“Now is always the moment to do the right thing and make that brave decision to move on in strength and love. Tomorrow is too late and yesterday we weren’t ready, so let us do it now and get it right! Amen.”
“Truth is the keyword of existence between one and another, so if we stand by in real belief of all actions for the reality of goodness and righteousness, we will see a better world for all concerned. Amen.”
“The safety net is never taken away from those who have the true belief in themselves to be supported by the Higher Powers, who love us well and will not let us fall as long as we don’t let ourselves down. Amen.”
“To give a gift, however small, is always rewarded by the pleasure in another’s eyes. Look not to the smile but into the eyes to see the unvarnished truth of what your gift really means. Amen.”
“The very safety of our families and our children are in our own hands and so we must stand together and look after each other together and not rail and argue for ourselves alone. That way we have nothing and everyone who we should love losses out. Amen.”
“Nothing is free, except life itself and all the needs that are given on this plane of existence, if only we recognised that the blessings of life are all around us and these we must nurture and care for. Amen.”
“So much is taken for granted by those who have enough and so others who have less are not helped to achieve a better life. Let us all be grateful for what we have earned and help others to do likewise. Amen.”
“We are all different as individuals, but we all hold the same responsibilities and judgements of others. Let us be universal in sending our love and sympathy to all people everywhere and ask for the Higher Powers to bless and guide them into a better existence. Amen”
“If right is might, then let us be mighty in the way that we carry out our daily actions and be ever mindful of how easy it is to upset the minds and balance of others. Amen.”
“Fear is the emotion, which is so often traded by the harsh and too strong over others, who are not able alone to stand up for themselves, so show us all how to stand together and so have a stronger voice. Amen.”
“In order for others to live in peace and away from oppression, it is often necessary for us to learn to trade and not war for the good things that are available in other countries. Amen”
“The basic necessities are life are often withheld from the needy, which is why they are so much in need, so may I resolve to move mountains for them to have what I take so much for granted? Amen.”
“The most glorious sight that we see is soon taken for granted if we do not savour it time and time again. It is not until we lose something that we understand just how precious it really was. Amen.”
“Growth and change are always with us and we must be prepared for progression in our lives to take us into some very strange places indeed and never be afraid. Amen”
“The spirit of existence is within us all and that is eternal, so why do we worry about death and dying when all we do is to move on into the next phase of life itself? Amen.”
“To give what one can is a noble ambition, but to create more, so that more can be shared, is nobler still. Help me to achieve more to give to those who appreciate it and can in turn share what I am able to give them. Amen.”
“Is it enough to have enough or does that quell the voice of achievement to have more, so that it can be shared by all others? Amen.”
“How much does a poor man require to lift his soul and be rich in the spirit of life, although he may not have material possessions in plenty? Amen.”
“To find a role model to raise my levels of achievements is to inspire myself to greater things, but to be good enough to be a role model to others is a greater feat. Amen.”
“What is the greatest thing that I can do with my life? Is it to serve others or to serve myself through the giving of myself to those who are in need and so progress my own salvation? Amen.”
“Take away my fears of doing the wrong thing and let me listen to the true guidance that comes from the stillness within my mind. There lies the true way and in loosing myself there I can find my true self. Amen.”
“To be endowed with wealth and good things in life is a great responsibility. It is not that wealth and abundance are bad, but how you use them for the greater good that matters. Amen.”
“The greatest gift of all is to be free to love and to be loved. It is then that we see how barren the lives of others usually are. Amen”
“The gifts of the mighty achievers are great indeed and it is through their good deeds that they accomplish great and mighty rewards, so why do we shy away in fear of being misunderstood? Amen.”
“To give life to another is a mighty gift, so we must all look to ways that we can help others to survive and then we will be ready to understand the true meaning of life itself. Amen.”
“We must not blame ourselves for our mistakes, but look deeply into why we made them, learn and move on better prepared. Amen”
“Through the many pathways that beset us along our life’s journey, we stumble and shear away in fear, but let us act together and then we can go forward in love and harmony. Amen.”
“There are always others less well off than ourselves, but if we ask for help it is given, so why do they not know how to ask for the right reasons through love and harmony with others? Amen.”
“So that I may know my place in the world of living, may I find direction that helps me grow into the greater spiritual light of harmony and peacefulness? Amen.”