01 December 2018

Daily Thoughts for December 2018

“Do not blame others for the mistakes that we make ourselves and try and ignore our part in them.  If we don’t recognise our errors, how are we ever to learn from them?”

 “Seek to be grateful for all the goodness that we have in our lives and give thanks to the Almighty, who looks after us more that we give Him credit for.  Know that you are blessed and give thanks.”

“Now is the time to look around you and see that not all that glitters is gold.  So often the true blessings are hidden by the glare and flashiness of other items that are not worth the space that they take up.”

“Many people are hurt in their early years.  It is not always by design but also by circumstances.  As families break up through war or divorce, the children often feel abandoned and lost.” 

“Never should we forget about the innocence of children.  Too often they are abused physically and mentally and they will go through their lives bearing the scars of the actions of the selfish and unfeeling.”

“Let us all send out love for the world’s population, which is so abused by those who harbour negative thoughts and actions.  They simply take what they want because they can.”

“Joy is a feeling of Divine expression and is the hope for all of us to experience in our everyday lives.  Rarely is it given without us earning it and we need to be vigilant in seeking ways to bring joy to others through our actions.”

“Nobody is without help and love.  It just seems that sometimes we feel alone, because we turn away from the Divine.  Instead of asking for the way to overcome our difficulties, we ask for them to be taken away from us to save us solving the problem.”

“Sending out thoughts to the universe is the same thing as praying without a religious tag to it.  Man-made religions have damaged the links that we feel to our Creator and we have to repair that damage and seek the Divine for ourselves.”

“Seek the spiritual power that is available to us all through healing and prayer.  We all need to have ourselves energised by Divine love and harmony in our lives and it is given freely when we ask nicely.”

“Know that you are sometimes shattered by late evening through events of the day.  There is no disgrace in seeking an early night or taking a break in the afternoon.”

“Keeping in contact with the Spirit makes life easier to cope with.  We still get difficult situations to deal with, but we are not alone in finding the right answers.”

“We all need to be helped and we all need to be ready to help those around us.  Sometimes it is difficult to get the balance right.”

“Taking a wrong turning is human, but to refuse to alter course and continue going down the wrong way is not only stubborn but stupid!”

“Know that we are all loved even when we go astray.  It is the degree of love that we send out that makes it possible for us to be loved all the more.”

“The beauty of life is in the eyes of the beholder.  It is the acceptance of loving energies that makes us more likely to see the best in people.”

 “Always be prepared to give and always be ready to help.  If we can’t at that moments in time, then reach out with your healing and positive thoughts to help that soul to balance their own lives.”

 “It is always good to see the young helping the elderly with their lives as one day they will need assistance themselves.  Nobody is exempt from leading a life with many bumps in the road that must be dealt with.”

 “As we get older, we need to look after ourselves more.  We need extra sleep and rest and can’t do as much as we did.  Healing is a great way to restore our depleted batteries and help us to cope.

“When you put others before yourself you are blessed.  Often you are wearied and don’t have the energy to spring back.  It is the young who do have the strength. Often they leave it undone.”

 “Many souls experience their passed family members around them at times of crisis.  However, it is their love that they use to balance you in the short term, as they are not yet experienced as your personal guide who knows you so well.”

“We all have Spirit Guides, who have lived on this earth plane and learned many of the experiences that we go though.  They have built up countless years of experience before they are qualified to help us to lead better lives.”

“In this busy life that we lead in the 21st century, we often see things that we feel we would like to do in helping others but can’t spare the time to stop and act.  It takes no time at all to send out a loving thought to help them and initiate the Spirit to reach them.”

“If we keep our thoughts and actions pure and positive, then we will lighten the burden of negativity in our hearts and minds.  When we are no longer weighed down, we will feel freer to give and receive unconditional love.”

“To be a part of the Divine Spirit, we need to remember that it is enough to think unworthy thoughts and that counts as doing them!”

“Life is all about what we need to live that way in justice, love and harmony.  If we start trying to get what we want instead, we will become greedy and selfish.”

“Life is all about balance.  If the scales are too heavy on one side or the other you will be unbalanced and unsure how to cope with the levelling of your needs.”

“Making room for others who are in need to come into your life may be noble.  However, make sure that you have the strength and time or you will be worn out trying to do your best and will fail.”

“Know that you were made pure in every way and that it is your experiences that have made you accrue negativity.  In the quietness of your own space, breathe in love and breathe out negativity and you will soon feel the difference.”

“There are many ways that we can reach out to others and give them the healing energies that they so badly need.  If we send out our positive thoughts with unconditional love, they will be delivered by the Spirit Guides and Healers.”

“Now is the time to look to yourself and not to allow others to dominate your time.  We all deserve some self-attention and we need our own space to re-balance.”

01 November 2018

Daily Thoughts for November 2018

“To exert power over another soul because you can, is an abomination in the sight of the Almighty.”

“Treat the weak with kindness and love.  They are usually the very young and the very old.  Both are in need of your understanding.”

“Within a family situation there are often givers and takers put together to see how they react to one another.  Remember that it is the Divine Creator who makes the soul and the physical body that is made by earthly mortals.”

“Giving is a gift that is blessed by the Almighty.  He makes sure that it is given for the right reasons and will be used wisely.  Be sure that you follow His example.”

“Remember that there are two sorts of people who inhabit this world.  They are givers and takers.  Be sure that you can tell the difference from one to the other.  Then you will not be destroyed by the taker.

“Unconditional love is a gift of creation and is given to us to use wisely.  In starting a relationship be sure that it is based on both sides by unconditional love and then it can’t fail.”

“When you act, remember to look for the reaction that you will cause.  Must pain and suffering can be eliminated if you can see the result is wrong and can change course in time!”

“We are never alone and so we should accept that we are guided and helped every day.  Not everybody has that understanding, so look out for those who think that they are alone, because they have lost contact with the spiritual way.”

“Keep your eyes open for the miracles that come to you, whether you have asked for them or not.  It is in the recognising of their being there for you to observe that you are blessed.”

“Give out healing through positive energies to all that you feel are deserving.  We all need the power of healing to get us successfully though every moment of every day.”

“Wake up in the morning with the excitement of another day to accomplish one’s tasks.  Don’t be caught up in the negativity of what might go wrong!”

“To lose one’s birth right is to fall into the darkness, where one’s Creator barely exists.  His light never goes completely out, so there is always hope of returning by recognising our faults and His unconditional love.”

“Everything that comes into our lives has a purpose and we need to understand this rather than ignoring what doesn’t fit in with our personal wanting.”

“Our guides love us and know us better than we do, so if we listen to their advice and guidance we shall not go astray.”

“If we purport to live a spiritual life in service to the Greater Good by following the words of Jesus, then we must act as if he were standing with us through all that we go through for our life progression.”

“Know that we are here for a purpose and to lead from the actions that we do.  We all come with a destiny and it will be fulfilled whether it is of great account to the masses or to just a few who are in need.”

“When we feel low in spirits it is a good idea to look around us and see how many souls are suffering more greatly than we do and give thanks we are so blessed.”

“Nothing is by accident but all is by design.  Our team of spiritual guides and helpers can regulate our lives according to our worth and merit.  We just need to be able to see where and why things happen as they do!”

“The benefits of stress and trauma can be seen in the long term.  As we experience them, we need to ask for help to overcome them in the right and proper way.”

“Not everything that we receive on our pathway is through our so-called karma.  We are given the opportunity from On High to experience situations to see how we cope.  We are never left alone.”

“Spiritual Law teaches that we will reap what we sow.  Know that this is true and that we deserve what we get through our own mistakes.”

“It is time that people started to believe what is in their hearts and to know that the Creative Force made everything for the Greater Good.  It is Mankind that has twisted the hateful emotions to cause fear and pain.”

“Know that the Devil is a figment of church teaching and not a reality of life.  There is no excuse for doing deliberate wrongs and you can’t blame them on anybody but yourself.”

“The story that clouds have a silver lining is a myth.  While they block out the rays of light from the Source, they are stopping positive vibrations coming into your life.”

“As the sunshine lifts your vibrations and keeps your pleasures alive, so remember to enjoy them while there are no clouds in the sky.”

“Never let yourself go!  As one gets older there is a tendency not to bother.  Remember that you are judged by how others see you and so you are what you portray yourself to be.”

“Let the past go and concentrate on your future.  You can’t change the past, but you can direct where you are going.”

“Nothing in life stands still, even though sometimes you wish your happiness could last for ever.  If nothing changed we would stagnate and would have no more challenges or successes.” 

“Make hay while the sun shines and set aside your stores for another day.  You never know when you going to be in the most need!”

“Feel the positive energies of spiritual love around you.  All you need to do is to be positive.  Then you will reap the rewards that you have earned.”

01 October 2018

Daily Thoughts for October 2018

“Take a good long look at your progression and your path to the destiny that gives the reason for being here.  If you can’t see where you are going and what you are meant to be doing, then perhaps you should ask for spiritual help by listening to that guidance within.”

“We take so much for granted and carry on as if we deserve it all by right.  This is not so, as we have to earn our rewards and gifts by sharing what we have with others less fortunate than we are.”

“Have a happy day seeing what is there for you to enjoy.  If there is only sadness and woe, then pick up what you are missing and open your eyes to let the sunshine in.  Give thanks for all that you have that you need and love.”

“Love is something that is given and received.  Not everybody gets the amount of love that they deserve, so only give enough to be appreciated and don’t pour it away like water in the desert.”

“See that every day you move on and sense the Spirit around you.  With your own acceptance of the reality of unconditional love from the Source, you are able to progress towards that Source and give thanks that you are alive and well directed.”

“Listen to the words of wisdom that are put into your head at the perfect moment.  Then ask yourself how and why they came to you when you were in need.  Learn that you are not alone but loved.”

“Whether a cloud had a silver lining or not is only a word of cheer for the downhearted.  What is important is not to dwell on the cloud that overshadows you, but to ask your spirit guide how you can overcome it and move on.”

“Seek for happiness for its own sake.  It cannot be bought, but only cherished through doing good and seeking the best for others.  The secret is to keep it going for as long as you can.”

“We are never alone.  This is true wherever we are, but if we live in the light of the Spirit, we are guided in love.  If not, then we are confused and misdirected by the negativity of chaos.”

“Great guidance is the direction that the Divine wishes us to follow.  If we want only for ourselves, then we will be turning our back on Him and all He gives us.  Then we will start to lose the light of His understanding, as we head for the darkness of ignorance.”

“It is reassuring to those who care, when they can go to bed knowing that they have had a good day.  It is not always the case, but our guides are always on hand to help us if we listen and let them succeed for us.”

“Nothing can be left as it was.  The changes may be small to some parts, but elsewhere they can be very rapid indeed.  We never know how much time we have left, so we mustn’t put things off until tomorrow, which may be too late.”

“See that all around us are the beauties of creation and that nothing stands still.  Everything in the Universe is on the move and so must we be to make the best of our lives.”

“We are not able to understand all that our Creator does on a daily basis to keep us up and running, as we don’t have all His unconditional love and wisdom.  We do have the understanding that without Him we couldn’t survive for long.”

“Thank the Almighty every time that a miracle comes into your life.  Give thanks twice, once for the miracle and then for allowing you to see and understand the giving of it.”

“When we are blessed by unexpected help from a stranger, we need to learn from the experience.  To give is to be blessed, but the receiver is also blessed.”

“We came to give help and guidance for the Greater Good, so it is no use thinking only of ourselves all the time.”

“To be blessed by the Divine, do not ask for your problems to be taken away, but how best you can overcome them.”

“Do you ever wonder if your prayers are being heard?  If you don’t know, then you are asking in the wrong way or turning your back on the miracles that are being given to you!”

“Keep your body working by looking after it.  Your mind directs the physical, so think positive and your body will respond.”

“It is not easy to be selfless and to be even-handed to all we meet.  We all have picked up prejudices along the way, which we must learn to overcome.”

“It is in the goodness of our deeds that we shall find comfort.  From these we shall be shown the way to what we have earned for ourselves in the next stage of our spiritual development.”

“Never lose sight of the fact that we are answerable for our wrong doings and will have to make amends for them.”

 “Our spiritual existence started in purity and wisdom.  It is on a journey of experience and will eventually be pure enough again to meet with its Creator.”

 “Our spiritual body is made of goodness and unconditional love and will exist for as long as it is needed.”

 “Know that life is eternal, as we were made in the image of the Divine Creator.  It is only our earthly body that dies.”

“We will answer to the Higher Intelligence for all that we do.  A life review after our passing is a certainty, not a possibility.”

 “It is the direction that we choose to go in that makes us what we are.  If we follow Spiritual Law in goodness with positive energies, we shall be blessed.  If we are selfish and exercise negative energies, we shall be cursed.  The choice is ours.”

 “We need to keep our lives in balance.  That can only be done if we are in harmony with the spirit that grounds us when we need it.”

“Take away all that is negative.  It is the positive outlook that leads to success.”

“Go ahead with all those matters that are positive and put into your mind by the Higher Intelligence.”

01 September 2018

Daily Thoughts for September 2018

“Love is something that is given and received.  Not everybody gets the amount of love that they deserve, so only give enough to be appreciated and don’t pour it away like water in the desert.”

“Know that you cannot fail, but only change direction and walk another path.  You can fail others but not yourself.”

“Never allow yourself to be despondent.  Always try and see the brighter side of all that is there for you and the better result will be assured.”

“Life is a precious gift that we must respect and use for the Greater Good.  We must always treat it with respect and honour the Creator for giving it.”

“Each morning we wake up to wonder how our day will work out.  We need to be positive if we are to make the best of it and feel content at bedtime.”

“Know that we reap what we sow and that we deserve to be treated equally in this way.  What is well done will be in our favour and where we fail we must seek to make amends.”

“When a loving act is rewarded with the generosity of gratitude, we are allowed to feel satisfaction that what we did was right and worthy of us.”

“The goodness that we know as our Creator is always there for us.  He never turns His back on us no matter what we do.  Can we say the same?”

“Allow the Spirit to work for you.  There is unconditional love there for you to make the best of your life and to achieve the worthiness that you brought with you into this world.”

“When the clouds of doom and gloom appear in your life, know that they are temporary.  With positive vibrations and good spiritual advice, you will overcome them.”

“Happiness is something to achieve.  It cannot be bought.  It doesn’t last forever, so smile and be joyful that you can try and make it last.”

“When the sunlight comes into your life, give thanks.  It may come as a smile from a stranger or the beauty of a flower, but if it lightens your load recognise it with gratitude.”

“To make allowances for bad behaviour may not be the best solution.  By letting it pass you are condoning it.  This almost certainly means that it will get worse rather than better.”

“Make another opportunity to make good what may have been misunderstood between souls.  It is easier to make amends here than leaving it until after you have passed away and left it undone.”

“Rather than put up barriers between us all because there are differences, we should see what we have in common and share it.”

“Sharing good things is to bring harmony into your life and the world of others.  Love is born here and reflects a more balanced world.”

“See who your neighbour is. He may not be in the house next door, but he will be near you when you pass by. Your neighbour is the one you recognise for needing your help!”

“When praying to the Spirit for guidance, do not ask that your problems are taken away, but ask how you can best overcome them.”

“When you are in need, it is right to ask for help from the Higher Intelligence that knows all.  If you ask in the right way to overcome your distress you will be shown the way.”

“To give what we can is noble and blessed.  Do not give all but keep back something to help the next cause who may be in greater need.”

“This life we came to live on this earth plane is all about helping each other.  We cannot and should not stand alone for our own aggrandisement.”

“We are all given opportunities to progress in life and learn more about the suffering of others.  This means that we suffer ourselves to be able feel for and guide those in need of understanding.”

“Take the opportunity to listen.  You will learn more than by taking centre stage and repeating your own simple philosophies.”

“Even in modern science and technology, there are many examples of the guidance that was given to make progress from a Higher Intelligence above our own.”

“See about you, the glories of the creation and reflect on how this comes about.  Nothing is by chance.  Everything is by design.”

“If you are looking out to see the miracles that happen every day in this lifetime, you will see them.  Rejoice and give thanks.”

“There is a Greater Intelligence above our own.  It is in this recognition that we are able to travel far and travel safely.”

“Know that there is help and guidance if you ask for it.  See the little miracles that are given to you almost every day and give thanks.”

“Listen to your own conscience and believe in the rights and wrongs that your Creator put there to guide you through this lifetime.”

“You need not follow the dogma of a set religion, because the answer to all your questions lies within you.  Seek and you will find.”

“As you power along through life, see the milestones that you achieve.  See the Power of God that helps you every day and give thanks for it.”

01 August 2018

Daily Thoughts for August 2018

“Send out healing thoughts to all those who are in need.  When you are in need, you will have earned your relief though your kindness to others.”

“Happiness is a state of being.  It can only truly be found when you know that you follow your destiny with the help and approval of that Higher Intelligence that governs all things.”

“Remember that we reap what we sow.  This is the basis of Spiritual Law and on this we will have to answer when we pass into the next dimension.”

 “Know that sending out thoughts or prayers into the universe is never a waste of time.  Their power is strong and should be given with the best intentions and for the right reasons.”

“Know that the ‘Hand of God’ is there to give aid to the spiritually minded.  So, look and see if there are miracles happening in your lives and give thanks when you recognise them.”

“There are two types of people in this world – they are givers and takers.  Which are you?”

“Without love in your heart you become hard and selfish.  We all crave to be loved, but do we give love unconditionally?”

“Are you too busy rushing through life and not finding time for yourself?  This will put a strain on your mind.  Your body reflects the condition of your mindset.”

“Do not pass by the creations of the floral world without marvelling at the beauty of their flowers.  See how many survive in the most extreme conditions.”

“There are many who offer advice, but it is best to be aware that not all that glitters are golden.”

“If you look to the stars for telling your future, make sure that the guidance is channelled through the enlightenment of genuine clairvoyance.”

 “You cannot walk another’s path.  You can advise and give love and encouragement, but only they can walk it.”

 “Don’t follow another to find your pathway.  We are all responsible for ourselves.  Many think celebrities are right, but they have to be careful what they show us.”

 “Take a moment and reflect on your belief system.  Many go away from the church and find their salvation within themselves.”

“Love conquers all.  Love is universal.  Love needs to be given and understood as the basis of all we do.”

“Going about things having thought the consequences through, will always save mistakes and stop us hurting those we love.”

“We need to take a good look at ourselves to see where we can make life easier for ourselves and others by following spiritual guidance.  It is there for all.”

“It is easier to make peace and settle squabbles while we are still here in this world than to leave matters undone when we pass on.”

“The good that we do will live on after us and the bad things will haunt us until we make amends.”

“Unconditional love and wisdom are the basis of the Higher Intelligences and we need to try and emulate it.”

“When we pass into the next dimension, we will find ourselves accountable for all the actions that we took in this lifetime.”

“Our conscience needs to guide us in all our decision making.  Together with freewill, it is a balancing of right and wrong, so that we know what we do and the path that we take.”

 “Know and understand that there is a Higher Intelligence that is part of all that is.  It is everywhere and most especially within us all.”

“This world that we live in is populated by all God’s creations and we are all connected through His force.  Make sure that you view them with unconditional love, because there is no other emotion that is worthy.”

“Remember to send out healing thoughts for all those who are in need.  There are many whose situation is needy and all are worthy.”

“Take notice of your thoughts and ensure that they are positive and in the best interests of the greater good.”

 “Meeting others with a smile brightens their day and makes one feel positive.  It is a form of healing and benefits the giver and the receiver.”

“Knowing what is right and what is not is the conscience that is built into each one of us.  If we truly follow it, then we will automatically be following our true destiny that we came to do.”

“The spiritual way of life is common sense for all reasonable people.  We reap what we sow.  It is not only fair, but honest for all to see and understand.”

“We need to learn to respect the beautiful and perfect world that works by God’s hand and Mankind seems to take all that he wants and leave themselves richer and the world poorer.”

“As the sun shines down on us, it is good to know that the light of our creation is in place.  The gift of light is essential to our very being, as without it, life would fail on this planet.”

01 July 2018

Daily Thoughts for July 2018

“While we give to others, let us not forget our own needs.  We must be mindful of our earthly mind and body, so that they can function in the best way possible”

“We all come with a destiny to fulfil, so let us understand the importance of fulfilling what we promised to do.  We shall be guided to know what it is when we need to act.”

“Let your lives be in harmony and balance, so that the Spirit Guides can bring you what you require to stay on course and fulfil your destiny.”

“We should always ask for what we need and not what we want.  Our lives on this earth plane are a progression towards our future prospects and the needs of humanity around us.”

“When you are ready to open up to the Higher Intelligence, put aside time and reflect that you need to orchestrate your words, so that the guidance given is according to Spiritual Law.”

Ask and it shall be given to you is often quoted and it is true.  If you don’t ask you don’t get!  However, think carefully what you ask for and how you are deserving of it.”

“There are many silver linings in the clouds that may surround you.  Your guides know what they are and how you can access them, if you go about it the right way.”

“Always think about what your actions are causing others.  The reaction isn’t always what you think it will be, so pause and reflect.”

“Money isn’t everything.  There are many things that money cannot buy.  Health and love are two of the most important ones.”

“Make the most of what you have, because nothing lasts forever.  There are always new trials ahead.”

“Remember that we are never alone.  There is spiritual help and healing always available.  There is the very best guidance tailored to our needs by the Spirit solely for our benefit.”

“Along our life’s path, there are inconveniences placed there to see how we cope with them.  We should not ask for them to be removed, but to be shown how we can best cope with them.”

“When we smile we radiate happiness.  When we scowl we radiate negativity and unhappiness into the lives of those around us.”

“We are not born with fear.  It is a Man-made emotion used by some to control us and keep us in obedience to them.  With ‘God’s love, there is no room for it as all is love and joyfulness.”

“We are here on this earth plane to be happy, so rejoice in all you have and achieved.  It is only the feeling of wanting to do more that holds us back.”

“The ‘Light of God’ is within us all and is brighter according to our way of living for others.  It will never go out.  Even the most cruel and unholy have the chance to change their ways.”

“The Spirit is in us all, whether we choose to recognise it or not.  It is the Higher Intelligence that guides us and is saddened when we ignore it, but it is still there for us to follow and to benefit from.”

“When we recognise a miracle, we should acknowledge it and give our heartfelt thanks for recognising it.”

“Miracles are where the impossible is made possible for the greater good and wellbeing of us all.”

“A miracle is an event that we can’t see how it could have happened, but it is through the natural laws of the Spirit that it does.”

“Miracles happen every day if we are able to recognise them.  Luck has nothing to do with it!  Good fortune is everything.”

“Each day we should be looking out for the Hand of God in our lives.  It is always there for us to witness, if we truly believe it to be true.”

“The natural world is full of His successful creation, so we can experience His being through these examples of the Divine.”

“By being made in His image, we must understand that it is not a physical image, but a spiritual one.  It exists in unconditional love and wisdom, which we should emulate.”

“Love is the basis of all.  We were made in our Creator’s unconditional love and we need to understand that and live in His image.”

“Passed loved ones know us still and love us.  We need to love them, but to continue our lives for the best future available to us.  It is no use living in the past.”

“When a loved one passes, we need to look out for them to leave the proof that we need.  Then we know that they are still alive, but in another dimension and we will meet up with them again in time.”

“Know that there is a continuation of our life after we leave our earthly body.  There is no end, but simply a continuation, so we must be prepared.”

“Our lives are not meant to be a holiday!  We are here to achieve our destiny, which will be revealed to us as we try and live for the greater good and not simply for ourselves.”

“Give grateful thanks to the Higher Intelligence for all you have.  If you need more, then ask how you can best achieve it in harmony with others.”

“Start the month with a wish to help all those who are worse off than you are.  Don’t just walk by on the other side.”

01 June 2018

Daily Thoughts for June 2018

“Through the love of the Almighty, there is unconditional love to be shared among us all, so we can live together in harmony and peace.  It is up to us.”

“Take a new direction to follow.  Send out love and harmony to those who oppress you with their bad behaviour.  Love your enemy.  Pray for them to understand the error of their ways.”

“Take a good look at the path you are following.  Understand what is for you and what is for the greater good.  Do not just take selfishly, but allow for those around you, who are affected by what you do and say.”

“Everybody has a guide to help them through this life.  Be sure that you are aware of them and if you ask for their help and guidance, be sure to thank them when you are saved.”

“Be positive and an answer is always found.  Be aware that the Spirit Guides are always listening and monitoring your needs.  They will always give you what is best for you.”

 “A smile lightens up your features and transfers a positive thought to all who see your smile.  If you scowl you are sending negativity into their lives.”

“When it is our turn to need a helping hand, let us hope that we have done enough to deserve it.  If we have passed by on the other side, there may be no help for us.”

“Give what you can spare, but don’t give all.  There are always other deserving causes, but if the cupboard is bare you will have nothing left to give.”

“Wasting water is a needless occupation when many parts of the world are without.  Respect the fact that you have enough in your life and give thanks.”

“As the flowers reflect the colours of creation, see the Hand of God in their delicate beauty.”

 “Do not allow yourself to take without appreciating what the giver sacrificed to give to you.”

“Take time out to be at peace with yourself.  If you are not at peace with yourself, how can others be at peace with you?”

“We need to stop allowing the hatred and negativity that fuels aggression between peoples and keep the world balanced in peace and harmony.”

“Never has so much been owed to so many who give up their time to help others around the world.  We can send them our love and gratitude in our daily prayers to the universe.”

“We are never alone.  If we think that we are, we have lost the connection with the living spirit of those who love us and wish us well.”

“What we all need to do is to set aside some moment in our busy day to listen in the quietness for the guidance from On High.”

“If we listen to the voice of reason within our conscience then we know what we should do if we have the courage to do it.”

“Too often Mankind is the orchestrator of disasters.  We need to separate what we do in order to see how God helps us to save ourselves from ruin.”

“Note the natural eruptions and hurricanes that devastate individual areas of the world.  Do not blame God for the natural rhythms that create and destroy the physical.”

“The bright colours of the universal rainbow are reflected in the flowers.”

“Watch out for the negative energies because they will bring you down.  The only way back is through the positivity of unconditional love.”

“The light of God’s enlightenment is available to all who aspire to His love and listen to their conscience.  To turn away into the darkness of ignorance is having to take that long way back.”

“By sustaining a positive attitude and eating and drinking healthily, we are able to keep the odds in our favour and reap what we sowed.”

“We all need to understand that by helping others who are in need and allowing them to surmount their difficulties, is to know that should we need help there will be a helping hand for us.”

“To be at peace we must learn to remain in the power of our Creator, so that we are in balance without negativity, but held in love.”

“We are not born of this earth but come to visit for a lifetime and return to the spiritual dimension from which we all came.”

“In the beginning there was God.  He gave life by making souls in His image and the cycle of life began from God and returning eventually to Him.”

“Patience is a virtue, but in this modern world few gladly give up their time for it.”

“To give love to another should be without asking for any reward.  If you want to receive anything for your gift it is no longer free and isn’t unconditional love.”

“Know that you are blessed.  If you are loved, then you are wealthy and will find happiness in your heart and mind.”