01 December 2017

Daily Thoughts for December 2017

 “Now that a few days have gone by, try and rekindle those positive wishes you made when you wished everybody a happy and prosperous New Year.”

“Continue with the good ways of the past and vow to put right those things that we are not proud of that will show up always on own CV of life.”

“Start to understand that we are only as great as our actions make us, so that generosity and harmony rank highly in the eyes of our Lord.”

“Remember that everyone is not as blessed at this time of year and that many have lost so much through fires, famine and wars.  Send out your thoughts and prayers for them to be blessed with new beginnings.”

“In this lull between Christmas and the New Year, know that it is a time to reflect on all that we have done and see our pathway to what we need to do.”

 “We seem to think that we can get away with unfriendly ways and that our greed for ourselves is hidden by our charming exterior.  Know that the Spirit sees all and can tell us for what we are, so we can never hide away from what we do.”

 “As the year starts to draw to a close, know that in reality one day is similar to any other in as much as the way you behave is mirrored in your progression to the Spirit at all times.”

 “What you believe in your hearts is guided by your conscience, which is your barometer for right and wrong.  What you show on the outside to others should be what you feel within.”

“Remember that there is no longer an easy path to Heaven!  All that you do on this earth plane provides you with a direction through the loving of your neighbour and not alms to the organised religions.”

 “Know that your pets are your responsibility and treat them well.  They are taken into your care and can no longer be expected to share your hardships, as they can only give you love and gratitude.”

“Allow the animals in this world to live in peace.  Those who roam free have as much right to live here as we do.”
“Know that we are adapted to where we live and that the colour of our skin is not a means of difference, but just an outward cover for the soul within.”

“We all need to be aware that we are all connected together by the Creation.  We all share the unconditional love, which is Divine, but we need to earn its blessings.”

“Never feel alone and know that you can ask the Higher Intelligence for anything you need, but do it so that you are seeking the best results for all around you and not just yourself.”

 “As the winter months ease into glorious spring, know that whatever season is around you that you are blessed by Divine love, which is waiting for your response and gratitude.”

“Know that you are made in unconditional love and that we are all connected to the Creator, who makes our very being or soul and allows humanity to make the body according to the physical laws of this planet.”

 “Allow the sunshine to come into our lives and to send that gift to others, who may not be so blessed.”

“We reap what we sow.  This is the basis of Spiritual Law and sooner or later it will be given back to us, so it is better to put right what we have done unkindly by sending out positive love.”

“It is through our thoughts that we command a reaction.  We need to be aware that what we think produces an energy that goes out into the Universe and is returned to us according to its vibrations.”

 “Say nothing that can harm another without thinking that what you say will come back to haunt you by Spiritual Law.”

“Allow the sunshine in your heart to overflow into you actions and reactions for the Greater Good.  We all need to be generous through our unconditional love for each other, as we all have need of each other’s support.”

 “Let others carry on as they wish to.  We cannot walk another’s path, but we can advise on the reaping of what they sow, as that is Spiritual Law and cannot be denied.”

“Keep yourselves free from over-reacting to the stress levels of the 21st century, as it is only through ‘God’s’ love and generosity that we survive at all and we need to keep in tune with those vibrations of love.”

“Now it is time to go out into the world of your asperations and seek what is there for you.  Allow the Spirit to guide you and feel the love that is generated within you, as your guides come close and see to your needs.”

“We are all too busy rushing from pillar to post, but we must learn to spare ourselves enough time to rest at ease and rebuild our depleted energies, so that our minds and bodies can recover and work at the most fruitful level.”

“Allow yourself time to think how best to overcome what you see as problems and then put out your requests to the Higher Intelligence for the best way to achieve it.”

“Ask not only just for yourself and your basic needs, but also ask how best you can serve each other, as nobody is without the need for help and guidance.”

“Never turn away from what you know that you must do.  Ask for guidance on how to do it best and see your strength revitalised into true accomplishment.”

 “Take the medicine that we all need, which is unconditional love.  It is from these vibrations that all good things grow into happiness and joy, so allow yourselves this panacea of everlasting hope.”

“It is the true faith and trust within us all that gives us hope in our abilities to act for the Greater Good and not just selfishly for ourselves.”

“See around you the miracles of life and know that the wonders of the Creation are beyond our understanding, but that they are there and bring balance and harmony to an unforgiving world.”

“Let the joy ring out in your heart, as you know that you are saved by the Higher Intelligence, who loves all his creations and continues to serve them well.  It is Mankind that brings in the negativity and ignores the love born within us all.”