31 December 2010

Prayers for December 2010

"Now that another year is closing and another cycle of life is almost over, help us to know in our hearts and minds that life is eternal and that we live in our own responsibilities of good or error until we have adjusted to the balance of justice to all whose paths touched ours.  Amen."

"We ask that we are shown our path and just how we are measuring up to the reasons why we were brought to this earth plane and what we need to do ourselves to ensure the straightness of our direction.  Keep us diligent in your Laws of Life.  Amen."

"As we consider our places in this world of human existence, may we be directed to show ourselves in the teachings of the prophets, who were sent to lead us by their words and their example.  Many good men and women were asked to come to us through many ages and so often Mankind closed their ears and carried on with their own enjoyment.  Let us listen and be seen by the light of what we are.  Amen."

"Help us to live in accord with what is best for us in spiritual terms and not to always cling to what is materially to our advantage.  Most of us have enough and it is only our uncertainty and fears that cause us to always want more just in case and this means that there is less for others.  Amen."

"Let us consider the old and the infirm as the charity of the Churches Anniversary of the birth of Jesus has been celebrated throughout the Christian world, but all peoples are the creation of the Father and all need to look with tolerance and love on their fellows.  May we especially give help and love to the elderly as we must all expect to be old one day.  Amen."

"May we keep our resolve of Christmas where there was goodwill and hope of happiness and true feelings of love within our family and to our neighbours and our fellowman.  Let not the lights go out within us as the heavier vibrations so often come in and tolerance is not shown as the lighter energies get crushed by the controlling and selfishness of the few.  Amen.

"Mighty Father, who sent The Master Jesus to come down to this earth plane to teach us the way to live our life and have our being with each other, please allow the goodness of this Festival to spread throughout the year and be there for all people of all belief systems, colours and creeds forever more.  Amen."

"Lead us now into the light that shines forth the goodness of all that is so that we can perceive and be perceived as doing your will and allow the blessings that are earned by our behaviour towards others make life easier for all around us.  Amen."

"Heavenly Father help us to be conscious of all those around us and their needs for quiet and space.  So often we are so bound up in our own affairs that we ignore the presence of others and their rights as Children of the Lord.  Amen."

"Show us the good in everybody so that we may learn from each other and by example show the light of goodness that shines within each and every soul that you have created.  We are here to help each other so let it be so.  Amen.

"Almighty Father, who gives his children what they earn and deserve, please help us to see how our lives are shaped by the way that we think and do our daily work, so that we may be achieving what is presented to us as opportunities to do your will.  Amen."

"Help and guide us Heavenly Father through all the opportunities which come our way.  Let us not walk by on the other side like so many do, but give us the courage and self-belief that we can and should help our fellow man, woman and child.  Amen."

"We ask for help to sustain our faith in the goodness and love that flows from the highest and to know and understand that all that is there for us has our best interests at heart, if only we would face these opportunities with the right intentions and the welfare of others at heart.  Amen."

"We ask as humbly as we can for your support in world problems where your children old and young are blinded in their ignorance to your ways of living and cannot see a way to make their lives any better or improve the lot of others around them.  Amen."

"Let it be said that for all who bring disaster upon themselves by their thoughtless actions and allow disharmony about them, there has to be a reckoning to balance the accounts of life, so may we all who have unaddressed issues ask you Almighty Father to show us the way that we can redress the balance through helping others who are in great need.  Amen."

"We ask together with all who love Lord for healing and understanding to be sent those who are in need at this time.  There are so many who are needlessly suffering through the ignorance that is about them and we ask that they may be shown the way to your knowledge and healing in love and harmony.  Amen."

"Thank you for guiding us through the minefield of uncertainty, which looked too much for us to handle as we soared and fell with different emotional experiences, but in the end came up with the right results at the right time, so that we feel that we are where we are meant to be.  Give us the strength to persist with all that still needs to be done.  Amen."

"Please help us through the byways of this life and strengthen us when the uncertainties arise before us and make us doubt the realities of your love.  Please make us strong in our self belief that with your strength we are strong and can survive in the power that you give if we can only trust and believe what is there for us to receive.  Amen."

"Thank you for looking after us all as the forward momentum is continued and we go towards new tasks and opportunities.  We may not always like what we have to do, but we know that they are there for a reason and that if we use our best endeavours we can succeed through your strength and love.  Amen."

"We thank you for another day in which you have successful held us up and we have moved on in the progress of our spiritual and earthly lives.  Please continue to allow use to earn our place in the light of your divinity and to know that we are travelling the right path and that we are where we are meant to be.  Amen."

"Help us all to remember that when we work and live in the way that our Lord expects that there is never a time when we can relax and allow our own desires and wants to take over.  It is at times such as these that we make errors and mistakes, which we will only have to address later and repair any pain which we may have caused to others.  Amen."

"We all thank you for bringing us safely through and another day and another week.  It has been hard to accomplish all that has been set before us, but through your love and strength and directions from the Spirit we are safe and where we are meant to be.  Help us to maintain ourselves on the road of life so that we all progress according to your desires and not our own wants.  Amen."

"Heavenly Father, please keep us safe from the negativity and earthly fears which haunt our lives.  Help us to import love into our hearts and souls, so that we may empty them of our fears and also have extra love to give to all those around us who are also in need of love, healing and comfort.  Amen."

"Listen to your hearts and learn by the wisdom of the Lord as it is given to guide each and every one of us if we listen in the quietness of our minds.  May we be given the patience and the desire to listen to these words of wisdom that are there to guide us and apply them for the greater good and our progression to the higher spiritual life.  Amen."

"If we all work together for the greater good we can achieve much more than we can by ourselves, so may we be shown the best way to use our energies so that our fellow man, woman and child can benefit from the greater magnitude of success between all peoples.  Amen."

"Let the positive vibrations start to flow from Mankind as there is no progress forwards with the negativity that is holding so many minds at this present time.  Banks and commercial interests are ignoring the needs of the man in the street as they accumulate wealth for their own interests and cause pain to those who are innocent and aggrieved.  Amen."

"We ask that the wisdom and understanding of all those who follow your laws that lead to peace and harmony amongst your peoples speak out loudly to bring about a change of heart and that the commercial greed may soften and the rights of humanity may be given to all who love you and follow your glorious example to us all.  Amen."

"Let the light of understanding shine out, so that all can see a new way forward with your laws applying to each and every action, then, and only then, will harmony and peace take the place of greed and avarice, which has been destroying unconditional love and the positive vibrations of healing and harmony amongst the children who make up the peoples of this world.  Amen."

"Give us the courage to act on our own personal responsibility, so that we are able to show our concerns and add our voices to the right and proper way of conduct and behaviour.  As we follow your laws of right and wrong, please guide us in our own behaviour so that we may be seen as a model for your will.  Amen."

"Help us Heavenly Father to give help where it is needed and also to receive when it is given to us.  This way both the giver and the receiver can be blessed so that harmony may exist between your peoples and families can exist in unconditional love.  Amen."

"May we continue to help each other as the need becomes greater with the pressure for survival increasing as the very young and the elderly need support and unconditional love, so that they may be able to sustain themselves against the negativity that the current global society dishes out without thought for those who are already in distress.  Amen."