"Now is a time of change and change will always alter our perspective on life and living, so help us to be prepared to alter our outlook and our direction, so that the greater good may always be served. Amen."
"Let us go forward with our lives knowing that all that we do will be shown to us and that we will have to make amends for all our errors and mistakes, so let us change our ways now and be prepared to meet our decisions in truth. Amen."
"Heavenly Father of our hearts and minds who links with us and all creations, please let us know and see your hand daily in our lives to guide us and show the way to that place of rest beyond this present plane of existence Amen."
"To take what is not ours to have is to deprive others of their true rights and so we must think before we act and let our conscience show us what it is that takes us on in truth and love and not in greed and avarice. Amen."
"Now show us the way that The Master trod, so that we may follow and by his example improve our lives and understanding, so the better to serve and feel that heavenly goodness all around us. Amen."
"Let joy fill our hearts as we receive what are our just deserts and know that we have overcome our fears and that we are truly blessed in understanding and life in truth and love, which is shared and lives in all things good and worthwhile. Amen."
"To serve the creative force who gave us life is to understand that we are connected and this can never be undone. All we can do is to ignore that connection and live in the darkness of understanding until we accept the truth and listen to that guidance. Amen."
"To take the long road to our salvation is our choice and our choice alone, because it is up to us how quickly we make ourselves fit to receive it and worthy of the benefits that it brings to us and to all those around us. Amen."
"So now we are ready for that move to make us worthy of our life, where in love and joy we can turn towards heaven and recognise that it is already within ourselves. Amen."
"Give us patience, so that we know we are always preparing for a better stage in life and that it will not all come at once, but will grow steadily like a spring flower emerging from the winter of uncertainty into the fulfilment of dreams. Amen."
"It is not easy to change and to be ready for the abundance which is there for us if only we learn to use our gifts in the right way. We all tend to want an instant result when it is up to us to prove our intentions and demonstrate that our change is true and for the right reasons. Amen."
"Take us into the realms of quietness within, so that we may find ourselves through the reality of who we really are and show us what we have to change and adjust to be a more loving and understanding soul among the other men and women of creation and life. Amen."
"The higher intelligences are always there to help us when we ask, so why do we fear to give out our true thoughts and to listen and act upon the answers which we receive? Amen."
"To be allowed our freedom we are blessed with our own expression, but to be censored and threatened with the fear of another is to be weakened into submission and we must learn that the strength is always given if we stand up to our oppressors. Amen."
"May we learn to understand that we are in control of our own destinies and that by our own thoughts things happen to us, so that by good thoughts with true intentions we can thrive, but by fear of the next happening so we fall. Amen."
"Take away the darkness that affects us and causes us not to see and understand the way things really are. We are so busy trying to fill our day with more than it can take that we miss the true reality and beauty of life that is all around us. Amen."
"To make a difference for the greater good of all life we need to understand the way things are and to marvel at the way that in its creation all things are in balance and that by disturbing that balance, so natural disasters are made to hurt us by our own hand. Amen."
"May we understand that we are strong in thought and that by our thoughts, so we are and so is the effect that we make on all around us, not just in our families and our business, but throughout the universe. Amen."
"Give us the wisdom so that our knowledge can be used for the best reasons, which is to add by our presence to the changing world another layer of goodness that will move Mankind to think better of itself and be responsible for the care of all that is. Amen."
"To be alive and to know that we are here to serve others, who have lost their way of understanding of the true spirituality and beauty of existence is a privilege and a joy and must be appreciated by making a difference to the lives of all we met and know. Amen."
"Today is just another day or is it? Every day is special and offers us new opportunities to serve the greater good of humanity and to help preserve all that exists upon this world for our joy and benefit. Amen."
"Let us feel within ourselves the glories of the Father of Creation and act as though all that we were given is unsullied and true, so that we may radiate the goodness of his love to others who are without and need the comfort and guidance by example. Amen."
"Now let the purity of our being be restored to us, so that by putting right what we have done in error we may give and receive in love all that we have to atone for and understand about the spirit within. Amen."
"To look into ones own soul is a hard place to learn the truth about who we really are and to see ourselves as others perceive us, so may we have the courage to look and the strength to make the necessary changes. Amen."
"Now is the time to seek freedom for all those who are oppressed and are bowed down by uncertainty and fear, so let courage be seen and found for all to stand together for the greater good. Amen."
"May that light of certainty flow into our hearts and minds so that we can dispel that uncertainty of our future, which blights our very actions and causes us to doubt what we really know is the truth. Amen."
"Give us the means to fill our cupboard with good things, so that we are able to give and send to others who are not so fortunate. Let us not hoard what we do not need when others can benefit from them. Amen."
"Today will see many souls suffering for lack of their basic human rights and so many of us have enough without ever thinking of how fortunate we are to be born in a land of plenty. Amen."
"Now that another day of opportunities is here may we find that there is room in our busy day for the needs of others who cannot manage everything for themselves. We are all dependant on each other whether we choose to realise this or not. Amen."
"Let us know how to live for the greater good and to not surround ourselves with only thoughts and deeds which will bring benefits our own egos and bring about personal benefits. Amen."
"As we begin a new month on our calendar of life, may we be more resolute to bring about changes for the better in our lives by seeking opportunities to give tolerance and understanding to those around us, but always to be prepared to stand up for human rights behaviour over the wrongdoing against the weak. Amen."