31 January 2010

Prayers for January 2010

"Divine Father, as we get ready for another week and another month show us how we can best be prepared for all that will befall us in the coming days.  We struggle to get all things done correctly and with the right purposes as we see so often bad behaviour seemingly rewarded as we go about giving and not always receiving what we feel is ours.  Amen."

Great Spirit of all souls who look up to the sky in thanks and admire your hand in all good and beautiful things that we find around us on the land and in the sky, we give thanks for your guidance and your protection as we spend our time struggling through the difficulties of this lifespan, but knowing that we do all that we can in love and for what we belief are for the right reasons and not against others who struggle with us.  Amen."

"Divine Creator who has given us life and freedom of will, please enlighten those who fail to realise that they will be held responsible for their actions and their intensions when they face the review of their earthly life and that they will feel the pain that they cause others themselves, so they can understand the reality of their actions against those around them.  Amen."

"To all the angels in the service of the Lord God, we give thanks for all that they do in 'His' name to make us cleansed of negativity and filled with hope by the love that is given freely to all who need it.  We are blessed far beyond what we know and must truly acknowledge our thanks and in return give our help to others less blessed than ourselves.  Amen."

"Great Divine please help us to make the right decisions and not shirk our duties in standing up for what we believe is right for the sake of a quiet life.  We know that we must not jeopardise our standards but to stand firm against the errors of others and to be just in any judgements which we make.  We are only at peace when we bask in your love and bring harmony to others.  Amen."

"Great Divine Spirit of Love who we love and honour for giving us our very being and eternal life, which we use to gain experience and help each other.  We cannot move on and learn without helping each others, so we ask that we are shown how best we may help in every single way when the opportunity is given to us.  Amen."

"Divine Universal Intelligence from whom we are all a part and from whom we have our life and being.  Please steer us all towards a union with each other, so that we can live in harmony and share the responsibilities of each other and for each other that all may prosper in a great love for all to share as one enlightened by your wisdom and your truth.  Amen."

"We thank you for the enlightenment and understanding which we have received today and the light to shine out to others who are less well enlightened than ourselves.  May we continue to work in your light and be guided by your Grace and the Life Force as we approach the destiny which you have foreseen and prepared for us.  Amen."

"God Almighty in your grace and love we ask you to enlighten those who hurt us when we try to do what is best for all concerned on each and every day around the world of material values and so little love and spirituality.  Please let your guidance be heard to direct our futures and that the words of Jesus may be learned as an example of how we should all live together in your sight and wisdom.  Amen."

"Divine Creator, we all have to thank you for our lives and being and for your love and guidance in our lives.  We know that we are here to help each other and so we ask that we may be shown when there are opportunities to help those who need our aid and those who will not listen and only disparage our efforts as we attempt to do our very best for those who appear to seek enlightenment and healing, but who are really only interested in their own ego.  Amen."

"Tonight I ask that all those who give their lives for others are given strength and love to get through the difficulties of their passing and that they are met on the other side of life with respect and love for their heroic deeds and self sacrifice.  May we give our honour and our love to such souls who sacrifice themselves so that other may continue to exist on this earthly plane.  Amen."

"We ask for healing and love to be directed to all those areas of the World that are loosing heart and direction as Mankind fails again with the duties of caring for those in need and, as the numbers grow, we ask for your wisdom to show those who slumber how and where to meet the needs for their fellow man and woman and their children too.  Amen."

"We give thanks for all that we have achieved today in continuing upon the path set for us and await the further opportunities to do what you wish us to achieve as we follow our guides and the direction that they lead us on to further the enlightenment and healing of our fellow man and the harmony of a disorganised and unsettled world.  Amen."

"Help us to progress each day towards enlightenment and truth dear Lord, so that we may find it easier to understand the ways of the World and the behaviour of our fellow man, who sometimes leaves us puzzled as he seems to fail to understand that we are all one and we should love each other and live in peace and harmony sharing all good things.  Amen."

"Thank you for a good day and for the enlightenment that we received and gave.  There is a movement of energy that we feel around us as things are now on the move and we are all getting caught up in it, so we watch and wait for your divine hand to direct us on the pathway of your choice for us.  Amen."

"Great Divine I thank you for helping us through the day and for all that has been accomplished around us.  May we sleep well and be fully rested to do your work tomorrow as we know that there is much to do and much to gain as we help our fellow man and woman to see your light and your love.  Amen."

"Divine Creator, you have given us much progress of late and we thank you for your hand guiding us and keeping us on the straight path towards your Heavenly Kingdom, where we will earn a place according to our justice and deeds in this lifetime.  May we always be in the right place to help those less well enlightened than we are and may we make a difference by being here on this plane of existence.  Amen."

"We are all delighted to receive the knowledge and the enlightenment that you send to us and we thank you for your love and strength and healing, which keeps us going during the harder times, but we are so pleased when those pearls of wisdom become plain and we can and do move on in your service and for your aggrandisement as your light shines ever brighter and shows the way to us all if we can only see.  Amen."

"Thank you for getting us through another day and for all the hard work that has gone into achieving it.  We look forward to the results of what has been done so that we can move on in our lives and see the progress that we are making towards your Heavenly Kingdom, where we look forward to finding the love and peace that we have earned for ourselves.  Amen.

"Dear Heavenly Father please help us every step of the way so that we can be safe from all that there is about us.  Every step we take contains hidden dangers if we are not vigilant and guided by your light.  Show us how we can help ourselves by being ever listening to the voices of our conscience and our guides, who guide us well if only we are calm enough to listen and take ourselves in hand through their good advice and encouragement.  Amen."

"Almighty Divine Creator, who has all our best interests at heart, please help us to understand the true way that Jesus taught us and let us be guided through our lives by the Way and the Light, so that we may attain what we came to do and also to help others who are less well informed as we are with your love and laws of life and death.  Amen."

"We give thanks Great God for all that we have been given today that has made us stronger and better fitted for your purpose.  We remain in your service and expect to be tested still, but now knowing that we are on the right course to fulfil your desires for us as we give our endeavours to your purpose for all time.  Amen."

"Please keep us all safe and warm in these troubles times as we in Europe freeze and those in Australia cook in the heat.  We know there is always enough for all, but the distribution at times seems to be a little unstable as we watch and wait for normal service to be resumed as you hold us in your love.  Amen."

"We thank you for the guidance of Master Jesus' words to show us the way as we all need each others help in these perilous times.  Each day we achieve a little more and to have survived is often enough to make us feel that we have done well.  Help us to help each other, so that we can all survive to give thanks and our love to you, our great Creator.  Amen."

"Divine Creator in whom we live and put our trust, please help us not to take things for granted and to appreciate all we have.  There is so much that we are blessed to have in our lives that we take for granted and it is not until we lose them that we appreciate just how much they meant to us.  Give us clear seeing and feeling so that we know how well off we really are, whatever station we hold in this earthly life.  Amen."

"Mighty Lord please bring sanity and compassion to those who have dominion over others so that all may receive their human rights and be able to exercise their free will and turn to you for counsel and be shown what is best for the greater good and may they be given the courage and understanding to carry our your wishes as your laws dictate as they cannot be changed in any way.  Amen."

"Divine Father I can feel the winds of change starting at last to blow through those corridors which have been abused and power seekers have taken for themselves and at the expense of those who gave and could not afford to give any more.  May the people now see that they have been duped long enough and that it is time to stand up and be truly counted in your name and in your service.  Amen."

"Thank you Divine Creator for your love and strength to take us through this day, which has been has successful and we have achieved more than we expected.  Help us to help those in need and to give what we can and hold ourselves fortunate that we have enough when so many have so little.  Send them the guidance to see where they can go to make their lives better and more at peace.  Amen."

"Progress you have promised us Almighty One and so when we see ahead of us a way cleared in the mayhem, we delight and thank you for your trust in us that we were ready and worthy to fulfil the needs and challenges that are brought to us to deal with and to succeed in, so that your light can shine more brightly in the hearts of men and women as they experience your love, some for the very first time.  Amen."

"I give thanks for your love and enlightenment as I see my way clearing before me and a ray of hope and direction lights my pathway.  Give me the courage to take this opportunity to do what you have placed there for me and may I succeed in every way and lay the glory at the feet of the One who gave me life and loves me well.  Amen."

"Divine Spirit please take us forward into this new decade and show us the failings of the last one, so that we may see what was lost and so equate the wrongs of the misadventures that we have suffered through the misdemeanours of others who have left us all but spiritually bankrupt by the hands and minds of those who cared nothing for us but only for themselves.  Amen."