30 October 2016

Daily Thoughts for November 2016

“Ease your way into the goodness and righteousness of life.  These are not old fashioned words, but what has been lost in everyday life in the 21sr century.”

“Never let your children see that you are unhappy.  They need to know the facts of life, but they expect you to know love for them and the whole family.”

“Take a new look at your relationships and see that they are working to both party’s advantage.  If they are not, there is no point in staying together and excluding happiness!”

“There is a new star rising in the east that will bring goodness and light to this world.  It has to be so, because Mankind has lost his way and so Universal Energies must bring back balance to this world.”

“It is right that we should be happy in our spirit, so that we spread the joy in our hearts to others.”

“We tend to bring on us what we deserve by our thoughts and actions.  Be positive for the Greater Good and spread happiness all around.”

“When you get up in the morning see the good things that you can achieve today and don’t dwell on any negativity that you are harbouring.”

“Sometimes we are ignorant of events around us, but we need to be aware that the way we act is the way to go after we have consulted our inner most feelings, so we don’t accidently hurt another soul.”

“Never go against what you feel in your heart in right.  You are in charge of your thoughts and actions and so you must take the reins and do it right in the most loving way that you can.”

“Take a moment to reflect and see that we are indeed led in the right direction.  We should know the way, as our instincts are well tuned if we let them guide us truly.”

“Know that we are always shown the way if we ask for directions. We are given the very best for our spiritual progression, so all we need to do is ask and it will be found for us.”

“There are so many people who cannot see their way clear to doing what they were destined to do.  We all came with a job of work to achieve and we promised the Almighty to do it for the Greater Good.”

“Keep yourselves informed of the atrocities that man does to his fellow man and send out your love and healing through the Spirit for peace and balance to return to all peoples.”

“It is the emotion of love that carries the world and not the negative fears and hatred of man’s influence on the landscape and common souls who struggle.”

“From our decisions others find that they are influenced.  We all need to be aware of our actions on the minds of others, because we are all linked in more ways that we can see.”

“As we reach out to the way that we have chosen and to those who walk the same path, we need to re-track our motives to be certain that we are walking in God’s light and not skulking in the ignorance of darkness.”

“Every step of the way there are decisions to be made.  It is through these smaller steps that the wide decisions can be made in total knowledge of the greater good and the best for all concerned.”

“There are many ways to climb the mountain, but only one way that will allow you the respite that you will need to succeed by using Spiritual Law to your advantage.”

“Always consider others as you progress through life and you will find that good helping hands are there for you when you need them, as we all do sometimes.”

“Keep on when the going gets tough, but ask the Spirit to show you the easiest route to accomplish your needs and desires.”

“Know that we are all capable of great things if we allow ourselves to concentrate on the things that matter.  We need to believe in ourselves and not to be put down by others who don’t have love in their hearts”

“We need to trust each other and to ensure that it is founded on strength.  No one has the right to have power over another as we are all individuals, who make up the whole.”

“By sharing in peace and harmony, we are able to progress together and to have a stable family and society.  We need to ensure that we are not misled by others into fear and separation.”

“To be loved is the greatest feeling in the Universe.  Take the opportunity to love all those around you and give it unconditionally as Our Father did for us.”

“Let the joy in your heart spill over to those around you, as you know that you were all created in unconditional love.”

“We all need to be accountable, not to the monetary system by which the world is run, but to the love and harmony of a Higher Source, who will aid us if we sincerely ask for his help.”

“God’s gifts are free and it is Man that makes everything accountable by the use of money, so that there immediately become a line drawn through all society of the haves and the have nots.”

“When we help another because we want to and not because we have to, we will be rewarded when we need a helping hand without conditions attached.”

“We were all made to love each other and to live in peace and harmony with our neighbours.  It is by living as one that we share our gifts and allow all to benefit and not just the few.”

“Let all good things come to you.  They are all on offer if you live by Spiritual Law and acknowledge the presence of a Higher Intelligence.”

01 October 2016

Daily Thoughts for October 2016

“All souls are made in unconditional love and so why is it so hard for us to live together in that love and receive harmony and peace?  We must see what we all have in common and build on that.”

“Remember that when you ask it will be answered for you, so be careful to ask for what you really would like and in the right and loving way.  Then you will be blessed and will rejoice with gratitude.”

“We all need love in our lives and yet so many souls find that they are denied the love that they want.  It is not right to go after another, who is already in another relationship, but it is right to send out your thoughts for the kind of soul that you would like and allow the guides to bring them to you.”

“Know yourself and be ready to make yourself a better soul.  We are all given opportunities each and every day, so act and let them guide you to a better life that God has prepared for you.”

“Thoughts are created to allow positive energies to flow from one place to another.  This is how the Power of Prayer can heal.  Beware that negative thoughts have the opposite affects.”

“Do not just sit at home and believe that you have done enough!  Always there are more things that need to be done and, even in your rest state, allow the guides to work with you in love and harmony and listen to their guidance.”

“Send out healing thoughts to the sick and the bereaved.  They need the comfort of unconditional love that is given to us all, but some have greater need for more and all are created equal, so send out what you have and it will be replaced for you.”

“Send out also your thoughts for those who are in need that from the energies around you are created the opportunities for them to be given what they need to survive and to rejoice.”

“Ask and it shall be given to you.  Seek and you shall find.  Put out your prayers to the Almighty and see how they are answered for you.”

“Greed and envy are two manmade emotions, which are unworthy of any soul who understands the glory of creation from On High and tries to live their lives through Spiritual Law.

“Nobody has an easy life, as the balance is always achieved by Spiritual Law.  Look beneath the surface and you will be able to see that this is so.”

“Where you give to others who are in need, you will be rewarded likewise, but where you take for yourself you will be punished in ways that you did not foresee.”

“To take advantage of another, will mean that you will only have a short term gain and that you will lose what you made yours.  It is wrong to think that you can gain off the backs of others, because Spiritual Law will not allow it.”

“Always think before you act, as there is always a knock-on effect to others.  We cannot act alone and without care it is so easy to hurt the more sensitive souls around us.”

“We are all on a pathway leading to our destiny, which we came to achieve.  There is no such thing as failure, only different levels of achievement.”

“When you receive the answers to your prayers, always give thanks and rejoice.  Know that you are given what you need and what is best for you, because your guides know you better than you do yourself!”

“If you are bewildered and cannot see the truth, then ask the Almighty to show you through the Light the meaning that eludes you.  Then stand back and in the time to come watch for the answer, which will be given.”

“Never believe what is forced on you until you have examined it and from within you know the truth.  No one can walk your path or tell you what is not so unless you allow it to happen.”

“You are unique and have evolved into a soul different from all others.  Your thoughts and actions make this so and according to your beliefs and truth, so you are.”

“Know that your thoughts are always heard by the Great Spirit, who is with you always.  Never are you alone and never are you unheard.  Put out your most intimate thoughts and see how solutions are manifested to you.”

“Never think that you are unworthy of the attention of your Creator.  The Higher Intelligence is everywhere and loves everybody.  Why do you think that you are different?”

“Ask in the right way, humbly and positively.  If you never ask how can your prayers be answered?  If you ask in a reasonable way and give thanks for what you receive you are truly blessed.”

“If you are in need why do you not ask for help to receive?  To ask God to supply exactly what you need is the only way that you will be blessed with your salvation.”

“Know that the Spirit is as close as you allow it to come.  If you show negative thoughts, your guides and helpers must stand back and their assistance is limited by your ability to receive it.”

“To give love to another is a great and mighty gift, where happiness and positive thinking will raise the level of life and everybody will gain as happiness can then spread from one to another.”

“Love is the energy that makes the world a better place to live.  Where love has been supplanted by fear and hatred, it is only existence that prevails bringing suffering and pain.”

“Take another look at your life and see and understand your part in the world of today.  We are all connected in one way or another, so if we fail to do our best, we lower the worth of the group soul.”

“Let the Animal Kingdom be respected.  When all the elephants have gone through greed and ignorance they can never be replaced.  It is our loss and we are all responsible in the eyes of God, who created them.”

“Lift up your spirits and make positive thought your daily accomplishment.  Negativity makes us ill and causes the disease that saddens the world and brings pain and suffering.”

“When you see wrongdoing occurring made a great noise.  If you just ignore it nothing will ever change and we must all take responsibility for the communal wrongs.”

“Let your heart sing, as you see the miracles that God does each and every day.  He is not responsible for Mankind’s errors and mistakes, but helps us to atone and live right.  See the difference.”