01 June 2015

Daily Thoughts for June 2015

“The last shall be first and the first shall be last.  It is true that it is no use pushing your way to the front of the queue, but allowing your record to speak for its self and letting the Higher Intelligence decide where you should be and where you should go.”

“Miracles do happen and more often than we acknowledge.  They are good things that happen out of the blue to help and we cannot see how they were done, but always the timing is perfect, so we know that God had a hand in them.”

“Take heart and heed your own good sense, as the difficulties seem unassailable, but with thoughts to On High for a way to be shown you to overcome them, then you will not struggle alone and you can succeed.”

“The guidance and the day to day help that we all receive is worthy of noting it and giving thanks for it.  There is no such thing as luck, but good fortune comes in many guises.”

“It can be hard always trying to live by Spiritual Law against all the odds, but you know as well as I do that Spirit can make the impossible possible.”

“Nothing ever stays the same forever and so we must always be prepared to move on, whether we are comfortable or ready for a change.  Whatever is the case we must always meet the new challenges with a loving heart.”

“We all come to serve and to be the servant to all those we meet. Remember how Jesus washed the feet of his disciples?  We need to do likewise.”

“Take courage and believe in your heart and soul that you are special and can accept the Divine Love of your Creator.  Nothing can then stop you from doing good things and fulfilling the reason why you came to make this world a better place for you being here.”

“We are never alone and we must get used to being guided and helped along the way.  If we turn a deaf ear to those who want to help, we are only hurting ourselves and condemning those good souls to a long and lonely wait!”

“If we are unable to go and help the needy in distress, we can still send out our thoughts for the Spirit to aid and protect those who do go and to keep them safe.”

“Send out your thoughts for all those who give up their time and love for those in need in areas of the world, where we would hesitate to go, but so many would die without these selfless souls, who administer to them in the most appalling conditions.”

“Along the way of life we meet many others, who, like us, are looking for the best way to be and to find love and peace and harmony amongst the ravages of negativity.”

“What may seem a waste of time may also be a blessing in disguise.  We can’t always understand the reasoning of the spiritual path as it twists and turns along the way.  We only know that we must follow it and look for the best in everything.”

“Justice is the balancing of the law without fear or favour.  It doesn’t always work, because the human mind is fickle and doesn’t always see the truth in the right way.  We must be patient and ask for divine justice in our hearts.”

“Take and eat the holy words of righteousness, so that you can understand the philosophy of life that is directed from a Higher Source than ours.  We need the expanded mind to find true wisdom.”

“Hold fast to your belief system, but be prepared to learn and to be tolerant of others who are not blessed with our advantages.”

“Wishing and dreaming are not the same thing.  To wish is to ask for something that is for the better and is good.  To dream means that you expect to get your desires on a plate without lifting a finger.”

‘All the world’s a stage,’ the Bard said and we must all play our parts in making it a better place for all to come to.  It is not a place to idly stand by and watch others do the work!”

“Why do we think that we should always get the best if we are not prepared to work for it in the right way?  We get what we deserve and will always receive what the Spirit knows is best for us.”

“We should ask for help in clearing up the mess that we have made and not expect others to do it for us.  We are all in this together and we must play our part and encourage others to do likewise.”

“Climate Change is brought about by Man’s misuse of the Earth’s resources.  It is no use blaming God for his folly when that is Man’s alone.”

“As the rain comes to fulfil the needs of the plants, so are the plant eaters are blessed with food and nourishment.  We are given all that we need if we live by the Laws of the Universe.”

“Take no notice if you feel that the clouds are grey.  Ask for Divine help and it will be given, if we ask in the right way without expecting material gain for ourselves alone.”

“The way to find happiness is in the contentment that we do everything that we can to the best of our ability for the happiness of others, who are in greater need than ourselves, so we are blessed.”

“If we take our strength and use it for the Greater Good, we will be blessed by the good results that God gives out according to Spiritual Law. We will reap what we sow.”

“Even the sunshine, which warms our lives and brings fruitfulness to the earth, must be ready to be covered by the occasional cloud, but it can never stop it shining through again and again.”

“Take courage and allow the dark forces to be overcome by the light of enlightenment.  Darkness can never extinguish the goodness and the right thinking of unconditional love.”

“As the sun warms the earth in the morning, so the enlightenment that is given each day is spread across the earth, so that the receptive minds can take on-board what they need to know to complete their day in harmony and peace.”

“To give to another is a blessed thing and always the giver and the receiver are blessed.  It is the goodness and love of the giver that sets in motion the trail of blessings that will unite you both.”

“To take the other way in order to avoid being helpful is always noticed in these Realms and you must never forget that Our Father sees and hears all, even your inner most thoughts.”