“Justice for all is a cry often heard, but we must not judge lest we be judged also. Amen.”
“We are so frightened by what might happen and so confused as to how we will be saved from ourselves that we must learn to be strong and with your guidance become worthy of our lives. Amen.”
“All things that are given to us are for a purpose and that purpose is to make us a better being and to be able to help others in a more understanding way. Amen.”
“May we grow in strength and aptitude, so that we are able to be of use and not hidden within our comfort zone of despair and frustration. Amen.”
“Let us give and so receive. To share is to be intimately involved with the lives of others and we all need to support each other in whatever way we can. Amen.”
“So much is said and so little is ever done, so please may the energies of the universe quicken the pace of change in this falling world that Mankind has so abused and tarnished for his/her own selfishness. Amen.”
“Let the light shine out and the energies to cleanse us from the negativity and slothfulness of inactivity, so that we can make a difference and eventual leave this world a better place for us being here. Amen.”
“If all men could choose a better way to lead their families along a golden pathway would they have the courage to walk that path? Amen”
“The sun shines on the righteous, but also on the oppressors. Let the righteous be shaded from the glare and the oppressors burnt away to clean the negativity from this planet. Amen.”
“To be enclosed within our own comfort zone is to miss all the opportunities to discover the realities of life and move on in the certain knowledge of experience. Amen.”
“So much is swept under the carpet that to walk on it is to climb over the debris and dross that man and woman kind have tried to hide instead of doing the right thing for all. Amen”
“Take us into the light and may we not be found wanting when measured against the rod of purity and truth. We make errors, but let us learn from them and make amends. Amen.”
“So that love and harmony may come to this earth plane of existence, all people must believe in the truth and the transparency of communication and put their deceit aside, so the reality is always before each and every one of us. Amen.”
“Now is always the time to change our perception of the cruelty of Mankind and bring like-minded people together to make a difference for the better. Amen”
“Let not our anger rail at the world unless it be at the injustice of man’s inhumanity to man and thus may we start to bring about change by standing up against oppression and hurt in a world beyond understanding of the feelings of others. Amen.”
“May we open our mouths to give communication of our thoughts having first established that they are not going to hurt, but to advise and smooth the passage of others. Amen.”
“Far beyond our dreams are the truths that we wish for and yet we are lazy and intransigent in our progression to that state of grace that we hope to achieve in the fullness of time. Amen.”
“Beyond the far horizons of our perception are the realities of life and wonder for which we strive, but our steps are small and our progress slow. Let us see our path clearly and so advance us. Amen.”
“There have been many souls sent to preach the Wisdom of the Lord, but so many deaf ears have allowed their pleasures to continue against the greater good. Give us the strength to change. Amen.”
“Give unto others the enlightenment that we are blessed to have received as we live our lives in understanding at least in some part of the Greater Intelligence. Amen.”
“To see the pity of others is a gift that shows our feelings have not been hardened by the problems around the world that have left so many souls in distress and pain. Amen.”
“Let us move in the right circles of life that are compatible with our own energies and not clammer to rise above ourselves into an unfriendly and unobtainable future. Amen.”
“We feel so small and unprotected and yet we know that there are greater forces that look after us than we can ever imagine. Amen”
“Let the guidance of the righteous fall on our listening ears of understanding and may we give out our love to all in need. Amen.”
“In order to progress we need advice, as we cannot know all the ramifications of our actions, so help us to harken to our conscience and do the right and proper thing. Amen.”
“Each and every day we awake to new challenges, greater or smaller according to our progression and learning, so let us be determined to think things through before we act. Amen”
“To be blessed with our just desserts is to have the glory of our spirit within shining out into the vision of others, so let that be worthy of us as we struggle to always give of our best. Amen.”
“We need our daily bread, but there are many who don’t get their fair share and we pray for them to receive and to share and may we do likewise. Amen.”
“Let the light so shine in our hearts that our love for our fellow man, woman and child may set an example to others to serve the greater good. Amen”