understanding and love.  Amen."

"Help us through the twists and turns of everyday life and allow us to be guided on the right path to take as we can only see a little way ahead and that is uncertain and fraught with dangers as there are so many distractions along the way that tempt us to go astray.  Amen."

"The beauties of the autumn leaves and the sunshine of your love carry us through the negativity that man creates all around us, but as we are safeguarded by your love and spirit we are uplifted and carry on our lives knowing that you love us and want us to achieve the very best we can.  Amen.

"Today we set forth with into the unknown with a determination to do your will and to achieve whatever you put in our path.  We are filling out hearts with love and positive thoughts so that fear does not have room to hold us to ransom.  Amen."

"May the light shine through the storm clouds as so many relationships are grating at this time as one partner tries to dominate the other and unconditional love, if ever present, is no more.  Help Almighty Spirit to calm the unrest and allow both sides to find understanding and safety either together or apart.  Amen."

"Now is the time for us to see our salvation clearly ahead of us.  We know that we must earn the good things by our behaviour to our fellowman and to the spiritual joy, which lives above in the certain knowledge of your greatness, truth and love.  Amen."

"Let not the heavy clouds in the sky and within our own minds separate us from what is the true and brilliant light of love that you shower down on your creations.  Help us to stand in your light of reason and not be afraid to show other who and what we stand for.  Amen."

"Give us the strength and courage to stand firm in our resolve for what is right and what is not, so that we may go to help those who are distressed by other people and are suffering, because of their weakness in the face of fear and dread.  Amen."

"We ask that there may be help and healing for all those who are in distress from whatever cause.  There are many natural disasters upon the earth plane just now and much is needed for these souls to put back their lives together again.  Amen."

"Now let your light shine out and show the World that they are adrift from your teachings and love given by the many souls who walk this earth to help and guide.  Let us know in our hearts what is true and resonates well with our spirituality, so that we may reject what does not.  Amen."

"Let not the failure of others to perform acts of kindness and love for the greater good deter us from doing our share for all Mankind, who are all your peoples upon this earth plane.  All the souls that you made are forever sacred in your eyes and therefore should be in ours also.  Amen."

"Keep us safe from the negativity that surrounds us in this world, so that we may remain positive and at peace knowing that your will is our destiny and that we travel along a road towards a future in your light and love.  Amen."

30 October 2010

Prayers for October 2010

"Another month draws to a close and the difficulties and the problems of the world seem never ending.  Help Mankind to find that change of heart so that we can live in peace and harmony and extend that love and strength for what is right as you give so generously to us.  Amen."

"As we go about our daily lives, help us to be aware of other people who are around us and the problems that they face.  We are not alone and we need to see where we can be of service to others and when we can expect to receive help in our turn by letting others have to benefits from helping us.  Amen."

"We are moving on today and with your love and strength we will achieve what is asked of us.  Let your love be in our hearts and there will be no errors as we will see what our destiny is and go happily forwards.  Amen."

"There are certain days in our lives when we are asked to accomplish mighty deeds which to us at the beginning seem impossible, but then by the evening time we see that we have succeeded and can relax at last knowing that we have been carried through by your almighty strength and love.  Thank you Lord for these wonderful times and may we answer with gratitude and not forget them when you call on us to do that little bit more.  Amen."

"After working hard today we ask for your strength and love to carry us through the hard times that are starting to show themselves, as we all move into freefall and change so that the greater good can be served.  We ask that we given the energies to cope as we stumble through the darkened pathways of modern global existence.  Amen."

"God bless the rain that cleans the air from negativity and sustains life on this planet of ours, so that we can exist at all.  May the trees and the flowers benefit from it and may the animals understand that the cooling waters bring in turn their very sustenance.  Let us rejoice and be grateful for these cooling rains of life.  Amen."

"Today we worked hard to help the greater cause and feel that we have achieved something more than could be expected of us, so let us continue to face the future with stout hearts and nimble minds, so that we are aware of those in need around us who need that helping hand to be delivered from whatever fears are holding that grip upon their hearts.  Amen."

"Now as we prepare for the start of another week we look to what opportunities there may lay in our path so that we can be helpful and good natured to those who are about us, whether that is in the home or the office or upon the road.  May we keep love and goodness in our hearts and make each day a success into the benefit of those who are in need.  Amen."

"As we spent time with our families today, we give thanks for your great gift of life so that we are not alone and can share the growing up of new souls around us and the innocence of childhood.  It is from these younger ones that we have so much to learn about the true way of being uncluttered by material considerations and free to express emotions as they truly are and sharing moments of unadulterated happiness.  Amen."

"What a day of heavy effort to even stay in the same space as before, let alone to progress forward as we must do.  We know that you are looking over our puny efforts to survive and that without your love and strength we would so often fall.  Carry us through the darkness and into the light which is where we want to be, singing your praises and feeling the love.  Amen."

"We have got through a difficult day, but achieved all we can so we thank you for the constant guidance and strength, which we feel around us at all times.  Help us to give out the love that we receive, so that it is working for the greater good always, because we do know that it achieves nothing if we keep it all for ourselves and give out nothing to others who are always in great need.  Amen."

"We all now wait to see how the cuts and changes will affect our daily lives and we look forward to doing all we can to move on once we know the way.  Not knowing is the greatest fear that affects us all as the uncertainty of life bits us hard and we look to your love and justice to see us through what we are unable to see and understand at this time alterations for all Mankind.  Amen."

"Almighty Creator, pray give us the means and the understanding to play our part in the changes that are abroad, so that when we pass we may honestly answer that we made a difference by our labours to the future of the peoples who come after us and that we were worthy of all that was asked of us.  Amen."

"As we await the showing of our further opportunities to help and learn more about the existence that we are going through in this life, we ask for your continued support and love to show us the true light of experience, so that we do not judge others, but pray that they too will learn as they travel their own way through their own opportunities of learning and progressing.  Thank you.  Amen."

"Thank you for the safety and security of your strength as we continue on our path and do new things when we accept these challenges that are brought upon our way and fulfil them as best as we can in the interest of others, who need guidance and healing along their pathway of life.  We are proud to play our part and illuminate the way for them using the light of truth and reason according to the teachings that we receive from Spirit and the words of our Master Jesus.  Amen."

"As we spend our time this weekend in all manner of differing ways, may we make time to reflect on our future and the consequences of Man's greed for more than he earns and needs, so that he may feel more important than he really is as he neglects his spiritual requirements that govern his whole existence for the sake of a few years of comfort ahead of the barrenness of the future to come.  Amen."

"Thank you for the light that shows us the way into the realms that we need to go and that takes away the fear and uncertainty of what we have to do and where we have to go.  We look forward now to the safety and security of your love that will guide us through the darkness of negativity, so that we arrive together at the anvil of service in obedience to your call.  Amen."

"We dip in spirits and climb again as the clock turns hours into days and weeks into the future, so we ask for the strength and love to carry our burdens into the sunlight of your grace, so that we can be assured that we continue to walk in your understanding and carry our destiny through the dark hours of waiting to blossom out when you give us the spring of the new life to come.  Amen."

"As we move forward there is a light to guide us and we follow the direction so that we may achieve what is there for us.  We all have to find our place and time in the way of things, so that we can fulfil our destiny and reason for being here.  Let us find our way in your time and space, so that we are ready to achieve your directions for the greater good and not our own.  Amen."

"Targets are for seeking as we all move to a greater understanding of what has to be and what our part is for the greater good.  Help us all to find true understanding in the sacrifices that we are asked to make in order that all may move on and at the same rate of understanding, so that it is not the elite who benefit most, but all souls with an open and loving heart.  Amen."

"Now the light comes through and so does the work and we are grateful for the opportunities to help those who come forward and show themselves so that we can help to fulfil our promise.  Let us all always be ready for the opportunities which we are given, so that we don't walk by on the other side, but give of ourselves to those who need us.  Amen."

"As the light of our future path is slowly shown to us and we can feel our way through the negative earthly vibrations that must be changed so that Mankind too has a future devoid of uncertainty and fear, we delight in the confirmation that we are truly moving on and that we have work to share with others, so that a new thinking and appreciation of all that is, can be released to the World and all its peoples.  Amen."

"We have been through much as we search for a new beginning and ask that we are delivered into the new way of working and giving to those who will listen and will use our teachings from you as a basis to make a difference to the lives of all they meet and have influence over.  May we all succeed in bringing justice and love to all who deserve your blessings.  Amen."

"Help us through the maze of choices and decisions, so that our conscience is clear and we can be assured that we are going the right way.  Sometimes it is hard to find our way through the negativity and the bombardment of modern life, which bruises our minds and causes our physical body to ache.  Amen."

"Today has been a mishmash of going backwards and forwards as we have not fallen, but have achieved and then gone back a little only to go forward again and as we realise that this is the way that life is for us, we allow our disappointment to be alleviated by your glorious light and love, which carries us ever forward.  Amen."

"Thank you for your guidance as we have moved on further today in the knowledge that we are where we are meant to be and are going where we are meant to go as we listen to our conscience and the guidance from all those who help us to get where we are.  Keep us strong in your love and let us not disappoint by putting our wants before what you need us to do in your name and through your love.  Amen."

"The darkness of the negativity today was very much apparent, but we lived in your strength and love so that we could raise our energies from the commonplace to the vibrant love that you surround us with and we made much progress on our pathway towards the greater good.  Amen."

"We have witnessed today that there are good spiritual people about who care about the future of humanity and the imbalance of mindsets, which cause the pulling down of high ideals and intentions through the negativity of greed.  Help us all to play our part in the lifting of all nations so that the goodness that we were given is upheld and not siphoned off by the greed of others.  Amen."

"Thank you for the upliftment and the energy to face the week ahead with enthusiasm and trust, so that we may look for even greater achievement and success in all that we take on in your name and with the Master orchestrating our life by our side we cannot fail.  Amen."

"It has been a hard day, but we have achieved what was there for us and we give thanks for the strength and guidance which kept us going, so let the future be clear and concise so that we continue to have no doubts and see our path ahead and have no fear as to where it leads us.  Amen."

"Divine Instrument of Life and Love, we thank you for your grace and beauty in all things that enter our lives and keep us alert and ready to give service to those who are lost and dwell in the Darkness of Ignorance having turned away from your love and direction and by those who lead souls into darkness for their own gain, we ask that the true light shine out to all who recognise within is the true guiding light of their destiny.  Amen."

30 September 2010

Prayers for September 2010

"To be allowed to find our own way through the traumas of daily life is to be exposed to the negativity of this earth plane and to court disaster by our own mistakes, so we look towards your light and feel warmed by the knowledge that you are with us and that within ourselves are your vibrations to guide our conscience from which we must learn the right and proper way.  Amen."

"From a day of darkness and despair, we have held our course and found enlightenment and strength beckoning to us along the way that we travelled today.  Please keep us strong and safe against the fears that negativity tries to inflict upon us as we go through this life full of cares and disappointments, but through your love comes the opportunities that we can learn from and move on into the light.  Amen."

"Please send healing to all those who are abused and in pain that they may see the light of your merciful understanding and that they may address what is needed to be done in this life before they pass to the next dimension when they will have to face their own erroneous decisions in the light of truth and love.  Amen."

"We have received enlightenment and rewards for our hard labours in the way that can only come through the Realms of Spirit, as they put in place the mechanism for our advancement in the way that we have earned our further progression.  Thank you for your light and love, so that we can move on into the light of knowledge and wisdom.  Amen."

"The light shone out today so that we can see more of where we are going as we are led through the labyrinth of life to meet our destiny wherever and whatever that may be.  You are our inspiration and our hope, so we go forward now looking for the brightness of the future when peace and harmony may move safely amongst the peoples of the world.  Amen."

"A day of enlightenment to those who seek to find the light of spiritual knowledge, we give our love and thanks to those who enlighten us by their wisdom and by their actions.  Let us achieve within that calmness and strength to show others who and what we really are, so that they can be in no doubt as to whom we serve in grace, humility and gratitude.  Amen."

"The workload continues, but we still carry our burdens with a hopeful heart and look towards the light for encouragement.  Give us the strength which we need to carry our loads, so that we arrive at the next point of progression in good enough shape to be able to take advantage of it.  Amen."

"Please give us the strength to carry our load, which sometimes from nowhere becomes a heavy burden which we have to endure.  Let us remain in harmony with the strengths of purpose which are needed to carry us safely forward and let the paths around us only prosper as we will all survive in which ever direction we are guided in.  Amen."

"Clarify the way we are meant to be, so that we do not wonder off course by being tempted to find our own way through the parts of the path that we like the sound of and bypass the areas where we are too timid to take on the mightier tasks that we are offered.  We will follow the light ahead that lights our way in the certain knowledge that it comes to us from you.  Amen."

"A day of hard labours, but we feel satisfied that we have done well enough given the limitations of our human frailty.  We follow our star as a light to guide us in dark places when we feel alone and through our own negativity fail to grasp your love and teaching to our innermost being and allowing us buoyancy to float in a cloud of positive thought and prove our being is so linked with you.  Amen."

"We have done well by our lowly standards and hope that it is enough to carry us forward today as we have moved along the paths of righteousness into the further realms of peace and achievement according to the directions that we follow.  Shower us with strength and allow us the knowledge that we still do your will and not ours.  Amen."

"As we prepare to move forward in the light of your love and understanding, we are taking time to listen and be still in the spirit of enlightenment, so that we cannot veer away from our purpose and our destinies.  We all come here with a plan of action, so help us to fulfil our future with the success that is there to give back to you for all you have given us through the security of life and hope and love.  Amen."

"Divine Creator, who has given us life and hope so that we can attempt to approach the confines of the great dynasty of love and truth to prepare us for the life ahead and so that we may help others to partake in the heavenly grace of spiritual existence.  Show us the way that we can serve and bring everlasting peace and goodwill to this planet for all time.  Amen."

"Thank you for the enlightenment that we have received today and the news that we have made a difference into the understanding of at least one soul, who has now found the words of Spirit informative and crucial to their understanding whereas before there was a cloak of religion placed about the truth.  Amen."

"Today we have received guidance and truth, so that we can face the next phase of our work in the security of knowing that we are guided well and can understand enough of what we need to know in order to progress forwards with out fear or favour in the light of your love and truth.  Amen."

"We have worked hard and we think well to progress through the day and to reach our rest, so that we can be charged up for another day tomorrow.  May we always be aware that it is your will that should carry our thoughts and not our own desires.  Amen."

"Thank you all for looking after us today and for bringing the many signs and gifts that we need to move on with our lives.  May all the Angels and Helpers through the great Kingdom of God's Universal Force of Being keep us ready and able to give what we have received to others, who are in greater need.  Amen.

"Thank you for the massive turnaround of energies that are surrounding us and we are ready and willing to be moved along with the tide of progression.  The world can be a daunting place, but we know that we are looked after and that we are moving with a tide that will clean and secure the future, which has become clouded by the negativity and ignorance of greedy man and woman on the material bandwagon.  Amen."

"Often we think of today as a day of rest and today we have sat back and allowed ourselves some peace from the turbulent world that awaits us, as we begin to face the trials and tribulations of the week ahead.  May we be strong and listen in the quietness to the guidance given, so that we can be assured that we go the right way and find the just results as we labour on to eventual peace and harmony.  Amen."

"Divine Creator of all that is, we have fulfilled our tasks as best as we are able and we need now to prepare for what else there is to come, so that we may learn and be at peace in your presence and not be distracted by the material and the baseless side roads of others, who live for themselves and not for the greater good.  Keep us on course by your love and direction.  Amen."

"Thank you as always for preparing the way so that we can fulfil our destinies and go forward ever mindful of the needs of others.  Let us always be aware that all that we do in your name is guided from others who understand what is needed and have greater strengths and understanding to perform at the highest levels and we give our thanks to all of them who play that vital part in our achievements.  Amen."

"Thank you for the progress of the day as we have gone up and down, but mainly up as we cannot please everybody all the time however much we try.  We attempt to make the light shine out brightly, but there are always a few who hide from the realities of life and must await their time in coming to the realisation of your bountiful love and harmony, which delivers trust and peace so that we can attempt higher things.  Amen."

"As you ask us to step up to the plate, so we are ready to be measured by your divine rod of excellence as we strive for reaching the highest level that is available to us with the gifts that you have speculated upon us.  We ask only that we are able to give of our best at all times in the light of the knowledge that you have imparted to us to guide our progression down this once daunting roadway, but now lit with the glorious light of achievement and harmony.  Amen."

"Great Divine Coordinator of all that is, we thank you for the progress which we are making and we know that by lifting our thoughts to a higher consciousness we are helping ourselves to struggle free of the negative thoughts that assail us and also to help this world to be a little better and, if we could all do this, we would make a better place for all your creations.  Amen."

"Divine Creator, we look forward again with hope and trust to the fulfilment of the prophesies that carry our destiny, so that we may find the ways that are appointed to change the mindsets of those who persist in seeing only for themselves and ignore the plight of others.  Help us to see and understand the example of the Master Jesus and to live our lives in his way and truth.  Amen."

"Almighty Divine who sends us opportunities to overcome so that we are stronger and better for the accomplishment of them and we are never given anything that we are unable to manage, let us keep our minds positive on all aspects of our progression as daily we manage to achieve more than we realise as we serve in peace and love all who we can reach in harmony and light.  Amen."

"Help us to find our future through our feelings and the good guidance that we are given, so that we can reach out and be attuned with love that we may aspire to the destiny which is held out there for us to accomplish and, without fear or favour, reach the pinnacle of our being in your love and wisdom.  Amen."

"Divine enlightenment shows us the true nature of all that is through the fabric of our hearts and minds, so that we know that we have found at the end of that rainbow another nugget of truth that will serve us well, if only we treat it with the love and respect that it deserves.  Thank you for the truth and the magnitude of your love.  Amen."

"Thank you for the blinding lights of your existence, which prove that as always as the scientists push back the curtains of their own ignorance that we continue to see the need for your continued role in our future and the future of the Universe that carried the whole of Creation into new dimensions.  Amen."

"After the many disturbances and challenges of the day we must give thanks for the help received so that they could be overcome, or passed into areas to await further progress, the opportunities that were made available to us.  Each and every day we find that we can progress if we ask for help and listen to what is given to us.  We give thanks oh Lord for all we have and all we need.  Amen."

31 August 2010

Prayers for August 2010

"As the new awakening begins, so we can start to see new challenges before us and a new surge of energy will not be far behind.  So let us appreciate all that we have and to understand just how far we have all come to bring us to where we are right now and with the continuing hope that we will go forward at least as far again.  Amen.

"After going forwards and falling back in a regular attempt to keep abreast with our progression, help us to see where we are in need of securing our progress so that we cannot fall back, but can hold on to what progress that we have made and see the hope ahead of us proving to be the reality of life in the spiritual way.  Amen."

"Thank you now for the great news that we are on our way forward and upward into the realms of enlightenment and that the world stage will show the changes which are needed to balance the earth plane, so that all may see and feel your majesty at long last.  Thank you for choosing us to walk beside the Lord.  Amen."

"Now let us rest and prepare for what is to come, so that we are ready for the mighty events that will change not only our lives but those around us as well, as we are lifted off into new energy patterns which will see our place in your great plan.  Let us be fulfilled and ready to go, so that no momentum is lost and we achieve all that is required of us for our fellow man and the understanding of your divine glory.  Amen."

"Please allow us to find the energy to keep going as we continue on our way of healing and enlightening those who listen and are in need.  We too need to be healed and kept in the light of your strength to carry on the work which is set for us to do as we cannot delay until it is all done and dusted.  Amen."

"Thank you for the cleansing of the earthly negativity that has begun and will not end as the forces of the universal agents are employed to bring about a major shift in the energies that have been holding us fast to the ignorance of man's desires, which have held us back in the dark ages of illumination.  Help us to play our part in this clean up and bring brightness back on to the curriculum.  Amen.

"Despite the energies that batter us like the negativity of life around the globe, we come up for air and breathe in the spiritual love which keeps us afloat.  All comes from on high and stems from the energies that created us, so we ask that you hold us safe as we try and confront the bruising of every day life.  Amen."

"Let the light so shine that we cannot miss or ignore the awakening to our souls, so that we can put ourselves aside and start to work for the greater consciousness by putting others before ourselves who are needy and ignorant of truth and love and by persuasion and your intervention, as we cannot do all alone, allow them to move into your loving space that you created for them to fulfil.  Amen."

"We thank you for carrying us through another day as the energies around us hold us and change so that we will be ready to face the opportunities which we know will be presented to us and we are happy to leave it all in your hands as we do not have the wisdom, only the faith and trust as all good servants should show the Master.  Amen."

"To be at rest and await our next assignment in this world of positive progress is to be at peace knowing that we are being prepared for this mighty move, which takes us forward according to your Greater Plan and the benefit of all Mankind who have ears to hear and eyes to see.  Amen."

"We thank you Lord for all friends visible and invisible who love us and help us along our pathway as we try to help them in turn progress down theirs.  We are aware that there is no progression without the combined giving and receiving of energies so that all can move on together.  Amen."

"Almighty God in whom all our minds and hearts are clearly known and our faults show vividly against the purity of spirit that you have released around us so that we can live,  help us to exonerate ourselves by giving love to the many deserving causes around us and may we bring peace to the troubled waters of life.  Amen."

"Thank you for blessing us with the grace of healing and understanding so that we are better equipped to take another step forward into the unknown.  We progress as swiftly as we can, knowing that we are looked after and guided for our own safety and protection.  Amen."

"It is a long time in earthly years since we could find our way amongst the spirits that accompanied us when we came, so please let us remember that we are spirit in body form and must look after our bodies, while learning from the more educated spirits who come with us now to safeguard our pathways.  Amen."

"It's has been a hard day but there is rest in sight, so allow us to settle with our thoughts in the peace of the natural beauty of our minds and find rest and comfort there.  We look to the sky, but know that you are within us and that you are the stability which holds us together as well as the Universe itself.  Amen."

"Now as the autumn skies start to draw in around us and the prospect of the winter blues threaten our memories of past winters, allow us to feel that hope is in our hearts for better times, as the light you gave us never ever goes out and we trust it never will however much we turn away in fear of ourselves and our abilities to stand up and challenge whatever comes our way.  Amen."

"Thank you for a wonderful day of peace and strength, which we appreciate so that our lives can follow along in friendship and love for those who appreciate what we are and what we have.  Help us to follow along the road to where you wish us to be in love and harmony forever more.  Amen."

"Show us the way to be brave enough to empty our hearts and minds of all the selfishness and negativity that is within and to fill the spaces with the light and love for all around us and to spare thoughts for those we do not know around the world, who are suffering from the many negative energies caused by famine, flood or dis-ease.  Help us to recognise how well off we really are and to take only what we need and allow the rest to go to others, who have greater needs that ourselves.  Amen."

"As the night sky lights up with spectacular proofs of how the Universal Forces hold together the Universe and stop it all falling apart through its creation by greater forces than our puny minds can understand, show us what we are capable of knowing so that with the guidance of unconditional love we can be persuaded to capitulate our narrow-mindedness and widen our limits to the glorious and wondrous creation that is above and below, but also always within us, if only we would follow the signs.  Amen."

"As we learn to fly on stronger wings of faith, so let our hearts be mindful of our responsibilities as we take others into our confidence and know that we can only do it in unconditional love and truth, so that we mislead no one who walks a lonely path and is impressionable by things that they do not yet fully understand.  Let us be ready with our proofs and explanations, so no one goes astray.  Amen."

"Thank you for a day of great adventure when we were treated to see how closely we are protected and looked after by all our guides and helpers, who never cease in their labours to smooth our pathway and show us that we are not alone and are well cared for, if only we would watch and listen.  Amen."

"As our lives continue along this road of existence and we find ourselves confronted with little mountains in our path to climb, we are comforted to know that we are not alone and that there is much help and guidance for us whenever we choose the right intentions and learn from our mistakes.  Amen."

"We can almost feel the energies gathering force to come in and make the changes as we wait patiently for our lives to come into balance again and to reap the success of what we have sown and struggled to master over the challenges which we have tried to bear in the Spirit of the Lord, who taught us well.  Amen."

"Great Spirit and mightiest of all creation, please help us to find our way through the myriad of life, so that we can come safely to the Light of Love and Wisdom to find ourselves purified from negativity and free from doubts and fears of the material world.  Amen."

"Thank you for the peace and strength that we have all received this day and for all that we have accomplished in your name and according to the law and teachings that we know are true.  Help us to continue to carry on with our missions which we all came to fulfil and let us not be turned away due to our own inadequacies.  Amen."

"We give thanks for our life and its continuance as we walk our path of destiny which we are all given, so that we can achieve progression and move forward in the knowledge of all that is.  We also have free will, so we can chose which pathway we will follow but will always have to answer for our choice and for our actions and thoughts.  Amen."

"Thank you Lord for all the wisdom and teaching which is there for us if we so chose to take it on board.  If we don't we shall fall further away into the darkness of ignorance and our mindsets cannot attain the peace of heaven, which is only there for us if we build it for ourselves within and recognise others who need that helping hand.  Amen."

"Thank you for the rainbows that twinkle in our understanding as our minds find truth, which had evaded us before.  It is such a joy when the curtain of darkness is raised just a little more and our comprehension is illuminated from the wisdom of your love.  Amen."

"Great Judge of all we do and seen though your wisdom, which makes all things clear through Spiritual and Universal Law, help us to see ourselves as we really are and not as we feel we want to be seen.  There is no mileage on this road of life in pretending that we are other than what we are, so show us clearly who we are by our errors so that we can make amends before it is too late and we go out of body and into the darkness that we have created for ourselves.  Amen."

"Divine and Great Creator of all that is, you have made so much in grandeur and grace that you have to made us who dwell as little people, but when we are filled with your love and wisdom we are mighty indeed.  Help us to show our fruits to all who wish to see them and be part of your almighty truth and unconditional love and wisdom to all creation.  Amen."

"Divine Spirit and giver of all good things, we ask that we may find the strength and unconditional love to give to all those who are lost and unhappy, because they do not understand how to live and pass on through the great doors of opportunity and progression.  May we give support and guidance to all those who have ears to hear and those who insist on remaining in ignorance must find another way.  Amen."