"We thank you Lord for all the instruction that we receive and I ask that all peoples are shown how to lift themselves out of their troubled lives through the enlightenment which is so needed by us all. Help us to listen and to understand what we need to know to live richer lives for ourselves and others through love and harmony and healing. Amen."
"Lord Jesus help us to understand how Man's inhumanity to Man can be possible when they continue to kill and deprive our Father's children of their basic rights of living a life upon this earth plane to grow in knowledge and understanding of the Divine Creation and the emotions that patrol this earth plane and cause disquiet and hurt instead of the harmony and love in which we desire to live in together. Amen."
"Help us to understand the way forward as we see all around us the problems of corruption and greed as materialism grips the hearts and minds of people who prefer to take more than they need in an extravagance of using and throwing away and buying again, while so many have to go without all around the world. Amen."
"Teach us to forgive, Almighty Father, because we all have things that have happened to us that have brought about personal suffering and we all need to clear these thoughts from our minds that have been caused by others that disquiet our souls, so let us free ourselves by forgiving those who put them there. Amen."
"Great Spirit, how wise you are and how humble we should be in your presence which it always. Please secure us in your grace so that we may learn truly from our experiences and not go round and round again making the same mistakes over and over again. Lighten our understanding. Amen."
"Thank you Great Spirit for the gift of the power of your healing and please help us to use it wisely on all those who ask to receive the rays of light and love which make up the Healing Rays. Let our light so shine out that the peoples of the World will understand this gift and in reverence seek it out for themselves as healers or those who are healed. Amen."
"Give us the spiritual wherewithal to find ourselves and your divinity within and exclude the outward signs of man's religions. Show us the paths of spiritual fruitfulness, so that we can explore ourselves to find you there within us, leading us through the rights and wrongs of our lives so that we may learn and be fruitful in all our endeavours, when we listen to your guidance. Amen."
"Divine Intervention is real and we see it every day when we look hard enough to see it working, as men and women who pull together in love and harmony to achieve against all the odds are demonstrating the will of the Divine Source that there is always hope and that 'God's' Light conquers all and does shine to drive out the darkness. Amen."
"Divine Creator of all that is through the great cosmos of life and love, help those who are blind to your presence and understanding to listen to their conscience where you have instilled the difference between right and wrong and give them the ability to hear the difference and act upon it instead of closing their minds with self-interest. Amen."
"Thank you for a day of fulfilment and progress as we can see through our earthly paths that we are going forwards and have made much advancement. We will continue on the road of belief and fresh discovery and always look to the needs of others as you kindly deliver ours when they are most needed. Amen."
"Let there be light and healing all around the World, so that Mankind can be made to see the folly of his selfish ways and unconditional love can spread to the peoples of all types and dominations to live in harmony and stop fighting for more when half the population have enough and the other half do not. Amen."
"We are grateful for your strength to carry us onwards still as we struggle to keep on an even keel. Help us to see our way and to look out for others who need help and guidance, so that we can all go forward together and progress towards a better life. Amen."
"As we enter another phase of our progression and enlightenment may we find the right direction, so that as we go forward we may see the rights and the wrongs around us and help to set them right as best we can in love and harmony for all concerned, as healing for us all makes us the better for the light shining in upon us. Amen."
"Thank you for the rest and the understanding of what it is that I must now do in order to go forward with my life and that there is help to guide me through the dark clouds which I see all around me. I am encouraged and will be revitalised so that I may progress and do what you ask of me to further the lives of others. Amen.
"Oh Divine Spirit uplift me into your arms and allow me to know your greatness. I am so lowly and so confused, but I know that you love me and that I feel that I require a boost of your divine strength to help me on my way to a better life. I try to reach out, but I always fall too short inspire me with your greatness. Amen."
"Thank you Divine Father for watching over us and keeping us safe from the ways of the world. We do trust that our future is secure and we believe in those who are helping us and holding us on the right pathway as we continue to struggle, but know that you will always keep us buoyant and safe. Amen."
"Most Divine Spirit of all Creation, we humbly ask for rest and a respite from our troubles and our labours, so that we can become stronger in our resolve to carry on through the turmoil of life on this earth plane and find within us the strength to fortify our faith that we are loved and guided and can be at peace as we seek harmony with our fellow man and woman. Amen."
"Divine Father, please help us to see our way through the maze of modern material life, so that we do not miss the real values of humanity and love for all people. There is so much anger around the world as people simply take what they want without earning it or considering other people's needs. Amen."
"We give thanks for all that we have and although we are not wealthy with earthly things we are so rich and blessed in love that we rejoice for all we have and we know that you take care of us, so that we may enjoy peace and harmony together thank you Great Creator, Amen."
"May all the powers of healing and love descend down to this earth plane to all those who are deserving enough and who cry out in pain. May the Almighty soften the hearts of those who withhold aid because of their own interests and may justice be done and seen to be where is it necessary to appease those who struggle and have lost their will to live. Amen."
"Thank you for the gems of enlightenment that we have received today and for showing us the hand that guides and directs our pathway. May others around us see your light through the way we live and act so that all may gain and love and harmony may bring peace to this very troubled world. Amen."
"To be chosen to take the Law of Heaven into the hands of the mercenaries and the sinners, the prophets spoke the Words of God and the wrath of the unbelievers was great. When will it be time oh Lord for the Kingdom of Heaven to descend unto this earth plane of existence? Amen."
"Forgive us for being unworthy of all that is around us, but when things appear to go wrong it is difficult to keep faith in ourselves and those around us. May we receive healing and may harmony flow over all with whom we are irritated by, because there are two sides to every matter and we must sometimes be open to compromise. Amen.
"Great Divine Creator, who made us all and who is so ignored by so many of your children. Please send the means so that they can recognise your existence and start to see your hand in everything good that occurs every day as we are privileged to witness all around us. Amen."
"We thank you Lord for helping us carry the burdens and for lightening our load as we go into another week where we hope to find continued peace and progression, because there is so much that needs to be done that we ask you to clear our minds and strengthen our bodies, so that we can do all that is asked of us to the very best of our abilities. Thank you for all that you do in showing us the way to be. Amen."
"Glory brings the light of Christ, so that our earthly minds can so expand as to receive the beauty of the teachings of the Lord as Jesus came to us, then as now, to show us the way to live and if we turn our backs on him, then the Father who gave us life is equally ignored. Show us the way to be at peace and understanding, so that in happiness we can deliver ourselves at the appointed time. Amen."
"Now is the time to ask for the world to look at itself and to see the error of its ways as Mankind fails to turn away from the relentless pursuit of material wealth and leaves the suffering forgotten and unfulfilled. Help us all to take personal responsibility for our actions and spread love instead of fear and famine. Amen."
"Almighty Divine, please give us your strength to pursue our daily tasks as we are depleted and tired of fighting against the currents of life along the way and we need to be invigorated to continue on our journey towards your great being and learning enlightened by the knowledge of how we can exist on this earth plane of life. Help us to get stronger and not to weaken in the face of our difficulties. Amen."
"Thank you Divine and Loving Energy of Life for all the wonderful experiences and gifts of this day as we progress along our pathway and feel our progress coming to us as we work on in hope and love for all those who we meet in need of what we have to give. Keep us mindful of the wants of others and for the bounty that we have when so many have so little. Amen."
"Divine Father, who loves us all and who prepares a place for us, if we are worthy enough to aspire to it through our earthly deeds, help us to understand what we must do and show us the way to use our conscience well that we may follow the course set for us upon this earth plane and bring love and harmony to all who we meet along the way. Amen."
"Dear Father to us all, I ask humbly that I may be given the grace to help those who are in need and every day feel that they are lost and cannot understand where they should go or what is the true path which they have been set upon. Let me have assurance that I may give healing and enlightenment through whatever means you desire me to do this mighty work. Amen."