01 December 2012

Daily Thoughts for December 2012

“Now that you are seeing the light shining out more brightly each and every day, follow your star and give thanks On High that you are blessed with this knowledge, as so many people are not.”

“Say a word in your thoughts or prayers to the Universal Strength for all those who are in darkness and who don’t have a choice but to follow their noses from each day to the next.  Freedom of choice is a great gift to be thankful for.”

“The whole world is set into a rhythm of negativity with little outbreaks of light and positive thinking here and there.  Make sure that you are one of the lights that is not hidden and that you use your gifts for the right and proper reasons.”

“To take a free swing at life you need to realise that there are many variations of direction that you can take, so it is better to know where you are going than to leave it up to chance.”

“Just about everything is thrown at us, including the kitchen sink sometimes, but then we always survive and become better people, because we went through that mayhem and emerged again.”

“To take the hand of another and share what there is.  It is not just a physical action but a spiritual one. That way an exchange of understanding and knowledge are transferred and both parties learn more about life.”

“Give what you can when you know that the cause is just and needy.  When we do, it always comes back to us in one way or another – or don’t you bother to notice when our good deeds are rewarded?”

“Given a second chance?  Don’t waste it by making the same mistake over and over again.  Unless we learn from our mistakes, then what is the point of making them in the first place?”

“Taking ourselves into the quiet and being alone with our conscience is too frightening for so many.  Are we afraid to face the truth?  Can we rest assured that we are always right and blameless?”

“Take now a blessing from On High and know that you have earned it, but never forget to say, “Thank you”.  So often we are blessed, but we fail to acknowledge the fact and just carry on regardless.”

“The just cause in any dispute is always in the hands of the righteous.  Unfortunately, if we act too much by our own bigotries we are unable to see that.”

“Remember that if we send out bad thoughts to others they will be returned to us many fold over and when we send out good thoughts, so we are many times blessed.  Which would you rather receive?”

“Take a piece of goodness and keep it bright and shiny within our own minds, so that when we create thought, it may influence us into thinking what is good and righteous.”

“Don’t do what you are told to do unless you have first considered that it is right and just.  No one can walk another’s path, so we must be mindful of our own.”

“We must understand the difference between religion and freedom of thought.  Remember that we shall have to explain our actions On High and nobody else can do that for us”

“To live in a void is to be out of step with others around us, but are they out of step with us or we with them?  Who is in tune with the Laws of the Universe and doing our Master’s will?”

“Just because it is possible doesn’t mean that we should do it without appraising the costs.  Always we should be aware of what our actions cause and the effect they have on others.”

“Give unto others, so that we may receive when we are in need.  Are we so arrogant that we think that we will never need any help of any kind?  All will be found wanting at some time in their lives.”

“What is it that holds us back from seeing this earth plane as a beautiful creation that must be preserved for all generations and not just for what we want from it for ourselves and our own aggrandisement?”

“If you are strong in your opinions, just remember that to cast the first stone you must be pure and unsullied of the crimes you say should be punished.”

“Justice is for all, but where except in the heavenly realms can it be found?  Look within your hearts and see that you do not judge others without good cause and knowing all the facts.”

“To believe in one’s self is not a crime.  It shows goodness of purpose, if you allow the right progress without treading on the unwary and the unloved.”

“Go to the vaults within you, deep in your hearts, and find the very depth of your soul and being.  Know who you really are and don’t be told by those who cannot know your thoughts as you know your own.”

“The way to live is the way to help everybody who is in need and to establish the need look at their dwellings and trappings of office.  Let the poor in heart and mind show you who is worthy and who is not.”

“Beware of any body of people, who ask for money without giving you what you need in return.  The Master Jesus taught the people, but never asked for money.”

“Forget about the Church and look deep within yourself.  Does it have anything that you cannot feel within yourself is the Power of the Lord, directing you to life according to what is right and perfect?”

“Why take a risk when by doing our Maker’s will we know that we will be looked after and loved?  What is more important to us than doing what He wants us to do in His name?”

“There is no darkness where the light of love and knowledge shines into the abyss, so why are you afraid you will fall?  God’s hand holds you firmly, if only you believe that that is so...”

“Take a new look at yourself and see if you have advanced your ‘self’ enough to be presented to your Maker without you being ashamed of your past history and present being.”

“Now is a time of celebration, if you have moved on from the depth of depression that only recently occupied your thoughts and dreams.”

“Take a leaf out of the old book and turn the pages of life to your own satisfaction, whereby all your thoughts are positive and all your smiles are from your eyes.”

01 November 2012

Daily Thoughts for November 2012

“Only take giant steps when you are sure of the road ahead.  It is a wise traveller, who asks about the directions from a reliable source before setting out on the difficult way ahead.”

“Make not the puddles in your pathway an obstacle to your progress.  It is easier to sometimes go round a little problem than to make a bigger issue of it than it is.”

“Meet the new with a confidence that will dispel all anxieties and make the acceptance of reality an easier path to follow.  Nothing succeeds like success, but that can only happen if you are ready to receive it with an open heart.”

“Even if you missed the boat you have learned a lesson.  It is not always the catching of the moment, but what you perceive to be the cause and effect of that moment, which is all around you.”

“Make a new pact with yourself and that is to listen to what is the right thing to do and way to behave, so that you will have no regrets at what you did when the time comes to look back on your achievements.”

“Anything is possible and anything is reachable, but if you are determined to give up on it and go your own way, you will never have the chance of receiving what was so near and yet so far.”

“Take nothing for granted, but in expecting nothing so we can receive.  There is a goodness out there that at times appears to be beyond us, but is within reach if we are good enough to receive it.”

“Just as the wheels of time turn to the rhythm of the universe, so do the effects of our thoughts and actions vibrate around this world and make a difference for good or ill, so we must watch ourselves that we do it right.”

“The possible is always achievable, but to make the impossible happen is a miracle, which can always be achieved by the Greater Force if we are worth it and ask in the right and proper way.”

“Just this sort of worry or concern can be neutralised, if we believe we have earned enough to be helped to overcome our deficits and, with a helping hand up, we can succeed against all the odds!  Amen.”

“What a day it has been and we are happy beyond our expectations, if we realise that we have helped to bring happiness to others and so it has been returned to us by Spiritual Law.”

“Just as the sun sets and rises in the morning, so are the certainties that we will need to account for our actions ahead of time.  Are we ready for others to see us as we really are?”

“As we interact with all around us, do we see how our vibrational levels of energy emit and effect what they come across?  Do we feel compatibility or hostility or don’t we really care?”

“Nothing stands still and everything is in a state of change, so we must prepare to always move on and seek in tomorrow what we missed out on today.  It is always there ahead of us, as long as we are sure that it is right for us and our future pathway.  Amen.”

“It is the arrogance of some minds that must control other minds and inflict themselves and their standards on the rest of us, but do we stand up for ourselves or let them bully their way over us?  Amen”

“Not everybody knows all the facts of life and death, so it is up to each and every one of us to look for answers and observe in others and see if that applies to us, as it does appear to apply to them.  Amen.”

“God is great”, some people say and it is so, but do these same people respect his Laws of All Creation and share this world with all others in harmony, peace and above all tolerance?  Amen.”

“Everyone has a conscience and knows right from wrong, but in those moments of greed and lust, when we think we can get away with it, we choose not to listen and so we make for ourselves a time of reckoning, whether here or beyond. Amen.”

“God is a word of man’s devising.  No name can describe the Master of All Creation.  Don’t allow anyone to tell you about God, just know that that presence is within you and, if you listen, guides you well. Amen.”

“To know God is to know that there is a mighty force that is far beyond our comprehension, but what is certain is that he loves us and never asks us to carry anything, which is beyond us.  Amen.”

“All that happens to us on the spiritual path is well calculated and nothing is left to chance.  However we must be predictable in our steadfastness and in our honest dealings. Amen.”

“Watch and wait is often good advice.  To take a decision on the spur of the moment is to gamble with the Laws of Chance without seeing the path ahead and knowing the consequences of your action.   Amen.”

“Take yourself into the green wood and feel nature and God’s gifts all around you.  It is not difficult to see and hear the joys of creation.  Amen.”

“To take another’s path is not advisable, because you can never walk any path but your own.  It is hard enough to learn without pushing yourself on others and why are you so sure that you are right? Amen”

“You are never alone and you need, like the rest of us, to be in tune with all the help and guidance that is freely available.  As long as you live in the goodness and righteousness of Universal Laws and ask nothing for yourself, but guidance, you will succeed beyond your wildest dreams.  Amen.”

“Take yourself into an asked-for state of protection and within the rest and relaxation in the quietness of your own mind, listen to the guidance that you need.  It will come when you are ready and not before, so be patient and give yourself into the safety of your loving guide.  Amen.”

“Take love as the emotional state of feeling towards another emotional state of being and see how they react.  Do they vibrate together in all conditions or do they pull apart when the going gets tough?  Amen”

“All beings, that find love is the natural rhythm of life, are prepared to give without expecting a reward, so that there is never a condition implied or asked for.  Amen.”

“Now that you are ready to give love to another in your heart be ready to receive what that person gives to you and be not confused by the difference between love and sex.  Amen.”

“To be in love with love is to miss the point of being in love with your creation and the Intelligent Force who made you.  Amen.”

01 October 2012

Prayers for October 2012

“At the end of the day it is good to look back and be able to say, “I have had a good day!” Then remember to give thanks to all those who helped you through to achieve and see how blessed you really are.  Amen.”

“Another day, another opportunity and that is how life comes around, so we must be available to spot our chances, so that when we are used to doing and fulfilling them, then we do it automatically and we are saved forever more.  Amen.”

“Great times are coming, if we are up to making the changes that are there for us to accomplish.  If we are not, then as we let the chances lie in the dust, so eventually will we.  Amen.”

“You deserve what you sow.  Remember that if you sow good deeds, so you will be rewarded with goodness.  We all need a little extra something to cheer us, so by doing it for another, so we are cheered ourselves. Amen.”

“Now is the time to take that first step towards doing what you had been putting off.  Unless you take that step, then that circumstance will remain uncompleted, because nobody else can do it.  Amen.”

“Take yourself to a happy place and enjoy some well-deserved times recharging your depleted batteries.  Then go home with a new light in your eye as you know that you can solve what has been bothering you and, by asking for help in the right way, all will be cleansed and perfected.  Amen.”

“What is the right way to understand the complexities of life?  Look all around you and see the creative hand of the Creator at work right under our very noses.  Nothing that he has made is ugly, unless we have an ugly way of looking at it!  Amen.”

“It does not matter what others think of us as long as we are in the righteous Spirit of Universal Law and if we are wrong, then we will get our own comeuppance from a Higher Source, so live in the right and don’t listen to the gossip!  Amen.”

“When we are at peace, the world slows in its vibrational levels around us and we are able to hear the directions to guide us in life and love.  If we are always too busy to rest in the quiet, then we lose our direction and fail ourselves.  Amen”

“The easiest way to be is the honest way and to trust in righteousness above our own lamentable standards is to try and attain a higher and greater responsibility by our actions for our being here.  Amen.”

“Once we have learned to trust in a Higher Power, so we can let go of the fear that grips us if we try and live our lives alone.  We cannot do everything in the right way and for the right purpose unless we are guided and we listen to make those things happen.  Amen.”

“The way that Jesus taught us to live is rarely demonstrated by those who take the authority to preach to others.  Why can’t they live by his example, so that we can all see the way it is meant to be?  Amen”

“Take another look at those around you and see if they are happy and living life in love or are they caught up in blaming everybody else for their misfortunes?  If so, they only have themselves to blame.  Amen.”

“Goodness begats goodness, so that as we hear the global news we can see that where there is goodness at work there is peace and harmony, but where there is turmoil, it comes from the mind-sets of those who have lost their goodness and reply with hostility.  Amen.”

“Let us all kneel in our prayers as we send them out to the Universe.  Remember that their wavelength to the Cosmos is the same as ours and as like attracts like, so if we are hostile, our thoughts will be met and returned by hostility Amen”

“As the paintbrush of the Divine caresses the skies and the winds blow the clouds into different shapes and textures, so we must give our thanks for such a beautiful world and our chance to keep it so.  Amen.”

“What a beautiful day can bring as you look outside at the changing sky and what it brings to freshen your life and its outlook every single day.  You know, there are actually people who never notice it unless it is to complain about the weather!  Amen.”

“If you only see the material ahead of you, you will only get the material ahead of you.  If you cannot see a greater purpose in your life, then it is wasted and you are a disappointment to your Creator, who gives you chance after chance to lead a better life. Amen.”

“Take another look at yourself in the mirror and see that you are really a beautiful being that from within shines out a light of love and understanding, which is your passport to a greater way of living and being. Amen.”

“There is no defeat like a defeatist attitude.  That means that it can never happen and all the efforts of the angels and the guides are to no purpose, simply because you don’t believe what can be achieved if you try.  Amen.”

“Taking a good new breathe every morning when you get out of bed, sets you up with the strength and determination to do what is possible today and also to so often witness the impossible becoming possible before your very eyes. Amen.”

“The road to heaven on earth is within you and if you try to understand the Laws of the Spirit, then you can understand that what you sow you will reap and there is never any change to that.  Amen.”

“Just because you are walking in your sleep through life, it doesn’t mean that everybody else is too.  Take a look around you and see others who are worth following because of the goodness they have and try and emulate it.  Amen.” 

“To take away the opportunity for another to give, is like a cruel act in the face for that soul to bear.  If you like to receive, then you must allow others the chance to give what they can, even if it is not what you need, they have a right to give it. Amen”

“Take away the excuses for not doing what your conscience tells you to do and what are you left with?  A clear way of living and acting at all times, so that you will achieve all that is possible in your lifetime here.  Amen.”

“This life is more about what you can’t see than what you can.  If you deal lovingly with all that you can see, then what you can’t see begins to take on the right passage in parallel to what you have achieved.  Amen.”

“Goodness and tranquillity are the joys of understanding peace and harmony; so give out yours to the world and let the Universe feel your vibrations of love to all creatures including your fellowman.  Amen”

“Spiritual Law is the way that Man’s Law of the Land should be according to the way that we live and act, so saying; “I can’t do that because it is against the Law” means that you have considered the Mind of the Godhead and know his thinking.  Amen.”

“Don’t just sit around waiting for good things to come to you, but go out and make them happen by giving to others and earning your gifts from above and being worthy to receive them.  Amen.”

“Take a fresh look today at your progress towards the Heavenly Light of Peace and Understanding.  It is there that the gift of leading your life for the benefit of others lies and your commitment and strength to always doing the right thing.  Amen.”

“Now take yourself in hand to establish just what your priorities in life are and how you are getting them established according to Spiritual Law.  The time is running out for everybody, not just the old.  Amen.”

01 September 2012

Prayers for September 2012

“Give what you can and only take what you need is a fine philosophy of life.  To be aware of the needs of others and to assist them is to have a goal high above the average citizen of this earth plane.  Amen.” 

“To be full in charge of your own life is to take full responsibility for all your actions.  To be guided throughout one’s life is to have a sense of achievement despite one’s own mistakes.  Amen.”

“Taking a firm grip on the problems that surround you is the best way to squeeze out the negativity that caused them and to allow the fine, positive vibrations of happiness to take their place.  Amen.”

“Sense and sensibility are qualities that need to be understood before you rush into the fray and start thrashing around.  Once you have started on that track it is hard to extract yourself and benefit the others with your sensitive nature.  Amen.” 

“Is there such a thing as an honest mistake or is that simply covering up your ignorance?  You must always think out what you do before you do it, because there is no way that you can take back a hurt that you may have inflicted.  Amen.”

“Take not the sins of others upon your shoulders, but carry your own and make reparation for your errors.  Then you can turn yourself from that mind-set that is stuffed with errors and cleanse your thoughts to be at peace with all you do.  Amen.”

“Such is the confusion in the world that Mankind is rushing headlong into the abyss, which he has created for himself by his greed and avarice.  Now he must stop and prepare himself for his redemption or he will fall and must take the longer route in the next dimension.   Amen.”

“Now take up the Standard of Freedom and march with purpose alongside the afflicted, so that all may achieve their human rights and live according to their conscience.  Nobody deserves to be restricted from acting as their conscience truly tells them.  Amen” 

“Grace and purpose lead us onto a useful time ahead and we can contemplate the ease with which we do good and make a smooth road to travel.  Be not fooled by our own ego as to what we should do as opposed to what we want to do!  Amen.”

“Just as the clock ticks away the minutes and the hours of life, so the time passes to bring us to our Day of Judgement.  We need to be aware that only God knows when that time is, so we had better be ready and not found wanting.  Amen.

“Know yourself to be a good and righteous person and believe that by your actions you can withstand the scrutiny of those who did it better, but who also know how hard it is to succeed.  Amen”

“Don’t be misguided by the desires of others, who simply think of themselves alone.  We must choose our own course and decorate the way with our achievements, so that all will know that we passed this way in the fulfilment of our debt for have been given the gift of life.  Amen.” 

“To be alive is a great gift and we must live our lives for the Greater Good and so by fulfilling our function here to the very best of our abilities, we can with some hope make a better fist of it than if we simply complain that life is unfair to us.  Amen.”

“Just as those before us left an example of how they lived their lives, so we must chose for ourselves role models of how we wish to be remembered and know that we cannot hide all our errors from the Divine.   Amen”

“Such is our struggle to live our lives in the right and proper way that we often take short cuts that in the end take us the longer way around.  There is no substitute for doing the right thing in the right way, so we must stay on track and not be tempted by an easier looking route.  Amen.” 

“To take a turning off the road of righteousness is to be human and to err, but if we can put right the error that we made, we can come back onto the road again and continue our journey in safety.  Amen.”

“Prayer is the sending of thoughts into the Universe to whoever is listening on our wavelength.  We hope we are worthy enough to attract the goodness of guidance and help, but we must always ask in the right and proper way.  Amen.” 

“Giving our time to others when they ask is always a step on the path to the Godhead.  However, if we crash in and insist that they do what we think is right, we can come a cropper, as we don’t always know all the facts and we cannot walk another’s path for them. Amen.”

“It is always possible to put matters right by thoughts and prayers.  It is easier to ask for help to achieve advancement over a difficulty than to sort it out alone and fail.  If we ask in good faith, are we not always helped to succeed?  Amen.” 

“The heavenly snow is pure as our hearts when we came and we try and keep that purity within ourselves, for when we return we are expected to be as white as the driven snow, but are we?  Amen.” 

“We all make progress in our lives, whether it is backwards or forwards, because it is not possible to stand still.  Never can we mark time, for if we try to, we go back and miss our opportunities to advance.  Amen.” 

“Just as the Cock starts to crow at the dawn of each and every day, so we should mark the beginnings in our lives and see how far we have come since we last acknowledged them and see how we have moved on despite ourselves.  Amen.”

“Our Great Father Creator gave us life and love.  He also gave us the chance to do with it what we will, so if we want to be happy, we should share our love of life with all we meet and make ourselves an example of Divine Purpose.  Amen” 

“The past is the past and we must let it go.  It has already shaped our present and we must live in the now to shape our future, we need to leave behind all our surplus baggage and look ahead with hope and love.  Amen.”

“We all need to make a difference for the better.  Why then do we stand back and make excuses for ourselves for not having achieved as much as we could have done?  Amen.”

“Get yourselves a bucket of water and put your hand in it and whisk it around as fast as you can and then take it out and watch.  When the water is still, does it remind you of how much difference you have made by being here?  Amen”

“Now is the time when we can turn over a new leaf and start again, but why should we have to when it shows that we have failed and need to start again.  We all have to do it time and time again to get it right.  Amen.” 

“Let us be happy in the knowledge that we serve to the best of our abilities and give what we can for the Greater Good.  Then we have peace of mind, as long as we don’t delude ourselves.  Amen.” 

“What does it matter to the average person if our neighbour goes without, as long as they have a safe and stable life themselves?  It matters in the long term, as one day they will want help and it won’t be there as they won’t have earned it.  Amen.”

“The whole reason for being here in this unsteady world is to help each other to overcome the stresses and strains of everyday life and progress to a higher plane of being.  Amen.”

01 August 2012

Prayers for August 2012

“Don’t look away from the distress of another, but take a step forward and put out a helping hand.  It is only the first gesture that is difficult, because after that comes the flow of human kindness that is necessary to save the whole world.  Amen.”

“Let us kneel together in the silence of the mind and hear the words that are given to us and the answers to our prayers.  If we close our eyes and ears, then our minds are empty of forgiveness and redemption.  Amen.”

“So we are all in the hands of the Lord and he will make us worthy, if we make ourselves worthy to be helped and guided.  All oaks grow from little acorns and we must plant our own seeds of mighty achievements, if there is to be a harvest worthy of his help and magnitude.  Amen.”

“So much for the ways of the world, what have we done to improve them?  There is no point in always leaving it up to others and we don’t want to be found lacking with our achievements and our basket empty of great deeds done.  Amen.”

“Nothing is hidden from the Higher Powers and nothing should be left undone.  We all answer for our errors of judgement and will have to learn from our mistakes, but not all is bad and we shall rejoice in our good deeds.  Amen.”

“Look into your conscience and know what is there.  Excuses are only self-delusion.  There is a way out of all situations if only we are prepared to listen and to act in accordance with the Laws of the Spirit and the Universal Law, which are all contained within us all.  Amen.”

“Such is the way of Man that the ways of God have been lost in the Darkness of Ignorance and the religious confusion has grown strong against a background of self-interest.  No one can save us, but ourselves.  There is no short cut.  Amen.”

“No one should hide themselves away, but be positive knowing what is right and proper in a world, where values have become mercenary and standards have fallen to an all-time low.  Amen.”

“Let there be light and let there be love, so that all peoples can see a way to hope and prosperity in this changing world, where corruption and dark deeds must be rooted out and life must be seen as sacred once more.  Amen”

“To be at one with each and every soul we meet is a task in itself, as not all others are on the same wavelength, but if we don’t try we shall never succeed and they will never have the chance to learn from our example.  Amen.”

“Let the bells ring in our heads, as the goodness comes in to remind us of our sacred duty, so that we can follow our destiny on the path that was set for us and preclude us from being distracted by selfishness and greed.  Amen.”

“Take away all the dull and negative thoughts and replace them with positive light so joy will result.  We are in charge of our own lives, because nobody else can live it for us.  Amen”

“We must all make a difference for the better in our lives on this earth plane, otherwise why did we come?  It is sometimes lost to others, but it should never be lost to us.  Amen.”

“Taking a backward glance as we stride away, is to reassure ourselves that our past is in the past.  We cannot, nor should we, try and take it with us, but look forward to our goals and targets of a better life in a better world.  Amen.”

“To take a wrong step is not uncommon.  What is seldom seen is the taking of a step back to put it right before going on.  That is what saved the glitches in our progression and smoothed the way forwards from the errors of our ways.  Amen”

“Taking the short cut is never worth the effort, as too often it is the longer way around.  To take the path of progress, we must walk every step of the way to ensure success and leave nothing undone at the end of the day.  Amen.”

“To be understood we must behaviour in the true way that we really are and that must be for the good of others.  Too often this approach is not realised, because other people, who have not the same ideals, can’t appreciate goodness when they see it.  Amen.”

“What did we do that was wrong or was it just that we were misunderstood?  We have a right to be heard, but do we exercise that right or simply take the quietest and easiest way out? Amen.”

“Let us be wary of the easy path, which is only right when we have cleared away all negativity and heaviness of vibration.  The true path we tread is guided to a higher light/goal than we can attain alone. Amen.”
“We are never alone and we are always guided and helped if we choose to listen to our conscience and our knowing.  Why then do we get it wrong?  Are we deaf to the help that is our very inspiration?  Amen.”

“To appreciate another view of the world and not to shame it or decry, is to open ones heart to a greater understanding than the one that you were brought up with in this world of great diversity. Amen.

“Let the life that has been given, never be taken away by another’s attitude or failure to appreciate the wonder of each and every sacred life.  Amen.”

“Oneness is an appreciation of love between one and another.  The biggest oneness is between a soul and its Maker. Amen.”

Cherish all that you have, so that if you lose it, you will have appreciated your time spent with that joy of sharing and understanding similarities and love.  Amen”

“Let today start a renewed search for the hidden pieces of information that will lead us to a better understanding of Man’s misunderstandings of sacred life and the hopes and fears of so many who live without hope.  Amen.”

“Let love of all things guide us to a higher level of understanding as we progress in this world of shame. It is shameful, because so many walk by on the other side and don’t want to know about the hardships of others. Amen.”

 “On High is a Force of great love and wisdom and we can become a part of that once we have experienced and understood all the emotions and hardships known to man and woman on this plane of existence.  Amen”

“Just as we become enlightened, our shoulders relax and we know our purpose, but we still have to achieve it and so we must follow that ‘paper trail’ of knowledge for evermore and not stop our thirst for wisdom until we take our place as a part of the Almighty Force of Life and Living.  Amen.”

“Just as we relax and take that well-earned rest, can we simply check that all is well in our world and that there is nothing more we can do.  Is each and every task complete and is our in-tray empty of anything requiring our attention?  Amen.”

“Let us be at peace in our hearts knowing that we have done everything we can to help others as well as ourselves before we smile and relax knowing that we have left nothing undone – is that ever possible?  Amen.”

“Be vigilant and see what is going on all around you and do what you can to make it better.  There are so many causes that require our attention and we must not simply walk away.  Amen.”

01 July 2012

Prayers for July 2012

“Go into your hearts and go into your minds and know that the Universal Laws holds you to account and the Universal Father Creator frees you from the negativity that binds you.  If you cannot love your Father Creator, what is the purpose in your being?  This you must find out first!  Amen.”

“To be alive is a great gift in itself, so why not give thanks for one’s life, for love and for liberty and if any one of them is missing, then we must appreciate the problem and work with others to bring that change about.  Amen.”

“We all make mistakes, otherwise we would be with the Godhead, but what is so important is that we learn by them, so that we will not make them again and that we learn how to do it better every time we err.  Amen.”

“To take advantage of another for our personal gain is to store up for ourselves problems that we must later surmount in order to feel what it was like for our victims to feel the pain of our trespass upon them.  Amen.”

“Now we can rise up in exultation knowing that we are loved and cared for, as everything we need in life is given to us, if only we earn them by our demeanour and our positive relations with all those around us.  Amen.”

“Nothing is forever and that applies to both good and bad, so it is through the constant changes in life that we must appreciate all that we have when we have it and not moan our loss, but be overjoyed that we did have had it at all.  Amen.”

“All that we have to suffer is a learning point in our lives and it is not until the pain stops that we can realise how grateful we are that it has gone.  How can we appreciate the good things in life, if we haven’t had to endure a time when they simply were not there? Amen.”

“Just as we think we have solved all our problems, so there comes another to blight our joy, but should we really be downhearted when we have another opportunity to succeed and success breeds success, so we should not be downhearted.  Amen.”

“Let the joy abound and let the freedom from negativity lift us in all that we do and say, so that we feel great and we can pass that on to others and lift them, so that they to have a good day.  Amen”

“What about a day away to lighten our spirits and strengthen us against having to come back to what we have left undone.  Isn’t it better to get them done first and then, with a clear conscience, one can enjoy the freedom and positive vibrations that we have earned for ourselves?  Amen.”

“Niceties are not common place anymore.  Once there were niceties all around and everywhere we went.  They were there and shared with our family and neighbours and our colleagues in the workplace, but today everyone is too busy or too thoughtless and so they have become an endangered species.  Amen.”

“Little things do mean a lot and we can be grateful for so many of them, but we only deserve what we give to others, so that if we love who we meet and greet them as such, we will be blessed by the harmony and happiness that is exchanged.  Amen”

“So much is written and so much is said that we cannot ever absorbs more than a small part of it, so we must use our minds and thoughts to work out our paths in life, because nobody else can walk them for us and they have their own minds to make up for themselves!  Amen.”

“The easy way is not always the best way.  We must all examine what we do and why we do it.  The answers are not always what we thought and we must be clear about the reasoning behind our actions, as we alone are responsible for them.  Amen.”

“Such is our lot in life that we shall be accountable for all we do and all we say, so why do so many people hurt others by their words and actions, when they will come back to haunt them and nobody can escape from that?  Amen”

“The truth is not for bargaining.  The truth is the reality of what we see and observe from whatever vantage point we occupy.  Never is that point of view exactly the same as another’s, so we must be tolerant and understanding and examine our own feelings before we make binding judgements.  Amen.”

“What do we need to make us happy?  Is it the spending of money on our ever mounting pile of assets or is it giving away what we no longer need to someone who will appreciate it more than we ever did?  Amen.”

“So much is squandered and wasted in this world of must-have today and so much is replaced with new before it is broken.  Is our pride so great that we cannot tolerate a scratch on a fully functional item or a stitch in time to save it? Amen.”

“What we are given as divine gifts are all for a purpose that within our lives there are moments when we know that we should use what we have for the right and proper reason in helping others less fortunate than ourselves. Amen.”

“Protect the innocent and the lame ducks in life.  Are we so narrow-minded that we cannot see their limited protection and the harm that can twist them into pain and torture through having no strength to resist?  Amen.”

“Let the innocent have their time to be young and happy with the goodness of life and growing up.  The hard knocks we all get in life will soon affect them, so don’t make them grow up before their time. Amen.”

“When the sunshine of the skies illuminates our vision of what is all around us, do we see the beauties and miracles of life itself or the sordid materialistic world that man has made in his own image of greed and hostility to his neighbours?  Amen.”

“What is a life without some purpose and some positive achievements for the greater good, where through unconditional love we have given of ourselves without any expectations of reward?  Our rewards are stored away for when we need them and we all have that time of drought!  Amen.”

“To be at peace in the Power of the Spirit is to surrender ourselves completely knowing that we are safe and loved and that no harm from the outside can damage us, only the negativity we harbour within can do us ill.  Amen”

“To be selfish in life is to deny ourselves.  We think that we are having our way and getting the best of it, but all debts have to be paid and all errors accounted for, so in the end it is our loss and nobody else’s gain.  Amen.”

“We all know what is right, because we come with a conscience that guides us well.  The difficulty that so many of us have is a deafness to its advice when we are determined to have our own way and ignore the good of others.  Amen.”

“Just as the snow that falls from the heavens is pure and unsullied, so is the love of the Father Creator for each and every one of us.  It is our responsibility to keep that love pure and unsullied from our mistakes and errors according to Spiritual and Universal Law.  Amen”

“An empty heart and mind is a hard act to follow, but where there is a will, so can rebuilding occur with the right foundations and the true strength of purpose when the objective is clearly in sight.  Amen.”

“To be stranded in a material dimension of one’s own making is very hard to shrug off.  Help is required to see that there is love and happiness beyond the greed of materialism and to be ruled by the need for possessions is a lost cause, as you cannot take them with you when you leave here.  Amen.”

“Now that the last of the darkness has left the furrowed brow of the mind changer and the light can get in, so the enlightenment of the Godhead’s love can strengthen the shattered nerves and truth becomes apparent again.  Amen.”

“Let the last be first and the first be last, is in need of understanding, but unless you do, how can you go forward and take your place at the table of life and know that you have done enough to earn that place?  Amen.”

01 June 2012

Prayers for June 2012

“What we do is what our thought in our mind rebounds on us.  What we sow so we reap, as the Master told us, so we need to enact every single minute of every single day.  Amen.”

“Know that we can be better at all that we do and if we so strive, then we can improve and not leave it all undone and our bag of achievements empty.  Amen.”

“Let the light come into your heart and mind, so that the darkness of ignorance can be dispelled.  Then we can all go forward in the true delivery of what is intended for us, which of course is why we are all here at all  Amen.”

“Guidance is the helping hand of the Spirit to show us that we are never alone, but always encased in a balm of goodness and protection, unless we are too pig-headed to follow its course and think that we know better!  Amen.”

“Now is the time to make that decision for the better.  Don’t put it off any more, but let your conscience guide you to make that leap of faith and you will feel the better for it.  It is always so.  Amen.”

“Make way and make good.  That is a thought that gives you the right of passage to a better world and one that we all need to be a part of, so think on that! Amen.”

“Take another look at what is all around you and see what is out of kilter and then you can put it right.  Don’t be afraid to do it, but let its achievement benefit all Mankind and not just your view of it.  Amen.”

“When you achieve what is there for you to accomplish you can move on and find the next opportunity to be of service.  There are plenty of issues out there that need to be addressed.  Amen”

“Make way for the good and noble.  If you are not able to be as great as they are, then stand aside and see how it is done and then go off and do it.  Amen.”

“Take another look at yourself and see if you are as worthy as you think you are.  If not, then perhaps you have higher ambitions than your achievements and need to strive a little harder.  Amen.”

“Giving and receiving are part of the same process, as both a glorious in the eyes above.  When you have eyes to see also, you are standing tall in the presence of the good and holy people of the Universal of Life.  Amen”

“When you have done a good deed, see the goodness in it and don’t glorify yourself, but simply know you have done the right thing and look for your next opportunity to do the same.  Amen.”

“There are many pathways to the Godhead and there are many false trails, which Man has created to exert power over the people.  The Higher Intelligence is aware of this and so should you be also.  Amen.”

“Believe in the best and believe in your right to have the best and when you have earned it, so then you can receive it, so be aware and do not turn it away because you are not ready.  Amen”

“So much for waste and unwanted things, are you conscious of what one throws away is a gem of necessity for another?  ‘Waste not, want not’, is a good motto.  Amen.”

“The world is but a passing place for your innermost being to dwell, so do not waste your time here by leaving things undone, but make your mark for all to see that what drives you is the eternal love of all life and knowledge.  Amen.”

“Take courage and step out of the box and see what Our Lord has prepared for you.  If you don’t, you will never know what you have missed and will stay in ignorance all your days. Amen.”

“Never be bored when there is a whole Universe out there to entertain your mind and fill it with the wonders of creation.  Life is all about you and only Mankind can destroy that for you if you let it. Amen.”

“We are all different and at different stages in our lifetimes and our developments, so let us understand that we are where we are meant to be and are learning what is best for us to learn about.  Amen.”

“Know yourself and what you are and what you stand for.  Be attuned to your own vibrations and don’t let anyone else persuade you otherwise. Amen.”

“Make amends for all your errors and realise that no one is perfect in all the decisions that they make or they would already be at one with God and a part of that Universal Wisdom of all things.  Amen.”

“Give thanks for all you have and enjoy its goodness, because if you don’t use it for the greater good, it will be taken away and you will have missed that opportunity to do well by it.  Amen.”

“Today is not the same as yesterday and it is different from tomorrow, so enjoy today, as it is all that matters to one who knows exactly where they are and where they are going.  Amen”

“Now is the time of your life, if only you did but know it, because if you do, then certainly it is.  Be not confused, but believe in the truth that carries all good things within your mind.  Amen.”

“To be at one with ourselves is to be at one with everybody else as we are all connected.  Feel a sadness for those who are against themselves, because they are against everybody else.  Amen.”

“The opportunities to excel are given to us daily and it is all within our grasp to succeed as long as we have the courage to go forwards and not to count the cost.  Amen”

“Take courage and do not fall short in your achievements, because you didn’t aim high enough.  Reach for the stars if you have heavenly aspirations and then they will be fulfilled.  Amen.”

“Let your light so shine out that all can see that you have the love of Our Lord within and therefore cannot be confronted with the darkness of ignorance, because it will be blown away.  Amen.”

“The way is clear and the way is true for all who care and for those who do, so take the path of right and good and so you will be understood.  Amen.”

“Take the easy way and you will follow the star of spiritual direction, but if you take the hard way you only have yourself to blame.  Amen.”

01 May 2012

Prayers for May 2012

“Let us never forget that we are special and we were given life to enjoy and interact with others through joy and harmony and to enjoy the other species in this world among the flora and fauna of all life.  Amen.”

“Just as our forefathers laid the foundations for the good things that we have inherited, so must we leave solid foundations for our children and their children and we must be sure that we build strongly and truly.  Amen.”

“Take a moment today and every day to count the blessings that we all have and to be grateful that we have them, because without them we would be no more.  Amen.”

“If we all try hard enough we can make this world a better place to be in and, by leaving it a better place than we found it, it can all come about.  Amen.”

“We must always be looking for a better way to live and to be sharing with the group we live with.  That group is called Mankind and also all the flora and fauna of this world.  Amen.”
“As the sun shines so does the wind blow and we must be prepared to be swayed by the winds of change, if we are to be ready to enjoy the sunshine of progression.  Amen.”

“Just as we go to bed each night and expect to awake refreshed for another day, so we must always do what we can each day to leave nothing undone that we could have achieved.  Amen.”

“Let us never be found wanting and saying that we didn’t know, because that means that we didn’t look and to search is to find as Jesus told us that was so.  Amen.”

“Thus is the word of law always balanced upon us, as Spiritual Law is the balance of goodness and light against poor judgement and darkness through ignorance.  Amen”

“Give and receive in all honesty and purpose, so that by being even-handed to others then we may receive even-handedness back in our daily lives.  Amen.”

“The greatness of life is through the greatness of all Spiritual Laws and if we can live by them then we are truly great.  Amen.”

“The lightness of each and every touch is a symbolic measurement of our kindness to all that we come into contact with and, as we are all connected, then to be gentle on others is to be gentle upon ourselves.  Amen”

“To be engulfed in the light of goodness is to be blessed, but we must remember that it will show up all our mistakes and errors also, so we must prepare for this in our daily lives.  Amen.”

“All life is sacred, so we must treat each and every organism as we would expect to be treated ourselves and then we can have no complaints as to what we receive.  Amen.”

“To be discovered is for us to be shown up in all our transparency, so we had better prepare to be seen in the best light that we have managed to make ourselves to be before we leave this dimension for the next.  Amen”

“Our advancement is reflected in our thinking and as all thoughts are vibrations, then we send out positive or negative vibrations to add to the universal mind, so we must be careful what we think we need.  Amen.”

“A prayer is simply the sending out of our thoughts.  We need not ask for anything as by our thoughts come from our mind-set and are known, so it is better to reflect and show the Universe who and what we truly are within our minds.  Amen.”

“Given that we exist, then what is our purpose?  Without a purpose our life is pointless as we drift around indulging ourselves to no positive future and we shall not have achieved anything worthwhile to justify our existence. Amen.”

“Just as we go forward we often find that we take two steps back, but in reality everything is an opportunity and setbacks are the chances to remedy our position on so many issues. Amen.”

“We are always in the ‘now’, so what good does it do us to always be looking for another time to live in when we can only cope with the present and anything else is simply wishing our lives away.  Amen.”

“Today is a lifetime away from where we ought to be, but with guidance and the listening to our conscience we can made some progress towards it, if only we take a good step forward each and every day. Amen.”

“Never be afraid of the truth, because it never hurt anybody or so some say, but the truth depends on where you are seeing it from, so we mustn’t judge, but always see the right of all that is.  Amen.”

“Every time we say, “Goodbye”, do we really expect it to be the last time that we see somebody and do we really mean what we say, as we should always behave as it is the last goodbye.  Amen.”

“We love to be happy and filled with joy and yet so many of us do not consider the affect that our actions and words have on others, so let us be happy for others rather than ourselves.  Amen”

“Every minute of every day we are assailed by the negativity which surrounds us, but we must repel it with our love and positive thoughts, so that it can never penetrate our inner soul or the actions of our mind.  Amen.”

“To be allowed to live a life of ease we must learn and earn the respect, which is due by all those who care about the sacredness of life itself and the needs of all living creations upon this planet – when all is safe and in balance, then we can relax.  Amen.”

“Take a leaf out of the book of knowledge and let its pages guide your mind-set to the truth that is all about us if only we would allow ourselves to accept what we are within.  Amen”

“Being in love with the qualities and gifts of the natural world, I must be gentle and forgiving when they cross my path and leave them to live their lives in the peace, which I hope for myself.  Amen.”

“Every day is different, so that I must know that I cannot repeat myself with the same old routine and dogma of life, but be aware of the new opportunities that I am sent from the Higher Power and always try my best to obey them.  Amen.”

“To be a spiritual soul is to care more for others than yourself and to be prepared to give yourself to those who are less blessed than yourself, so may I be guided in the best way that I can serve.  Amen.”

“Today is the start of a summery lifetime, if we all put our minds to thinking in a positive way and allowing the light to penetrate the darkness of ignorance, which clouds all our ambitions.  Amen.”