01 March 2012

Prayers for March 2012

“I give thanks for my life and the miracles of existence and all that I have earned through Spiritual Law and I will understand, when the time comes for me to move on, that all I did by my own efforts for the greater good will take me where I deserve to go.  Amen.”

“Forgive me that I am so often too busy to say, “Thank you” when I receive my gifts and aid through my lifetime of existence.  Let me be certain that I understand and that I am grateful and will always say so.  Amen.”

“Brilliance is the light that the Spirit shows us when we are privileged to see them at work and we can recognise the guiding hand behind the goodness that comes into our lives when it is needed and that is often.  Amen.”

“Just to be in the stillness of the mind is to feel the love of our Creator, who is always there for us, but so often we are too busy rushing around in our lives to hear and feel that strength and love.  Amen.”

“Now let us open our hearts and minds to others who are so oppressed and downtrodden and send them our thoughts of love and strength, so that together we may make a difference through the power of prayer and positive thought.  Amen.”

“What do we need to understand that the wakeup call keeps coming and yet we still sleepwalk through life and miss the great opportunities that are given to us to achieve in love.  Amen.”

“May we be dedicated to your purpose, so that our destiny is shared with the universal needs of the whole and we learn to be a small part of the mammoth entirety of life.  Amen.”

“Why does it rain in our hearts and dampen the sunshine of our lives?  Is it to awaken us to the plight of others as we learn what it feels like to be lost and desolate?  Amen.”

“Take us forward in strength and purpose, so that all may be revealed to us step by step and we may succeed in taking the opportunities which are presented to us.  Amen”

“To be at peace is to have found the stillness within and the inevitability of our life’s path.  May we use it wisely and enjoy the knowledge that we are not at war with anyone, but at peace within ourselves.  Amen.”

“Now is the time to stop sleepwalking through life and to make a difference for the better, so please let us be aware of the direction that we should follow.  Amen.”

“Help us to deliver what we can for all those who are worse off than we are.  Help us to care for them and for what they need and what they are feeling.  Amen”

“There is no beginning and no end, as all life is continuous, whether we can see it physically or in the mind which never dies, so we must live for always and not just for now.  Amen.”

“What we take for granted we are liable to lose, so help us the see the value in all that we have and to appreciate how blessed we all are in the love and security that we have around us.  Amen.”

“May the darkness lift a little more, so that the peoples around this world can see where they are going and the effect that they have on those around them.  Amen”

“To be loved and to return that love is perhaps the greatest gift that can be experienced in this life, but it carries the responsibilities with it that we never abuse the trust that it brings with it.  Amen.”

“When will we get out of our little problems that beset us and see a clear road ahead leading to the light at the end of that tunnel of darkness?  Amen.”

“May we feel the warmth through human kindness that is not dead, but exists in the hearts of many who so often keep it hidden from the general view. Amen.”

“To be alone is a sadness in itself as we cannot them give love and understanding and receive it back ourselves.  Help us to find the peace within. Amen.”

“Let the angels protect us from the negativity which surrounds us and let the light illuminate our hearts to give thanks for all we have and the realisation that we are so well cared for really.  Amen.”

“As we try our best to live and love in helping others with their problems, do we feel that more is humped on us to bear than we deserve or are we just too sensitive to the ways of the world? Amen.”

“Each and every soul is blessed and loved, so why are the good abused by oppressors who seem so often to get away with it in this dimension if not the next? Amen.”

“True justice is there for everybody in the Kingdom of the Lord, but the law of the land is often tilted towards the rich and powerful.  When will it come to Earth and make us free?  Amen.”

“As the light of life shines down from on high, I believe that the Creative Force has showered this earth with miracles, so do not let Mankind destroy them with his negativity.  Amen” 

“Let me understand what I am doing here and what I need to do, because I get confused by the options that are there and I need to see my clear direction.  Amen.”

“Do not shuffle along in life, but lift up your head and enjoy all the gifts that you have earned, so that the light shines through and you are saved for all time.  Amen.”

“To be taken for granted is a sad state of affairs, but it is better to be active in a good way than to stagnate and not achieve anything worthwhile.  It is in the knowing that we are rewarded.  Amen”

“Let us make waves but waves of goodness, so that our presence here does make a difference and the greater good of this world is served, not only for our fellow man, but the flora and fauna as well.  Amen.”

“What is to be, is to be regardless of how we act, but if we are wise we need to behave well and in good faith and we will be aptly rewarded.  Amen.”

“All that we have has been graciously earned and all that was acquired through dubious means is sure to be taken away, so we must act for the greater good in order to keep our lives in balance.  Amen.”

“Now is the time to reflect on our past progression and see how far we have come and then look forward to what is coming our way in the sunshine of our future.  Amen.”