01 December 2014

Daily Thoughts for December 2014

“Take a light and shine it in your heart and mind to show God that you are here and that you are worthy of his attention.  God knows of your thoughts, but they do not turn towards him except when you are in need of him.  Does he not deserve you to ask what you can do for him?”

“What we reap is what we have sown, so it is no good complaining about our circumstances in life.  Many are displaced through other people’s aggression, but, with a good heart, one will survive and be better for it in the progress of life.”

“Doing one’s best is all that can be asked of us, so that if we feel that we are not doing enough then we must try harder.  It is always a good maxim to walk that extra mile!”

“Just because one has an advantage over another doesn’t mean that we should make use of it.  It is better to share on an equal footing than to dominate over a weaker soul.”
“Power over others is not a good way to live.  We need to be seen as equals in an unequal world before we can use power for the Greater Good of all people.”

“Mankind was not made to be alone and yet he punishes all who come his way through brutality or greed.  When will Man love his fellow man?”

“Everything that comes is not just for us, but for the Greater Good and, if we want to be a part of that, we must be fully aware that we are all connected and cannot survive without each other.”

“Whatever the weather is, it is for a good reason.  We should never grumble about what we are given if it doesn’t suit our needs.  The Higher Intelligence knows better than we do!”

“Being optimistic is a good idea for those who are in doubt.  If you always look on the bright side, the sun is more likely to shine down on you.”

“Sharing what we have is a good idea if we share with those who are in need.  Giving to the negative souls only promotes negativity when we want to promote good things along the road of life.”

“Let us give thanks that we have a life and that we can do with it what we wish.  However, if we behave badly in the eyes of our Creator we will have to make amends.”

“Take a morning breath of fresh air and set the body up to take on all that is demanded of it.  We must always begin with a positive attitude or we are lost indeed.”

“Our mind-sets are formed by the vibrational energies around us from the moment of our conception.  What we judge to be the rights and wrongs in life, come from our conscience and should we listen to it we will succeed.”

“We must make our own decisions about what we feel we want to accomplish with our lives and then ask for guidance to show us the best way of achieving them.  If we simply go it alone we will fail.”

“We need to be more aware of the needs of others rather than our own petty wants.  There are so many people suffering out there that we have only little worries by comparison.”

“We are given the ways and means to live great and honourable lives, but so often we fall short of our own high standards and then all we came with is dirtied in the mud of selfishness and greed.”

“Now let your hearts be open to the teachings of the Lord.  It is he alone who walked these earthly paths and faced all manner of problems that would leave us bereft and destitute, but he survived it all.”

“All gifts from God come to fruition at the perfect moment for the receiver to be aware of them.  Nothing is left to chance and all is about divine timing.”

“Make a new start when you are given the green light, so that your future, which is assured, can blossom in the righteous way.”

“Let your heart abound with love as you see your rewards coming in to greet you, where you once felt that you were all alone and unloved.”

“The scars inflicted on the memory by the atrocities of war and violence remains to haunt the receiver, while the one who afflicts them cares nothing.”

“It is the men that fight to increase their ego and their testosterone, but it is the weaker and more loving who suffer by the destruction to their homes, their families and the minds.”

“It is usually the children and the women who suffer most from the arrogance of man.  We must look around us to see that this is true.”

“All things are seen by the Higher Intelligence and nothing can be left unjustified in this world or the next, so remember that we are the witness to all that happens and we will never go without justice and balance in his world, only in that of Mankind if we let it.”

“If we are dissatisfied by the way we are governed then it is up to us to do whatever is necessary within the law.  The Law of Man may sometimes be abused, but never the Law of God.”

“The right way of living applies to all and must show justice and fair trading at the heart of all our actions.  It never allows for actions to be hidden from the open view and all we do must be seen to be for the Greater Good rather than just for ourselves.”

“It is no good ignoring the disobedience to the law by those who purport to have our best interest at heart in the way that they govern us.”

“If every action is made openly rather than behind closed doors, then we would see how the gap gets bigger and we would stand up for honesty and justice, but too often we are too laissez-faire about it all.”

“We all need to think carefully about the way the world is ruled by the rich over the poor and we must wonder just how that difference comes about?”

“This time we must recognise that there are many who go without on a daily basis, while many live the life of luxury, brought about by dishonest means and they take from those who can least afford it.”
“This is the time of year when Mankind traditionally thinks of giving presents later in the month, but it should be all the year through that giving should be accompanied by unconditional love for his fellow human being.”

01 November 2014

Daily Thoughts for November 2014

“What is the greatest joy we can give to those who we meet?  Surely it is a genuine smile of welcome fit to banish any scowl.”

“Nothing is too much for us to do, as Jesus proved when he washed the feet of his disciples.  Are we willing to do likewise and be humble?  Remember all those who give their lives in service to the sick and the broken in mind and spirit.”

“Be aware that not every person has your advantages, so use your advantages to help them and when a smile comes to their faces you have your reward.”

“Even if you have got it wrong, you know that the goodness and love are blessings to receive.  Give good things to others without asking for rewards and you must be getting much of it right.”

“Take the responsibility for your own life.  Nobody else can.  Your mistakes are your own and your blessings belong to you, so do what is right and stop worrying about what other people think.”

“Religious Houses are always after your money.  They know full well that they are not competent to ask for your soul as their lives are equally open to mistakes and errors.  They don’t know any better than you do, but if your heart is pure then your soul will be far beyond them.”

“Above us is a Higher Intelligence, who loves us and wants us to do well, so why don’t we trust it to guide us or has religion spoilt your appetite?”

“Take heed and live by your conscience, discerning what is good and what is bad.  Those who turn their backs on this valuable barometer will be free to take a mindless course and destroy more than they can save.”

“An open countenance is a happy state of affairs, because with transparency comes the truth and never can one be frightened of being exposed as everything is in the open.”

“Deceivers will always be deceived.  For those who live by dishonesty will always be exposed when they have forgotten what they said before and they expose their lies to trip themselves up.”

“Hold fast to your strengths and see righteousness and truth make good bedfellows.  With them, there can be justice and the dark secrets cannot be hidden for long, so that the right of every situation can be made to shine.”

“To be involved with others there must be no barriers that people so easily erect.  All people came from the same creation, but simply live in different bodies that shows them to be different only on the outside, but the same within.”

“So many people live on an ego trip of their own design and their hearts and minds are hardened against compassion and other people’s interest.  These people have no friends, only interests.”

“There are too many deceivers in this world and not enough souls who live in the right way as taught by Jesus.  His words make just as much sense today if you listen to them rather that see them twisted by the clergy, who only want what is best for them.”

“Do not be misguided by the words of men and women, but see if they fit in with the conscience within you that tells you what is right and what is wrong.”

“Let compassion be in your heart, as you see and hear of the atrocities that Mankind creates every minute of every day and ask for divine unconditional love to replace the hatred in the minds of those who perpetrate them.”

“Send out your thoughts to the heavens and make sure that your voice is heard in the higher levels of life.  If you never ask for anything, in the right and proper way, you will never receive anything.”

“Everything that is given from above has to be earned if you are to receive the gifts of helping to improve the lives of those who travel along your road.  Recognise the justice in the even-handedness from On High.”

“Take a fresh look at yourself and your life every morning and every evening to see if you have come up to scratch or should you have done better?”

“When you see a needy situation that must be addressed, do you hurry by on the other side or roll up your sleeves and give thanks that this opportunity to serve was given to you?”

“Joy is a blessing bestowed on those who make happiness come true for others and then the results give joy to the giver.”

“Take the love of the Lord into your heart and let it then be given to another in need.  Act right and well and the Lord will not be stingy with the love that you have earned for yourself and others in need.”

“Let all that is ready for you to do be done and don’t put off action for another day, because by then it is usually too late.  Make haste and when all is done, you have earned that chance to relax and be at peace.”

“Don’t be impetuous, but assess the facts and let your gut instinct show you the way, as your guide is in the best place to advise you and will do so if you listen and are true.” 

“Waiting until you are ready to act is a recipe for disaster, because by then everything has changed and your opportunity to get things done right, using your first impressions, will have been lost.”

“Lift up yourselves by doing what you can for others, because if you do nothing you will be left bereft when you are in need yourself.  We cannot be granted what we haven’t earned so we need some good deeds already done for others.”

“The best is always still to come and we must work for this and realise that without our input, the future cannot be adjusted for us by the spiritual forces, that need us to show the way through our intensions to success and then they will allow us to succeed in the right and honest way.”

“We are going through a process of change and we have to allow ourselves time to adjust, while not looking back, but understanding what is ahead of us and making the necessary strides forward.”

“Action in the right cause is the way of the world, except that the world isn’t listening and acting correctly.  That is why there is so much pain and so much slaughter and Mankind runs about unchecked by right thinking.”

“Waiting for something to happen is like going backwards, as time is not on your side.  The days allotted to us are always falling like sand in the hour glass and we can’t afford to wait, only to act!”

01 October 2014

Daily Thoughts for October 2014

“Justice is the flat side of the sword.  It should always be in balance and hurt no one who has not done wrong.  If the sharpened blade is towards the innocent then injustice and corruption may be expected.”

“We all need to have the Higher Intelligence in our lives, because our puny mind-sets are not equipped enough to deal with life without it.  We must ask humbly for what we need and follow the right course.”

“May love and compassion guide you to the centre of righteousness and love.  It is only here that true happiness is found.”
“Let all men learn to be guided by the right and not by their selfish personal desires.  Women and children are the ones who suffer most from the mistakes of men.”

“Let us all stand up for what is right in every situation.  We are blessed with a conscience, which tells us the difference and it is only when we turn away from it that we go wrong.”

“Be at peace in your heart and never let it swell up with fear or negativity.  The heart should be pure at all times, as it is a reflection of the mind-set, which must always be at peace.”

“We must never judge others, as we are never in possession of all the facts and the truth does vary depending on where we are standing!”

“The wonderment of life is a magic that only can be experienced through love and gratefulness of what we are given.  Try thanking the giver of life for all you have and engage in that conversation on a regular basis.  You won’t be disappointed.”

“The more we have the greater the worries are that we may lose them and be saddened with their loss.  Don’t love something too much that when it is lost or taken away you are bereft.”

“A simple life is more satisfying than a more complicated one full of desires and wanting.  To be satisfied with the necessities is to appreciate what we need and to see our needs met.”

“We are all here for a purpose, so don’t let us miss our opportunities to serve others and make this world a better place because we came.”

“The whole day is a working miracle and we should see that as we advance in knowledge and wisdom.  Miracles that happen daily are so often missed, because of the ignorance of those who also dismiss the Higher Intelligence.”

“Everything has a purpose and is the result of what happened before.  We must make goodness happen, so that we are blessed or else we will suffer from making the wrong decisions.”

“Through the dark winter days, we must all remember the glorious spring and summer times.  The autumn prepares us with a harvest to enjoy, as we rest through the winter days.  Enjoy the seasons and give thanks that life is not boring!”

“Take a walk in the sunshine and reflect its rays in your thoughts.  Give thanks to the Creator, who made the sun and gave you life to enjoy it.”

“Violence must cease and a balance must exist between all people.  Nothing is gained in war, only the peace afterwards and then the mess must be cleared up!”

“Justice is being withheld is so many ways and it is the right of all to receive fairness and truth when they are oppressed.  We must all look to those who withhold justice and stand up and oppose them for the Greater Good.”

“The future of Mankind looks very grim at this time.  Wars, famine and disease are thinning out the population of this world and there is no sign of it stopping – only getting worse.”

“Make a greater effort to help your neighbour when they are in need.  We all need a helping hand at times and, if we help others, others will help us when we are in need.”

“Love is the currency of happiness, so we must not be misers and withhold it from our fellow man, woman and child.  All who live in love are blessed when that love is returned to us bringing joy and happiness.”

“Those of us, who believe that there is a Higher Intelligence above our own and blessed with that knowledge, but it is even better when we know that there is a Higher Intelligence above our own.”

“Let the sun glorify your day and when it hides behind a cloud, remember it is still there, but further from your feelings.  Let us all be happy that the sun is there to brighten and enrich our lives.”

“If we value the fauna and flora of this world we should do more to protect them from harm.  The selfishness of Mankind is to destroy what he wants to for personal gain and that will leave the rest of us without what we need, either today or tomorrow.”

“Don’t moan about that wet day that brought the water of life to us.  Without the rain we would perish and be burned up by the sun in a land devoid of life.”

“Let the lightness of spiritual vibrations show us the way to live in love and harmony.  Peace is destroyed when we allow the heavy vibrations to dominate us and we lash out in fear of what might be there.”

“Watch the clear sky and see the distance of the Universe unfold and we can be joyful.  When we are hemmed in by heavy clouds we become depressed and we must keep up our spirits by knowing that above them is the glorious sun, which will shine on us again.”

“When we are unclear about our direction we only have to ask higher levels of spiritual knowledge and experience than our own.  Be sure to pick the best source and know that your future doesn’t depend on the turning of a card – that is gambling!”

“Wake up and keep alert, so that all that comes your way is dealt with by your full attention and then you won’t make so many mistakes.  A tired mind is lazy and unsafe.”

“Everything is guided and so, if we listen, we will not make those mistakes that so often creep in when we try to work alone.”

“Nothing stands still.  Time doesn’t work that way.  We must recognise this and always see our lives as a progressive venture and so we are always moving on and making the best of what we have.”

“When we are asked to move on it is not a time to look back, but to concentrate on what is ahead of us, so that we make the best of what is available for us and succeed in all we do.”

01 September 2014

Daily Thoughts for September 2014

“The end of one thing is the beginning of the next, so always be ready to start again and make a good job of whatever is needed and leave the rest behind.”

“Be able to always know that a good turn deserves another, so when you have a good turn shown to you, do one for another so that you both gain and share the happiness.”

“If you give love to another then that love should return to you.  You cannot change another, but you can demonstrate that goodness is a virtue and that you are on the right path to happiness, even if they can’t come with you.”

“A happy thought brings about a happy action and, so that all is good, you are able to smile while doing that action, so why not keep the smile and do the right thing as a matter of course?”

“Making up a bedtime story is a good way of getting a child to sleep, but do you say your prayers to the Higher Intelligence so that you may sleep well in the safety of that unconditional love?”

“Take a long look at your feelings and try and know what is right for all, so that the right action can occur.  Doing what is right for the self at the expense of the rest is a sad road to follow.”

“Now it is time to put the past behind you and to stop feeling the hurts that made you sad and unhappy.  To leave them behind and live in the now is to create a better future than before.”

“Justice is the equality of actions brought together for the Greater Good where all gain from a situation that was before in the balance.  Justice must be equally available to all in a good society.”

“Peace of mind is a precious commodity.  It is available to all who have a clear conscience and are able to know that they are so pure that they are able to throw the first stone.”

“Let us all know that where we go depends on the way that we think and act.  It is normally our own fault that we end up the way that we do, so it is no use blaming everybody else!”

“Take a view of what one sees and not allow others to dirty the water of whom and what we truly are.  The only philosophy that counts is the one we find within our own understanding.”

“There is always a way to find the truth if one is prepared to search hard enough for it.  Having found it, we must know what to do with the knowledge for the Greater Good of humanity.”

“The Father of Creation gave us all life and unconditional love so we could exist here.  Are we using it well so that others benefit from our being here also?”

“Take another look around and see how well your life is going and know that you are blessed with love from a Higher Intelligence.  If your life isn’t going well, are you accepting this higher existence to be a part of your life?”

“Mark well what I do say, “The Kingdom of Heaven is only available for those who practice right living with their family and neighbours.  If this were not true then you won’t know how to react with others who do practice it.”

“Let those who look see the truth in what they are expecting to find.  It is not always as it appears however and there are always hidden depths to every vision that are not disclosed so readily.”

“Let us share in understanding how well off we are and to be prepared to give and take with those who are in need of harmony and peace, so that through our actions we are worthy to set an example to others to give likewise.”

“Look out into the world and see how so many people are so much worse off than we are.  Much of life’s good things are given free to us as a right, which doesn’t apply to so much of the population on this earth plane.”

“We are easily led down the pathway of what we don’t have, but when we have health and life and love we need to see that we don’t need much of what we hanker after, let alone what people want to sell us!”

“When we are low in spirits, we need to increase our vibrations with positive thought.  Not too easy?  Try thinking of all the good things you have in your life and how blessed you really are!”

“Bringing in love into an unhappy place can be very draining.  Before we do, we need to ask for that place to be cleansed by the Higher Intelligence that will enable our security and for goodness to spread and be received.”

“We must all take our turn in standing up for what is right.  It is no good sweeping it under the carpet where there are already enough hidden agendas.  We need to take them out and put them right again.”

“Much that we thought was good and sincere is now shown to be rotten in our midst.  We must be realistic and take responsibility or we become complicit in allowing it to happen in our lifetime.”

“Now that the world is heading for destruction in the hands of Mankind in so many different ways, how many people turn to our Creator and ask for help in saving this beautiful planet and all that is good on it?”

“Some like to wait and watch which way matters are going before they act, but it is usually only too clear what is right and good and what is negative and wrong.  Which do you choose to discuss with your Creator when the time comes?”

“Those who live by the sword die by the sword and so many today will die, because of their atrocities with their weapons on their fellow man, woman and child.  Innocence is a gift from our Creator and mustn’t be abused.”

“Much has been said about what you sow so you reap and it is so.  Place your seeds where they will be nurtured and grow and not in the stony ground in the hearts of the takers of this world.”

“What we give we receive back again many times over, so it is better to give out happiness and helpfulness if we want to be helped when we are in need of some extra security in our lives.”

“Love is the vibration that warms our hearts and souls, so why are we so stingy in giving it to others, who are in need of upliftment and to know that they are not alone.”

“Let your joy abound as you learn that you can trust in the Spirit, which our Creator gave to each and every one of us, so, if we turn it away, we only have ourselves to blame.”

01 August 2014

Daily Thoughts for August 2014

“Give unto others who are worse off than we are and don’t only think about material things.  Love and understanding are in short supply these days and it is the free things that are so often most appreciated if they are genuinely given.”

“We can never stop and stare.  We have no time too, as the poet told us, so we must always be ready to follow our path of progress and continue down that lane that we call our destiny, otherwise we will be left behind.”

“Take a firm hand and reach out to all those who are in distress.  We may not always know their names, but we understand their circumstances and feel their grief and pain.  We are only alone if we isolate ourselves from the feelings of others.” 

“As we enjoy the beauties of this earth plane of existence, do we say, “Thank you,” for them and understand truly that Mankind could never create the great diversity of perfect things that are given to us and so often we simply take them for granted.”

“We live too much in the physical constraints of modern life and ignore the spiritual values that were always there for us to understand and live by.  If we live in the material without the Spirit we will surely end up with nothing worth having to grace our passage along this road of existence.”

“Making haste so often means making less speed.  If we travel securely in consciousness we will be more likely to arrive at the right place at the right time, but if we are in too much of a hurry we often don’t know where that place is.”

“The Coming of the Lord is a precious moment in our lives.  We are all given the opportunity to receive him and to live by his example, if we are ready to be in service to others rather than ourselves.”

“Since we all come into this world with nothing physical, we cannot take anything physical away with us and why should we want to when everything worth having is already there for us, if we have earned these gifts through right living.”

“Coming to the Cross that we all have to bear is to take that moment and to give ourselves to the Higher Intelligence, which understands what we are being asked to endure and why.  If we ignore the presence of that wisdom, how can we hope to progress by what we are asked to bear.”

“Being graced with a body and a mind, we are able to experience a life according to our deeds and if we behave well to others we should expect to be treated well in return.”

“Our mistakes are by not taking others into our considered actions.  We don’t see the effects of what we do on other people, because we don’t take time to think things through.”

“To be at one with the Spirit is to be at peace. Surely we can understand that if we allow the Spirit to solve our problems in the right way, then we shall be saved from the errors of our own mistakes.”

“As everything is moving, so are we.  We cannot be still except in our own minds, when we learn to hold them at the same speed that everything else is moving.  Then you can hear the quietness and the stillness of ‘Our Lord’.”

“We are all in a state of learning as every second of every day has something to tell us.  We can never stand still otherwise we retreat backwards and don’t progress as we should, because nothing ever stays the same”

“Then came the blow that we were not expecting and we are lost in despair.  It takes a moment to sink in and then, before we panic and lose our common sense, we need to take a moment to think and to realise that we are not alone and help and understanding are given if we ask for them.”

“Grace is a word that too often doesn’t describe our actions.  We are often in too much of a hurry to behave in a beautiful natural way that shows others that we have a soul that guides us and makes us more worthy with every passing day.”

“Just about now there may be another little ray of sunshine that can find its way into your heart if you are prepared to accept in with a joyful reception.  If not it will turn away to find a more deserving soul.”

“Give and take is a good motto which describes how people are blessed by giving or by receiving, so if one is gracious then one will not go too far wrong by acting this one out.”

“By having a happy countenance is a way of keeping ourselves vibrant and happy.  If we go around with a scowl we will surely pick up on all the unhappiness that is never far away as like always attracts like.”

“Joy in the morning is a good way to start the day and then if we work at it we can be joyful all day through.  It is the outside happenings that trend to dent our ardour, if we let them.”

“We were taught to treat our neighbours as we would like them to treat us, so why don’t we do so and make a greater harmony about us with all who come to meet us?”

“Much is to be learned by watching the actions and reactions of others.  It is through watching unguarded moments that we can witness moments of great joy, but also moments of great pain.  We can learn to be gentler than before.”

“The lightning strikes according to the line of least resistance.  It causes damage where it goes.  If we unleash our words and actions without thinking, so often we cause damage to those we love around us.”

“Now we must be aware that all of us have a sacred destiny to fulfil.  If we are honest with ourselves we know that that is so, because it is within our own consciousness, so if we listen to our inner knowledge we know what we have to do.”

“If we give so we receive.  The satisfaction from giving is to see the receiver happy because of what we gave and then by reciprocal actions we are both happy and in harmony with each other.”

“Honour and glory is worth nothing if it is made off the backs of others.  We need to be honourable enough to do things for the best reasons that we love our fellow man, woman and child and that they deserve more than they have been given before.”

“Wake up each morning with a new objective to achieve.  Then we can go to bed happy that we achieved it and that we made the day better for someone else rather than ourselves.”

“What is it that makes us tick?  Surely it is the knowledge that we are loved and appreciated by those around us and that we are making a difference for the better simply by being here.”

“Joy is a state of happiness to be envied and cultivated and if it harms nobody else we shall be uplifted in thought and hopefully word and deed.  It never hurts anybody else if we share our happiness with a smile and a giving countenance.”

“When we feel alive we are positive in our thoughts and actions, so it is conversely true that if we allow ourselves to become depressed we shall reap the heaviness of our own vibrations.”