30 November 2010

Prayers for November 2010

"As we struggle so we achieve, because without the challenges that are brought to us we would learn and achieve nothing worthwhile.  Help and guide us through these times of troubles and pain, so that we can emerge stronger and more able to carry out your wishes for our progression and the needs of our fellow man, woman and children.  Amen."

"Now is the time for all of us to gather before the face of the Lord and ask for the peace and tranquillity of all minds to concentrate on what is good and what needs to be accomplished, so that all souls upon this earth plane can find their basic rights and treat each other as human beings.  Allow our prayers to reach you dear Lord and grant enlightenment to all who ask in your name of love and truth.  Amen."

"Lead us Heavenly Father on through the pitfalls of live in safety and in love, so that we may fulfil our reasons for being here and do all that we are able for the greater good and not expect the greater good to always have to attend to us.  Amen."

"Help us to always try and see the questions and their answers from the other side, so that we are not blinked by our own thoughts and expectations.  The truth does look different according to where one is viewing it and we don't always know all the facts.  Amen."

"We thank you for the enlightenment to see our way ahead and we ask that we are shown how we can use our destiny to help those who are in pain and discomfort due either to their own errors or the situations of their life that have thrown up challenges in their path, which they are not always able to meet and accomplish on their own.  Amen."

"Thank you for taking care of us today as we were travelling through many dangers and you kept us safe as we progressed along the way that our lives are directed.  Help us to never doubt your love and wisdom as to our earthly minds it is not always clear to us.  Amen."

"Take the courage and go with the flow that comes down from the higher levels of God's great and mighty kingdom, where all laws are met in perfect unison and the Rights of Justice are always obeyed.  Please show us your truth and love in all that we do so that we are met in perfect harmony at all times.  Amen."

"A busy day means that we need to know that you are listening to our requests for guidance so that we can do your will at all times and not allow our own thoughts to take precedence over what needs to be done and achieved.  Let us hear your directions loud and clear so that we cannot go astray and always serve the greater good.  Amen."

"We have achieved what we set out to do today and have brought healing and harmony wherever we could so that the greater good was served and those who we could reach benefited from your love and wisdom.  Please let us all see clearly what is required of us so that we do not hang back when we are called upon to help those in need.  Amen."

"Thank you for the enlightenment that we can see whenever we ask for the way to be shown to us and we cannot go astray as long as we follow the chosen and guided pathway.  Please keep us centred as we go through this week ahead that all that we do is for the greater good.  Amen."

"As we go through the stages of giving and receiving let us acknowledge that it is as great to give as to allow others to give also.  Let us make it easier for those who are in need to show their pleasure to us when we are able to ease their pain.  Amen."

"Please send healing and strength to all those who are in need, because there are so many unhappy souls who are unable to avoid the pitfalls of life as relationships and health issues are souring their mental abilities to cope with day to day existence at this time.  We ask for enlightenment so that they can choose the right way for them to go.  Amen."

"As hard work never hurt anybody we are pleased to set out our labours, so that all may benefit from what we do and the greater cause may be served.  We give what you call upon us to do in the name of your Creation, so that people of all ages can see their way forward through you.  Amen."

"Today our pathway ran smoothly as we prayed that it would and we were shown your kindness and love so that we could enact to others who we met along the way.  We are ready to face what you have prepared for us to experience in helping those who need us and can show your love and healing to their needs through your instruments of service.  Amen."

"Thank you for a day of progress as we got ourselves better organised and could see the hand of the Almighty in our lives directing us and clearing the way for what is to come.  All is not yet perfect, but there is a smoothness of progress which is all ready for the moving on that is so much needed for us and all Mankind.  Amen."

"Let the sunshine come into the minds of all those who are feeling the darkness of ignorance of your presence, so that by enlightenment they may change their thinking and turn towards the light of your love and wisdom to run their lives according to the Laws of the Universe and goodness of the Holy Spirit.  Amen."

"Even through the heavy cloud and rains of autumn we are not downhearted as within us lies the comfort of our very soul, as you strengthen us and through your love you train us to see the signs of your might in wisdom and caring for those who love you and walk in your light of understanding.  Amen."

"Please help all those who are being battered by the thoughtlessness of others as conflict flares up between those who are in relationships which are dangerously close to breaking down altogether and the little ones are suffering and will may be affected for the rest of their lives.  Amen."

"Now that the dust is settling and we are starting to see the way ahead in our lives we ask that help and love is sent to all those who are suffering stress caused by their lifestyle and their relationships as there as so many around us who have the need of understanding and love.  Amen."

"Help us through the twists and turns of everyday life and allow us to be guided on the right path to take as we can only see a little way ahead and that is uncertain and fraught with dangers as there are so many distractions along the way that tempt us to go astray.  Amen."

"The beauties of the autumn leaves and the sunshine of your love carry us through the negativity that man creates all around us, but as we are safeguarded by your love and spirit we are uplifted and carry on our lives knowing that you love us and want us to achieve the very best we can.  Amen.

"Today we set forth with into the unknown with a determination to do your will and to achieve whatever you put in our path.  We are filling out hearts with love and positive thoughts so that fear does not have room to hold us to ransom.  Amen."

"May the light shine through the storm clouds as so many relationships are grating at this time as one partner tries to dominate the other and unconditional love, if ever present, is no more.  Help Almighty Spirit to calm the unrest and allow both sides to find understanding and safety either together or apart.  Amen."

"Now is the time for us to see our salvation clearly ahead of us.  We know that we must earn the good things by our behaviour to our fellowman and to the spiritual joy, which lives above in the certain knowledge of your greatness, truth and love.  Amen."

"Let not the heavy clouds in the sky and within our own minds separate us from what is the true and brilliant light of love that you shower down on your creations.  Help us to stand in your light of reason and not be afraid to show other who and what we stand for.  Amen."

"Give us the strength and courage to stand firm in our resolve for what is right and what is not, so that we may go to help those who are distressed by other people and are suffering, because of their weakness in the face of fear and dread.  Amen."

"We ask that there may be help and healing for all those who are in distress from whatever cause.  There are many natural disasters upon the earth plane just now and much is needed for these souls to put back their lives together again.  Amen."

"Now let your light shine out and show the World that they are adrift from your teachings and love given by the many souls who walk this earth to help and guide.  Let us know in our hearts what is true and resonates well with our spirituality, so that we may reject what does not.  Amen."

"Let not the failure of others to perform acts of kindness and love for the greater good deter us from doing our share for all Mankind, who are all your peoples upon this earth plane.  All the souls that you made are forever sacred in your eyes and therefore should be in ours also.  Amen."

"Keep us safe from the negativity that surrounds us in this world, so that we may remain positive and at peace knowing that your will is our destiny and that we travel along a road towards a future in your light and love.  Amen."