01 October 2015

Daily Thoughts for October 2015

“The justice of life is not constant and many suffer injustice.  Let us be ready to stand up for those who are abused and don’t get their just desserts because of the selfishness of others.”

“Such is our lot that often we are ready to lay down our load and give up!  Then we will have achieved nothing and cannot expect to be welcomed in the next world for what we have achieved here.”

“Let us see the miracles that are conducted on this planet every day and give thank for them.  It is not a sin to believe in miracles, but only such to disbelieve them when they happen and not give thanks.”

“Share what we do not need and allow the traveling baggage to be light.  We all carry more than we need, but we are fearful to put down the burden of it just in case…”

“Now the end is near, but that is not the end, but the start of a new beginning.  We should always look ahead with hope and love in our hearts for a better way of life and never be afraid to start over again to get it right.”

“Take the glorious sunshine into your heart and let that golden gift of life colour all you do and feel.  Our Creator gave us all that we need to survive in happiness and health, if only we learn how to use his gifts.”

“We must always be honest with ourselves and not allow excuses to cover our reason.  We cannot get away with deceit in the long run and it is a wise man who never tells a lie.”

“Watch what is good and try and emulate it.  Throw out what is bad and keep it out of your thoughts and minds.  Remember that love rules the better world.”

“We cannot afford to believe what men tell us, as all men have some ulterior motives, especially if they seek to have power and control over others.”

“If the devil exists, he exists in our own minds and it was us who allowed him to be there or else he wouldn’t exist!”

“Why do we hesitate to go into the unknown and seek wisdom from our enlightenment?  What is there to harm us if we ask for the protection of Our Father and all his Angels to keep us safe?”

“Going to church isn’t the answer!  We must explore for our own truths and not the dogma and rulebook of men.  Surely we aspire higher than that?”

“The sun is the light of the physical world.  The Master Jesus is the enlightenment of spirituality and truth if we will welcome him into our lives and ask for his help.”

“We are transparent to the Higher Beings.  We cannot fool ourselves or them, so what is the point of hiding our own desires from others when they are not worthy of us?”

“We all are responsible for all we do and say, even what we think.  There is nobody else who can take the responsibility away from us no matter what they may tell you.  You must do it yourself.”

“Know that the words and teachings of Jesus are there on a one to one basis for each and every one of us to understand and cannot be interpreted by another for you.”

“Making oneself perfect is an impossibility, but getting as close as one is able is the way to make oneself better in all respects.”

“Take a new look at your motivations and see why you react the way you do and ask yourself if it would stand the scrutiny of the Higher Intelligence.”

“Are we brave enough to do what is right regardless of what is in it for us?  It is more important to serve humanity with justice and love than to feather our own nest.”

“The way to the stars is in climbing out of the heavy vibrations that materialise around us and hold us back on this earth.  We need to aspire to the lighter and happier vibrations of the Almighty Creator, who will always give us the opportunity to succeed.”

“There is no point in putting on a good show, so that people will think well of us when we are not sincere in our actions.  The truth of insincerity is a wriggling snake and will always find a way to become plain in the fullness of time.”

“It is only in this world that we can hide behind a front and put on an act to deceive others.  In the next world of the Spirit, we are transparent and all is revealed to all who seek that knowledge about us.”

“If we are honest and righteous, then it will shine through and all will see it in our faces and our actions will confirm it.”

“It is useless to pretend that we understand the teachings of the Saviour Jesus Christ, if we can’t illustrate our comprehension in the way we live in harmony with others.”

“The light of wisdom is the light given through enlightenment and not through wishful thinking.  We have to learn how to string together the pearls of wisdom that make up Spiritual Law and the living of it.”

“We must be worthy of the trust shown by giving the right and just way of living to be allowed to represent the Spirit World, which many call Heaven.  If we are not worthy now we must aspire to it.”

“We are so used to having everything instantly.  However spiritual gifts have to be earned first and cannot be received on credit.”

“We are all individuals and each different and unique, so how can another know what is right for us?  Only the Power of the Spirit can do that and then only if we ask it to come into our lives can it do so.”

“The Hand of God is there for all who believe in his greatness and wisdom.  You must believe that yourself and not through the preaching of another.”

“God’s love has never left you, but it is your choice whether you receive it or not.  Ask in the right and honourable way and you will feel its warmth in your life.”

“Now that the light is shining through in your lives, you will have the opportunity to see where you are going for good or ill.”