01 July 2013

Daily Thoughts for July 2013

“Just as everything comes to an end, so there is a new beginning and all matter and all life continues.  Never did creation extinguish what was made, but simply reproduced it in a better form.”

“Justice for all is a common cry, but who of us are truly worthy to administer it?  Many put themselves forward, but fail as soon as they open their mouths as they forget to engage brain before they speak.”

“A sweetness in the air is a joy for all, but how many walk on by and are too busy to receive the goodness that is available to those who spare a moment to be blessed and loved by the Great Divine.”

“When we feel that we are neglected and don’t have the gifts and freebies that we deserve, then perhaps we should look to ourselves and, in all honesty, see if we are really worth it when seen through another’s eyes.”

“Healing is a good and positive energy that is available to us all.  All we have to do is to ask for it in the right and proper way, showing respect and love. If we deserve it and have earned it, then it will be given to us.”

“When something comes to you that you know is instinctively right, hold on to it.  Write it down and put it somewhere safe.  We all need a safe place for all those things that we cannot afford to lose or forget.”

“Take a deep breath and hold it.  Let it out slowly and, as you do, listen for that knowledge that is always given from within, so that you know exactly what you have to do.”

“Just take a second look and see that first impressions are usually right, if we act leaving our wants aside and only dealing with what we need.  If we are greedy we will certainly get it wrong!”

“Just about now there is a definite decision that we have to make and that has been put off for far too long.  Deal with it using our best feeling and we will be surprised and delighted by the outcome if we acted honestly.”

“The main way forwards is the straightforward progression by way of seeing what is ahead and dealing correctly with it.  It is no use hiding to the side hoping that it will go away, because then we have failed to address our own future.”

“We must learn to understand human behaviour without judging it, least we too are judged.  It is enough to understand what is right for us to do and to do it without complaint.”

“We have to understand that there is right and there is wrong.  There are no in-betweens, because the grey areas of life are all man-made and we either live in the light or in the darkness of ignorance.”

“Simplicity is a wonderful thing and the Laws of the Universe are simplicity itself.  It is only Mankind making excuses and exceptions that makes it all so difficult and complicated.”

“Some of us are struggling to understand our place in the world and although we know what we are meant to do, we simply can’t find the way to make a big enough difference.  Keep looking and we will find it is there.”

“Why do we all doubt our place in the scheme of things?  We are placed here to learn how to help each other and yet whenever we are tested we fail to get top marks.”

“Goodness is still available to us all, although looking at the world at large it is difficult to understand how little of it is showing.”

“Take another page from the teachings of the Lord and see how right they always are, no matter how old they may be.  The technology may change, but the hearts and minds of Mankind never seem to. ”

“We must all be aware that there is never any profit in behaving badly, as it will always come back and haunt us.  Always we reap what we sow.”

 “Let us all be aware that we are unable to balance everything correctly in our lives without help and guidance.  It is no use expecting people around us to do this for us, as the divine within us is the only source that is available to us and that is why it was put there.”

 “Justice is the reparation of an unbalanced action.  It brings things back into equilibrium, so that the scales are neither tipped one way nor the other and everything is in perfect harmony again.”

“Just a moment!  Did you really think that you could get away with that and nobody saw you?  Are you really that naïve to think that you are alone and nobody cares what you do?  Think again.”

“Let yourself be guided by the energies within you.  No one is trying to harm you or to distract you.  You only fail when you wonder what others will think about what you do – you already know the answer.”

“Take another look and see that you are right and that you cannot ignore your calling.  We are called many times a day and can progress as long as we don’t turn away out of selfish motives. ”

“Something that caught your eye was put there so that you could be motivated and see what you needed to do in your life and then move on.  Nothing is there by coincident, but always by design.”

“Look for what you can do for others and then you will be able to act and feel that accomplishment of achieving something without the need to be rewarded as the action will be its own reward.”

“What is not disturbed, lies awaiting some reason for taking action, so if you are not motivated by some incident then you will remain moribund and your live will all be for nothing.”

“Take the cue from the Higher Intelligence and know that you are not alone, but one blessed with the knowledge and wisdom of great things, if only you have the courage to use them.”

“When you walk in the darkness you have to carry all that negativity, but when you walk in the light there is a spring in your step.”

“Now you can start living in the real world and be yourself for the good of all humanity and the blessing of all those who strive to serve for the Greater Good.”

“Take away the darkness and there is what you really are.  There is no need to hide yourself away because you were made beautiful.  It is only that they couldn’t see it before.”

“Go into the bright light and see what is all around you, which you cannot see in the darkness and have been afraid to see the truth before now.”