30 April 2010

Prayers for April 2010

"Thank you great Creator for all the gifts and joy that are brought to us as we are enlightened in our work and the energies of the world beyond are brought closer to us, as we work and rest in peace knowing that we do our best for our fellow man and for all those who love us and serve us well.  Amen."

"You gave us freewill Oh Lord and you gave us a conscience to tell us the difference between right and wrong.  Help us at this difficult time to see clearly what is best for the Greater Good and to make the decision that will bring about a community of love and harmony and not a state of haves and have nots.  Amen."

"Let the truth come out into the public domain and let the people see where they are being led, so that all they can stand up for their Personal Responsibilities and those who mislead and work only for themselves be shown up for what they are.  Let them fall and let the true and honest souls of the world reap their rewards at last.  Amen."

"Divine Creator, thank you for the strength and love so that we have been able to move on today and help those in need and those who have helped us also to continue our work in peace and harmony.  Let us continue to progress in the days to come and may Mankind see their errors and change their views and look towards the great accomplishment of the greater good in all things.  Amen."

"Divine Spirit of Love please sent healing and compassion to all souls who are in torment at this time that they may be brought a vision of how they can help themselves through love and prayer as our energies are guided to their rescue through our spiritual team of healers and helpers within that circle of love.  Amen."

"Great Spirit of all Creation we thank you for showing us the light in which to live and work, as we see those we can help and those who will take what we teach to pursue a spiritual life within the Lord's way of being and we must leave behind those who will not change, because they are too afraid or too lazy to stand up in praise of you and what you give to us all.  Thank you.  Amen."

"Most Divine and generous Master of the Universe show us the proofs that we may see and show others of the mighty world beyond our comprehension and the life that is there for us, if only we can combat our fears and overcome our delusions of what is really there in the Kingdom of Love and Strength beyond this earthly reality.  Amen."

"What a wonderful glimpse we are shown when we search for the meaning of spiritual understanding and the realities of healing and are given spiritual teachings from the guides, who love us and serve us well.  Continue to show us the way that is promised towards our destinies, so that we may never fall short of the targets that are set for us to attain and live through.  Amen."

"So let our presence here on this earth plane make a difference to others and by example may we all give for the greater good and not continually concern ourselves with what is best for us.  We are here in your love to be guided to what is best, so let us listen and follow our own appointed star towards our destiny.  Amen."

"There is a wonderful feeling of peace coming as the winds of change are arriving and bringing your love and wisdom to enact your great plan for mankind in allowing the strength of your forces to come in and change the thinking, so that harmony and truth can be felt again on this earth plane for which we are truly grateful.  Amen."

"Thank you for holding us in the power of your strength as we work and carry out the allotted tasks each day in this lifetime.  Help us to see where we are going and as the ash cloud covers us above and symbolically tells us how much we are in the dark and out of control, please guide those who lead us into the right decisions, so that we may all live together for the greater good and not just the greed and satisfaction of the few.  Amen."

"We are struggling to keep up with the demands for our energies Oh Lord and ask that we are carried and prepared for what is to come.  Let us always be ready to carry others as we are carried when we need to be, but not as a substitute for our own inputs into the requirement of our own lives.  Amen."

"After all the hard work which we have put in, we can now start to see the destiny of our purpose showing us the way forward and our belief system is now stronger that we can see our way ahead.  Let us never doubt or have cause to fall again as we are proud to serve and give direction and healing to others.  Amen."

"It has been a day of further revelations, so that we can see our way still further to come into your power and grace to achieve what we came to do with the help of all who love us and serve us well.  Hasten our progress so in perfect harmony we are ready to do what you ask of us without considering our own needs, but yours and our fellow men and women alone.  Amen."

"Thank you for a most productive day and for all the guidance which we have received.  May we rest well after our labours and find earthly rest and spiritual upliftment in the days to come as we prepare ourselves for further toil to come for we know that we are not yet finished.  Amen."

"Help us at this critical time to see what is most needed by the greater good and may we not be weak and only think about ourselves and our own personal desires.  Let the needs of those about be our motivation, so that all can gain and not just the selfish few.  Amen."

"What greatness is in all that we see and do in your name, as we are privileged to have your gifts and your directions all around us.  Let the light still burn brightly as we go forward so that we cannot lose our way and may see the truth before us wherever we are led in love and harmony.  Amen."

"Thank you for all that we have received from the Realms of Spirit through your servants, our guides, who serve us well.  We are now more aware of our progress than before and at last can see where we are going and how we can continue to work on an ongoing basis in your services.  Amen."

"We are rescued by the strength of your love as you reward us whenever we follow your enlightenment and when we don't we must look to our laurels and receive what is due to us, so that we can learn and understand.  Help us to choose wisely and return to your loving ways of light and harmony with all our fellows in this life everlasting.  Amen."

"Thank you for all the great wonders of the day as we have found new ways of following our destiny into the realms where we must go to fulfil our destinies.  Help us to continue through the darkness and hold our lights bright for all to see and understand.  Amen."

"Almighty Divine Creator of all that is throughout the whole Universe, please show us how small and pitiful are our lives when we ignore all that is good and wholesome and cling to the material comforts of a bygone age.  Show us all how to feel within the worth that we truly are and let us give to each other and make a better world all around us.  Amen."

"Let us now turn towards the Light of Reason, which through your love is given to us all.  We have the choice to face the light and be clear in our ways ahead or turn our backs on your love and strength to follow our own hearts for the cheap and transparent joys of life and then face a mighty long haul back, so help us to see reason and always face you in the Light.  Amen."

"Give us direction Lord.  Give us the clear-sightedness for which we crave.  There is light ahead of us if only we would stand firm and not let the Darkness of Ignorance cover the Light of Understanding.  Show us the way to be strong so that we might show ourselves as unafraid and steadfast in what is best and good for all.  Amen."

"Now is the time for us to think clearly and see the choices that we alone can make.  There is so much confusion and yet there is a way that we can take, which will be guided by your love and if we can only be brave enough to do what is best for the greater good.  Then we can all go forward together in harmony and peace.  Amen."

"Please forgive us when we err, as so often we take the wrong decisions and find ourselves in trouble through our lack of faith and understanding.  Let us be guided clearly so that we cannot fail to heed the warnings that are given to us in love and harmony, which we mistake and go astray.  Amen."

"Forgive us our blindness and let us see the teachings from Jesus and the Spirit come into our very hearts and minds and change our direction so that we can live in peace with each other and stand up with personal responsibility when it is called for.  Let love rule our hearts so that the negativity all around us cannot affect us and we can remain loyal and true to the Laws of Creation and the Universe.  Amen."

"Divine Consciousness, let us be enlightened by the Spirit so that we can understand the words that Jesus spoke all those years ago and still repeats to those of us who listen within our hearts and minds and are not closed through dogma and the high and mighty power of men, who cannot see what is within us all and only wish to control others for their own gains.  Amen."

"Let us recognised the path of love and wisdom and to understand those who make sacrifices for us, so that we may have hope and understanding to enlighten our world and save us from the many pitfalls that are presented to us to see just how we cope and further develop ourselves in the ways of this world and are led towards the next.  Amen."

"Let us understand that life is eternal and that we must answer for all our thoughts and actions as we grow, whether this is towards the light or towards the darkness, the choice is ours through our own free will, so help us all to see the consequences of our actions.  Amen."

 "Divine Creator, help us to remember the truth about the Master Jesus who gave up his life to teach us that life is everlasting and that we never die, but simply pass out of body into the next dimension to continue our journey towards your wisdom and love.  Let us live together in peace and harmony as he taught us.  Amen."