31 December 2009

Prayers for December 2009

"Great Universal Force of All Creation, we thank you for bringing this first decade of the twenty-first century to an end where we have witnessed such mismanagement and greed and we pray sincerely that this new one will bring about awareness and understanding so that we may all live together in peace and harmony.  Amen."

"Thank you for showing us the way to enlighten ourselves and others, so that we may all move on to the next stage of our development in understanding and knowledge and that we may learn then to use what we have fully understood in wisdom and guidance for those who are less well off than ourselves in spiritual teachings and spiritual love.  Amen."

"Great and Wondrous Spirit of Love, I thank you for guiding us through the difficulties of this day as we were so tried and pressed by matters that we could not understand until at last your shining light revealed what was needed and what was to be of greater benefit and standing than we could see before.  Thank you for all that you showed us and the way that others rallied and helped so that our cause could be complete.  Amen."

"Almighty Divine, please send healing to all those who need healing and bring harmony into their lives, bring comfort to those who mourn and hope to all who are lost and need the strength that can only come from your divine strength and purpose.  Let those who are lost find their way and those who despair find you in their hearts.  Amen."

"Thank you Almighty God for all that I have and all that I need as I go forward always in your service.  I know that I am loved and guided so that I may help where I can and give what I have in the service of others.  Let me not fail those who ask my help and may I be ready for those who need me.  Amen."

"Almighty God we thank you for the joy that your love gives us and the enlightenment through the teachings of Jesus the Nazarene, which show us the true way to live and prepare ourselves for the life to come and we are not then misled by the creeds and dogma of those who seek power for themselves at the expense of the purity of soul that your children are given.  Amen."

"We thank you Great Father of us all for sending the inspiration of Jesus the Christ, who taught us your Laws of the Universe and he died to prove that all your creations of men and women on this planet are everlasting and that he indeed rebuilt the temple in three days to prove it was so.  Amen."

"Almighty God of all things good, we thank you for bringing us together in unison and happiness to share our lives in your service and to spread the news that you are there guiding us and teaching us as we progress down the paths of enlightenment, so that we may all help each other and eventually become perfect in your sight.  Amen."

"Divine Father we thank you for the wonders of the day and the chance to now rest and be at peace together as we allow some time to enjoy just being together and live in love while we prepare for whatever you have chosen is to come.  Let us be at peace and live in harmony.  Amen."

"Great Divinity of all Earthly love who from the Universe gave us a life to live and a purpose to accomplish, please allow us to see our way and truly concentrate upon it and not be lead astray with material cravings which only last as an illusion before becoming nothing of value in the way of eternal life.  Let us be guided so that we may learn the truth and be at peace.  Amen."

"Let us follow our destiny and achieve each and every day a little more on each road that we travel, so that we may all be not found wanting when we see our lives again and answer the reasons why we did this and that and look into ourselves to understand our motives and what drove us always to do what we did and why.  Amen."

"Almighty Creator, Father of us all in this World and all Worlds throughout your great Universe, help us to clear our minds of earthly wealth and fill our hearts with the wealth of love for each other and all about us.  You gave us dominion over all on this planet, may we be worthy of this trust and take great care of all that you have given us to mind.  Amen."

"We succeed in your service when you guide us through the arms of your strength and we are led to progress in the Law of the Spirit.  As we achieve so the glory and honour is given to you as we do it in your name and by your wishes, so let it always be.  Amen."

"Divinity of the Universe I thank you as always for giving me life and for sustaining me on my travels throughout these times, as I struggle to learn the difference in the vibrations of material and spiritual laws and although I feel in harmony with the Spirit I find that I wander and stray if I am not careful.  Keep me in your love and guide me well to my next enlightenment.  Amen."

"Divine Universal Creator we thank you for your love that has sustained us through the day and we ask for protection against all the negativity that is generated around this world as its leaders debate and fail to find agreement about those issues that must be settled if this planet is to survive in peace and harmony.  Amen."

"Thank you Divinity for releasing us from our worries and concerns that threatened us but we were left safe and free of further difficulties.  We see your hand guiding our pathway through to safety as never before and are so grateful for the enlightenment that makes it possible to see you at work in our lives and the lives of others.  Amen."

"Divine Creator we thank you for helping us to overcome our fears and anxieties as we faced concerns which now have all melted way.  Let us go forward now in peace and harmony so that we can rest and be ready for what else there is to come down onto our pathway, so that we may overcome and succeed in learning and then moving on as always into your light and love.  Thank you. Amen."

"Divine Creator, we thank you for getting us through the day and us finding rest and results at the end of it.  Guide us through our rest and carry us through tomorrow so that we may find our way into the smoother energies, which bring us peace of mind and your eternal love.  Amen."

"Divine Creator, help us to understand the laws which you have given us as they affect us in our every day lives, so that we can continue on the right path to bring us to the first level of heaven when we have finished our experiences on this plane of existence.  Let us have earned our place by our love and healing that we give to our fellow man and woman as they too struggle to find the perfection of thy will.  Amen."

"Almighty and most Divine Consciousness of the Universe please allow us to be uplifted by your strength and love so that we fulfil the reasons that we came and return having made that difference and the World a better place because of it.  Let us continue to be at peace as we strive to do your will and effect great changes in the lives of all Men.  Amen."

"Divine Spirit, as we come ever closer to your love and try to live by the laws that you have set us, I ask that we may find understanding and completeness through all the truth which is available to us, but so often we have not the eyes to see it.  May we find guidance to put us in the right direction so that we can reason for ourselves what is the best course to take and may understanding be ours along the way.  Amen."

"Almighty Divine I thank you for the strength and love that I have experienced today and ask that we may find continued strength and healing to carry us through those things that are lining up in front of us to deal with.  I am at peace knowing that I am loved and that we will all survive and find peace again.  Amen."

"Thank you for the wonders of the day and the strength that you give us all if we ask you, so that we can survive and move on again as in love we try and help others to help themselves, where there is a way which we can follow and show them your light which burns in each and every one of us, so that we truly live in your consciousness and your likeness.  Amen."

"Divine Spirit I thank you for the gifts that we have received today and ask that we should be shown the best way to use them for the advantage of our fellow man and the Greater Plan that you have installed and of which we are privileged to be apart.  Allow us your love still and the strength of our direction.  Amen."

"Almighty Divine I thank you for the spiritual guidance that we receive and are able to pass on to others as they walk their pathways into righteousness to find for themselves their way into the Kingdom of Heaven as Jesus guided us so well.  May we put aside what we do not need and help each other to bring joy and happiness at this time and in the time to come.  Amen."

"Almighty Divine Creator of all that there is in the great Universe of Learning, help us to give our love unconditionally, so that by helping others we may become as a small child and be fit to be received in the Kingdom of Heaven when our time comes to leave this earth plane of existence.  Amen."

"Please help us to be protected from unwarranted attack, but where this is unavoidable by the free will of others and the light for us goes out for a moment so that when it returns we can see our way more clearly, let us find within us the strength that only you can give us to carry on.  Amen."

"Divine Spirit of love and strength, who wants us to be happy if only we would chose to live our lives in grace and harmony, help us to resist the material life of wanting more than we need to sustain us on our path to the Heavenly Kingdom that awaits those who love God and help their fellow man.  Amen."

"Almighty Divine Creator, I thank you for the enlightenment and the strength to put all fear aside and live in your light, so that I may concentrate on the life that matters and can put away the matter world and be at peace.  Thank you for all your gifts and encouragement.  Amen."

"Great Spirit of Consciousness, who has given us the power of thought to prove that we live and the understanding, if we choose to listen, that we are eternal and live in your grace, help us to progress in your service and in the best way to help our fellow man, who is in such ignorance of your divinity, otherwise he would love what you have made and respect other life forms than his own.  Amen."

"Divine and most Holy Creator, who made this great Universe for all your creations to live in and gave us to live in your likeness, your consciousness.  For that is the power of thought which we have received by your mighty hand and I humbly ask that all your creations with this gift are shown how to use it for the betterment, not of themselves, but for all others.  Amen."