“Never let it be said that I didn’t even try to understand another’s point of view. We are all different without and yet the same within, so may we find those points of touching where we are the same and grow within. Amen.”
“Let tolerance be the watchword of existence, so that no one feels abused by another because of what they were brought up to understand. Freedom of thought is for all people and they have a right to see truth from a different angle. Amen.”
“Let us not be hardened by the plight of others as we see all around this world so much famine and pain that those of us who live in the luxury of plenty cannot realise what it is like for them to even exist from day to day. Amen.”
“What a joy it is to see the sunrise each and every morning, but think of those who dread its coming for it brings for them hardship and pain in trying to find food, water and shelter for their children. Amen.”
“To be enlightened is to have something worth sharing with those who are ready and able to understand, but it is not to be used as a battering ram to exclude tolerance as no one has all the answers. Amen.”
“To take away pain from another and carry it for them is a great achievement, but how does another react to the lessons of life if they are not allowed to sort out their own mistakes as they grow up and mature in God’s love? Amen.”
“Lead me into the green pastures of an equal society where no one is above another and all consider the effects of their actions on others before they make a move. Amen”
“To be enlightened is to have the opportunity to learn wisdom, which is the way of using knowledge for the greater good and the betterment of Mankind. Amen.”
“Force is not an option to change when the innocent are deprived of what little they have. May the shoulders of the strong support those who cannot stand up for themselves and bring peace to their world? Amen”
“Let the screaming of the angry and the hurt make way for enlightenment by their oppressors, so that all gain by the understanding of the realities of life and death and an answering in the world to come. Amen”
“The light of happiness in the eyes of children is a joy to behold, but the pain seen there can tear our hearts asunder because of their innocence. Let us protect them by our love and time. Amen.”
“Dear Lord, shape us in the mantle of understanding, so that we are ready always when called to do our bit for humanity and the greater good. Amen.”
“The alarm is sounding that if we lie and cheat, so will our lives be blighted by our errors of judgement. Let us feel the warmth within that heralds that we have made decisions correctly according to Spiritual Law. Amen.”
“Give us the light that shines down from On High to brighten the souls of the faithful and true of heart, so that those of us who struggle with uncertainty can see their path and walk it in the knowledge that it is the right and proper way. Amen.”
“Give us the chance to be responsible for ourselves and not rely on others doing for us what we should do for ourselves, then we can stand tall and see ways of contributing to the greater good. Amen.”
“Help us to help ourselves, so that we can help others. Let us not default on our responsibilities. We are all in need and cannot survive without each other, so help us to create a world of love and happiness ruled in peace. Amen”
“Get ready by sending out your thoughts for guidance, so that the changes that you make are the right and proper ones for you. We all need that helping hand. Amen.”