01 May 2014

Daily Thoughts for May 2014

“Every time we fall we have to pick up the pieces and rebuild it again.  It always pays to think carefully before we act and we can ask for guidance, which is always given if we listen for it.”

“Taking a little nap off from the hurly-burly and resting in the quietness is always worthwhile.  We cannot drive ourselves flat-out every moment of every day.  We all need a little down time.”

“Just a little effort and adjustment on our behalf can make life easier for those around us, especially as the more we consider the greater the understanding by all that we meet and all will feel the better for it.”

“Take a joyful tune and let it massage the mind with its melodies.  A soothing piece of music can work wonders on our negative thoughts and banish them from daily decision making.”

“Just again be mindful of your words and actions on others, as all can be easily hurt.  We don’t always know the damage we do by being too forthright in our judgements when we don’t know all the facts.”

“Never go to bed with an unresolved problem when it is possible to resolve it.  Sleeping on it won’t make it go away, but more probably make your sleep disturbed.”

“Causing another to have to step off their pathway for us may be a selfish act, but if they are allowed to benefit from doing so, it is their right to be rewarded.”

“Why do we always seem to be looking back and feeling that we could have done better?  Sometimes we fail to engage our mind-set before we speak and then we say rash words and, too late, we regret it.”

“Taking up the staff of friendship is always a worthy cause, but some people find it difficult to make new relationships work, so we need to be mindful of their concerns.”

“Making a difference for the better is the reason why we chose this life.  When we return to where we came from empty handed it will be a sad reunion, but if all who greet us can see our good deeds then it will be a joyous time.”

“When we are lifted high in the vibrational energies of good thoughts and living, we are happy to feel that our lives are worthwhile, because we can help others and see the rewards for ourselves.”

“Justice is the balancing of right and wrong, so we must play our part in seeing that we do right always in the eyes of the Lord, so that wrong has no place in our lives and actions.”

“Being alive is a mighty gift to celebrate and to learn from every day that passes that you are more fulfilled and enlightened than you were yesterday.”

“Take a brief look at where you have come from and see that you have achieved more than you thought and then look to the future and allow the present to form your salvation.”

“Thus said the Lord, “Give love to your neighbours and let harmony and peace reign all about you” and then you will feel happier and more fulfilled as you spread Spiritual Law wherever you go.”

“Allow the natural joys to fulfil their promise.  There is little to be gained from artificial stimulants, which give you a lift for the moment and then leave you lower than you were before.”

“If we keep our heads held high, we are looking at the blue sky and the sunny aspects of good things, while if we walk with our heads down, we are breathing in the negative dust that has been trodden underfoot.”

“Exercise your rights to be happy in the sunshine of life without treading on the toes of those who cannot see the glories of this earth that where put there for our wellbeing and upliftment.”

“There are reasons for illness that the medical profession don’t understand, but then they don’t understand the attitude of the mind that makes the physical dependant on its attitude to wellbeing and good living.”

“Just count your blessings and you will see that you are much better off than you thought you were.  Always people are blessed, if only they could see that they are better than they might have been.”

“Smile and the world can see your happiness.  It is infectious, so the more you smile the greater the happiness that you spread.  A grumpy face makes a very dull world!”

“Make a good fist of it and know that you have done your best.  Nobody can ask more of you than that, so always do your best and then you cannot reproach yourself afterwards.”

“Take a good look at yourself in the mirror and see what lies behind the face.  It is your eyes that tell the story of your inner most feelings, so keep them bright and honest for all the world to see.”

“Remember that your brain is a bodily part and has no emotional effect on you, while your mind is your essence and feels the joy and pain of living.  Your mind carries on after bodily death, while the brain is left behind.”

“Don’t become too dependent on the material comforts of life when it is the spiritual comforts which lighten the spirit and bring joy to the heart and mind.”

“Keeping ahead of the game is essential to be able to keep your head above water, but, if you laden yourself with material assets, it may be a question of sinking or swimming until you let them go.”

“See clearly how you are looked after on a daily basis unless you interfere and insist on doing it your way and then things start to go wrong.”

“See your life turn around, as you do good things so goodness comes to you.  It is a simple formula, which always works, but it is Man who makes things complicated!”

“Look out for the good things that occur every day in your life and give thanks for them.  If you don’t notice them and simply regard it as good luck, then why should the spirits help you?”

“Take another look at the problems that you see and hear about throughout this world and send out your thoughts for enlightenment and healing to be given from the Universe, so that miracles can happen.”

“Just keep taking the spiritual approach of helping those around you just because you can and you want to and your rewards will come naturally to you.”