01 November 2014

Daily Thoughts for November 2014

“What is the greatest joy we can give to those who we meet?  Surely it is a genuine smile of welcome fit to banish any scowl.”

“Nothing is too much for us to do, as Jesus proved when he washed the feet of his disciples.  Are we willing to do likewise and be humble?  Remember all those who give their lives in service to the sick and the broken in mind and spirit.”

“Be aware that not every person has your advantages, so use your advantages to help them and when a smile comes to their faces you have your reward.”

“Even if you have got it wrong, you know that the goodness and love are blessings to receive.  Give good things to others without asking for rewards and you must be getting much of it right.”

“Take the responsibility for your own life.  Nobody else can.  Your mistakes are your own and your blessings belong to you, so do what is right and stop worrying about what other people think.”

“Religious Houses are always after your money.  They know full well that they are not competent to ask for your soul as their lives are equally open to mistakes and errors.  They don’t know any better than you do, but if your heart is pure then your soul will be far beyond them.”

“Above us is a Higher Intelligence, who loves us and wants us to do well, so why don’t we trust it to guide us or has religion spoilt your appetite?”

“Take heed and live by your conscience, discerning what is good and what is bad.  Those who turn their backs on this valuable barometer will be free to take a mindless course and destroy more than they can save.”

“An open countenance is a happy state of affairs, because with transparency comes the truth and never can one be frightened of being exposed as everything is in the open.”

“Deceivers will always be deceived.  For those who live by dishonesty will always be exposed when they have forgotten what they said before and they expose their lies to trip themselves up.”

“Hold fast to your strengths and see righteousness and truth make good bedfellows.  With them, there can be justice and the dark secrets cannot be hidden for long, so that the right of every situation can be made to shine.”

“To be involved with others there must be no barriers that people so easily erect.  All people came from the same creation, but simply live in different bodies that shows them to be different only on the outside, but the same within.”

“So many people live on an ego trip of their own design and their hearts and minds are hardened against compassion and other people’s interest.  These people have no friends, only interests.”

“There are too many deceivers in this world and not enough souls who live in the right way as taught by Jesus.  His words make just as much sense today if you listen to them rather that see them twisted by the clergy, who only want what is best for them.”

“Do not be misguided by the words of men and women, but see if they fit in with the conscience within you that tells you what is right and what is wrong.”

“Let compassion be in your heart, as you see and hear of the atrocities that Mankind creates every minute of every day and ask for divine unconditional love to replace the hatred in the minds of those who perpetrate them.”

“Send out your thoughts to the heavens and make sure that your voice is heard in the higher levels of life.  If you never ask for anything, in the right and proper way, you will never receive anything.”

“Everything that is given from above has to be earned if you are to receive the gifts of helping to improve the lives of those who travel along your road.  Recognise the justice in the even-handedness from On High.”

“Take a fresh look at yourself and your life every morning and every evening to see if you have come up to scratch or should you have done better?”

“When you see a needy situation that must be addressed, do you hurry by on the other side or roll up your sleeves and give thanks that this opportunity to serve was given to you?”

“Joy is a blessing bestowed on those who make happiness come true for others and then the results give joy to the giver.”

“Take the love of the Lord into your heart and let it then be given to another in need.  Act right and well and the Lord will not be stingy with the love that you have earned for yourself and others in need.”

“Let all that is ready for you to do be done and don’t put off action for another day, because by then it is usually too late.  Make haste and when all is done, you have earned that chance to relax and be at peace.”

“Don’t be impetuous, but assess the facts and let your gut instinct show you the way, as your guide is in the best place to advise you and will do so if you listen and are true.” 

“Waiting until you are ready to act is a recipe for disaster, because by then everything has changed and your opportunity to get things done right, using your first impressions, will have been lost.”

“Lift up yourselves by doing what you can for others, because if you do nothing you will be left bereft when you are in need yourself.  We cannot be granted what we haven’t earned so we need some good deeds already done for others.”

“The best is always still to come and we must work for this and realise that without our input, the future cannot be adjusted for us by the spiritual forces, that need us to show the way through our intensions to success and then they will allow us to succeed in the right and honest way.”

“We are going through a process of change and we have to allow ourselves time to adjust, while not looking back, but understanding what is ahead of us and making the necessary strides forward.”

“Action in the right cause is the way of the world, except that the world isn’t listening and acting correctly.  That is why there is so much pain and so much slaughter and Mankind runs about unchecked by right thinking.”

“Waiting for something to happen is like going backwards, as time is not on your side.  The days allotted to us are always falling like sand in the hour glass and we can’t afford to wait, only to act!”