01 December 2011

Prayers for December 2011

“Give us the strength to get through our daily lives of uncertainty and let peace of mind be delivered into our unworthy hearts.  Amen.”

“To be left alone without security is a nightmare for many people. Let us not be afraid to ask for guidance and to humbly accept the help that is given to us through Spiritual Law.  Amen”

“Fear is the emotion which strips us of loving vibrations and replaces them with doubt and pain. Help us to look for love in others as well as ourselves and give what we can to aid all those in need.  Amen.”

“Oppression is a cruel weapon of those who have no compassion and have secret fear within about their inadequacies without the strength of arms.  Amen.”

“Violence cannot be justified on the weak and the poor.  It is the weakness of those who give it out that will ultimately be their downfall.  Amen”

“Do not let us misunderstand our direction in life just because we are to busy to stop and listen.  We know that we will be stopped so that we have no choice but to change our ways, so let us start now to listen and change our ways.  Amen.”

“The sunshine of life is there for all to see, but so often we lose the warmth and beauty of good things that have been created by our material attitude of wanting man made goods and ignoring God’s free gifts.  Amen.”

“To be allowed to follow our own path unguided will mean that we get lost alone the way and that we will miss out on the opportunities, which are given to us to help the greater good and also ourselves. Amen.”

“Let us now make a decision to uphold all that is good and to put aside what is not, so that we can differentiate between the spiritual and the material in this life of uncertainty.  Amen.”

“Give us the abilities to earn what we need through good and charitable work for others without other rewards, so that we can harness ourselves to the yoke of kindness and loving intensions for all who we meet along life’s pathway. Amen.”

“The gift of perceiving what is right was given to us all, but we have muddied the waters of truth by our cravings for non essential glitter of the advertising world and the persuasion of others. Amen.”

“To take advantage of another will come home to roost and we will get our comeuppance in another form at another time, so we must know we can never get away from Spiritual Law.  Amen.”

“Take a leaf out of the Book of Prayer and send out your thoughts for others, who are labouring under the heavy yoke of life and have not found the light to appeal for help for themselves in the right and proper way.  Amen.”

“Be not afeared of taking strong decisions to help yourselves, but look to the effects on others so that we all understand the consequences of our actions.  Amen”

“Now comes the winds of change and we must be ready to bend with the strength of them knowing that they are for the greater good, even if we cannot see that for ourselves the Greater Intelligence can.  Amen.”

“As the planets can predictably continue on their course, so we should be predictable in our acceptance of the Laws of the Universe and help others to enjoy a better life because we cared.  Amen.”

“The road to our destiny is often hidden from our eyes, but through dreams and meditation it can be revealed if we have the courage to accept it and take up the challenge.  Amen”

“Let us now acknowledge that we cannot live alone in any form of happiness and security and so that applies to all of us who are always in need and require that helping hand to be given.  Amen.”

“Given all the gifts that we enjoy without a second thought, let us stop for a moment and acknowledge them and give thanks to the direction from which they came as guided from the Spirit.  Amen.”

“To be successful in this life, we must prepare ourselves for the life to come elsewhere and store up for ourselves acts of compassion and charity to those who need it most and in that way so will we prosper.  Amen”

“Take a moment out of each and every day to ask for others to receive what they need to get through that day.  Many people struggle to find enough to survive and may not even have enough to feed their children.  Amen.”

“Sometimes there is a shaft of light that appears within us and we do something out of character for another.  Don’t let that moment die, but propagate it so that it happens every day.  Amen.”

“Take what you need by the hand and kick away those desires for more than is necessary to live a useful life uncluttered by the wanting of more. Amen.”

“Trust in the Higher Intelligence to know what we need for ourselves and to give us the means to accept it graciously and with gratitude.  Amen.”

“When another gives up what they have so that we may be more comfortable, so let us see remuneration for giving and the joy of receiving our prayers for their continued prosperity of spirit.  Amen.”

“The great joy of life is in seeing the effect in the eyes of others, especially in a child, when their inner joy and wonderment spills over into our own hearts. Amen.”

“The lack of wherewithal is more common than we imagine, as so many people struggle on a daily basis while the few at the top of the tree have more than they can ever need and salt it away for a rainy day.  Amen.”

“’Give unto others so that you can receive’ is a truism of the Spirit and if we understand that we are closer to understanding the divine nature of life itself.  Amen.”

“To receive is divine.  To give is expected of us by the higher forces of goodness.  Let us not pull back from our responsibilities and be with an even heart knowing that our life here is worthwhile and is fulfilling.  Amen”

“Take another step forward in the knowing that if we stay still in our comfort zones we make no progress.  It takes another step to being us another opportunity to meet the change and to successfully move on.  Amen.”

“This is the day to put the past behind us and look forward to the future with a lighter heart in the hope that we have chosen well and prepared the way for better things.  Amen.”