01 September 2015

Daily Thoughts for September 2015

“Let the rain clouds come and go having refreshed the earth and then they will make way for the sunshine that lightens all our hearts and puts that spring in our step as we quicken towards a better world.”

“Take another step into the consciousness of truth and allow your freedom to be increased.  Being brainwashed by others makes a dull and frightening life without the joy of knowing the truth.”

“Carry a smile through life and see others respond to it.  Smiling can be contagious and bring a ray of light into the gloomy world that many live in.”

“If we are happy, so we can spread happiness to others.  If we carry all our problems on our sleeves we only spread fears and woe and dampen any happiness that others have found already.”

“We are always looked after if we allow the unconditional love of our Creator to guide us in the right way of living.  It does help to be grateful and recognise his loving guidance.”

“Take a good look in the mirror and see the good things that are there.  It doesn’t profit any one to just count the wrinkles and observe the ravages of time.  As we mature so we change for the better.”

“Never give away all the goodness that you have earned or there will be nothing left for you.  It is not a selfish act to be generous while holding back enough for your own needs.”

“Watch out for ways to help others.  Then when you are in need of help yourself it can be given and your conscience is clear, as like attracts like and so you in turn are helped.”

“As the sun shines, so you know that you are blessed above others.  If you recognise the gifts of our Creator, who gave us life and love, you are well on the way to a better life.”

“Watching how others live their lives is a good way of learning.  Copy their good moves and learn from their mistakes.  Remember that you will not see the whole picture, so act on your instincts and let Spiritual Guidance show you the right way to go.”

“When we feel that there needs to be any adjustment in our lives, we are being guided to do something about it, so ask for help as to the best way to go about it and go for it!”

“Nothing lasts forever and change is always in the wind.  You are never stuck in a rut, even if it is of your own making.  Look for the constant movement, as everything is in motion.”

“Now is the time to make new resolutions.  Don’t leave it for another day.  Today is always the right time when it is put into your mind that changes are needed.”

“Soon it will all get better, but not if we do nothing!  We cannot leave it for others to do, so we must start now and change the world.”

“Until Mankind learns to live together in harmony for the Greater Good, no progress will be made.  First and foremost we have to establish the work of individuals to bring us all together in the right way by their example.”

“Allow the love of the Spirit to guide you rather than the dictates of man. Where there is trust established first you can be assured of the right, but do not be duped by misinformation.”

“There are many ways to go through this life and material temptation is often shown to be a wise course, but without the right intentions you can do more harm than good, so look to your conscience before you act.”

“Take a moment each and every day to examine what you need to know and so keep on the right path of justice and love of your fellow man, woman and child.”

“If you are facing difficult decisions, ask for help and guidance in the right way and it will be there for you.  It may not always be what you want, but it will always be what is best for you.”

“There is a great deal of information available to us if we look for it.  Seek and you will find and the truth will be given to you.”

“Many have laid down the law over the centuries and it may be hard to change, but it never will be unless we examine it and find the truth, which is given through Spiritual Law and not Mankind’s preferences.”

“It is no use always following what we are told to do when in our hearts we know something different.  We must always be comfortable and at peace with all our decisions.”

“We all need a role model to look up to and to learn from.  Jesus showed us how to be meek and mild and yet to succeed.  If we always stand up for what is right, there is some hope of righteousness occurring.”

“Take yourself to the higher level and always try to improve on what you do, so that you progress towards a better life both here and in the world to come.”

“If you only take what you need there will be more for others and then there is a chance that by your example enough will always be available.”

“Make a good job of everything that you do.  Give of your best and nobody can ask for more than that.”

“We are here to help one another and to make the world a better place because we came.  If we fall short, we will have let down not only ourselves, but all those who are still to come.”

“Remember the words of Jesus, who said that you reap what you sow and these words are true and should always be born in mind every moment of every day.”

“You need to be aware that the Higher Intelligence loves you and secures your future as long as you live by Spiritual Law.  It is from this Law that you will receive what you have earned for yourself through good or ill.”

“The beginning of the end is not the same as the end of the beginning.  Live in the now and see that where you are is the right place to be, if you allow the flow of the Spirit to regulate your life for the best.”