03 November 2015

Daily Thoughts for November 2015

“Know that you were created in unconditional love and that it is only those people who have forgotten that they are here to live together in that love that create the situations that cause hurt and pain through their own suffering inside themselves.”

“Get yourselves a happy and precious time to spend in the quiet of your own minds.  Know that the Spirit lives in you and that it is only by your actions that it can be turned away.  Even then it will only stand back a little, because you are loved and always will be whatever you do or say.”

“Let the little children of this planet find that there is time and safety for them to have a childhood to grow up in and shame on those who abuse our children and spoil the precious years of finding that there is room for trust and love in relationships.”

“Give a smile to every one you meet and see what reaction you get in return.  Many will return your smile and both of you will feel better for giving them.  Those who can’t return your smile are the ones with the problem.”

“Real love is a gift from God.  How else can the good intentions of the humble and peaceful people understand the ways of the world, which is populated by too many who just take and don’t even consider where it comes from as long as they have what they want.”

“Let us be sure that the good deeds which we do go to those who are worthy of them and not those who expect it, because of who they are.  It is the worthy who are the humblest and not those who hold out their hands all the time.”

“Take a fresh look at the people around you and see the difference between the givers and the takers.  It is the caring and the loving that need to be your true friends and not those who take without even a backward glance.” 

“All things in life have to be earned.  That is especially so of love, honour and trust.  Nobody has any right to be given things unconditionally without holding to the moral standards of the wellbeing of others.”

“We must remember that actions speak louder than words.  It is true that blood is thicker than water, but it does not give anyone the right to behave badly within the family and expect to be given everything that they want.”

“There are many deserving causes in this world and we must decide who we will help.  It is not wrong to be suspicious and to do a little checking before committing to the act of giving unconditionally.”

“Why do we only pay lip service to the needs of others?  Is it because there is so much fraud and distrust so that we find that if we allow our hearts strings to be pulled it usually turns out to be a scam?”

“So often, life is about power over others.  The truth is that the better way is to share and be at one with each other.  All actions must be governed by love and wellbeing, not getting the best deal for oneself alone.”

“Take courage and know that good things are often copied and changed for the use of those with an ulterior motive.  Look to the truth of what he said before it was corrupted by man and his narrow-minded vision.”

“The natural world is the reality of Creation.  The material greed and corruption behind the closed doors of business are the downfall of the people, who try to live in the light and love of the Holy Spirit, which Jesus brought us all if we have the love and the courage to use it.”

“The difference between the truth and religion is that Jesus Christ came to show us how to live and these morbid men of cloth only celebrate his death.”

“The love and devotion of the Spiritual God is everywhere.  Look in the fields and in the home.  You don’t have to go into the money collecting dogma of men to find the spirit that Jesus brought to us and showed us how to live.”

“Divine Creation is everywhere.  God speaks though everything that you feel is good and righteous.  It is hardly surprising that it struggles to be felt in a dark old fashioned building that is only used seriously once a week!”

“If we share what we have we shall be blessed with more of the same.  Never allow your doubts to interfere with what you know is the Hand of God helping you through your life.  This is given to you because you are loved by your Creator, not because the Church allows it!”

“To know that we are in the best place and that we are given happiness and direction, should be enough to keep us on the spiritual path, where Spiritual Law predicts all that we should have according to our thoughts and actions.”

“We are all well blessed if we allow ourselves to be guided by the Spirit.  They always have our best interests at heart, if only we would not interfere and allow their love to see us through.”

“Never blame yourself for being lost in a world of confusing directions.  The thing to do is to stop and find the silence of your inner peace and ask to be shown the way.”

“When we do right we can see what we have achieved and we experience that little glow of satisfaction within.  This is not vanity, but the knowledge that we got it right and that we feel pleased with the outcome.  We deserve that at least.”

“Where we make mistakes they are not wasted if we learn from them.  What is the point in doing a wrong and not learning how to rectify it and stop us repeating time and time again?”

“We are losing the role models that used to encourage us, so we will have to either look harder or start to be that encouragement ourselves for others to follow.”

“Nothing good ever came out of the negativity and wrongdoing of others.  It is up to us all to demonstrate that goodness does pay and through our good deeds we are rewarded.  Show everybody the goodness that you have earned and don’t be shy!”

 “As we all start to pull together to find solutions to the many problems that afflict this world through Mankind’s mistakes and greed, guidance will be given, so that if the will is there the way will be discovered.”

“Nothing is given and nothing is taken away unless we earn them through our thoughts and actions.  What we sow we reap.  If we never sow then we will have nothing to harvest.”

“Let the happiness of all souls begin to make a mark and raise the level of misery and pain from the shoulders of all those who suffer.  We all have the need to help our fellow man, woman and child, so that we can be helped when we are in need of that encouragement and love from others.”

“Now we cannot afford to wait for our destiny to be fulfilled.  We must identify it and go out and make it happen, after all we are not so important when we are compared with the Greater Good.”

“We all need a Greater Power to guide us and none of us have an ego worthy of testing, but that doesn’t stop many in their arrogance from trying.”