"Now that we are reaching another level of our development in spiritual terms so let the earthly lessons continue to serve us well, because we know we are not here for a holiday, but to serve others and learn from their advances what life may offer and to feed our compassion and unconditional love. Amen."
"To be a useful member of our society is to see what the greater good may need while leaving our own desires and persuasions for others to determine and allowing guidance from afar where the greater picture can be seen. Let it be so that we are guided well. Amen."
"Truth is a two-sided sword and according to where we stand so we are able to see a side of the argument that may not be open to another, so let us be aware before we judge that we may not know all and allow our prayers to decide the justice that you alone can determine. Amen."
"As the seasons follow year after year in perfect harmony with each other, may we marvel at the perfect of the Universe as all is held in place by the Almighty Hand of Divine Wisdom and see that it is only Man who seeks to disturb it by his greed and avarice. Amen."
"Now that we are humbled in the eyes of the Divinity of Souls, we can compare ourselves to others who have achieved great things during their lifetime. Help to be brave enough to compare ourselves with the best and let not the easy way be our example. Amen."
"In a perfect world it is as good and as gratifying for the giver to give as for the receiver to receive, so let us be mindful and allow others to give to us, so that we may be gracious to them as we hope them to be to us when it is our turn to give. Amen."
"When we open our hearts to the Divine Force of all existence, may we ask for a sufficiency of all that we need and for all of us to have a little more so that we are always in a position to give to others, which we cannot do if our store cupboard is bare. Amen."
"To be a good soul we must follow the dictates of divine inspiration and not the whispered and shouted manner of Mankind as they wish to sell us all into the paths of the material life of short duration for we can take nothing of it with us as we go forth. Amen."
"We carry a heavy load and as we struggle we know that we are held in the grace that puts us in the way of righteousness, so may we be ever open to the guidance which is there for us and may we listen well before we act. Amen."
"Let us understand how the support is given to us as we walk the right path in life and as we hold out our hands for others and not ourselves. Jesus showed us the way and yet we turn away when we can see no advantage to ourselves. Give us the strength of mind to love unconditionally."
"Now we are here and awaiting the proofs of divine existence in our every day lives, we ask that we are shown the majesty of your love so that we can bear the arrows of negativity which hurt our very being and empty the love which we once felt. Amen."
"Give us the meaning of our being and what we have to accomplish, so that we do not leave behind unfinished business when our lives are over and our bodies fail. Let our spirit live on in a more loving plane of existence, because we have achieved what we came to do. Amen."
"Give us the direction Lord to live out our time here on this earth plane so that all who we meet and all who are in our thoughts can benefit from our existence and when we come home again to Spirit we will have made a positive difference by our being here. Amen."
"Now is a good time for us all to allow the spirit within us to show us the meaning of the life that we lead, so that we can change and alter those parts which are not compatible with the Laws of Creation and the harmony within others. Amen."
"Let the light of human kindness shine out from us as we hold out that hand of peace and friendship to all others who we meet in the earthly pathway of life. Help us to be generous with our love to all nations and all creeds for we know that we do not have all the answers. Amen."
"We are all guilty of judging others without knowing all the facts, but help us to remember that you love as all no matter what we do and that like all good parents you treat us well and hope that we may do better. Help us to be enlightened and see the better pathway. Amen."
"As you carry us through the uneven toils of this earth plane, please may we start to understand how small we are and how great is the strength that you give us through your unconditional love. Amen."
"Give us purpose in our lives Lord, so that we have direction for the greater good and not just for ourselves. There is nothing more uplifting than knowing where we are going and that what we are doing is right and for the benefit of others. Amen."
"Let us smile and show that we know how to lift our vibrations and those of others who we meet Lord, because there is nothing so numbing as a blank look or a scowl as we pass by in this busy life of ours. Amen."
"Now is the time to lift our hearts to bring joy where we can and a smile to all those who's paths cross ours. Let us not be slow in giving to those we meet who may need an ear or a shoulder to strengthen them along the way. Amen."
"Let the sunshine bring us joy through the clouds that part at your command and may we see how you hold all things in balance so that this mighty universe can remain in harmony despite the negativity that Mankind brings to bear those its ignorance. Amen."
"Show us why we came down to live this life that brings us so many problems and cares that we are bent under the yoke of living. Let us have the strength and determination to see us through so that we can bring glory and our love to you, Almighty Father of us all. Amen."
"Now is a day that we can set aside to help those in need and not just to think our own requirements. Help us to see and act where we can best be used to bring progress to the lives of others by doing your will dear Lord and not our own. Amen."
"Because the weeks work is over let us not relax into thinking that our duties are finished. As you the Almighty Creator doesn't rest and leave us abandoned, so we must make extra efforts to help those around us through our unconditional love and harmony. Amen."
"Show us how we can improve our lives so that others may benefit from our example. Let us always live out each and every hour knowing that all that we do is seen and recorded in the greater good of all time. Amen."
"Let us be lifted into the positive vibrations and move our minds into a way of positive thinking about the loving and healing ways of life and put behind us the negative ways of increasing uncertainty, so that we know that we are cared for and loved. Amen."
"We lift up our hearts and minds to your love and strength as we prepare ourselves for the joy of spiritual love and harmony which we receive as we follow the path that has been set for us to follow. May we be open and honest about our love for you and in the Lord Jesus who guides us well. Amen."
"Please lift us and help all those who are worst off than ourselves to see the true way towards the rights of life and to understand that all mistakes and errors will have to be justified either here in this lifetime or when we past out of body hoping to find our way to that land of love and harmony. Amen."
"As we come back to the realities of every day life and the demands of the workplace fill our thoughts again, please strengthen us to do what is right and now what gives us the most personal advantage and to be prepared to stand up and back our decision. Amen."
"As we rest from the celebrations of the last few days and all the preparations which were necessary for our families and friends to enjoy themselves, let us be reminded of all those who are in need and to look close to home, where we so often overlook what is under our very nose because we think we are too busy to stop and help. Amen."
"Now that a new year is upon us, may we resolve to make a better use of our spiritual side and put our materialistic values behind our spiritual worth of unconditional love. Help us to make a real difference starting now to help others and to give our strength and support to all who are in need of your enlightenment and direction. Amen."