"Divine Creator of all that is and giver of life to us, who struggle to make the best of our opportunities to learn about the emotions and temptations of this physical and material plane of existence, please help us to understand the consequences of our behaviour and the relearning of our mistakes and errors when we pass from here without our present body to sustain us and carry the burdens of our excesses and greed. Amen.
"Divine inspiration is given to us all the time if only we accept it and act in trust upon it, leaving behind our selfish desires and look to the needs of others and not ourselves alone. May we continue to be given what we do not always use, so that we may learn to abide by what is given and is best for us all to know and to do. Amen."
"We ask that we may understand the differences between those who fall by the wayside through their lack of applying themselves and expect to be given the handout for them to survive and those who struggle and fail, but did everything that they could manage to get themselves through the problems which they faced. All are equal in your sight, but sometimes we cannot see the justice of Man's world being even handed. Amen."
"We feel blessed by enlightenment and love and we must now learn the disciplines of using these blessings to the very best of our abilities. Show us the way and let our lights shine out boldly in the pursuit of helping, healing and enlightening our fellow beings. May we lose fear and supplant it with love and go gratefully forward in pursuit of greater things beyond our own mundane lives. Amen."
"Help us to rest while we can and prepare ourselves for the onslaught of work and change that has to come if we are to survive the radical reforms that are required from each and every one of us, as the whole world stares at the financial implications of living too well for some and too poorly for most. Amen."
"Dear Lord, please lead us through the labyrinth of this life with your teachings to guide us. We know that you have experienced all that we suffer and more, so that if we have enlightenment through our intentions of thought and deed we will understand how to progress for our future and the benefit of all we meet on this dusty road of life. Amen."
"Give us the strength to persevere and to take a strong grip on what we know we must do and not flinch from doing it. There are always excuses which we can make for not doing the right thing, but these are always known you and to us and so they hold no water in the reality of living. Amen."
"Great Divine, who looks over us all to see that in unconditional love we abide by the Laws of the Universe and make all our decisions with the right intentions for ourselves and for others, we ask that we are shown and told where we are to go and how we are to find peace in a landscape so bedevilled with negativity and greed. Amen."
"Now as we turn to face the future we can start to feel the strength returning to us and fear is being left behind. Let us continue to carry ourselves in the responsibility and trust that must be there for us to lead the life we chose to and not one tainted by the material vibrations of this earth plane, which is still so affected by greed and materialism. Amen."
"Divine Creator, we know that we must face and conquer pain in order to learn from our mistakes, so we ask that with the pain may come enlightenment, so that we may see why we struggle and learn from it to our benefit and those around us. Amen."
"May we receive patience as we face changes that are brought to our door, so that the results are for the benefit of each and every one who will share and help. We wait in peace for all our paths to shine out clearly to show us the way we are to go to bring about a better understanding and help for all those around us. Amen."
"Dear Lord and Father, who made us all, please show us the way to prepare for the new life to come, so that we may find our way safely and in accordance with the guidelines that the Master Jesus has taught. There are many examples of the misinterpretation of his being here, but if we read his words with a spiritual understanding we can see the true way. Amen."
"Thank you for showing me the way to be strong and overcome my fears and trepidations. I have conquered the difficulties with help and guidance and can now shoulder the responsibility of what lies ahead. Show me continued help and direction so that I do not fall back, but continue to seek the opportunities that are brought to me to succeed through. Amen.
"So now the cuts have started and we must all tighten our belts and play our own parts in bringing about a reduction of the material greed and an upliftment of the spiritual joy, which each and every one of us can if we will, by turning to the Laws of Spiritual Existence and through healing and the helping of others so we will be healed and helped. Amen."
"We believe in the great wisdom and love of the Universal Force, who gave us life and who looks over us through the many ways of spiritual understanding and enlightenment. May we receive what we need to make a difference for the better through our presence here upon this planet for the benefit of all those who are here and all those who are still to come. Amen."
"Help us through the pain that we carry with us when we suffer the neglect of our own mistakes and help us to see why we are were we are and although life does throw up some extreme situations, so often we deserve the challenge and cannot see it. Let love and light always be with us while we feel around in the darkness of our minds for understanding. Amen."
"As we move forwards with our lives, help us to see the progress which we are making, so that by looking back to where we were a few years ago we can see how far we have come. This encourages us to keep going and allow the momentum of spiritual love and law to carry us ever onwards. Amen."
"Great Spirit of good things given in love and with all the best intentions for our welfare, please help those of us who are unsure and need nudging to move forward in giving the helping hand to others in need, as we receive help, so we should be prepared to pass it on with interest, wherever we truly can. Amen."
"Divine Creator, who gave us life and purpose, please may we be truly directed along the path of righteousness and truth, so that our words at all times may be acceptable to you and to others to guide them and to teach them, but never to harm them in any way. Amen."
"Thank you for hope and for the encouragement that we do not live alone on this planet and that our lifetime is set to be enhanced by the spiritual guidance, if only we listen and listen well to the advice and help that is there for us all to understand. Let us be positive and hear our own conscience, so that we do not go astray and we travel in hope and love for all men, women and children that are here with us together. Amen."
"Divine Creator, as we progress again towards the light and follow our individual destinies, we ask that you accept our love and worship of the many facets of divinity of which you are the only existence. Help us to understand as much as our puny minds may hold until we are able to expand them again and find the full freedom of thought and understanding. Amen."
"May Jesus not have died in vain as all we see in this World today is the effect of pain and misery as Man cares nothing for the harm that he does, because he doesn't understand the beauty of our Father's love and enlightenment, which is for them clothed in darkness and the light is shut out. Help those of us who care to take personal responsibility and stand up for change in the thinking of Mankind, so that all peoples may live in love and harmony sharing all that they have and not grabbing in greed solely for themselves. Amen."
"Divine Creator, help us to understand in our quieter moments, when our lives slow down and we are able to see ahead the opportunities which are there for us to consider, that these are the times to appreciate the excitement and momentum that we have achieved in order to get to where we are now. Amen."
"Dear Lord, let us put behind us all that we fear so that we can grasp the nettle and go forward with confidence to make changes that have to be made and, without fear and dread, we become strong enough to have confidence and make the best of our talents instead of letting them be squandered away. Amen."
"Let us rest well tonight to prepare for the challenges of the week to come when we know that we will be put to the test as always, so that we can move on and at the same time work for the good of all and not just for ourselves. May we all bring sunshine into the lives of others and enlightenment into the darkened minds of ignorance. Amen."
"Thank you for the peace and the quiet and the time to reflect on just how far we have come on our way to where we are now. Help us to see the opportunities ahead so that we can be grounded and achieve the reasons why we came and fulfil our individual destinies so that all may benefit from our coming. Amen."
"Divine Spirit of All Justice, we ask you to send healing and enlightenment to all those sick minds out there who find it amusing to play with the emotions of those who try to live by standards of caring and decency in helping our fellows where they are in need and together to help and to heal wherever we can. Amen."
"What a day of many vibrations that tears at the heart strings. Show us how to understand how from such negative energy that man puts out can it all be cleansed and new beginnings can make this world a better place and this island a refuge of sanity through your teachings and enlightenment. Amen."
"Almighty Divine, who loves us all and is disappointed when we fall short of your expectations, please show us clearly the right route to take as we look forward into the happenings of our lives each and every day to see where we should direct our energies to serve those who are in need and have lost the understanding with which they came. Amen."
"Divine and all Powerful Force of Wisdom and Love, who gives us all that we need when we learn our truths and live by the ways of righteousness and abandon the ways of greed and self aggrandisement. Let us learn our lessons whether they are easy or hard for we understand the necessity of their being learned and it is only our vanity and lust for material gains that hold us back in the Darkness of Ignorance. Amen."