“Let us
never forget that we are special and we were given life to enjoy and interact
with others through joy and harmony and to enjoy the other species in this
world among the flora and fauna of all life.
as our forefathers laid the foundations for the good things that we have
inherited, so must we leave solid foundations for our children and their
children and we must be sure that we build strongly and truly. Amen.”
“Take a moment today and every day to count the blessings that we all have and to be grateful that we have them, because without them we would be no more. Amen.”
“If we
all try hard enough we can make this world a better place to be in and, by
leaving it a better place than we found it, it can all come about. Amen.”
must always be looking for a better way to live and to be sharing with the
group we live with. That group is called Mankind and also all the flora and
fauna of this world. Amen.”
the sun shines so does the wind blow and we must be prepared to be swayed by
the winds of change, if we are to be ready to enjoy the sunshine of progression.
“Just as
we go to bed each night and expect to awake refreshed for another day, so we
must always do what we can each day to leave nothing undone that we could have
achieved. Amen.”
us never be found wanting and saying that we didn’t know, because that means
that we didn’t look and to search is to find as Jesus told us that was so. Amen.”
is the word of law always balanced upon us, as Spiritual Law is the balance of
goodness and light against poor judgement and darkness through ignorance. Amen”
“Give and receive in all honesty and purpose, so that by being even-handed to others then we may receive even-handedness back in our daily lives. Amen.”
greatness of life is through the greatness of all Spiritual Laws and if we can
live by them then we are truly great.
lightness of each and every touch is a symbolic measurement of our kindness to
all that we come into contact with and, as we are all connected, then to be
gentle on others is to be gentle upon ourselves. Amen”
“To be
engulfed in the light of goodness is to be blessed, but we must remember that
it will show up all our mistakes and errors also, so we must prepare for this
in our daily lives. Amen.”
life is sacred, so we must treat each and every organism as we would expect to
be treated ourselves and then we can have no complaints as to what we receive. Amen.”
be discovered is for us to be shown up in all our transparency, so we had
better prepare to be seen in the best light that we have managed to make
ourselves to be before we leave this dimension for the next. Amen”
“Our advancement is reflected in our thinking and as all thoughts are vibrations, then we send out positive or negative vibrations to add to the universal mind, so we must be careful what we think we need. Amen.”
prayer is simply the sending out of our thoughts. We need not ask for anything as by our
thoughts come from our mind-set and are known, so it is better to reflect and
show the Universe who and what we truly are within our minds. Amen.”
that we exist, then what is our purpose?
Without a purpose our life is pointless as we drift around indulging
ourselves to no positive future and we shall not have achieved anything
worthwhile to justify our existence. Amen.”
“Just as
we go forward we often find that we take two steps back, but in reality
everything is an opportunity and setbacks are the chances to remedy our
position on so many issues. Amen.”
are always in the ‘now’, so what good does it do us to always be looking for
another time to live in when we can only cope with the present and anything
else is simply wishing our lives away.
is a lifetime away from where we ought to be, but with guidance and the
listening to our conscience we can made some progress towards it, if only we
take a good step forward each and every day. Amen.”
be afraid of the truth, because it never hurt anybody or so some say, but the
truth depends on where you are seeing it from, so we mustn’t judge, but always
see the right of all that is. Amen.”
time we say, “Goodbye”, do we really expect it to be the last time that we see
somebody and do we really mean what we say, as we should always behave as it is
the last goodbye. Amen.”
love to be happy and filled with joy and yet so many of us do not consider the
affect that our actions and words have on others, so let us be happy for others
rather than ourselves. Amen”
“Every minute
of every day we are assailed by the negativity which surrounds us, but we must
repel it with our love and positive thoughts, so that it can never penetrate
our inner soul or the actions of our mind.
“To be allowed to live a life of ease we must learn and earn the respect, which is due by all those who care about the sacredness of life itself and the needs of all living creations upon this planet – when all is safe and in balance, then we can relax. Amen.”
a leaf out of the book of knowledge and let its pages guide your mind-set to
the truth that is all about us if only we would allow ourselves to accept what
we are within. Amen”
in love with the qualities and gifts of the natural world, I must be gentle and
forgiving when they cross my path and leave them to live their lives in the
peace, which I hope for myself. Amen.”
“Every day is different, so that I must know that I cannot repeat myself with the same old routine and dogma of life, but be aware of the new opportunities that I am sent from the Higher Power and always try my best to obey them. Amen.”
“To be a spiritual soul is to care more for others than yourself and to be prepared to give yourself to those who are less blessed than yourself, so may I be guided in the best way that I can serve. Amen.”
“Today is the start of a summery lifetime, if we all put our minds to thinking in a positive way and allowing the light to penetrate the darkness of ignorance, which clouds all our ambitions. Amen.”