"We pray tonight for all the grief stricken areas of the world where men, women and children are suffering and ask that they may be given hope and healing as there are so many hardships that they are enduring at this time. May all pull together as one in helping the most in need and may your angels be amongst them. Amen."
"We ask that you help us to help those who have less than we do of the important things in life and that they will receive enlightenment and healing to set them on their pathways, where they will hope to find the answers to the thoughts that they send out, but do not hear and see the answers as they are unaware of how to receive the guidance to fulfil their needs. Amen."
"Divine Creator we thank you for your understanding in our earthly human ways and ask that we are shown further understanding in how we may progress and help each other to lighten the vibrations of this negative pattern of behaviour which seems to beset our fellow man. Amen."
"We thank you for your goodness and your love in enlightening us and giving us hope to proceed along our life's pathway and find the truth about who we are and why we are here with work to do and people to help as we all come with unfinished business which we hope to do and left nothing behind undone. Amen."
"Help us to do our work while it is still day and not leave it undone until we are left in the Darkness of Ignorance and can no longer see or care what becomes of us. Let your light so shine out brightly that we cannot mistake it and we are led to abandon our own will in pursuit of the happiness of those around us. Amen."
"Great Spirit, Divine and Holy, we thank you for our progress this day and ask that we may continue to live and understand the ways things are as we strive to see more of all there is both within ourselves and without in the world around us. Amen."
"Great Divine Intelligence, who governs all of the Cosmos by the Laws of the Spiritual Realms, help us to open our eyes and see the true way that things really are so that we can change our ways and live in harmony and peace helping each other every day and feeling the warmth within as we know that we have done right in your eyes and in our own hearts. Amen."
"Divine Creator, who gave us life and love please show us how we can take advantage of the teachings that are set before us to elevate our sad attempts to grow into wisdom and grace, which Jesus showed us and who we love, but so often fail to live up to, as we struggle with ourselves and our egos take advantage of our minds. Amen."
"Great Divinity, who guides the Universe in love and strength, help us to see and understand our part that is the reason for our being here and the purpose which we may fulfil, so when we leave we leave a better world for others to come to and explore the emotions and the difficulties, which make us better for our coming. Amen."
"Divine energies fill me with your love and allow me to give all I can to those about me who need what I have to give. May I be a peace through the night as I rest my body and ask that my soul is spiritually enlightened so that my mind may discern the true reality of life and death. Amen."
"Please bring peace to those who are innocent and may those who persecute them reap their just rewards. Let there be balance and justice in this Kingdom again so that the people may see the injustice that is now all around them. Amen."
"Thank you Almighty Divine for the healing and harmony that was given. Let us show our gratitude by sending our thoughts to those who are not as well off as ourselves that they may receive your bounty in their lives and move on in love and peace. Amen."
"Divine Creator who has set us down on this earth plane of existence with everything important that we need not so very far away from our outstretched hands. Help us to only reach out for what we truly need and not collect what we do not need simply for having it when so many have to do with out. Amen."
"Allow us to understand enough of the many twists and turns that influence our lives to appreciate where we are going and how best to make advantage of our disposition. We wish to live well and in truth furnish ourselves with a secure place in the next world, so we must ask for enlightenment to see the way. Thank you. Amen."
"Father of all Mankind, we thank you for your love and for keeping us safe from harm. All around us there are problems and dangers and yet we survive to finish another day safely and at peace. We are forever grateful and we bless and give thanks, but ask that you continue to keep your eye on our progress and that you guide our progression. Amen."
"In this world on which we presently live, we are able to see signs of your creation in the natural way that things are ordered on the earth and in the heavens above, but when we look at our fellow man and woman taking a direct line to themselves and for themselves, it is hard for some of us to see where their piece of 'God within' is leading them. Can we ask for some proof to enter our minds, so that we know that you are there and are guiding us all to use our freewill with the right intensions? Amen."
"Divine Spirit, help us to keep the fires of optimism burning inside our hearts and minds as we watch and wait for our fellow man to learn to treat each other with tolerance and respect, so that all may feel that understanding within that we are all made by you for a purpose in love and that we are able to tell right from wrong and work together for the greater good of all. Amen."
"Almighty Divine Creator of all things that are throughout the universe, show us how to witness your laws at work as the material liabilities are forcing those who are trying to live in the light of the teachings of Jesus to suffer while those who take greed and avarice as their religion appear to continue to prosper and are not taken down. Help us to understand and not to turn away from the light while the curse of ignorance leads so many down the darker paths of life. Amen".
"Dear Lord, help us to understand what is so difficult for us, which is the behaviour of those who seek to live only for themselves and seem to get away with it time and time again, while the poor souls who try to live in your light and justice still struggle to keep their heads above water and cannot see the way. Help us to help ourselves. Amen."
"The whole World is in disarray because of the greed of so many people. Please will you send us guidance how these people can be brought to book and the innocent who suffer and had no say in these measures be allowed to live a normal life within your grace and through your love and healing powers. Help us O Lord to find the right way to become in balance again to live in harmony and bring about World peace. Amen."
"Thank you for the words that fill our hearts with joy as we know that we are not alone as we face the many difficulties of our lives, which twist and turn from hope and strength to pain and solitude. Let us embrace the words that Jesus gives to us so that we may find our way at last in our pursuit of progression to the lands of God's Kingdom, where we hope to lodge and rest our aching souls. Amen."
"Divine Creator, we thank you for the guidance from the words of Master Jesus who shines the Light into our darkness of ignorance, so that we might see the Way ahead and through our own understanding and interpretations of his words we look within ourselves for understanding, guidance and peace. Amen."
"Great Divine, please send healing and love to all those who are finding hardship in their lives as we seem to hear more and more of those who are suffering through their own innocence and often simply being in the wrong place at a certain time. Help us to understand how your laws seem often incomprehensible to us, in as much that the innocent seem to suffer as much as the wicked that appear to live only for themselves. Amen."
"Divine Lord, please give us the balm to keep us calm as we witness man's inhumanity to man all about us. We send out our thoughts to the Universe to lighten the heavy negativity, but there appears to be not enough of us doing so to make that difference. Please give us the strength to do more and to help to bring heaven back to this plane of existence as Jesus taught us that it could be achieved. Amen."
"Give us the understanding where we can see how best we can be in your light and comprehend the truth rather than the line which is preached to us. We therefore need Lord the ability to know and understand the truth and set aside anything that does not ring true to our unsophisticated minds. Show us the difference Lord that we may see and act together for the betterment of all who truly love you and therefore love each other. Amen."
"Divine Creator in whom we put out trust and love, please show us how we can best help each other as we give healing and send our love to those in need who show the ways of the world through their pitiful states of being. May help afford them and carry them to higher levels of achievement, which in some cases is barely survival. Amen."
"Indeed we live and work under your guidance and love and yet we find ourselves sometimes not understanding why things are the way they are. Help us to see the way that things are balanced and good and which way we need to go to do what is here for us to do. Amen."
"Show us Heavenly Father how we can help each others, so that we all may bring some piece of heavenly love and grace down to this earth plane of temporary existence and make our stay here fit and proper for all those around us who wish to progress to a place in your Promised Kingdom when we leave this place forever and move on into a summer land to rest and be at peace. Amen."