01 August 2014

Daily Thoughts for August 2014

“Give unto others who are worse off than we are and don’t only think about material things.  Love and understanding are in short supply these days and it is the free things that are so often most appreciated if they are genuinely given.”

“We can never stop and stare.  We have no time too, as the poet told us, so we must always be ready to follow our path of progress and continue down that lane that we call our destiny, otherwise we will be left behind.”

“Take a firm hand and reach out to all those who are in distress.  We may not always know their names, but we understand their circumstances and feel their grief and pain.  We are only alone if we isolate ourselves from the feelings of others.” 

“As we enjoy the beauties of this earth plane of existence, do we say, “Thank you,” for them and understand truly that Mankind could never create the great diversity of perfect things that are given to us and so often we simply take them for granted.”

“We live too much in the physical constraints of modern life and ignore the spiritual values that were always there for us to understand and live by.  If we live in the material without the Spirit we will surely end up with nothing worth having to grace our passage along this road of existence.”

“Making haste so often means making less speed.  If we travel securely in consciousness we will be more likely to arrive at the right place at the right time, but if we are in too much of a hurry we often don’t know where that place is.”

“The Coming of the Lord is a precious moment in our lives.  We are all given the opportunity to receive him and to live by his example, if we are ready to be in service to others rather than ourselves.”

“Since we all come into this world with nothing physical, we cannot take anything physical away with us and why should we want to when everything worth having is already there for us, if we have earned these gifts through right living.”

“Coming to the Cross that we all have to bear is to take that moment and to give ourselves to the Higher Intelligence, which understands what we are being asked to endure and why.  If we ignore the presence of that wisdom, how can we hope to progress by what we are asked to bear.”

“Being graced with a body and a mind, we are able to experience a life according to our deeds and if we behave well to others we should expect to be treated well in return.”

“Our mistakes are by not taking others into our considered actions.  We don’t see the effects of what we do on other people, because we don’t take time to think things through.”

“To be at one with the Spirit is to be at peace. Surely we can understand that if we allow the Spirit to solve our problems in the right way, then we shall be saved from the errors of our own mistakes.”

“As everything is moving, so are we.  We cannot be still except in our own minds, when we learn to hold them at the same speed that everything else is moving.  Then you can hear the quietness and the stillness of ‘Our Lord’.”

“We are all in a state of learning as every second of every day has something to tell us.  We can never stand still otherwise we retreat backwards and don’t progress as we should, because nothing ever stays the same”

“Then came the blow that we were not expecting and we are lost in despair.  It takes a moment to sink in and then, before we panic and lose our common sense, we need to take a moment to think and to realise that we are not alone and help and understanding are given if we ask for them.”

“Grace is a word that too often doesn’t describe our actions.  We are often in too much of a hurry to behave in a beautiful natural way that shows others that we have a soul that guides us and makes us more worthy with every passing day.”

“Just about now there may be another little ray of sunshine that can find its way into your heart if you are prepared to accept in with a joyful reception.  If not it will turn away to find a more deserving soul.”

“Give and take is a good motto which describes how people are blessed by giving or by receiving, so if one is gracious then one will not go too far wrong by acting this one out.”

“By having a happy countenance is a way of keeping ourselves vibrant and happy.  If we go around with a scowl we will surely pick up on all the unhappiness that is never far away as like always attracts like.”

“Joy in the morning is a good way to start the day and then if we work at it we can be joyful all day through.  It is the outside happenings that trend to dent our ardour, if we let them.”

“We were taught to treat our neighbours as we would like them to treat us, so why don’t we do so and make a greater harmony about us with all who come to meet us?”

“Much is to be learned by watching the actions and reactions of others.  It is through watching unguarded moments that we can witness moments of great joy, but also moments of great pain.  We can learn to be gentler than before.”

“The lightning strikes according to the line of least resistance.  It causes damage where it goes.  If we unleash our words and actions without thinking, so often we cause damage to those we love around us.”

“Now we must be aware that all of us have a sacred destiny to fulfil.  If we are honest with ourselves we know that that is so, because it is within our own consciousness, so if we listen to our inner knowledge we know what we have to do.”

“If we give so we receive.  The satisfaction from giving is to see the receiver happy because of what we gave and then by reciprocal actions we are both happy and in harmony with each other.”

“Honour and glory is worth nothing if it is made off the backs of others.  We need to be honourable enough to do things for the best reasons that we love our fellow man, woman and child and that they deserve more than they have been given before.”

“Wake up each morning with a new objective to achieve.  Then we can go to bed happy that we achieved it and that we made the day better for someone else rather than ourselves.”

“What is it that makes us tick?  Surely it is the knowledge that we are loved and appreciated by those around us and that we are making a difference for the better simply by being here.”

“Joy is a state of happiness to be envied and cultivated and if it harms nobody else we shall be uplifted in thought and hopefully word and deed.  It never hurts anybody else if we share our happiness with a smile and a giving countenance.”

“When we feel alive we are positive in our thoughts and actions, so it is conversely true that if we allow ourselves to become depressed we shall reap the heaviness of our own vibrations.”