01 February 2017

Daily Thoughts for February 2017

“Remember that when you leave this world, you take nothing with you except all your thoughts and actions that will be presented to you to show if your life on this earth plane has been worthwhile or not.”

“Give your good thoughts and well wishes where they will do the most good.  It helps not to cast pearls before swine.”

“Spiritual Law is the way of life, whereby we are rewarded for what we do, either in good ways or in more negative ways when we have behaved badly and so we shall receive likewise and deserve to!”

“We should be pleased when others have good fortune and do well.  Are we never envious and wonder why things don’t come easily to us when we haven’t earned them?”

“Let sympathy lie in our hearts and minds.  If we can do something to help others we should do so.  At the very least we can ask for the divine help to be given, as angels are real and do come when bidden to help all those in honest need. ”

“Do not let us judge others or we shall be judged.  So often the news of another is unfairly reported and not all is revealed, so how can we have the power of judgement – we don’t!”
“This fast and modern world has many good things about it, but all too often we are attracted to the wrong easy fix and, through our greed, we destroy what we had already build up for our salvation.”

“May our children remain in innocence as long as is possible to build their compassion and sympathies.  Too often they are already lost to the harsh world of the internet, where they are so vulnerable.”

“When you wake in the morning spare a few moments to ask ‘God’ to give to those who are in need, as Mankind is too busy feeding himself with the riches of the earth to care for the long term future of us all.”

“We all are given the opportunity to earn the gifts that are available to us.  However there are no short cuts as they can’t be bought up front on credit, so you need to merit them first.”

“Take heed of the warning that you are given in the quietness of your mind, as the Spirit who loves you best and knows what is best for you, will try and show you the error of your ways if you will only heed it!”

“Share your love and humanity with those whom you meet along the way.  There is always room for more to be given and with an honest intention you will reap the rewards from above, where love is the currency of life.”

“Knock and it shall be opened to you.  Think before you knock and be sure that you are seeking entry to where you really want to go.”

“Wait until you are asked is an old Victorian saying that will hold you back all your life.  Jesus taught us that if we ask it shall be given to us – if we ask in the right way with a true heart.”

“Ask for abundance in your life and with regular and genuine requests each and every day, you will find that you are blessed, but say, “Thank you” each and every time, big or small, it is given to you.”

“See the love and innocence of our children and allow them to keep it as long as possible. It is an unfair world with many negative sides, so keep them safe until it is time for them to learn.”

“Some people worry about everything in life, but it is prudent only to concern yourself with matters that you can actually do something about.”

“We must not be afraid to try and understand our weaknesses.  It is by understanding them that we are able to be stronger and make ourselves better equipped on our journey through life.”

“It does help if we can see all sides of a situation!  This is very difficult, as we all have issues that get in the way, but it certainly helps to try!”

“In order not to have any regrets, we must think before we act and see that what we plan to do is in the best interests of all the parties concerned.”

“Take a cup of comfort for yourself and know that we all need to love ourselves or how else can others love us?”

“We are all given freewill, by which we can serve each other or turn away; whatever we choose we will be given more of the same in our lives, so it is best to choose wisely.”

“The Light of God is often spoken about, but it is really the enlightenment that is given in which to live our lives according to Spiritual Law and this comes directly to us, so that we can build our lives on its righteousness.”

“We must never judge others, as we do not always know all the facts behind what they do.  We all have opinions, but if we judge we too will be judged. ”

“We are all loved through our creation and that unconditional love remains for us, so that the more love we give out in our lives, the more the Higher Intelligence will give to us.”

“Reading the news is to see the saddened side of life, where negativity reigns almost freely.  What we need to see is the goodness that is done by those brave enough to step outside the box!”

“We all need to be stimulated and find fresh adventures to carry us forwards, otherwise what life do we have to live for?”

“We all need that wakeup call to stop complacency setting in.  The status quo means that we are stagnating and being left behind as the world changes about us.”