04 May 2011

Prayers for May 2011

“Oh divine essence of love and wisdom please make me an instrument of your peace, so that this world can be a haven for happiness and not hostility.  Let light shine forth from all I do so that all people know that I live through you.  Amen.”

“To know the way to find the light and to understand the direction that we are asked to go, so that we may achieve the purpose of our Lord in all things possible and impossible.  Thank you for making it so.  Amen”

“If we ask you to give us all we need we will not get complacent, but will strive to serve a greater area and body of souls who haven’t found out yet that to ask is our right, but to appreciate the answer is our joy because we know that it is always answered in our very best interests.  Amen.”

“To be in love is to experience an exquisite vibration of eternal wellbeing.  We must always treasure and nurture it so that it can become the way we always are and not just for a once in a lifetime moment.  Amen.”

“The greatness of a little thing is in the purity and beauty of its construction.  Why do we have to puff ourselves up to be bigger and better than before when with some care we could make ourselves more perfect with what we already have.  Amen”

“Now is the start of another day, another week, another year.  How do we know we have so much time to accomplish all we came to do and how can we be content if we don’t live each day as if it was our last?  Amen.”

“To be allowed to be in control of our own lives is a great gift from above, but do we honour it or give up the struggle to set matters right when they go wrong and we lose the purpose of our learning curve.  Amen.”

“We all know that God is great and bigger that we can ever perhaps understand until we are freed from the constrictions of this physical body and then, as our minds are free to expand, we can appreciate the greatness of divinity.  Amen”

“The source of all good is worth the pursuit, but the falling for the easy life in the darkness of ignorance is a sure way to lose the drive and ability to keep to the better path and not fall back slovenly to that easy buck.  Amen.”

“That Higher Intelligence is so far above my head that I wonder if I can ever reach it or will it stay beyond my fingertips?   If I fail to reach out and try and try again, how can I ever know?  Amen.”

“To be a survivor is to be blessed by God and to know that his hand reaches out to steady me when I forget why I came and what I came to do in learning how to do better and to give more of myself in the service of those who serve me. Amen.”

“Bring us all that we need to have so that we can share with others and concentrate on the higher duties of life and no longer dwell in the realms of I want, but exist only in the realms of what I need to have and share for the greater good of all.  Amen.”

“To give is to receive and so we all feel that glow of goodness when we give to others, so why is it that we find it so very hard to do when it should be second nature to our daily upliftment? Amen.”

“To smile is the expression of our warmth within and so we can realise that those who are unable to smile without are themselves frozen into a soul of misery and grief, which they do not know how they can escape from it. Amen.”

“To be ignored is to feel invisible to the love and happiness that we bring always with us.  Let us know that it is the other person’s energy which cannot live with ours and not ours which is in any way incompatible with love and harmony.  Amen.”

“The laws of life are certain and fixed in place by the love of creation and are tempered by our use or abuse of them, so please may we realise in time that we cannot change the system, but only ourselves and our positive attitude.  Amen.”

“What is the future about if it is not the extension of where we are now?  Let us realise that and fully know that through our actions we will reap tomorrow what we sow today.  Amen”

“To go around in this life unsure of its outcome, is to live in a fog of uncertainty.  Please may we recognise the signs and walk a true path unfailingly towards that light of purpose, which is always there to recognise and follow.  Amen.”

“Is it possible to return to the next place of existence empty-handed and like the snake I slide down to start again or is there still time to climb the ladder of improvement and be pleased that I made a difference?  Amen.”

“What have I ever done that I can proudly stand up and show as being the better side of me and the real progress that I have made since I came to live on this negative globe of searching experiences, which hone my soul into better vibrations and love?  Amen.”

“To be in the middle of things is a good thing as it makes it possible to control the better parts and to tone down the not so good.  Let us not be afraid to always act for the best so that the greater good may always be served.  Amen.”

“It is cowardly to inflict hurt on another however small and innocent it may be, so can we have our conscience tuned in a little louder to direct us when we fail to engage our mind before uttering words or action that hurt another.  Amen.”

“Love is the strongest of all emotions, so let us be real about it and know when it is missing in our relationships and seek to either put it there or to move on and find out where the magnitude of our love is valued and respected.  Amen”

“To be alive is a virtue in itself, so may we work in sympathy and love to enjoy our time here on this earth plane of existence and not complain that it isn’t good enough for us, when perhaps we are not being good enough for life itself.  Amen.”

“Let us not be afraid to be seen for what we truly are, because if we are living within the love of our Creator there is nothing to be ashamed or frightened of in showing all those who care who and what we truly are.  Amen.”

“To be in the light of our Godhead is to understand the ignorance outside the enlightenment, which holds many in fear and hopelessness, so may we shine out in our endeavours to bring order and harmony. Amen.”

“Now that the World is reeling with the negativity of the few, who rule only for themselves at the expense of others, let us realise our own power within and set our face in the direction of changes for the better of all concerned.  Amen.”

“It is no use us being pathetic and afraid, when there is so much to accomplish.  Let us be strong and leave it to others to show the true way to make changes positive and create a brighter sustainable future for those who come after us.  Amen.”

“To be alive is to be elated with the possibilities that are shown to us.  May we find our true experiences that will hold us in good order when we come home and pass into the Kingdom that is promised to the wise and the humble. Amen.”

“Let us see and feel the vibrations of others so that we are better equipped lend that helping hand or shoulder to cry on, as a solution to the problem becomes available to that soul in the best possible way.  Amen.”

“Oh Heavenly Father, grant us thy strength and the ability to feel the wisdom that is there guiding our lives for the best, not just for ourselves but also for the greater good all.  Amen.”