30 October 2010

Prayers for October 2010

"Another month draws to a close and the difficulties and the problems of the world seem never ending.  Help Mankind to find that change of heart so that we can live in peace and harmony and extend that love and strength for what is right as you give so generously to us.  Amen."

"As we go about our daily lives, help us to be aware of other people who are around us and the problems that they face.  We are not alone and we need to see where we can be of service to others and when we can expect to receive help in our turn by letting others have to benefits from helping us.  Amen."

"We are moving on today and with your love and strength we will achieve what is asked of us.  Let your love be in our hearts and there will be no errors as we will see what our destiny is and go happily forwards.  Amen."

"There are certain days in our lives when we are asked to accomplish mighty deeds which to us at the beginning seem impossible, but then by the evening time we see that we have succeeded and can relax at last knowing that we have been carried through by your almighty strength and love.  Thank you Lord for these wonderful times and may we answer with gratitude and not forget them when you call on us to do that little bit more.  Amen."

"After working hard today we ask for your strength and love to carry us through the hard times that are starting to show themselves, as we all move into freefall and change so that the greater good can be served.  We ask that we given the energies to cope as we stumble through the darkened pathways of modern global existence.  Amen."

"God bless the rain that cleans the air from negativity and sustains life on this planet of ours, so that we can exist at all.  May the trees and the flowers benefit from it and may the animals understand that the cooling waters bring in turn their very sustenance.  Let us rejoice and be grateful for these cooling rains of life.  Amen."

"Today we worked hard to help the greater cause and feel that we have achieved something more than could be expected of us, so let us continue to face the future with stout hearts and nimble minds, so that we are aware of those in need around us who need that helping hand to be delivered from whatever fears are holding that grip upon their hearts.  Amen."

"Now as we prepare for the start of another week we look to what opportunities there may lay in our path so that we can be helpful and good natured to those who are about us, whether that is in the home or the office or upon the road.  May we keep love and goodness in our hearts and make each day a success into the benefit of those who are in need.  Amen."

"As we spent time with our families today, we give thanks for your great gift of life so that we are not alone and can share the growing up of new souls around us and the innocence of childhood.  It is from these younger ones that we have so much to learn about the true way of being uncluttered by material considerations and free to express emotions as they truly are and sharing moments of unadulterated happiness.  Amen."

"What a day of heavy effort to even stay in the same space as before, let alone to progress forward as we must do.  We know that you are looking over our puny efforts to survive and that without your love and strength we would so often fall.  Carry us through the darkness and into the light which is where we want to be, singing your praises and feeling the love.  Amen."

"We have got through a difficult day, but achieved all we can so we thank you for the constant guidance and strength, which we feel around us at all times.  Help us to give out the love that we receive, so that it is working for the greater good always, because we do know that it achieves nothing if we keep it all for ourselves and give out nothing to others who are always in great need.  Amen."

"We all now wait to see how the cuts and changes will affect our daily lives and we look forward to doing all we can to move on once we know the way.  Not knowing is the greatest fear that affects us all as the uncertainty of life bits us hard and we look to your love and justice to see us through what we are unable to see and understand at this time alterations for all Mankind.  Amen."

"Almighty Creator, pray give us the means and the understanding to play our part in the changes that are abroad, so that when we pass we may honestly answer that we made a difference by our labours to the future of the peoples who come after us and that we were worthy of all that was asked of us.  Amen."

"As we await the showing of our further opportunities to help and learn more about the existence that we are going through in this life, we ask for your continued support and love to show us the true light of experience, so that we do not judge others, but pray that they too will learn as they travel their own way through their own opportunities of learning and progressing.  Thank you.  Amen."

"Thank you for the safety and security of your strength as we continue on our path and do new things when we accept these challenges that are brought upon our way and fulfil them as best as we can in the interest of others, who need guidance and healing along their pathway of life.  We are proud to play our part and illuminate the way for them using the light of truth and reason according to the teachings that we receive from Spirit and the words of our Master Jesus.  Amen."

"As we spend our time this weekend in all manner of differing ways, may we make time to reflect on our future and the consequences of Man's greed for more than he earns and needs, so that he may feel more important than he really is as he neglects his spiritual requirements that govern his whole existence for the sake of a few years of comfort ahead of the barrenness of the future to come.  Amen."

"Thank you for the light that shows us the way into the realms that we need to go and that takes away the fear and uncertainty of what we have to do and where we have to go.  We look forward now to the safety and security of your love that will guide us through the darkness of negativity, so that we arrive together at the anvil of service in obedience to your call.  Amen."

"We dip in spirits and climb again as the clock turns hours into days and weeks into the future, so we ask for the strength and love to carry our burdens into the sunlight of your grace, so that we can be assured that we continue to walk in your understanding and carry our destiny through the dark hours of waiting to blossom out when you give us the spring of the new life to come.  Amen."

"As we move forward there is a light to guide us and we follow the direction so that we may achieve what is there for us.  We all have to find our place and time in the way of things, so that we can fulfil our destiny and reason for being here.  Let us find our way in your time and space, so that we are ready to achieve your directions for the greater good and not our own.  Amen."

"Targets are for seeking as we all move to a greater understanding of what has to be and what our part is for the greater good.  Help us all to find true understanding in the sacrifices that we are asked to make in order that all may move on and at the same rate of understanding, so that it is not the elite who benefit most, but all souls with an open and loving heart.  Amen."

"Now the light comes through and so does the work and we are grateful for the opportunities to help those who come forward and show themselves so that we can help to fulfil our promise.  Let us all always be ready for the opportunities which we are given, so that we don't walk by on the other side, but give of ourselves to those who need us.  Amen."

"As the light of our future path is slowly shown to us and we can feel our way through the negative earthly vibrations that must be changed so that Mankind too has a future devoid of uncertainty and fear, we delight in the confirmation that we are truly moving on and that we have work to share with others, so that a new thinking and appreciation of all that is, can be released to the World and all its peoples.  Amen."

"We have been through much as we search for a new beginning and ask that we are delivered into the new way of working and giving to those who will listen and will use our teachings from you as a basis to make a difference to the lives of all they meet and have influence over.  May we all succeed in bringing justice and love to all who deserve your blessings.  Amen."

"Help us through the maze of choices and decisions, so that our conscience is clear and we can be assured that we are going the right way.  Sometimes it is hard to find our way through the negativity and the bombardment of modern life, which bruises our minds and causes our physical body to ache.  Amen."

"Today has been a mishmash of going backwards and forwards as we have not fallen, but have achieved and then gone back a little only to go forward again and as we realise that this is the way that life is for us, we allow our disappointment to be alleviated by your glorious light and love, which carries us ever forward.  Amen."

"Thank you for your guidance as we have moved on further today in the knowledge that we are where we are meant to be and are going where we are meant to go as we listen to our conscience and the guidance from all those who help us to get where we are.  Keep us strong in your love and let us not disappoint by putting our wants before what you need us to do in your name and through your love.  Amen."

"The darkness of the negativity today was very much apparent, but we lived in your strength and love so that we could raise our energies from the commonplace to the vibrant love that you surround us with and we made much progress on our pathway towards the greater good.  Amen."

"We have witnessed today that there are good spiritual people about who care about the future of humanity and the imbalance of mindsets, which cause the pulling down of high ideals and intentions through the negativity of greed.  Help us all to play our part in the lifting of all nations so that the goodness that we were given is upheld and not siphoned off by the greed of others.  Amen."

"Thank you for the upliftment and the energy to face the week ahead with enthusiasm and trust, so that we may look for even greater achievement and success in all that we take on in your name and with the Master orchestrating our life by our side we cannot fail.  Amen."

"It has been a hard day, but we have achieved what was there for us and we give thanks for the strength and guidance which kept us going, so let the future be clear and concise so that we continue to have no doubts and see our path ahead and have no fear as to where it leads us.  Amen."

"Divine Instrument of Life and Love, we thank you for your grace and beauty in all things that enter our lives and keep us alert and ready to give service to those who are lost and dwell in the Darkness of Ignorance having turned away from your love and direction and by those who lead souls into darkness for their own gain, we ask that the true light shine out to all who recognise within is the true guiding light of their destiny.  Amen."