01 December 2011

Prayers for December 2011

“Give us the strength to get through our daily lives of uncertainty and let peace of mind be delivered into our unworthy hearts.  Amen.”

“To be left alone without security is a nightmare for many people. Let us not be afraid to ask for guidance and to humbly accept the help that is given to us through Spiritual Law.  Amen”

“Fear is the emotion which strips us of loving vibrations and replaces them with doubt and pain. Help us to look for love in others as well as ourselves and give what we can to aid all those in need.  Amen.”

“Oppression is a cruel weapon of those who have no compassion and have secret fear within about their inadequacies without the strength of arms.  Amen.”

“Violence cannot be justified on the weak and the poor.  It is the weakness of those who give it out that will ultimately be their downfall.  Amen”

“Do not let us misunderstand our direction in life just because we are to busy to stop and listen.  We know that we will be stopped so that we have no choice but to change our ways, so let us start now to listen and change our ways.  Amen.”

“The sunshine of life is there for all to see, but so often we lose the warmth and beauty of good things that have been created by our material attitude of wanting man made goods and ignoring God’s free gifts.  Amen.”

“To be allowed to follow our own path unguided will mean that we get lost alone the way and that we will miss out on the opportunities, which are given to us to help the greater good and also ourselves. Amen.”

“Let us now make a decision to uphold all that is good and to put aside what is not, so that we can differentiate between the spiritual and the material in this life of uncertainty.  Amen.”

“Give us the abilities to earn what we need through good and charitable work for others without other rewards, so that we can harness ourselves to the yoke of kindness and loving intensions for all who we meet along life’s pathway. Amen.”

“The gift of perceiving what is right was given to us all, but we have muddied the waters of truth by our cravings for non essential glitter of the advertising world and the persuasion of others. Amen.”

“To take advantage of another will come home to roost and we will get our comeuppance in another form at another time, so we must know we can never get away from Spiritual Law.  Amen.”

“Take a leaf out of the Book of Prayer and send out your thoughts for others, who are labouring under the heavy yoke of life and have not found the light to appeal for help for themselves in the right and proper way.  Amen.”

“Be not afeared of taking strong decisions to help yourselves, but look to the effects on others so that we all understand the consequences of our actions.  Amen”

“Now comes the winds of change and we must be ready to bend with the strength of them knowing that they are for the greater good, even if we cannot see that for ourselves the Greater Intelligence can.  Amen.”

“As the planets can predictably continue on their course, so we should be predictable in our acceptance of the Laws of the Universe and help others to enjoy a better life because we cared.  Amen.”

“The road to our destiny is often hidden from our eyes, but through dreams and meditation it can be revealed if we have the courage to accept it and take up the challenge.  Amen”

“Let us now acknowledge that we cannot live alone in any form of happiness and security and so that applies to all of us who are always in need and require that helping hand to be given.  Amen.”

“Given all the gifts that we enjoy without a second thought, let us stop for a moment and acknowledge them and give thanks to the direction from which they came as guided from the Spirit.  Amen.”

“To be successful in this life, we must prepare ourselves for the life to come elsewhere and store up for ourselves acts of compassion and charity to those who need it most and in that way so will we prosper.  Amen”

“Take a moment out of each and every day to ask for others to receive what they need to get through that day.  Many people struggle to find enough to survive and may not even have enough to feed their children.  Amen.”

“Sometimes there is a shaft of light that appears within us and we do something out of character for another.  Don’t let that moment die, but propagate it so that it happens every day.  Amen.”

“Take what you need by the hand and kick away those desires for more than is necessary to live a useful life uncluttered by the wanting of more. Amen.”

“Trust in the Higher Intelligence to know what we need for ourselves and to give us the means to accept it graciously and with gratitude.  Amen.”

“When another gives up what they have so that we may be more comfortable, so let us see remuneration for giving and the joy of receiving our prayers for their continued prosperity of spirit.  Amen.”

“The great joy of life is in seeing the effect in the eyes of others, especially in a child, when their inner joy and wonderment spills over into our own hearts. Amen.”

“The lack of wherewithal is more common than we imagine, as so many people struggle on a daily basis while the few at the top of the tree have more than they can ever need and salt it away for a rainy day.  Amen.”

“’Give unto others so that you can receive’ is a truism of the Spirit and if we understand that we are closer to understanding the divine nature of life itself.  Amen.”

“To receive is divine.  To give is expected of us by the higher forces of goodness.  Let us not pull back from our responsibilities and be with an even heart knowing that our life here is worthwhile and is fulfilling.  Amen”

“Take another step forward in the knowing that if we stay still in our comfort zones we make no progress.  It takes another step to being us another opportunity to meet the change and to successfully move on.  Amen.”

“This is the day to put the past behind us and look forward to the future with a lighter heart in the hope that we have chosen well and prepared the way for better things.  Amen.”

01 November 2011

Prayers for November 2011

“So that we may be alive, we must understand that it is through our thoughts that we are kept in being, otherwise we are surely dead already.  Amen.”

“Let the Light of the World be ever lit in the hearts of all people and never dimmed by the differences caused by religion, colour or political advancement.  Amen”

“We are never alone and never lost.  All we need to do is to ask in love with the right intentions and we will be guided to a brighter understanding and through these actions we will progress forwards together.  Amen.”

“Get up and give all that you can by smiling at the sadness of others, knowing that by doing so you can lighten the burdens that they carry, which are holding them in a grip of solitude.  Amen.”

“If we are happy and at peace within, then that enlightened state shines through and can be seen by others, so why do we usually look so sad and sullen? Amen.”

“Try as we might we will always make mistakes and that is human, but if we fail to learn from our errors how can we ever become divine?  Amen.”

“To take into our inner selves the quiet truth of peace, we must first understand the reason that God made everything perfect in his sight and not in ours.  Amen.”

“Some are able to achieve greatness, but only through the Laws of Spiritual Guidance; otherwise we are like an ego beating on the empty drum of achievement. Amen.”

“The right way to see the World is through the love of Man for all that is created as a monument of purity and truth by a greater intelligence that we possess.  Amen.”

“We can only be who we really are.  To hide behind a mask is to be deceitful and afraid of ourselves.  Surely we will always be found out and be found wanting, so why not be ourselves and live in honesty.   Amen.”

“To take the right road is to determine a simple need of knowing where we feel most comfortable.  If we feel right about our choices then surely we are making the right decisions.  Amen”

“May we all love the simple things in life and be reassured that it is the uncomplicated that are easiest to understand and will therefore cause us to make fewer errors.  Amen.”

“To be allowed to live a life of understanding is a rare gift, because all that we need to know is shown to us before we need to decide on a course of action and we cannot therefore go astray.  Amen.”

“Let the good light shine on our pathway so that we can see the way to go and know that what we cannot see is of no consequence and holds no fears for us.  Amen”

“To have a friend is a mighty gift, because we know that they would be there for us in times of need, so we must always be ready to be there for others.  Amen.”

“To be loved is to be seen without our mistakes colouring the vision of others, so let us be generous in the way that we observe our neighbours and our family and our friends.  Amen.”

“Give us the understanding of perfect wisdom so that we do not judge others, but understand their difficulties and their shortcomings as we struggle to perfect ourselves.  Amen”

“What is the point of filling our homes with material possessions simply to show others how much we have?  What we need is enough and what we want is too much!  Amen.”

“If we only live for ourselves, then our lives are empty and without meaning – it is only through the needs of others that we can fulfil our destinies and carry our own heads high in the company of the Higher Intelligence.  Amen.”

“Let us always be aware of the needs of others, so that we can be useful in life and make that difference for the better by us being here. Amen.”

“Might alone is not enough to force the will on others, as strength needs responsibility if it is to be for the greater good and not just for the ego. Amen.”

“As the time extends our lives and we grow older in earthly terms, may we understand the difficulties that occur as the body ages and we struggle to do what we did so easily before.  Amen.”

“So much is given to us and yet we are still never satisfied.  Teach us to know the difference between what we need and what we want. Amen.”

“It is not too much to ask that we are helped, providing we help others who cry out in their turn and we do not flinch from giving to them and ask nothing in return.  Amen.”

“Let the light so shine out so that we cannot mistake the direction of our pathway.  We are so easily led astray and through mistrust and greed we fall away from your grace and wisdom.  Amen.”

“Many times we cry out in pain of our own making, because we fail to follow the Spiritual Laws and expect us to always receive what we want and not what you want for us.  Amen”

“Being alone is never easily understood, because we are always loved and held by the force of Universal Love, which you freely give us to believe in.  Amen.”

“It is a time of change, as the seasons change, but this time there can be no return to the ways of old or all progression will have been lost.  Amen.”

“Let the precious things in life be appreciated and not taken for granted, as if they are taken away it will only then that we realise just how precious they actually were.  Amen”

“Allow us to understand what we must do to flood our simple minds with the enlightenment of Spiritual Law, so we are always ready to be counted.  Amen.”

01 October 2011

Prayers for October 2011

“The time is always running out and we will never complete all that there is to do, so let us do the most important things and allow only the little fish to swim away.  Amen.”

“That is the way to be available for another, when we don’t make excuses that we are too busy within our own lives to stop and share time, but willingly give what is needed knowing that it is through compassion that we all progress .  Amen”

“Such is the pace of modern life that it is easy to miss the chances of peace and quiet, when solitude shows us that we are not alone, but loved by a Higher Intelligence who guides us well.  Amen.”

“Send me the opportunities, so that I may shine in the light of achievement and not count the cost to myself but be grateful that I had managed to help for the greater good.  Amen.”

“Let us know the difference between a good behavioural pattern and a poor one, so that we may not make the mistakes that are so easy to do when to do better usual means a greater effort is needed. Amen.”

“Now is the right time to make changes for the better, so let us know what is in front of us so that we can prepare ourselves in the right way for the right choices that we will face.  Amen.”

“The great and the mighty are always humble if they are guided by the highest examples, so let us not look for accolades for what we do, but be content that we are able to achieve.  Amen.”

“Let us never feel that we have done enough as there is always more to be done and if we never do that extra mile how can others put themselves out for our sakes. Amen.”

“The light of example is always good when the standards are high, but so often the young follow the tinsel of modern life and build a weak foundation for their future and ours, so may we show them the way in truth.  Amen.”

“To be entombed in our own selfishness is to be devoid of love and ignorant of the needs of others, so may our conscience always tell us when our ego outweighs our worth.  Amen.”

“The glories of this world around us are magnificent indeed, but unless we look after them they may no longer be there for future generations, so we must all do out bit to maintain what these wonders are.  Amen”

“Let us always see what it is that we can do for the greater good and our fellow man, woman and child without expecting to be compensated for what we do.  Amen.”

“Now is always the right time to make a decision.  Tomorrow is so often too late and we are powerless to change our mistakes into successes.  Amen.”

“So much is on offer to us if only we had the courage to do the right thing and not take the easiest way out.  Let our conscience decide and show us the clear way to be.  Amen”

“It is easy to blame someone else when things go wrong, but it is usually our fault that we failed to act in the right way, so help us to look within and to take notice of what we find.  Amen.”

“Habits are formed by us being entrenched in a way of life that is the easiest way out of a situation that we are too idle to change, so may we not lack the courage to see our shortcomings.  Amen.”

“Help us to see the warning signs that are always given when we stray from the way that we should be and may we be strong enough in our mind to change our paths.  Amen”

“To have good health is to have an honest mind and to look after our bodies, so that they are not confused by what we feed them simply because it tastes rich and easy.  Amen.”

“Let the true purpose of our life be shown to us in such a way that we are able to complete that destiny and not walk away, temped by the bright life of a shallow world.  Amen.”

“Ignorance is so often used as an excuse for not doing what we know we should be doing, so may we have the strength to be open and honest so that we are seen to be what we actually are. Amen.”

“To be allowed to have choices in life is a luxury that many people are denied, so may we make the right decisions that are for the greater good and not just for our own aggrandisement. Amen.”

“Let the light show us the way to be and may we be gracious enough to acknowledge its source and our understanding of its guidance.  Amen.”

“The great changes are already sweeping the world and the chances for many to be free of oppression and hate are coming, so let us be grateful for all that we take for granted. Amen.”

“To be grateful for all we have is to appreciate that we are loved and rewarded for what we do, but let it never be conditional on our behaviour to expect more than we deserve.  Amen.”

“Show us the mirror of life so that we can recognise who and what we are instead of thinking that we are better than we are and above criticism.  Amen.”

“All around the world there are so many people who are fundamentally worse off than we are and yet we turn away and continue to waste what they may need if only it was made available to them.  Amen”

“Let us concede that we are weak and cannot resist temptation when we are faced with material opportunities to spend, spend, spend.  Help us to know what we need as opposed to what we want.  Amen.”

“So much needs to be changed, but this can only be done slowly as the dawning of truth illuminates the minds of those who are prepared to listen and act for the greater good.  Amen.”

“To be held protected by the rays of glorious spiritual security is to know that there is a greater force at work that Man can comprehend, let alone emulate.  Amen”

“Let your name be synonymous with what is good and worthwhile and no longer used to give a current licence for self advancement by those who simply wish to plunder and spill blood.  Amen.”

“Please bring me further understanding of how the World can escape from its short comings and repair the harm that Man has carried out in the name of progress.  Amen.”

01 September 2011

Prayers for September 2011

“Let the light shine upon us and cleanse our wayward ways so that we can recover from our errors and find the sunshine still in our hearts and minds to direct us through the glorious days and nights of earthly existence.  Amen.”

“To be loved and cared for is a duty given by the few.  Why is it that there are always more who give up their time and love, so that others may be gratefully helped than there are when it is needed by the carers?  Amen.”

“Trying too hard is a common fault of many, but if we do not try hard enough we shall certainly fail to make the grade.  Help us to strike the right balance in all things, so that we are in harmony with all around us.  Amen.”

“We all need a helping hand some times and we are never sure when that time may come, so may we always be in credit and give more help to the needy than we shall ever hope to need ourselves. Amen.”

“We do not get a limitless supply of opportunities to do well and excel in our lives.  If we pass by the ones that come to us, why should we be offered any more?  Amen.”

“Let us not sully the purity with which we came by our selfishness and greed.  To love all creations is to come close to the Universal love of the Creator himself and to know his mind in us.  Amen.”

“Now is the time for wisdom and the spreading of the good news that love is stronger than fear and hatred is consumed by the light of goodness through those who share the Universal appeal of illumination by the Creation of Perfection.  Amen.”

“The light within us always shines out, but so often we cloud it with ignorance and self-wanting for ourselves alone, when if we share it amongst others, so we are illuminated by their light and collectively we all grow brighter together.  Amen.”

“To be given joy and upliftment is a right from our Father to ourselves, but how often we waste the goodness and truth by adapting it to our own wants and ignoring the needs of others.  Amen.”

“So much we have been given and yet we still ask for more.  How can we be worthy of further gifts until we have learned to use the ones that we have more wisely and well?  Amen”

“You are the complete perfection which we always fall short in attaining, but please grant us the purity within us all to allow us to be cleansed by our actions and our thoughts and not leave ourselves weighed down by our own follies.  Amen.”

“Let the strength be fulfilled and realised, so that we can use the courage that we were born with and not let it be downtrodden by the fear of what others think about us.  Amen.”

“So often we call out in pain that we are unloved and lost and yet it is by our own actions that we allow ourselves to fall into the lower energies and forget how much you love us and try and guide us to a better understanding of ourselves.  Amen”

“Let us have the strength to answer the call that drew us to life on this plane of existence and fulfil our destiny in the service of others, so that the greater good may be served and our own ego channelled into goodness.  Amen.”

“So much is held in the hands of others that we are lost in despair until we realise that we are powerful and that through our thoughts and prayers we can attain miracles from above as the light and love fulfil their destiny.  Amen.”

“May the healing energies of goodness heal the aches and pains of modern earthly existence, so that in the darkness of ignorance there is hope and charity for those of us who struggle to survive the bruising of modern life.  Amen”

“Let us give unto others who are less blessed than we are, so that the greater good may be served and the Divine conscience satisfied.  We ask for love, so we must also give it to others.  Amen.”

“To find a blessed moment of peace is to see our Creator and to understand his love of us.  We are never alone unless we turn away and even then there is a pathway back to the light of love and truth.  Amen.”

“Let the light so shine down that all whose minds are troubled can see a glimmer of hope to draw them to the reality that they are loved and they are important as all your creations are. Amen.”

“Power over others is a strong emotion in those who are weak within themselves through their own inadequacies, but they still need to be remembered in our prayers or they will never learn. Amen.”

“We give to you our love and our thanks for our lives and our understanding, but help us to learn the truth that is hidden through our ignorance and our selfishness.  Amen.”

“Why does the sunshine lighten our hearts and the rain dampens our spirits when both are essential to our survival?  Let understanding of your creation be more important than Man’s puny efforts. Amen.”

“Each of us has learned hard lessons and yet it seems that we are unable to stop others making their own same mistakes.  Give us the abilities to be generous with our time and tolerant of errors.  Amen.”

“Why is everybody so busy that they have no time to listen to themselves or others and so they learn nothing that is useful to their being and the ways of life?  Amen.”

“The ways of love are consideration to all created things, which have a limited life expectancy and as we move towards our own sell by date, may we see the needs that each one of us requires to be understood.  Amen”

“Why cannot the young see with eyes of experience when all around them is the history of hard won experience?  May we all acquire understanding of the differences that aging makes to us all.  Amen.”

“Let people’s eyes be opened to the needs of others over the needs of self, so that understanding may be spread that we are all interdependent on each other and no one is exempt from that truth.  Amen.”

“The real way to make change is to stand up and find others who agree on a new structure and belief system that hurts nobody and brings a calming of the irritations of inadequacy.  Amen”

“Now that the mess is being cleared away, help us to establish true rebuilding of all the bridges that have been broken by man’s selfishness in only tolerating his own ideas.  Amen.”

 “May we find peace in our lives by doing all we can to help others and then we will know that we have made amends for our own errors of judgement and can seek consolation in your loving arms.  Amen.”

01 August 2011

Prayers for August 2011

“Never let it be said that I didn’t even try to understand another’s point of view.  We are all different without and yet the same within, so may we find those points of touching where we are the same and grow within. Amen.”

“Let tolerance be the watchword of existence, so that no one feels abused by another because of what they were brought up to understand.  Freedom of thought is for all people and they have a right to see truth from a different angle.  Amen.”

“Taking a walk in the light of freedom is a joy for all of us who can see and sense the beauties that you have created for us to enjoy.  Help us to appreciate and give thanks and to treasure those moments of wonder at your success in all Creation.  Amen.”

“Let us not be hardened by the plight of others as we see all around this world so much famine and pain that those of us who live in the luxury of plenty cannot realise what it is like for them to even exist from day to day. Amen.”

“What a joy it is to see the sunrise each and every morning, but think of those who dread its coming for it brings for them hardship and pain in trying to find food, water and shelter for their children.  Amen.”

“To be enlightened is to have something worth sharing with those who are ready and able to understand, but it is not to be used as a battering ram to exclude tolerance as no one has all the answers.  Amen.”

“What does it take to lighten the load a little bit of the oppressed and vulnerable?  Why cannot the flag of freedom fly for all nations together as one, trading between each other instead of conflict and pain? Amen.”

“To take away pain from another and carry it for them is a great achievement, but how does another react to the lessons of life if they are not allowed to sort out their own mistakes as they grow up and mature in God’s love?  Amen.”

“Take away the freedom of my mind if I use it for selfish gain.  I know I have a right to be free, but I don’t have the right to hurt another by my wanting for myself.  Amen.”

“Lead me into the green pastures of an equal society where no one is above another and all consider the effects of their actions on others before they make a move.  Amen”

“To be enlightened is to have the opportunity to learn wisdom, which is the way of using knowledge for the greater good and the betterment of Mankind.  Amen.”

“There is a glorious light that shines into the hearts of Men, but so often they are too busy being aggressive and looking for self gain to see that all people are born of Creation that is directed by our Father for harmony and peace.  Amen.”

“Force is not an option to change when the innocent are deprived of what little they have.  May the shoulders of the strong support those who cannot stand up for themselves and bring peace to their world?  Amen”

“What is the time of enlightenment to do with the progression of Mankind, when deaf ears are turned to the hungry and the weak, because greed rules the light of love and compassion?  Amen.”

“Give me the opportunities to show my worth and stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves.  So many are trampled into weakness that they have lost the will to rise up and be strong again.  Amen.”

“Let the screaming of the angry and the hurt make way for enlightenment by their oppressors, so that all gain by the understanding of the realities of life and death and an answering in the world to come.  Amen”

“To be advantaged is to have to shoulder greater responsibility than those who have so little, but all must ‘pay’ according to their thoughts and deeds in like measure.  Amen.”

“The light of happiness in the eyes of children is a joy to behold, but the pain seen there can tear our hearts asunder because of their innocence.  Let us protect them by our love and time.  Amen.”

“Dear Lord, shape us in the mantle of understanding, so that we are ready always when called to do our bit for humanity and the greater good. Amen.”

“To be fed and clothed are basic human rights.  How many are there who do not have these reliable necessities and can do with our help and love to make differences for them without any loss to ourselves.  Amen.”

“May we remember to say, “Thank you” for all the good things that we have in our lives and reflect on the facts that there are so many who are worse of than we are, whether because of their actions or though circumstances beyond their control. Amen.”

“The alarm is sounding that if we lie and cheat, so will our lives be blighted by our errors of judgement. Let us feel the warmth within that heralds that we have made decisions correctly according to Spiritual Law.  Amen.”

“To be allowed to witness the good inherent in all people is to be able to see the Highest Creation made perfect in our eyes.  May we never turn away thinking that we know better?  Amen.”

“Give us the light that shines down from On High to brighten the souls of the faithful and true of heart, so that those of us who struggle with uncertainty can see their path and walk it in the knowledge that it is the right and proper way.  Amen.”

“Now is the hour of our discontent made visible to all who can see through the veil of uncertainty and we can stand together without fear to make this world a better place for our children and our children’s children.  Amen”

“Give us the chance to be responsible for ourselves and not rely on others doing for us what we should do for ourselves, then we can stand tall and see ways of contributing to the greater good.  Amen.”

“May greed and self aggrandisement wither away as the needs of the greater good must supplant the avarice of the individual.  Amen.”

“Help us to help ourselves, so that we can help others.  Let us not default on our responsibilities. We are all in need and cannot survive without each other, so help us to create a world of love and happiness ruled in peace.  Amen”

“To be in the light and love of the Father is to be guided to serve ones fellow man, woman and children and not to force changes on those who are not ready to make sacrifices by your hand.  Amen.”

“Get ready by sending out your thoughts for guidance, so that the changes that you make are the right and proper ones for you.  We all need that helping hand.  Amen.”

“Go to the trough and drink.  Be not afraid of change, because it is in the changing that you are saved and none of us is ready to meet the Higher Intelligence until we have made amends.  Amen”

01 July 2011

Prayers for July 2011

“To be in love with love is to only see the outside of the glass of plenty and to miss the whole within, where the depth of feeling and understanding are waiting to be blessed by the wisdom of experience and knowledge.  Amen.”

“The last thing in this world is the leaving.  Let us not go knowing we have left things undone and that we still have unfinished business to continue from the other side of life, where we are told it is not so easy to accomplish.  Amen.”

“Let us be happy in all that we have, because if we are not then we have too much to care about it and we must be prepared to lose it all in the line of our duty to appreciate our good fortune.  Amen.”

“Never let it be said or even thought that we do not care about the effect of our actions on other people.  To be unaware of what we do is to be blinkered by our own arrogance.  Amen.”

“Love is the centre of contentment and joy.  To give and receive love freely and without conditions is to understand what our Father gives us daily so that we will not wither up and die of neglect.  Amen.”

“Others give freely of their time and resources, so why do we always shy away?  The responsibilities are given to us all, so why should others carry our share because of our indifference? Amen.”

“The whole world is in pain and we are here moaning about out aches and hiccups.  Let us all pull together to ease the global hurts and then our little niggles will be no more.  Amen.”

“So that we are always ready to help another, may we be given the courage to speak out against wrongdoing and protect those weaker than ourselves and not leave it for others to do.  Amen.”

“Justice is a right for us all, so in order to receive it we must be just in our thinking and our actions to others and then we will be given what we truly deserve.  Amen”

“Let us know our limitations that are much greater than we know.  With the right guidance we can achieve much more than we believe we are capable of, but the Higher Intelligence knows what we are capable of and this shows us how we can achieve it.  Amen.”

“Take time out to allow our minds to rest and receive the blessings of meditation when we can commune and understand the closeness of almighty love that urges us to do better and to take the right course.  Amen.”

“We all have to understand that truth is what we see from our perspective and that is different for each and every one of us.  None are shown the same slant on life, although we must all learn the same lessons before our time is up.  Amen”

“Now is the time to turn over that new leaf by considering our errors, so that we can adjust our performance in life to run more smoothly like a well-oiled machine that is serviced and tuned for the tasks that it is asked to do.  Amen.”

“To receive is to know the joy of a gift without a price tag, so let us not ask for anything when it is our turn to give, but to be grateful that we were able to do so.  Amen.”

“To be aware of life and vibratory levels of existence around us is to be given the opportunities to help those who are in need and to be able to do so in love and harmony.  Amen”

“To travel the extra mile is always a pleasure when we are worthy of our hire and so we can give without conditions and then recognise unconditional love that is given to us time and time again.  Amen.”

“Health, wealth and long life are considered by some to be import directives to our existence here, but none of these are worth having if we are not loved and fail to give out love to others who are worthy of it.  Amen.”

“Give unto us the real heart throbs of life, so that we can experience all the emotions on this planet for ourselves and conquer all fear and negativity with love and freedom and then we are worthy to advise others through the wilderness of direction. Amen.”

“To be good is to consider the lives of others to be sacred.  To be bad is to turn our backs on our neighbours and fill our pockets with selfishness and greed refusing to share the comforts of life. Amen.”

“We all need to have role models to base our prospects upon for a better life.  Is there a better model than the one that our Lord gave us through his teaching about the Way, the Truth and the Life?  Amen.”

“To be godless is to be in the darkness of ignorance.  This is not about embracing religion, but loving the life which our Father gave us and living in the light of the knowledge that we acquire through following the Universal Laws for the greater good. Amen.”

“Health is a mighty gift, but we must learn to feed our bodies and to take responsibility for their upkeep.  We are what we eat and we are as strong as our exercise permits.  Amen.”

“Now let us all rejoice for all that we have and be mindful of the needs of others, because with all these changes about us it is easy to slip and to be needful ourselves and to be in want of a helping hand.  Amen.”

“Take the right road knowing that it is the way you were taught to go, but check at each crossroads that your teaching is sound and that it sits well with your conscience, which is your spiritual barometer.  Amen”

“Go forth into the future knowing that it is shaped by your actions in the past, which make living in the present the only thing that is real and commendable, as you know the right way according to your mindset in the now.  Amen.”

“Substance is material and comfortable, but spirit is within us all and is just as real as it lasts for more than just this lifetime but into all the lifetimes to come, which are many and varied and beyond our earthly comprehension.  Amen.”

“Take a firm grip on your problems and ask for guidance, so that you may put away your fear and deal with them in the prescribed way, which is right and is what you know in your hearts is so.  Amen”

“To be loved is to be wealthy indeed, so give your love to those who deserve it and feel fulfilled with your lifetime in service to others around you, so that they too may learn by example.  Amen.”

“Let your freedom be another facet of your understanding, so that you can see the devilry that is placed on so many others, who are not blessed like you are and be grateful.  Amen.”

“Great is the mantle of the Lord, which protects you from all harm, stay within the safety of his love and strength, so that you will be preserved by mutual love and understanding.  Amen”

“Oh heavenly Father, please help me to understand that we are all different and that although we all have similar problems in our lives, we each one of us have different ways of coping with them.  Amen.”

01 June 2011

Prayers for June 2011

“So much is to be understood that it becomes easier as we grow older and we become wiser, but only if we have learned and demonstrated our worth whenever we have been asked and were found not wanting.  Amen”

“Thus said the Lord that we who give our life for our brother are worthy indeed, but those who are too cautious and cannot be counted will never receive the gratitude that is deserved.  Amen.”

“To be the salt of the earth is to have the right intentions for our fellow man, woman and child.  If we turn away from giving help and good advice then we are not worthy of having salt to deck our table and we need to reassess our place in the way of things.  Amen.”

“Taking advantage of a weaker nature is to demonstrate our lack of courage and sense of depravity, because the weaker soul needs our strength and encouragement to help them not to be trampled and left exposed.  Amen”

“What a gift you have given us here in this life experience to learn how emotions can create situations of various levels of pain and joy.  May we hold fast to the joy and share it and dispel the pain, so that it never hurts those we love.  Amen.”

“Take away what we do not need so that we may realise just what it is that we had and to appreciate it all the more.  If we love without return simply let us turn our love to a better use than to see it dried and withering in the desert of uncertainty.  Amen.”

“To be allowed to have freedom of speech is to be blessed with a joy that not all people can enjoy.  Let us use it wisely and not to hurt others by our lack of understanding and compassion.  Amen”

“Please help us to understand the ways of the world and the records of history, which should show us the mistakes that Mankind makes and the perfection of the timing of each and every miracle that is recorded.  Amen.”

“To express a smile and a cheery disposition is to give of oneself towards another.  May we all realise that those who cannot smile and be merry are indeed shrunken within and deserve our understanding and compassion and not our derision. Amen.”

“We are all there in the life experience to help one another and yet the world seems full of greed and avarice through the selfishness of ‘I want’.  Please create the energies and sent them all around this globe, so that all may feel the right changes to be made through love and harmony. Amen.”

“Whatever our colour or our early teachings in whatever land we live in, there are ways to understand the ways of the Almighty Universal Intelligence who has given us all the chance to understand life, although it is often spelled out in a different way from day to day .  Amen.”

“We have been shown that life after death is certain as ‘The Master Jesus’ proved beyond doubt, so may we have the courage to acknowledge his courage in showing us the way to believe in what he came to prove beyond any doubt. Amen.”

“Take courage and go on with what appears impossible in the sure knowledge that our guides and helpers have a greater window of achievement and only ask that we try our best in all things, so that the Almighty may smile upon our endeavours and bring us success beyond our own attempts and hopes. Amen.”

“Never leave undone today what cannot be achieved tomorrow, because we are not certain of being given a second chance of doing it and tomorrow is always another day in more ways than one.  Amen.”

“To make a difference is to be worthy of our life experience, but that difference must be for the greater good if we are to be worthy of our place in the Kingdom of Heaven at the end of this earthly journey.  Amen.”

“We aspire to be on the top of the pile and to have the best of everything, but if we have to tread on others to achieve them our actions are really not worth the candle at the top of the tree.  Amen”

“This is another day like so many, when we have to show ourselves in the best light possible to succeed against all the odds and we will, because we have the guidance of the Spirit with us and are saved from falling time and time again.  Amen.”

“Take us to your heart, so that we may feel the beating of perfection and know that although we are often ill at ease and out of shape, there is still a perfect road for us to follow if we dare.  Amen.”

“To be able to have the certainty that there is a better life experience to come, where we can measure ourselves against the hard fought experiences of others, makes the challenges that we daily face more acceptable in the overcoming.  Amen”

“The clouds of discontent linger all about us, but we have the knowledge that beyond them lies the brilliant sunshine of your love that brings us all we need and dispels the negativity that others give out without even caring.  Amen.”

“Allow us to be humble, but not without measure, so that we do not expect what we haven’t yet earned and become worthy of the progress through this life to a better destination than we can ever imagine.  Amen.”

“To be driven by a mercenary wind of change will not make our lives any easier, but will cloud our judgement of our spiritual aspirations and clog up our progress towards the summit of all good will.  Amen”

“Give us the advantages of your wisdom Lord of perfection and timing, so that we may advance slowly, but securely in the avenues of grace and be worthy of your love at all times.  Amen.”

“To be allowed to have our rations of worth, we have to show that we are worthy of them by using what we have to the best advantage and not to waste what we are blessed with by underachieving.  Amen.”

“Such is the might and glory of the Lord that we are left dazzled by the light of accomplishment that is beyond us.  Let us realise that when we are not ready to move on we have to earn our measure and show our worth. Amen.”

“To be allowed to understand the enlightenment of life is a gift that not all receive, so may we not look down on those who are not so well informed as we are and make allowances for their place in the way of things.  Amen.”

“To give is a reward in itself, so may we never count the cost of giving to others so that in time we too may receive what we deserve, which is not always the same as what we want.  Amen.”

“We are blessed in knowing and accepting your will is greater than ours and that your love and patience exceeds our own.  Help us to remember our limitations, but may this never stop us trying to be better than we are. Amen.”

 “Now is the time to hold out our hands in friendship and extend our best endeavours to all those around us, so that we may be blessed with your loving grace to pass on to those who are so much in need of receiving it.  Amen.”

04 May 2011

Prayers for May 2011

“Oh divine essence of love and wisdom please make me an instrument of your peace, so that this world can be a haven for happiness and not hostility.  Let light shine forth from all I do so that all people know that I live through you.  Amen.”

“To know the way to find the light and to understand the direction that we are asked to go, so that we may achieve the purpose of our Lord in all things possible and impossible.  Thank you for making it so.  Amen”

“If we ask you to give us all we need we will not get complacent, but will strive to serve a greater area and body of souls who haven’t found out yet that to ask is our right, but to appreciate the answer is our joy because we know that it is always answered in our very best interests.  Amen.”

“To be in love is to experience an exquisite vibration of eternal wellbeing.  We must always treasure and nurture it so that it can become the way we always are and not just for a once in a lifetime moment.  Amen.”

“The greatness of a little thing is in the purity and beauty of its construction.  Why do we have to puff ourselves up to be bigger and better than before when with some care we could make ourselves more perfect with what we already have.  Amen”

“Now is the start of another day, another week, another year.  How do we know we have so much time to accomplish all we came to do and how can we be content if we don’t live each day as if it was our last?  Amen.”

“To be allowed to be in control of our own lives is a great gift from above, but do we honour it or give up the struggle to set matters right when they go wrong and we lose the purpose of our learning curve.  Amen.”

“We all know that God is great and bigger that we can ever perhaps understand until we are freed from the constrictions of this physical body and then, as our minds are free to expand, we can appreciate the greatness of divinity.  Amen”

“The source of all good is worth the pursuit, but the falling for the easy life in the darkness of ignorance is a sure way to lose the drive and ability to keep to the better path and not fall back slovenly to that easy buck.  Amen.”

“That Higher Intelligence is so far above my head that I wonder if I can ever reach it or will it stay beyond my fingertips?   If I fail to reach out and try and try again, how can I ever know?  Amen.”

“To be a survivor is to be blessed by God and to know that his hand reaches out to steady me when I forget why I came and what I came to do in learning how to do better and to give more of myself in the service of those who serve me. Amen.”

“Bring us all that we need to have so that we can share with others and concentrate on the higher duties of life and no longer dwell in the realms of I want, but exist only in the realms of what I need to have and share for the greater good of all.  Amen.”

“To give is to receive and so we all feel that glow of goodness when we give to others, so why is it that we find it so very hard to do when it should be second nature to our daily upliftment? Amen.”

“To smile is the expression of our warmth within and so we can realise that those who are unable to smile without are themselves frozen into a soul of misery and grief, which they do not know how they can escape from it. Amen.”

“To be ignored is to feel invisible to the love and happiness that we bring always with us.  Let us know that it is the other person’s energy which cannot live with ours and not ours which is in any way incompatible with love and harmony.  Amen.”

“The laws of life are certain and fixed in place by the love of creation and are tempered by our use or abuse of them, so please may we realise in time that we cannot change the system, but only ourselves and our positive attitude.  Amen.”

“What is the future about if it is not the extension of where we are now?  Let us realise that and fully know that through our actions we will reap tomorrow what we sow today.  Amen”

“To go around in this life unsure of its outcome, is to live in a fog of uncertainty.  Please may we recognise the signs and walk a true path unfailingly towards that light of purpose, which is always there to recognise and follow.  Amen.”

“Is it possible to return to the next place of existence empty-handed and like the snake I slide down to start again or is there still time to climb the ladder of improvement and be pleased that I made a difference?  Amen.”

“What have I ever done that I can proudly stand up and show as being the better side of me and the real progress that I have made since I came to live on this negative globe of searching experiences, which hone my soul into better vibrations and love?  Amen.”

“To be in the middle of things is a good thing as it makes it possible to control the better parts and to tone down the not so good.  Let us not be afraid to always act for the best so that the greater good may always be served.  Amen.”

“It is cowardly to inflict hurt on another however small and innocent it may be, so can we have our conscience tuned in a little louder to direct us when we fail to engage our mind before uttering words or action that hurt another.  Amen.”

“Love is the strongest of all emotions, so let us be real about it and know when it is missing in our relationships and seek to either put it there or to move on and find out where the magnitude of our love is valued and respected.  Amen”

“To be alive is a virtue in itself, so may we work in sympathy and love to enjoy our time here on this earth plane of existence and not complain that it isn’t good enough for us, when perhaps we are not being good enough for life itself.  Amen.”

“Let us not be afraid to be seen for what we truly are, because if we are living within the love of our Creator there is nothing to be ashamed or frightened of in showing all those who care who and what we truly are.  Amen.”

“To be in the light of our Godhead is to understand the ignorance outside the enlightenment, which holds many in fear and hopelessness, so may we shine out in our endeavours to bring order and harmony. Amen.”

“Now that the World is reeling with the negativity of the few, who rule only for themselves at the expense of others, let us realise our own power within and set our face in the direction of changes for the better of all concerned.  Amen.”

“It is no use us being pathetic and afraid, when there is so much to accomplish.  Let us be strong and leave it to others to show the true way to make changes positive and create a brighter sustainable future for those who come after us.  Amen.”

“To be alive is to be elated with the possibilities that are shown to us.  May we find our true experiences that will hold us in good order when we come home and pass into the Kingdom that is promised to the wise and the humble. Amen.”

“Let us see and feel the vibrations of others so that we are better equipped lend that helping hand or shoulder to cry on, as a solution to the problem becomes available to that soul in the best possible way.  Amen.”

“Oh Heavenly Father, grant us thy strength and the ability to feel the wisdom that is there guiding our lives for the best, not just for ourselves but also for the greater good all.  Amen.”