look away from the distress of another, but take a step forward and put out a
helping hand. It is only the first
gesture that is difficult, because after that comes the flow of human kindness
that is necessary to save the whole world.
is hidden from the Higher Powers and nothing should be left undone. We all answer for our errors of judgement and
will have to learn from our mistakes, but not all is bad and we shall rejoice
in our good deeds. Amen.”
the bells ring in our heads, as the goodness comes in to remind us of our
sacred duty, so that we can follow our destiny on the path that was set for us
and preclude us from being distracted by selfishness and greed. Amen.”
away all the dull and negative thoughts and replace them with positive light so joy will result. We are in charge of
our own lives, because nobody else can live it for us. Amen”
“We must
all make a difference for the better in our lives on this earth plane,
otherwise why did we come? It is
sometimes lost to others, but it should never be lost to us. Amen.”
a backward glance as we stride away, is to reassure ourselves that our past is
in the past. We cannot, nor should we,
try and take it with us, but look forward to our goals and targets of a better
life in a better world. Amen.”
take a wrong step is not uncommon. What
is seldom seen is the taking of a step back to put it right before going
on. That is what saved the glitches in
our progression and smoothed the way forwards from the errors of our ways. Amen”
“Taking the short cut is never worth the effort, as too often it is the longer way around. To take the path of progress, we must walk every step of the way to ensure success and leave nothing undone at the end of the day. Amen.”
“We are never alone and we are always guided and helped if we choose to listen to our conscience and our knowing. Why then do we get it wrong? Are we deaf to the help that is our very inspiration? Amen.”
appreciate another view of the world and not to shame it or decry, is to open
ones heart to a greater understanding than the one that you were brought up
with in this world of great diversity. Amen.
“Let the
life that has been given, never be taken away by another’s attitude or failure
to appreciate the wonder of each and every sacred life. Amen.”
“Oneness is an appreciation of love between one and another. The biggest oneness is between a soul and its Maker. Amen.”
Cherish all that you have, so that if you lose it, you will have appreciated your time spent with that joy of sharing and understanding similarities and love. Amen”
today start a renewed search for the hidden pieces of information that will
lead us to a better understanding of Man’s misunderstandings of sacred life and
the hopes and fears of so many who live without hope. Amen.”
“Let love of all things guide us to a higher level of understanding as we progress in this world of shame. It is shameful, because so many walk by on the other side and don’t want to know about the hardships of others. Amen.”
“On High is a Force of great love and wisdom and we can become a part of that once we have experienced and understood all the emotions and hardships known to man and woman on this plane of existence. Amen”
“Just as we become enlightened, our shoulders relax and we know our purpose, but we still have to achieve it and so we must follow that ‘paper trail’ of knowledge for evermore and not stop our thirst for wisdom until we take our place as a part of the Almighty Force of Life and Living. Amen.”
as we relax and take that well-earned rest, can we simply check that all is
well in our world and that there is nothing more we can do. Is each and every task complete and is our
in-tray empty of anything requiring our attention? Amen.”
us be at peace in our hearts knowing that we have done everything we can to
help others as well as ourselves before we smile and relax knowing that we have
left nothing undone – is that ever possible? Amen.”
vigilant and see what is going on all around you and do what you can to make it
better. There are so many causes that require
our attention and we must not simply walk away.