01 September 2011

Prayers for September 2011

“Let the light shine upon us and cleanse our wayward ways so that we can recover from our errors and find the sunshine still in our hearts and minds to direct us through the glorious days and nights of earthly existence.  Amen.”

“To be loved and cared for is a duty given by the few.  Why is it that there are always more who give up their time and love, so that others may be gratefully helped than there are when it is needed by the carers?  Amen.”

“Trying too hard is a common fault of many, but if we do not try hard enough we shall certainly fail to make the grade.  Help us to strike the right balance in all things, so that we are in harmony with all around us.  Amen.”

“We all need a helping hand some times and we are never sure when that time may come, so may we always be in credit and give more help to the needy than we shall ever hope to need ourselves. Amen.”

“We do not get a limitless supply of opportunities to do well and excel in our lives.  If we pass by the ones that come to us, why should we be offered any more?  Amen.”

“Let us not sully the purity with which we came by our selfishness and greed.  To love all creations is to come close to the Universal love of the Creator himself and to know his mind in us.  Amen.”

“Now is the time for wisdom and the spreading of the good news that love is stronger than fear and hatred is consumed by the light of goodness through those who share the Universal appeal of illumination by the Creation of Perfection.  Amen.”

“The light within us always shines out, but so often we cloud it with ignorance and self-wanting for ourselves alone, when if we share it amongst others, so we are illuminated by their light and collectively we all grow brighter together.  Amen.”

“To be given joy and upliftment is a right from our Father to ourselves, but how often we waste the goodness and truth by adapting it to our own wants and ignoring the needs of others.  Amen.”

“So much we have been given and yet we still ask for more.  How can we be worthy of further gifts until we have learned to use the ones that we have more wisely and well?  Amen”

“You are the complete perfection which we always fall short in attaining, but please grant us the purity within us all to allow us to be cleansed by our actions and our thoughts and not leave ourselves weighed down by our own follies.  Amen.”

“Let the strength be fulfilled and realised, so that we can use the courage that we were born with and not let it be downtrodden by the fear of what others think about us.  Amen.”

“So often we call out in pain that we are unloved and lost and yet it is by our own actions that we allow ourselves to fall into the lower energies and forget how much you love us and try and guide us to a better understanding of ourselves.  Amen”

“Let us have the strength to answer the call that drew us to life on this plane of existence and fulfil our destiny in the service of others, so that the greater good may be served and our own ego channelled into goodness.  Amen.”

“So much is held in the hands of others that we are lost in despair until we realise that we are powerful and that through our thoughts and prayers we can attain miracles from above as the light and love fulfil their destiny.  Amen.”

“May the healing energies of goodness heal the aches and pains of modern earthly existence, so that in the darkness of ignorance there is hope and charity for those of us who struggle to survive the bruising of modern life.  Amen”

“Let us give unto others who are less blessed than we are, so that the greater good may be served and the Divine conscience satisfied.  We ask for love, so we must also give it to others.  Amen.”

“To find a blessed moment of peace is to see our Creator and to understand his love of us.  We are never alone unless we turn away and even then there is a pathway back to the light of love and truth.  Amen.”

“Let the light so shine down that all whose minds are troubled can see a glimmer of hope to draw them to the reality that they are loved and they are important as all your creations are. Amen.”

“Power over others is a strong emotion in those who are weak within themselves through their own inadequacies, but they still need to be remembered in our prayers or they will never learn. Amen.”

“We give to you our love and our thanks for our lives and our understanding, but help us to learn the truth that is hidden through our ignorance and our selfishness.  Amen.”

“Why does the sunshine lighten our hearts and the rain dampens our spirits when both are essential to our survival?  Let understanding of your creation be more important than Man’s puny efforts. Amen.”

“Each of us has learned hard lessons and yet it seems that we are unable to stop others making their own same mistakes.  Give us the abilities to be generous with our time and tolerant of errors.  Amen.”

“Why is everybody so busy that they have no time to listen to themselves or others and so they learn nothing that is useful to their being and the ways of life?  Amen.”

“The ways of love are consideration to all created things, which have a limited life expectancy and as we move towards our own sell by date, may we see the needs that each one of us requires to be understood.  Amen”

“Why cannot the young see with eyes of experience when all around them is the history of hard won experience?  May we all acquire understanding of the differences that aging makes to us all.  Amen.”

“Let people’s eyes be opened to the needs of others over the needs of self, so that understanding may be spread that we are all interdependent on each other and no one is exempt from that truth.  Amen.”

“The real way to make change is to stand up and find others who agree on a new structure and belief system that hurts nobody and brings a calming of the irritations of inadequacy.  Amen”

“Now that the mess is being cleared away, help us to establish true rebuilding of all the bridges that have been broken by man’s selfishness in only tolerating his own ideas.  Amen.”

 “May we find peace in our lives by doing all we can to help others and then we will know that we have made amends for our own errors of judgement and can seek consolation in your loving arms.  Amen.”