“To be in love with love is to only see the outside of the glass of plenty and to miss the whole within, where the depth of feeling and understanding are waiting to be blessed by the wisdom of experience and knowledge. Amen.”
“The last thing in this world is the leaving. Let us not go knowing we have left things undone and that we still have unfinished business to continue from the other side of life, where we are told it is not so easy to accomplish. Amen.”
“Let us be happy in all that we have, because if we are not then we have too much to care about it and we must be prepared to lose it all in the line of our duty to appreciate our good fortune. Amen.”
“Never let it be said or even thought that we do not care about the effect of our actions on other people. To be unaware of what we do is to be blinkered by our own arrogance. Amen.”
“Love is the centre of contentment and joy. To give and receive love freely and without conditions is to understand what our Father gives us daily so that we will not wither up and die of neglect. Amen.”
“Others give freely of their time and resources, so why do we always shy away? The responsibilities are given to us all, so why should others carry our share because of our indifference? Amen.”
“The whole world is in pain and we are here moaning about out aches and hiccups. Let us all pull together to ease the global hurts and then our little niggles will be no more. Amen.”
“So that we are always ready to help another, may we be given the courage to speak out against wrongdoing and protect those weaker than ourselves and not leave it for others to do. Amen.”
“Let us know our limitations that are much greater than we know. With the right guidance we can achieve much more than we believe we are capable of, but the Higher Intelligence knows what we are capable of and this shows us how we can achieve it. Amen.”
“We all have to understand that truth is what we see from our perspective and that is different for each and every one of us. None are shown the same slant on life, although we must all learn the same lessons before our time is up. Amen”
“To receive is to know the joy of a gift without a price tag, so let us not ask for anything when it is our turn to give, but to be grateful that we were able to do so. Amen.”
“To be aware of life and vibratory levels of existence around us is to be given the opportunities to help those who are in need and to be able to do so in love and harmony. Amen”
“To travel the extra mile is always a pleasure when we are worthy of our hire and so we can give without conditions and then recognise unconditional love that is given to us time and time again. Amen.”
“Give unto us the real heart throbs of life, so that we can experience all the emotions on this planet for ourselves and conquer all fear and negativity with love and freedom and then we are worthy to advise others through the wilderness of direction. Amen.”
“We all need to have role models to base our prospects upon for a better life. Is there a better model than the one that our Lord gave us through his teaching about the Way, the Truth and the Life? Amen.”
“Health is a mighty gift, but we must learn to feed our bodies and to take responsibility for their upkeep. We are what we eat and we are as strong as our exercise permits. Amen.”
“Take the right road knowing that it is the way you were taught to go, but check at each crossroads that your teaching is sound and that it sits well with your conscience, which is your spiritual barometer. Amen”
“Go forth into the future knowing that it is shaped by your actions in the past, which make living in the present the only thing that is real and commendable, as you know the right way according to your mindset in the now. Amen.”
“Substance is material and comfortable, but spirit is within us all and is just as real as it lasts for more than just this lifetime but into all the lifetimes to come, which are many and varied and beyond our earthly comprehension. Amen.”
“Take a firm grip on your problems and ask for guidance, so that you may put away your fear and deal with them in the prescribed way, which is right and is what you know in your hearts is so. Amen”
“To be loved is to be wealthy indeed, so give your love to those who deserve it and feel fulfilled with your lifetime in service to others around you, so that they too may learn by example. Amen.”
“Let your freedom be another facet of your understanding, so that you can see the devilry that is placed on so many others, who are not blessed like you are and be grateful. Amen.”
“Great is the mantle of the Lord, which protects you from all harm, stay within the safety of his love and strength, so that you will be preserved by mutual love and understanding. Amen”
“Oh heavenly Father, please help me to understand that we are all different and that although we all have similar problems in our lives, we each one of us have different ways of coping with them. Amen.”