01 December 2017

Daily Thoughts for December 2017

 “Now that a few days have gone by, try and rekindle those positive wishes you made when you wished everybody a happy and prosperous New Year.”

“Continue with the good ways of the past and vow to put right those things that we are not proud of that will show up always on own CV of life.”

“Start to understand that we are only as great as our actions make us, so that generosity and harmony rank highly in the eyes of our Lord.”

“Remember that everyone is not as blessed at this time of year and that many have lost so much through fires, famine and wars.  Send out your thoughts and prayers for them to be blessed with new beginnings.”

“In this lull between Christmas and the New Year, know that it is a time to reflect on all that we have done and see our pathway to what we need to do.”

 “We seem to think that we can get away with unfriendly ways and that our greed for ourselves is hidden by our charming exterior.  Know that the Spirit sees all and can tell us for what we are, so we can never hide away from what we do.”

 “As the year starts to draw to a close, know that in reality one day is similar to any other in as much as the way you behave is mirrored in your progression to the Spirit at all times.”

 “What you believe in your hearts is guided by your conscience, which is your barometer for right and wrong.  What you show on the outside to others should be what you feel within.”

“Remember that there is no longer an easy path to Heaven!  All that you do on this earth plane provides you with a direction through the loving of your neighbour and not alms to the organised religions.”

 “Know that your pets are your responsibility and treat them well.  They are taken into your care and can no longer be expected to share your hardships, as they can only give you love and gratitude.”

“Allow the animals in this world to live in peace.  Those who roam free have as much right to live here as we do.”
“Know that we are adapted to where we live and that the colour of our skin is not a means of difference, but just an outward cover for the soul within.”

“We all need to be aware that we are all connected together by the Creation.  We all share the unconditional love, which is Divine, but we need to earn its blessings.”

“Never feel alone and know that you can ask the Higher Intelligence for anything you need, but do it so that you are seeking the best results for all around you and not just yourself.”

 “As the winter months ease into glorious spring, know that whatever season is around you that you are blessed by Divine love, which is waiting for your response and gratitude.”

“Know that you are made in unconditional love and that we are all connected to the Creator, who makes our very being or soul and allows humanity to make the body according to the physical laws of this planet.”

 “Allow the sunshine to come into our lives and to send that gift to others, who may not be so blessed.”

“We reap what we sow.  This is the basis of Spiritual Law and sooner or later it will be given back to us, so it is better to put right what we have done unkindly by sending out positive love.”

“It is through our thoughts that we command a reaction.  We need to be aware that what we think produces an energy that goes out into the Universe and is returned to us according to its vibrations.”

 “Say nothing that can harm another without thinking that what you say will come back to haunt you by Spiritual Law.”

“Allow the sunshine in your heart to overflow into you actions and reactions for the Greater Good.  We all need to be generous through our unconditional love for each other, as we all have need of each other’s support.”

 “Let others carry on as they wish to.  We cannot walk another’s path, but we can advise on the reaping of what they sow, as that is Spiritual Law and cannot be denied.”

“Keep yourselves free from over-reacting to the stress levels of the 21st century, as it is only through ‘God’s’ love and generosity that we survive at all and we need to keep in tune with those vibrations of love.”

“Now it is time to go out into the world of your asperations and seek what is there for you.  Allow the Spirit to guide you and feel the love that is generated within you, as your guides come close and see to your needs.”

“We are all too busy rushing from pillar to post, but we must learn to spare ourselves enough time to rest at ease and rebuild our depleted energies, so that our minds and bodies can recover and work at the most fruitful level.”

“Allow yourself time to think how best to overcome what you see as problems and then put out your requests to the Higher Intelligence for the best way to achieve it.”

“Ask not only just for yourself and your basic needs, but also ask how best you can serve each other, as nobody is without the need for help and guidance.”

“Never turn away from what you know that you must do.  Ask for guidance on how to do it best and see your strength revitalised into true accomplishment.”

 “Take the medicine that we all need, which is unconditional love.  It is from these vibrations that all good things grow into happiness and joy, so allow yourselves this panacea of everlasting hope.”

“It is the true faith and trust within us all that gives us hope in our abilities to act for the Greater Good and not just selfishly for ourselves.”

“See around you the miracles of life and know that the wonders of the Creation are beyond our understanding, but that they are there and bring balance and harmony to an unforgiving world.”

“Let the joy ring out in your heart, as you know that you are saved by the Higher Intelligence, who loves all his creations and continues to serve them well.  It is Mankind that brings in the negativity and ignores the love born within us all.”

01 November 2017

Daily Thoughts for November 2017

“Let the end bring in a new beginning, so that we are always moving on and making a better life for ourselves and all around us.”

“Know that the sunlight is beautiful and brings us continued life on this earth plane of existence.  Let us be grateful for it and see its goodness in sustaining us through the fauna and flora, which is a miracle in itself.”

“Let us all be aware of the needs of others, who have suffered and cannot be appeased so easily.  Traumas affect the subconscious mind and can only be healed with the right care and loving understanding.”

“We are all the same at our creation, but differences soon appear, as we become taught the emotions of Mankind and forget the ways of God.”

“Be aware of all those who lose everything due to fire or famine.  Much is lost too through the aggressive nature of Mankind in wars against each other and a disregard of civilians and the families of the innocent.”

“Make your way through life knowing that, as you get older, so your responsibilities change.  New ways need to be found to understand your changing role in the universe and to encourage others to seek a brighter pathway.”

“Life isn’t fair, as we are often tested by events that are not of our making, but these are new opportunities to succeed and prosper.”

“Reach out where you can be understood and appreciated, so that with others it is possible to have a stronger bond of love and understanding.”

“It is not wrong to ask for oneself, because if you do not ask then you will never be rewarded by the graciousness from our Creator, who made us in His image and gives us the love that we deserve.”

“Watch and wait for the right time to make yourself useful.  If you are always doing, then when can the Spirit be moved to help also?”

“We cannot give all the time and we must be aware of the taker, who is never satisfied.  Let us be mindful of our responsibilities to ourselves, so that we are never left without and always have more for a genuine cause.”

“Be ready to put your heart and mind in the way of goodness and light, so that there is nothing that we do, which we may be ashamed of others seeing.”

“Take heed of the easy way to get what we want though the online scammers, as they make it sound so plausible and easy, but always we must be aware that this is not the way we truly want to go!”

“Knowing everything is impossible, so it is better to learn about what is most important to us in our daily lives and to use it for ourselves and the greater good of those around us.”

“It is good to know that above the grey clouds there is always sunshine and that we are never far away from the enlightenment of the Spirit, if we chose to listen.”

“Let the blessings in our lives not go unnoticed and without thanks.  If we appreciate them, we are all the more likely to have continued blessings in the future to come to us.”

“Look out for miracles that happen every day if we are ready to acknowledge them for what they are – God-given and truly blessed.”

“If we need upliftment, let us balance our energies by grounding ourselves and appreciating the wonders of natural beauty that are so close to us and yet we so often take them for granted.”

“What we are short of is what we need to ask the Higher Intelligence to send us and, by asking in the right way, we will be heard and we will receive what we most need for our progression through life.”

“Let the love from the Spirit caress you and protect you. We are so vulnerable if we just push ourselves from pillar to post using only our own resources to get us through.”

“‘Seek and you will find’ is a common enough saying, but, if you fail to look, you will not be likely to find what you thought you needed.”

“Never think that you are alone and facing the hard facts of your life without direction.  Know that the Higher Intelligence gives you unconditional love, so breathe it in and breath out the negativity.”

“Seek to find a moment in your busy week to have a time of quietness and rest, so that you can balance your energies and seek spiritual upliftment to recharge those batteries of life.”

“The world needs the charity of those who care for others, but, with so many dysfunctional examples, it is hard to know which is the worthiest, so let your heart and the Spirit lead you.”

“We are depressed by the news of those who behave badly and the negativity that they give out.  We must ask for our own protection and give out positive energies to help balance the world about us.”

“We cannot be an expert in everything, so we must do the best we can and pick out the best advice that is going.  We are loved and blessed by our Spirit Guides, so we must learn to ask and listen to their guidance.”

“Let the little children keep their innocent for as long as they can, but keep them safe from the many evils that hide about them in this modern world.”

“Our world is governed by those who seek power for themselves and use it, but not always for the Greater Good.”

“When we are young, we seem invincible, but, as we grow older, we start to feel more vulnerable.”

“Keep a thought in your prayers for all those who are trapped in situations that are not of their own making.  We always think that we are safe, but we may need help too, as our lives are always uncertain.”

01 October 2017

Daily Thoughts for October 2017

“Let God’s light shine upon you and in every home and family.  He is always there, whether he is welcome or not.”

“Remember that the children are so vulnerable and so many have to live out their lives scarred by the abuse of their innocence.”

“Watch out for the miracles that the Higher Intelligence grants us every day and give thanks for them.  These are so apparent that even the blind can see them!”

“Put a thought out every night for those dealing with the many catastrophes around the world and ask every morning for you be given direction to make the best use of the day.”

“Let the lessons be learned from the truth and not from the fake news of those who have a vested interest in promoting their own interest above the Greater Good.”

“Make yourself a promise to see the light of God everywhere in the fields and streets of this planet and how He helps with His miracles, even in the disasters that Mankind brings upon themselves.”

“Take a good look at the wonders of this world and see the hand of the Creator there.  All that is sad and destroyed is what the hand of Man in his negative ways of greedy and selfish behaviour has accomplished.”

“Know that each and every soul on this planet has their own experienced guide, who in love will see to what you need and have earned by your goodness to be able to receive likewise.”

“Make a point every day to ask your spirit guides to direct your path for the greater good and for your personal progression in particular.”

“When you reach out to others to give your love and help, be sure that you understand that they are the ones in need and are not just takers for their own selfishness.”

“Let the love and light of the Creator steer you through all your decisions, so that you are positive and harmonious with your fellow man, woman and child.”

“When reviewing your life, it is necessary to let the past go as it changes nothing, but to move on and see your path ahead and be guided for your future progression.”

“Take a few moments today to think of those who are suffering around the world and let your positive requests for their salvation mix in harmony with others to strengthen their support and enlightenment.”

“Listen to the quietness that you have set aside for your special time.  Be undisturbed and protected to let yourself go into the universal energies of peace and love.”

“Remember that your gut feeling is usually right, so do not ignore it, but give it the final vote on how you behave and what you do. You know it makes sense.”

“Take the unconditional love that your Creator has for you and know its power.  If you feel it then you are blessed and can help others through your loving kindness to them.”

“Balance is the equality of swings and roundabouts, so that you are at peace and not forever going from one extreme to another.”

“As energies are mainly positive and negative, balance yourself so that you can control your levels of positive to outweigh the negative.”

“Even in our darkest hour we are not alone, so send out your universal thoughts and open your hearts.  Then you will understand that help is only a thought away.”

“Take that time out for yourselves.  You know it makes sense.”

“Too many souls think that sex is the most important thing, but it is lovemaking that conquers all.”

“We need to teach our children to recognise the body language of others and to see how relationships are born successfully through love and understanding between both partners.”

“When we are too busy to take time out for our spiritual needs, then we are out of balance and that can only lead to illness in our minds and bodies.”

“When will the wind blow softly in our lives and when will the calmness of our mind-sets take over from the rushing to keep up with modern life?”

“If we communicate with the Spirit Lands beyond our present understanding, we will learn the truth and those who have been through out of body experiences, should be listened to.”

“Healing is a great gift given to those who can handle the positive energies of unconditional love from the highest of the spiritual planes that are aware of our needs, so we only have to ask.”

“The negative energies that pervade this earth plane are not to our advantage, so we much combat them with positive thoughts and where necessary ask for protection against them and send love to where they come from.”

“When we return from this experience on this earth plane, we will be greeted in unconditional love by those who love us, so we can expect a great welcome and a successful homecoming.”

“Unconditional love was the making of us and we need to remember that it is the passport to a happy and a fruitful life.”

“We need to concentrate on keeping our lives in balance, as too much of anything is a concern and a responsibility.”

“Disappointments come at regular intervals, but they are opportunities to be overcome and, if we need help, the Higher Intelligence is always on hand to give us guidance.”

01 September 2017

Daily Thoughts for September 2017

“Take the best option and be at one with those who are of the same mind and inclination.  If you choose otherwise then the negativity will grate on you and you will destroy the positive love that you carry.”

“Now is the time to see yourself as others do and you can ask yourself if this is the image that you want to portray?”

“Keep the quietness in your lives when you need to be available to higher thoughts.  The negativity of loudness builds barriers against the simple and safe communication between the Spirit and your sensitivity.”

“There are times when we must fall to the lowest rung of the ladder in order to become strong enough to climb it again.”

“Much affection can be given safely and seriously to those who need it, but it mustn’t form a chain that supports them totally, so that they cannot think and progress for themselves.”

“Some people put out a protection around themselves to keep the Spirit away and they become hardened and brittle.  It is only their ego that keeps them going and the hard and fast rules that they live by against the common sense of the needs of humanity.”

“It is high time that Mankind recognised the strength of the power of love as a highly changed energy and see what happens when it is denied to souls who cannot absorb it into their daily lives.”

“We are in charge of our thoughts and also the actions and reactions that we produce.  It is no use blaming others for our follies, when we have the opportunity to speak out and do the right thing.”

“Why don’t we say a positive thought out into the Universe every morning before rising and every evening before sleeping to add to the weight of human love that is needed to keep peace and harmony in the lives of those who need it?”

“The Universe is ever expanding and we need to see the bigger picture and not simply confine ourselves in our own mind-sets. Our Creator made more than us and we need to acknowledge his might and greatness, but especially his love.”

“What we reap depends on what we sow and where we sow these seeds onto fertile or barren ground.  One thing is for sure and that is that we have the choice to choose and so we can gain the advantages.”

“We all send out our prayers for those that are suffering and ask that they are enlightened to the reasons why.  They can be guided to take the positive steps to move on and to conquer their problems.”

“Take a look around the world and see the natural disasters that are occurring and know that it is not the fault of the Higher Intelligence, but, through Man’s greed, he chooses to stay in the path of suffering and pain.”

“By sending out your prayers with love for harmony to be established, you are doing all you can to spread the unconditional love that our Father gives to us, so that we can share it where it is most needed.”

“It is so sad to see the chaos that many people call their lives and this chaos is reflected in their thinking and their minds.  You cannot tidy it up for them, so it is better to leave them alone.”

“It is not necessary to be close to those that live about you, because so often they come from different backgrounds and cannot see a Higher Intelligence than their own!”

“Take a look around where you live and see the body language of your neighbours.  You will be able to see inside their minds and how they work by the clarity of their actions and reactions.”

“Look not to have a destiny, but know that you are cared for and carried into the next dimension with all your successes and will be greeted as a hero for all that you achieved on this earth.”

“The greatest emotion is to experience the love of God in your daily life, as you give that Higher Intelligence your trust to help you through all of life’s battles and to emerge unscathed.”

“Listen to your own mind-set and allow your brain to act as the physical basis of your bodily functions.  To deny that your mind is separate and is the true you is to deny that you were created in God’s’ image and are everlasting.”

“Open up the urges that we all experience at those times when we need comfort and understanding.  Know that we were created in love and therefore can never be broken by the negative vibrations that surround us, if we keep positive and ask for the highest help when needed.”

“When we are lonely, we need to allow ourselves into the mediational quietness of our minds and see that there are good and loving souls to help us in guidance and peace of mind.”

“Keep safe your childhood memories, as they are what brought you up to be what you are today.  Everything in life is character building, so be positive and make the best of everything.”

“Know that this earth plane isn’t all there is and be aware of the reality of what is real and what is not.  We came into this illusion from the true reality and will return there, when we are ready to understand what it is and where it is.”

“During the busy hours of the day, spare some time to stop and see what is all about you.  There are miracles that should be seen and understood and nothing is ever by some lucky chance.”

“Take a good look at yourself as others see you, as this is how you present yourself and see if this is how you want to be remembered.”

“The ordinary person is not somebody who does what is predicted, but one who is inclined to give out positive help and love to those who require it.”

“Go through life as if you were being monitored by divine inspiration and see that you are always ready to be positive and loving to those who are set on crossing your pathway in life.”

“Take peace of mind into your hearts and let your consciousness dictate your feelings and your progression in life.”

“Patience is a virtue that many have lost in the 21st century as most people expect instant results.”

01 August 2017

Daily Thoughts for August 2017

“We all come to this earth with a destiny to fulfil.  We must be aware of this and see the signs that direct us to fulfil this important task, as it is our reason for coming.”

“The goodness in all our lives stems from the Higher Intelligence and the more that understand that He loves us, the more we can act according to His desires for us rather than our own.”

“Save your best until last and give it the privilege that it deserves by showing it off to the best advantage.  We all appreciate to good qualities in life, so we can enjoy them better.”

“To send out our thoughts and prayers for others around the globe is to show that we care about the sacrifices that many have to suffer.  We need to be positive for them as we are all connected and we are all in need to some degree.”

“To be up too late is to squander the need for rest and investment in the following day.  We all have need of rest and must budget our requirements, so that we can always give of our best.”

“Let the opportunities come to you when you are ready to receive them.  To rush in before you are ready is often a mistake and you can lose the benefits of having the right energies on your side at the right time.”

“See the little ones as they go to and from school.  Are they happy or are they weighed down with the negativity of their parents in their struggle to provide?  These early years will prove important to them later on in life as they start to stand on their own two feet.”

“It is an interesting pastime to see others at their ease and to watch their body language as they go through the day.  Are they at peace or are they struggling to find it?”

“To step off the platform into the express train of life is to be swept away and for a time to relax into the forward motion of your destiny.  Seek answers to your thoughts, as this is a great time for meditation within the quietness of your mind.”

“What about a change of fortune as we ask for our energies to be increased and we work for the greater good and see the miracles come before us, so that we can give thanks and increase our faith in the justice of the Higher Intelligence.”

“Never be without moments in every day when we can be at peace in the silence of our minds.  It is at these times that the Spirit comes to us and shares with us what we need to know.  Never be afraid to wait for the answers that we need to know.”

“As you wait for our dreams to come true, it is worth reflecting that nothing is for nothing and that we can make them come nearer by earning them through our own merits.”

“Kindness costs nothing, but by having a gentle nature, we soothe all the negativity about us and allow ourselves to be at peace with ourselves and one another.”

“Take a glass of water and enjoy its purity and healing nature.  Contemplate on how much of this world has lost this precious gift and pure water must be sort after with ever increasing dangers.”

“It is better to be a standard bearer and be respected for what you stand for than to hide in the crowd and to expect others to think for you.”

 “To be in too much of a hurry is to miss many important experiences and to wear ourselves out in the process.  We are limited by our energies and if we overdo their use, we become tired and then ill, so leave yourself enough time to live with peace of mind.”

“See the shapes of the clouds that you are drawn to and understand that through synchronicity there are many messages for us to receive and learn from each and every day, if you care to notice them.”

“Patience is a virtue according to the proverb, but Saint Augustine called it the companion of wisdom and there is much virtue in that.”

“It is the journey that is often more important that the arrival.  Watch your progress and see how much you can learn as you travel through this life and beyond, because there is always more to come.”

“Giving love is quite an art, because so often it can be seen as a sign of weakness, so it becomes necessary to give by degrees and not to give everything on a single throw of the dice.”

“Generosity is a good thing to be known for, but beware that you are not taken for a ride.  All cases should be inspected and allowed to benefit only if they are genuine and worthy.”

“It is not only the very rich who seek happiness, because so often in accumulating what they have, they lose sight of the other items that are freely given to them, such as unconditional love, which they will lose if they don’t respect it and the giver also.”

“Miracles do happen all the time.  What we need to do is to see them and give thanks.  See how our prayers are answered when we ask in the right way for the right things and low and behold that prayer is so often answered and we must belief and give thanks.”

“We are not deprived of our basic rights unless we are meant to learn how to fight against the odds and ask the Higher Intelligence to show us the way to go.  All things are possible, but the impossible may take a little longer.”

“We are surrounded by beautiful creations that were put there for us to enjoy and to see how they manage to always survive against all the odds and this is a lesson we too must learn.”

“To live one’s life looking how best we can help the Greater Good is to put one’s fellow man before ourselves, but we must remember that we have a life to lead and must search for what is our destiny rather than being dictated to by others.”

“It is important that we know the difference between what we need and what we want, as enough to get us by from day to day is sufficient and any bonus above that we must earn and let God decide if we are worth it.”

“Never be afraid to ask for the guidance that only your true conscience can give you.  We were given this to show us the difference between right and wrong, as our Creator valued our ability to make the right choices.”

“We must be ever alert, because as the poet said, “All that glitters is not gold.”

“Let us be on our guard against the tempting offers that we are shown that are designed not to give to us, but to use our greed to take from us what we have.”

“Once upon a time the stories of the innocence could be told to children.  Today however they must be on their guard against those who would abuse them and despoil their young learning curves without the love that they deserve.”

01 July 2017

Daily Thoughts for July 2017

“Remember that unconditional love is the octane of life.  Without it we cannot go very far at all.”

“Against all the odds the miracle can be seen to change the landscape for the better.  When you are privileged to see it, give thanks and try and understand the Higher Intelligence that sent it.”

“Let your compassion never die.  To feel the mistakes and errors of those who are caught up in the wrong energies, is to send out a thought to the Higher Intelligence to shine some love into those hearts that are struggling.”

“Just because you live in the shadows doesn’t always mean that you are up to no good.  Not everybody has the means to stand out in the light for all to see when they have so little that is worth having.”

“Let your spirit have free rein to explore what it needs to know within the boundaries of love and compassion.”

“To have standards to keep up is to be alive to the duties that one carries to uphold goodness and justice before the light of all possibilities.”

“Richness is the satisfaction of depth in harmony.  Anything less is shabby and plain by comparison.”

“Always steer for the light, where goodness and righteousness abide.  In the darkness of ignorance there is too much space where unhappy emotions certainly can hide.”

“To take a good step forwards with certainty takes courage and a positive attitude.  However, if one spends all one’s time wondering if it is the right thing to do, one will simply never know!”

“Trust is a mighty word because once it is destroyed it can never be replaced. Even if one is forgiven there is always the stain that at any moment it can be reignited.”

“Once upon a time there was goodness in these words of innocence, but so quickly does a child lose its balance these days that it can never be left alone and unprepared for the worst or that innocence maybe totally destroyed.”

“If you are worthy of being looked up to, then you must always keep up your standards and never fall for a quick gain against the rub of the green.”

“So, there may be a risk attached to your gamble, but is it really worth it, when so much hangs on one’s integrity and honour that once destroyed it can never be forgotten.”

“Let the quietness come into your mind at the times when you can be receptive to the messages that come to you through your conscience, which is your barometer to that better life in the Almighty’s Kingdom of the Spirit.”

“The simple understanding of the facts of life is the best way to understand that spiritual matters are simple in their construction, but it is Mankind that makes it complicated.”

“As we slave away trying to perfect our life, we need to ask if it is all for our benefit or the benefit of others.”

“Remember that the truth lies in many directions and is seen according to where you are standing.  Allow a little charity in your judgement, as none of us are perfect!”

“Don’t give until the cupboard is bare, otherwise there is nothing left when it is needed for a large requirement and a greater need.”

“Never be in so much of a hurry that you haven’t got time to help another, least they don’t have time to help us when we are in need.”

“Taking a longer view is a guide to our direction, but we must be aware of the steps that take us on that journey and each must follow the other correctly.”

“We are all responsible for ourselves and cannot blame others if we are gullible and are led astray.  We need to search for our own truths.”

“Do not be abused by the lies that many tell about what they don’t know enough about to tell.  Many lie because they don’t know the answers that are acceptable, so they bluster their way to confuse the unwary.”

“We are here in this little part of the Universe to understand the emotions and frustrations of living.  Know that this is only a small glimpse into the realities of life, so that we can return to the real world of unconditional love when we have experienced what we came to undertake.”

“We need to keep ourselves in balance, so that the material requirements of our lives are equal to the spiritual gifts that we receive from the Higher Intelligence, which always have our best interests at the heart of what progresses our soul towards Him.”

“We are the master of our own progression and what we seek is what we shall receive according to Spiritual Law, which is that we reap what we sow.”

“When we are in need, we should ask for what is required by sending out our thoughts to the Higher Intelligence in an honest and open way, so that we can be rewarded by what is best for us to receive.”

“If we are to survive the harsh negative energies that abound on this earth plane, we must put up our defences with unconditional love. This is our gift from the Almighty and is given as our strength and our security.”

’Love is a many splendid thing’ says the song.  Love is the basis on which we were created and we are expected to live our lives in this positive energy for the better and greater good.”

“Take another look at where you are going and try and see the pathway clearly.  If it is obscured then you need to ask your spirit guides for direction and let your Creator speak through them.”

“If you are one of those who believe there is no ‘God’, then you have a very lonely life to lead without His unconditional love to warm your heart and soul.”

“As the sunshine lights the sky so that we can see our way, so the light of Spiritual Law enlightens the paths of those who believe in the creation by a Higher Intelligence.”

01 June 2017

Daily Thoughts for June 2017

“The very best is only available to those who earn it and we must be aware that handouts do not make our lives easier, but often so much more difficult to keep in balance.”

“If you make a mistake do not be hard on yourself!  You will learn from it and emerge a better person fulfilling the very best that can be achieved fuelled by your understanding of getting it right next time.”

“Create a happy aura around one and allow all pain and suffering to disperse. There are many who are able to do this and their souls are alive with the generosity of unconditional love.”

“What is our greatest desire? If the answer is material then we have lost our purpose in pursuing a spiritual life on this earth plane.”

“Make a deal with yourself that when you awake in the morning you will see everything in a positive light and not let yourself be clouded by the negativity that we create around ourselves.”

“Seek out what is behind the mask and the eyes will tell you a different story than the face.  The eyes are the entrance to the soul and cannot deceive.”

“Once we have felt the love that is unconditional there is no other feeling that can ever come close to it.  Many talk of love to get what they want, but that is conditional love, so one needs to be wary and discerning.”

“The need to understand the truth is to see the glory of creation all about us.  The truth has many facets, but the real existence of our lives on earth can only be a preparation for the next stage.”

“Ask and it shall be given to you.  Seek and you will find.  If you remain stuck fast, you will never progress and earn what you seek.”

“Why do so many think that you can ask for others and not for yourself?  You are the most important one in your life and when you are happy and positive you can achieve much to lighten the load of others.”

“If we believe in the Higher Intelligence then we should ask for help when we are in doubt.  Nobody who lives cannot be moved by our honesty and need for the right answer.”

“If we need to go into the silence of our lives, so that the inner self can be receptive to the conscience that guides us, we shall find the answers.”

“To suffer in silence is not always a good way to resolve the issues that are affecting us.  Time in thought on our lives and issues can enhance our abilities to resolve situations that shouldn’t be swept under the carpet.”

“Remember that if we treat others how we would like to be treated, then we set a bench mark for good behaviour.  It is so much easier to be kind and gentle, even if it is not always returned.”

“Be truthful and caring, but say it in such a way that there is no pain or hurt attached.  Often we open mouth without engaging brain first.”

“It is a waste of time judging others when we know so little of their journey.  Walk in their shoes for a year before you can understand what they are all about.”

“We came with a destiny to fulfil.  For some it is mighty and historic, but for some of us it is smaller and more easily accomplished, as long as we never lose sight of our objectives we are surely likely to achieve.”

“Remember the past and where we came from, so that we can see our progress, but we must also see the road ahead and never lose sight as to where we are going.”

“See the light shine out every morning to guide us through the day, where we make decisions that affect others, but let us remember the special days that are good to the eyes of others like anniversaries and birthdays.”

“A spiritual soul should not be a gullible person and we are not asked to give our precious savings and go without, so that another can be safe and secure while we suffer.”

“Help the deserving and the needy, but always seek out the real reasons why souls put their hands out for help and make sure that it is genuine.”

“Those who give to others and find it a natural way of living, they must be aware of the consequences, because a leopard never changes its spots and the taker will always ask for more.”

“There are many things to be beware of if you are gullible and unsure.  Do you belief in the smoothed-tongued, who make a living by practicing their deceit and double standards to make that so easy buck?”

“What do we think about the lonely, who reach out in hope and so often are disappointed?  Do they get what they ask for or do they find the unkindness of the takers, who feather their own nests!”

“We all need to stop and think about the repercussion of what we do and what we ask for.  Spiritual Law brings us more of the same, unless we change our thinking and move the goalposts to a higher level.”

“It is a well-known conundrum, “Is it the end or the start of a new beginning.”  This is largely what we make it as our thoughts direct us more than we realise.”

“What a long life means is that we have more to learn about all the stages of life.  We are granted time to reflect and to suffer bodily disruption, as we can’t always be in the full flush of youth.”

“Alone we are nothing!  There is nobody to see us struggle and to try and achieve greater things, but do we need to be seen in order to make progress or is that only ego polishing?”

“The light shines in the darkness to show us the way when it is too dark to see and so it is that our Father Creator shows us the way out of the Darkness of Ignorance, if we only have the courage to do His bidding.”

“Today may seem like any other day, but if that is how you see it, so it will be.  Make it special in achievement and be positive of your success!”