31 May 2010

Prayers for May 2010

"Show us all the way to be enlightened, so that we shall not fall through our own ignorance of what we should do and how we should live our lives in helping others and not grabbing what we want for ourselves regardless of the consequences.  May we understand how the Higher Power watches over our day to day requirements and gives us what we need according to how we live by the Laws of Spiritual Love and Harmony.  Amen."

"Great Spirit above all that is in wisdom and love, please help us to get through the many changes which are promised to come into our lives, so that we can all move on in understanding and love for each other and that we may all be ready to help those who fall, but cannot find the true way into your enlightenment and understanding.  Amen."

"Divine Spirit who guides us well through all those who love us in the world to come, may we earn ourselves a sacred place in your Kingdom of Love and Understanding through our best endeavours to act  for others and abide by your Laws of the Spirit while honouring our obligations to the World of Men.  Amen."

"As the week draws to a close we ask that we are able to rest from our labours and that we may be recharged anew so that we can continue to tackle the Darkness of Ignorance that surrounds each and every one of us on a daily basis.  Help us to spread your light and to shine it where the ignorance is greatest, so that enlightenment may change the mindsets of all those who hold back the progress of the soul within.  Amen."

"Divine Creator, who has given us the opportunity of learning the feelings and the stresses of time in this world of change, please keep us strengthened and enlightened so we can continue on our quest of making a difference for the better by us being here.  Amen."

"May healing be sent and received by all those who care about and for others, who have mental spirituality and inclination.  It matters not whether they have the healing gift, because you gave us all the power of thought, which when sent with the right intentions will be heard and the receivers can get what they deserve thought the grace and power of the Lord.  Amen."

"Today was an opening of a door, which will lead new hope to enter the hearts of all those who wish for change to be seen to be done and that fairness and truth may emerge from the ashes of the corruption and greed that has dogged the footsteps of the unwary.  Please give enlightenment to all those with authority to deliver not just for themselves, but for the greater good and the benefit of all people who wish to do their very best for all concerned.  Amen."

"Now is a good time Oh Lord to give us the strength to carry through the tasks ahead now that we are able to review our road ahead and see that we must change our ways and appreciate what we have and how little others have around us.  Let us be unflinching in our decision making and may it always be for the greater good. Amen."

"Please give to us, Divine Creator and Orchestrator of the Universe, the chance to see what we need to do to change our mindsets and have that knowing that we are on the right course and that the road we are walking is the right one for us at this time.  Amen."

"Prepare us Oh Mighty One, for you are great and we are small and it for us to change our mindset and to thereby achieve a chance of becoming helped and guided along the way.  As we are, so are we ignorant and selfish, so show us how to make that first true step and for us to know that you are real and loving to us in an alien world.  Amen."

"A new era is dawning and some of us are privileged to be in the frontline and do what is asked of us to bring light and love through harmony into people's lives, so that they can face the changes that will have to be made with their own effort and the spirit within showing clearly the way that they must travel in order to succeed.  Amen."

"There is brilliant enlightenment behind every cloud if only we are ready to believe/receive it.  Show us that light bulb moment in our hearts, so that we are turned on and can see the momentum that is all about us and, until then, had passed us by.  Make us ready to receive, so that then we are able to give.  Amen."

"Now that we are going forwards and seeing the light before us, let us be grateful that we are guided into a true way of living and are shown what we must do to achieve.  So many people expect it all to fall into their laps without them lifting a finger, but this is not so.  Let them see that they must start to earn their daily bread as we do also.  Amen."

"We are moving on a pace now as your grace descends on us and we can see the changes occurring all about us.  Let the whole populace of this world start to understand the truth and the reality of what is happening as massive energies are bringing about the true understanding of what has gone so badly wrong due to mismanagement and greed.  Amen."

"Today, as the dust is starting to settle, we can see some light emerging out of the darkness as the big clean up starts to make this country free again from corruption and mismanagement.  Help us to do our bit and to work for the greater good and not to simply line our own pockets at the expense of those around us, whether we acknowledge them or not.  Amen."

"Another day when all have progressed forwards, but not all know it, so we ask that enlightenment may be shown to those who prosper in your cause and that the light will shine out clearly on all those who have deceived and hoodwinked others, that they may be exposed for what they are and be brought to task, so that all may benefit including themselves when they have paid the price of their folly.  Amen."

"Thank you for the wonders of the day in which we all have delighted.  Help us to appreciate that you are always with us and guide us well.  We know that we are on the right track to fulfil our destinies, so we ask that you let our guides and helpers show us the way to fulfil and to be strengthened by your love.  Amen."

"Now we must begin to show patience and continue to progress forwards, so that all can move into better times as we all play our part in the greater good for others.  Help us to keep our hearts warm in gratitude for all we have, so that we many share what we can with those who are in such need.  Amen."

"Dear Master we thank you for being here with us in our times of adjustment to the changes which have started already to make this World a better place, as we are all determined to move on and let the mindsets of Mankind adapt to the truth and away from the artificial material greed, which has almost destroyed us all.  Amen."

"As the dust starts to settle Oh Lord, we can begin to see what has been kept hidden from our eyes and our understanding, so we ask you to show us how we can do what we need to do, so that progress is speeded up and not slowed down by our unwillingness to do our bit for the greater good, which is all around us.  Amen."

"Thank you for some sanity in our political future as those who have the power in their hands appear to be taking some responsibility for the future of this country, which has suffered so much in recent years.  May harmony and common sense prevail as they deliberate and may the right decisions be made through your understanding and enlightenment, which is so sorely needed.  Amen."

"As the indecision and speculation continues with the parliamentary leaders continuing to act in self interest and not in the interests of the nation and the electorate, we put our faith in your power to lead us forward our of the abyss of man's greed into a twilight of growing enlightenment for a future of harmony and peace where we can all work together for the best results for everybody concerned.  Amen."

"Thank you Great Divine for the enlightenment and hope that we have received this day.  Help us to be encouraged by the efforts of our leaders as they struggle to bring about a united Government to a broken nation, so that we may once again all work together for the benefit of the whole.  Amen."

"Now that we have found ourselves in no man's land, we ask that you bring us the hope and explanations of future progression so that we can see our way forward out of the mess that ignorance has caused behind the scenes, so that we were left feeling abused and battered by the uncertainty of it all.  Show us a light to follow that will bring hope and love back to our hearts Oh Lord.  Amen."

"Grant us the confidence to believe that the decisions that are being made on our behalf are being guided from above, so that the greater good of us all is being given and that the future of this nation is in good hands and minds with a harmonious future to emerge, whereby we can all live in peace, safety and love with our children and our children's children.  Amen."

"Now that the results of our Parliamentary future is about to be declared for Great Britain, I ask Oh Lord that whatever the personal questions and answers are that the greater good of the country is served and the ruling of this once great nation is given to those who will be fair and honest and make the necessary changes, so that all may gain and the young and the old, the sick and the ill, may be looked after and loved in harmony with your sacred laws and the guidance of Jesus, who showed us how to live in your grace and love.  Amen."

"Give us clarity of judgement Oh Lord, so that we may decide for ourselves what is best for the Greater Good and all of those around us and not just what appears to be our whim for our own self interest.  There are so many needs that have to be addressed and we are blinded by self interest and ignorance of what is best for all concerned.  Give us your grace so we may do what is best in your eyes and not just ours.  Amen."

"Help us to be patient Lord, as the times are becoming difficult for us to see the way to come, but we know that we will keep faith in your justice and your understanding of how things are, so that those who love you and abide by your laws in helping others and sharing will survive and those who turn their backs on your light will fall until they understand and demonstrate their change of heart.  Amen."

"Great Father of all of us, please help us to remember that we are not alone and that there is a heavenly host of souls who look down and help us individually and guide us along the roads which our lives should take.  Help us to listen and to learn, so that we progress in love and harmony with all those around us that support for all in need is given.  Amen."

"Help us to live in the Presence of the Lord and to enact his teachings, so that we may learn to follow his example and give to others as we would hope to receive.  Give us the strength and courage to be true to his words and not shrink away from the words of men, who fail to understand the message of the divine that he brought to this earth plane of existence.  Amen."

"Keep us Heavenly Father in your Grace, so that we make the right decisions for the Greater Good and do not just consider what we think is best for us.  Let your light so shine down into the minds of men and women alike, so that all can see your beauty and your love to direct us by us listening to you and not simply turning away.  Amen."